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TEGET BOGRU & L dogma 8 yeyrorn bee & eats, clogrsucle , rst 4 cot ro 10 | 46 +h\ —20%) \ sy _€%) J aa <1 js : %o Xah PQ Lnvts eam M= Pb%oth) LO) = Pooeheee $0) tamm “9 Kt Yad) egrenm Ps %o LO) nolterindakt eg Llxth) -P%) (Preart rrevest olnwen ) h Lb Oo ne dluawrnd & ho BevVeE LET. —s_ den - 4) got eguisin: gee B nb 2 obo boulnure - Wali epinmt a) BennM X=2 : 5 nolba veya noltaloda -4% aloe b) Berm nen Tn | a Bm HettcLlS) «ban BAS 620N = - 4) mis nao hwo —n “NN i ‘12 4, = Onn alath) —— Linn = “Ge hao h hoo" ath b) me-bo-d a023 5D azxF3 2) P00 =xXLGK-1 egrsmm yatay tegete she &) oldug¥ nolbanin boordmatloim bulnw - goat m= fim ent 4 (cth) Am K=O fteey 5 = Bann adele Woe lye Uh HM hao nv = Dwr lax ht a) — 2x44 ao we Yotay feget ta ne 0 lelng. Dxtbs Oa Kerk 8 (ae Gait -3 oe -5) nokdooincler wT yatou tegde salypit- 3) FQuai —4 olen ve y= a egvsive beget clo gre cdrlantne lovlune - 620M — 4% = t= Linn pete “lm ool Tet ee ae — 122 Moe Sed _ | WO KH +) OF =n tent -t) ~lengtn Aw&Nils wt = 22 4 % "LO (2,4) ,® ; Boe (or) ENN -L as caline beget ~- x43! vet + al. 5 Teper cloprilor= Ax-2)H a} g= 7 *t ra _{(x-o)-4 Bee x%-te— 4) fre ax egusinmn yotey feaeht gon tele? Ge) Gez0m oy ee Dann QUAI 20% p 2 a) (og +%) me " mao, (fight) = Bp, 2ORMRS) - 2 m= LFO hao Whig +) a ike =>m mat olener © Lobce, yedag eget goer wy 5) a) f(x)- stm 52 ,x#° O , x= ) P&)- xsd a) Oo , %=e rpmole, yoted fegett Yor mt du? fonliongon' 1017 ort cdatin , _ on BE yy Ue ARE) «ton EE oT mo h ho ent vesm = Om smb aL “wed )) Rie ven = en MT hot Q, wtsm hy — linn smb Lo oT h WoT y, Uau4=0 4 glo\=0 oldugwnclen yotey depete SaligH, mn h smt—-O 4 . bo) Peo Wey Oman SMT Sri clealidar feawnus Cleo © 5 ole dent =)X=0 da yorey depete sahie degileer . ° VN hao TURE ® Y=Fe) fonksiyenuren xle gore torent $e) in Bt dG) hao h Tani dv, Yy=fix) fonkaryenunny xle gee tore? , I a yi, £09 vega es , gf getdinde casterler, fener ve UQdNed ueR7EBEREN) TURENLER ax’ mood 3 — ne ¥y - a(S oe 43, . UW mertebeden +o ) 4 (#3 \- bY, eyes mertebedn tree 3 -ayglax™ : Tiley KURALLAR! @ 4) pldee sabit fonlsiyonunun Hareui bon ire fone emdh-0 Ispock Z poe dt) ec PO aie = am O20 40 2) £= xe) $a \=na™ 3) Come = bie) hx) i) famawiw9) alley EV) n)(cum)'= cole) ce eR . (ats) ted) ule) HOO Ux) ¥&) 9) (uted)! _ aleve — unre) Gor see TRRAELI TOs EN LER Jee i3e0r atalieta Weeviece loflere. geP(x) gonksiyonune Fon~ ovate arorlietar (Sonla -ejo~ sonsu%) ber roluboaweles bie fiirevé revetsa fs bu aralileta “Voveulerelll we fonksyon LOO) Genksyonu (a,b) le lonartles pecubies rowel levde, Hoaln= lo) (sogden £00 , [aol Ile 4k Jlerelotl leer Pods yonder. een + gllesi Rl)» sol Ua norbaleordaki +5 revler jek teragl Linn ttlerd we Liv wa = roe h GS oe TUREVIN MEVCUT OLMADIE! KyOUTALAR 3) {) Tet fares: darevlenn ferldr oldugy US se roldalonncn 2) Ter becadlr tUceulercen bi too la, chperinnn —09/O gittoer snci ag noltalornndo~ 3) Dike degete seckop oldugy nolthalordar (Ten torod tavedlerden hor (U4Eer cle +oo eye ZF ree 4) Bre sbreks ae Nollaoinda tore recent bea tlale al FMelx! Lonksyonu K=O bla Harave Sabie side? we ad de £4) dm Il oR E a 7 “h ~ hao pina = he od Ln-£l0) «OO ie _ Wye peevcut chet fer ou bd — Dx teenenn 2, xecok toreve sole me) O noleocta sureldltdi, Isat - £ le) revert clon Mes Syeotb 1 olen doo (3,-6) nokdoaimdon even a cenlulent= Y= ae a) yo xt nm en dave ekpom wn equim Day =x uxt eg ris! alee noitalor buluma - b) Equa Bo [egy nokta bul dorlemlenn® lov G82uM og a) yl=3x—-4 = ™M ( amin en Uecble chges 4 Hor ve x0 Slo cdlinmautace . p) 3x ba8 > co A(2,4) ,8(-2, \) retire gale loeng™ so “yet Se ie ral 2 aed ya8% Teset clo@uler = “s ga kt2~ > onlenn bored lovlnt - 3) Agogicls Pontes Y higuct bv) gM (4 BIOCU a) g(Me= Ka 2K xr A te Car (fr antt) x4) unen, teget dogulemn uae - ia Mey ate te . novtalornde low pre. GY -| -2 = oe Gs . a) fixie K42xe4 = i s = A+ r \ a eae Llx\e -2K 42% b) toe [Gr 2OG1 ni reel = (1432-4) (oe) * Hone Leonor doen =< 6 +axve-U) (xen * Vy) = Ox rox= ( d } CxH lye (x)e acReanel (2x3 (24) = CL 4B KH % [censor S po (64 xe) ce) ef é 4) acer ) | 4) yxtroxtle egre! jle goon © 5! 4,0) 4 Jooinda otale segete sole 5 aleve CF) no O-l1ath = atbef | oe ee 5) p= el eeex XAV air x22 oldugu Wan 2ox—le editweuted iy. Rin = Ow Zax-b& = a-tee XYag7 ya 3e-b=2 pi reulere bile sbretls oldugnden Brun ROK = Bow pene fie) older lflrmager - Xx 2 Kav® O vale, Onn ox = Bem coftloxed = ob-2et> ya “ae Qe —ha-2ertS > pore =) ha=B een 23 9) 2 fortswyonunun bouton reel x ve pele a ee picks SzeeMulon saGladgt i edisiy . ated a) plxeyi= LOL) lo) lx) c lexg%? om golel- Wx ta LY xe llr) clebeve gpstenne Oe FO20M 2 %)2 im poecrd =) @ o. EO LMALCD g = & ha 30 oO h Qian LOVE =A =e, #% (LUA 5 inn go Mah) hao s Riva (( = do fr 3 * = fx) TRIGONOMETRIL FoRVSiMONLARIN THRE) CD) ene 4) 4 =Sinx > y= Goox spol Hon! Qn feshieg) (sin) — be smote Sipe _ Qn, SeaheSvbtnr > ho h hao ge, BrxCaict) Qa Sila Gor = fore hao h hao 7 _ 7 oO 7) y= Coax > yt —Sinx Ispel (el. fr Coslsh\ Cox h hao Colon SxS = — Ope Corubosn Sinn =? hao = Pon cote) Ns feo, Sap Sm = —Sinx sy 1 OsnX- COXA SNK SIE 3) yelox > gree og antx | Gos swt ge SA ese yicd ater veg jt a a\(benx) 'e lttendx} veges = Sectx A) y= Ct* => yw BES y's 2 Sink. Six Grx.Gr Sonn Ginn. Gors C55) Sie = DO Lo ane Sit x ~ SMex 2 “ge (4 asies)) = - (14 c0tx) a\orxy! xe a — cot) es _ Gnecx, } —{ 5) y= seen 29a a Ow) y! leon) * (-sinx) = Sex. [eal sense 6) y=Gnecx 3 Yogh _ = (Sma) > ° “loons Co 27 ae “gh Yaya) , | Ue a sel Dancle. verlen g=g®) denksrjors | (Gin) fore edu au Jerlmde lov Demure - a dy a © y-Smudi> He st He y=Sma jects) ay, - Gnu. a (sma). ul) Col) Deedee @ de cosas) =y Y= Grou t u-ulx) oly = sin u(x) AX | Couto weds) | Renter vaatu _ Ge) [fou ull (te dedute) = ux )See _ ule sects )| Der lawl Cx) (14 C0400) ~ alo ened A (seew(x))= = vii Lonel )Seceutx )) (| (Crecate))'= -ulx) Coto enecae) cle ~ ‘ Aanetler 7] i) Agapida lt foalayoalerin byoner wertebeda, Hiredenir belunue a) Ule Sn& ) b) yrseet® tor(G) 144 08 2b @) gis 2 “sne.). cette) gonte8) C1+0n08\> y: a(-Sme) ( ceescste +8 Cnr8 +00 2694+5n9 | Same) (Segre ) sooo LeewS SO 8 g 44009 (14678 C+ Gn&) by yl We) seclB ton -ton(4) + seep) se¢ I Cc 1 * 2 Yas os (phe 0 Slot 1 J 2ed) Y a)\ X= 2e@eot , ga 2Smt ile pecenetralenen eg fey, ‘deus feget ve none’ dogw derilemin loulenur - Go2tM x= Qtoh = 2 = -@ gbs = -25m+ Yor 25mE = 2.62% a. Zot C025 _ dy cla fgg Kent 2 a SEM ax at /e ASmr =) a4) = =sn/, \ % * 1 chrom. Y--lOe@\xe a < “x ays ee Sen roqnred cogs cbrilem - 1C¢- +2 yee ay eX = mM =AZ M = KAepAL! TUREV G3) ei iene Flxigl-O getlinda leepole forme verlen y'- 3 tare loulnugna , bapa Harev islet deni - Bane LK g@ ‘) ay BxY=O0 earisi Breanck , (2,4) nolebaaindobs feget ve noreat clegrr clerilentenn’ loulunut - G826uM 8x43 fg SU.ytxy Je0 i al 3 a eco Ay 3-B*Y = Ay PX 2 4= | 9= bxrt| FS \ en a= ees ajar E78 | 2) ax2age 8 a yb? we yy iO ae Gd2tmea . iy ox byy'2 0 = x-yy'=O > 3 eo axgsigy'@0 9 y'= 2B? ax- C5) ¢ J ge oss" 1440 3) ysn(4)-ly 2 ye? @) Gd2dos oy oul yoo(S)eg (Glog --g-rg — (4)-G 44 gin (G)-9 Beebe mg yiso(S)- gorge S-7*3 ae 2 3 J ! { => = = he __3— > 4 = feat smu Cort -ySing cy Z) ne daly 4) axy aTsmy =2T egrsinin (uB)e idosinda' Jeget ve normal cloprt denklemlenn: bolenurt - q : GO2UM I oe Dee) ay rang #TOY = > O° one eoy i - af _ Er = Saraet (if) 2 +0 Got = oo mye 1a a= r ir a TT “DD: ye BOE >)y= ext rz \rL = ~2x+[E-%) NOD: ye Bd cE DY-7 5) y= 2solax- earitsint Nae nar Nope a ie hee eget ve Go ) gg2um gle gun xey)(Coslixg) y any!) entire) ay farce) 2 ar ‘4 2y!@ (xy) = anclixy) y's or Gostk-Y) 5 Vance Y) Gyo) +2237 =I Mm & [ -27 ,%f=7 A (10) ’ | 2) TDD: Y= anle-A\tO> yearned - _ z >u--b«t a N-d-b= Y= at +0 > fo Ten” 2 L 6) Kexyty 29 egrisn degetom ye elpen ire poral oldugy fKoutelenn Loordmationm' buluate - Ge2umM sarysyet 2 24 xy 'r2yy' 7 Samy poratet teget olnaat T ye ern ine qn m=O Olmadidit . Qxty=O > Y= Bu b2eQdie donlemde yorre gprlroe pee eee 2 i eK UK SP 5 BXEtS Xe ae A(R. 2@) 0c) “2x 7) xy 42x%-Y=O egrsinm normalnn Axty=o ey degusna poralel oldugu nolltaloin colleen aes mn goatin eae OD yaxg'e2-geo 2 y= ge) Jee] best O Txage Bu bopunti egrde y yee yours / (-29- 3 yp al-2y-3)- yo OD yrreys3ed (4-44) Cg431 =O yet, g=73 7 ged goo) oo g la a(-tel) 613, 9) = bie BObifo) ‘tober 3) x oar gembennm her gerne : normal elo Pusenwy oajmelen geseceon! Go zum isetad- 204 ye He Me =) = ea NOD: Y= 2 (ro) +ge ye eyo i” ge ( Jo.) )x on rin den geen d@nidue,

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