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Release Notes

Genesys Rel. V 1.11 Data: 15-10-2003

Genesys PRO Rel. V 1.01 Data: 15-10-2003

O.S. Release note genesys

O.S. Release Notes English genesys
Genesys R el.V1.11 Date:15-10-2003 Genesys PRO R el. V1.01 Date:15-10-2003

What has been improved since the previous release:

• In GEM Song Mode you can select Genesys Sounds Presets to play along.
The preset tracks are appended to the song tracks. The song tracks in play mode, will be automatically
put in Mute.
• Now global transpose can be stored as a parameter within Memories.
• MIXER LOCK function in keyboard tracks has been inserted.
This is a very useful function in case a mute keyboard is required, in order to perform using midifiles.
• A new COLLECT function in DISK menu is implemented.
This function allows to create a multiple copy list of midifiles, Wav and MP3 files, from FD and CD to
a defined folder or directory in the hard disk.
• Updates of all musical resources.
• General debug
How to upgrade the operating system
1) Before you proceed with the upgrade procedure, please save all personal data stored in the internal memory of Genesys.
2) Insert the operating system CD in the CD driver
3) Switch off the keyboard
4) Switch on the keyboard by rotating the ALPHA DIAL
5) the following SYSTEM SET UP screen appears in the display:

SYSTEM SET UP screen 7) Select CD Rom as installation driver

by rotating at your right the alpha dial.
Then press the ENTER button.

6) Select number 2, using the cursor button 8) After the confirm message, press ENTER
again. The upgrade will be done. The
upgrade will be completed in a few minutes.
Once the operation is over, the main screen
is showed on the display.

TE:: Procedure to check the software release installed in your instrument: press the SYSTEM button in the panel, then press F7
BATTERY&RELEASE, in this menu you can control the O.S. release data.
O.S. Release Notes English genesys
Mixer LLock
ock FFunction
This function allows to set-up in real time the volume of the sounds assigned to the preset, bypassing the
volume setting already stored in the preset.
1) Select the preset STEREO GRAND

2) Press MIXER button to visualize the volume value stored in the

3) Input the new volume value using the dial, then press F8
to activate the MIXER LOCK function

4) Now, as you can see, changing the preset the volume

remains on the value that as been set manually before
the activation of the LOCK function

O.S. Release Notes English genesys
Collect FFunction
This function allows to create a copy list of midifiles, Wav files, MP3, from one of the internal drivers (Floppy,
CD), to a specific folder or directory of the internal hard disk.
Suppose, for example, to copy a series of midifiles from the floppy disk to the internal Hard disk.

1) Insert the floppy disk containing some midifiles, in the driver

2) Press DISK button in the panel

3) Now, select the floppy disk driver, using the function

button A

4) The COLLECT function is activated moving the cursor

button RIGHT in any midifile

5) Press the F8 button to activate the function screen

O.S. Release Notes English genesys

COLLECT function main screen 8) Press the F1 (Add) button again to add other
files to the list

6) Use the cursor button RIGHT to select the 9) Use the cursor button DOWN to skip one or
first midifile in the list more files, then press F1 to add it to the list


7) Press F1 button (Add) to add some files in the 10) Once the list is completed press F4 EXECUTE
list. After the first file insertion in the list, the
cursor automatically moves on to the next midifile

O.S. Release Notes English genesys

11) At this point in the display appears the screen 14) You can give a name to the new folder
to define a destination folder for your files using Genesys’s keyboard. Once completed
press the ENTER button

12) Pressing the ENTER button, the list of your 15) The new folder is istantly created, visualized
files will be saved in the default hard disk and ready to receive data
folder, called MIDIFILE

13) By pressing function button G (Newfolder), 16) Pressing the ENTER button again, the copy
a new folder can be created in the hard disk of the programmed midifiles list will be started

O.S. Release Notes English genesys

17) Once the copy process is completed, the 18) Now the copied files are stored in the hard
instrument returns to the selected files screen. disk, ready to be loaded in ram memory or
To exit the function press the ESCAPE button played by the SONG PLAYER function

VE,, CLEAR Command

ALL -FILES F2: using this single comand you can insert in the copy list all the files that are stored in the floppy

REMOVE: delete a
selected file from the
copy list

By pressing the function buttons E o F, you can enter the LIST

environment, to control the list contents using the REMOVE and
CLEAR command. REMOVE allows to delete a selected file from CLEAR: this command deletes
the copy list, using the cursor button, whereas the command CLEAR the entire copy list
erases all the files in the copy list.

Note: the above procedure is also valid when the Genesys compatible files you want to copy in the hard disk (Gem songs, midifiles,
files Wav, MP3, etc.) are stored in a CD-Rom instead of a Floppy disk. In this case, the CD-Rom driver must be selected as
a source in the initial screen called DISK DRIVERS.
Generalmusic SS.p.A.
.p.A. Via delle Rose, 12 47842 S.Giovanni in Marignano (RN) - Italy
Tel. +39 0541 959511 Fax +39 0541 957404

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