Discussion Text & Explanation Text

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Lecturer: Mrs.Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd.

December 9, 2011

Discussion Text
A. Definition

Discussion is a text that present at least two of view about an issue.

B. Social Function / Purpose

To present at least two point of view about an issue.

C. Generic Structure

1. Issue
2. Arguments for
3. Argument against
4. Conclusion or Recomendation

D. Language Features

1. Using Simple Present Tense

2. Use of Relative Verb / To Be
3. Using Thiking Verb
4. Using General and Abstract Noun
5. Using Conjuction / Transition
6. Using Modality
7. Using Adverb of Manner

E. Example

Student: Rolando Hanglopo 1

Lecturer: Mrs.Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. December 9, 2011


Issue There are a lot of discussion about whether boxing

should be banned.

The people who agree with this idea such as sarah,

claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear
Argumens something to protect their heads. They also argue that people
for who do boxing could have brain demage and get seriously
hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that
have died did have families.

However, there are also strong arguments againstthis

point of view .another group of people believe that boxing
Argumens shoul not be banned. They say that way they invent it if it is a
against dangerous sport. They say that boxing is a good sport, people
enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they ban boxing it will
ruin people’s careers.

After looking at the different points of view and the

conclusion evidence for them I think boxing should be banned because
five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884.

Student: Rolando Hanglopo 2

Lecturer: Mrs.Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. December 9, 2011

There are a lot of discussion about whether boxing
should be banned.
participant The people who agree with this idea such as sarah,
claim that if they do carry on boxing they should wear
something to protect their heads. They also argue that people
Being verb
who do boxing could have brain demage and get seriously
hurt. A further point they make is that most of the people that
Modality have died did have families.

conjuction However, there are also strong arguments againstthis
point of view .another group of people believe that boxing
Mental verb shoul not be banned. They say that way they invent it if it is a
dangerous sport. They say that boxing is a good sport, people
enjoy it. A furthermore reason is if they ban boxing it will ruin
Saying verb people’s careers.

conjunction After looking at the different points of view and the
evidence for them I think boxing should be banned because
modality five hundred people have died in boxing since 1884.

Mental verb

Student: Rolando Hanglopo 3

Lecturer: Mrs.Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. December 9, 2011

Explenation Text
A. Definition

A text that explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural
or socio-cultural phenomena.

B. Social Function / Purpose

To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or

socio-cultural phenomena.

C. Generic Structure

1. A general statement to position the reader

2. A sequence explanation of why or how something occurs
3. Closing

D. Language Features

1. Using simple present tense

2. Using action verb
3. Using passive voice
4. Using noun pharase
5. Using adverbial phrase
6. Using technical term
7. Using general and abstract noun
8. Using conjunction of time and cause – effect

Student: Rolando Hanglopo 4

Lecturer: Mrs.Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. December 9, 2011

How spider’s web f orms

A spider web looks delicate, but it is very strong. It

can hold 4000 times a spider’ weight, but now how
does it form.

First, the spider spins a thread of silk. The thread

Explanation: gets blown over to branch by the wind. Then she
shows the makes a Y shape. Next, she make more threads
processes and they look like spokes off a wheel. Then the
spider goes in a spiral, out and back in,sits in the
middle and waits for food.

Closing This is how a web formed.

Student: Rolando Hanglopo 5

Lecturer: Mrs.Nila Sri Dewi, S.Pd. December 9, 2011

A spider web looks delicate, but it is very strong. non-human
It can hold 4000 times a spider’ weight, but now participant

how does it form.

Present tensse

First, the spider spins a thread of silk. The thread

gets blown over to branch by the wind. Then she Action verb
makes a Y shape. Next, she makes more threads
and they look like spokes off a wheel. Then the
spider goes in a spiral, out and back in, sits in the
middle and waits for food.

This is how a web formed. Passive voice

Student: Rolando Hanglopo 6

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