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1. How do I behave when I believe I have an advantage over another person?

I realized the other day that I was going to let myself take advantage of someone.
It wasn't on plan, but I insisted my neighbor to bring meat for what was supposed to
be their meal. I felt a tremendous feeling of injustice and politely requested that I’ll
prepare it as I didn't contribute anything. I apologized and corrected the error. This
may appear to be a simple example, but the fact is that every time I speak up for
what is right, I respect myself. My self-esteem rises when I stop allowing others to
take advantage of anyone and start respecting ourselves.
2. Why should I tell the truth, even when it does not place me in the most positive
I believe that by revealing the truth, I will emerge stronger. There is a concern
that by being myself, I will lose something. When I am upfront and honest, there is
no defeat. It may not go the way I want it to, but I will discover healing and release
sooner than if I hang on to it. Placing a priority on truth necessitates holding my own
sorrow without medicating, denying, or transferring it onto someone else. I may
discover that experiencing tough emotions such as grief, rage, and disappointment
feels better than attempting to avoid these sensations, which can lead to suffering.
3. Why should I be honest even when it costs me more than I could otherwise get
away with?
I should still be honest with myself because if I am, I may finally be able to move
on from heartbreak or stop a terrible habit. Being transparent with people will result
in relationships that are built on trust and love. When I prioritize integrity above
secrecy, I not only strengthen my basic principles, but I also indicate via my actions
that I genuinely care about the individuals with whom I contact. Whether the
relationship is between me and a neighbor or between me and a stranger, honesty is
the only way to gain credibility. Relationships that are open and real make me more
approachable and make others feel secure with me. The strength of those ties will
only get stronger as a result of my candor.
4. Why should I go out of my comfort zone to extend concern and care for
Concern for others is an empathetic quality that is both important and dangerous,
since if I have too much concern for others, I may spend all of my time and energy
on their needs while ignoring my own. On the other side, if I exhibit too little worry,
my relationships may suffer because people will not sense my attention and will
conclude that I am uninterested in them. In order to meet my empathic need for
involvement, I will devote my whole attention to others while completely ignoring my
own needs until I burn out, and I will manage empathic burnout throughout so that I
can balance my concern for others with healthy concern for myself.

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