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Supply the needed information of your Religious Involvement (see the given
a. Type of Religious activity: Sunday Service
b. Date and time: January 30, 2022 10:00-12:00 PM
c. Means of Participation: Actual
d. Where or which platform? KEYS OF KINGDOM MINISTRIES-LIFE IN THE
2. Answer the reflection questions/guides.
The First Reading (refer to Jer 1:4-5; 17-19) is said to be one of the most tender and
personal moments in all the Scripture:  “Before I formed you in the womb I knew
you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed
you.”  This intimate relationship between God and us as written in the Old Testament
passage today reminds us that God has always known us even before we were
born.   This imagery is very deeply personal.
1. God knew you the moment of conception.  How does this intimacy inform your
reverence and respect for the vulnerable within your local community? Within the
larger society? (Cite 3 examples for each in sentence forms).
Here are the only things I can do to express my care and respect for those in my
community who are vulnerable:
 Contribute to our local food bank. I'm in touch, and I volunteer at our local food
pantry, as well as give or donate to them. Our donation will enable them to
feed needy families.
 I'm keeping an eye on my neighbors and family members, especially those who
live alone, are old, have health or mobility concerns, or are responsible for
children. I make time to remotely interact with these people on a daily basis to let
them know they are not alone.
 I give my time freely. Volunteering is an excellent method for me to give back to
my community. Volunteering activities in our community might range from
neighborhood cleanup to creating a community garden.
In response to the epidemic, these are the things I can only do to express my regard
and care for the vulnerable members of the larger society.
 COVID-19 must be avoided by me and others. As the coronavirus pandemic
continues to have an influence on our everyday lives, it is more crucial than ever
to keep myself and others safe in order to protect the community. It is critical to
follow mask rules, adhere to travel limitations, and maintain social separation in
order to assist stem the spread of COVID-19.
 Assist front-line health professionals and first responders. Many health workers
are unable to stay at home and work around the clock, so as a gesture of thanks,
they take on chores that they do not have time to do.
 Help with local or internet fundraising. I investigate possibilities that give
desperately needed goods to families, as well as the work of our local community
and volunteer groups. I may also fundraise for children or donate my birthday to
help the world's most needy people.
The Second Reading is from a section of St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians (refer
to 1Cor 13:4-13) which sums up most of our faith experience about our relationship
with one another.  It does so in a poetic way, and it’s no surprise that this is one of
the most favorite passages of all times. St Paul states over and over, in many
beautiful images, that you can be can be the MOST SUCCESSFUL person alive,
but it means NOTHING if it isn’t done with love.

2.  Listen to the attached song composed by David Haas based on the biblical
passage, a section form the letter of St Paul to the Corinthians.  What does it mean
that “love never fails” despite the fact that people die, war and armed conflict
continue, greed perseveres, corruption haunts us and yet this isn’t a failure OF
love. (Expound this in 5 to 8 sentences based on your own concrete
experiences.  You may give examples to point this out).
It's extremely normal for me to think about myself; I do it all the time. It takes
effort to think about others, but it is far more gratifying. The more I worry about other
people's well-being, the more I forget about my own difficulties and concerns. Loving
people properly demands humility and tenderness, as well as patience and tolerance
for others' flaws. It also necessitates that I operate with openness and authenticity. It
dictates that I despise evil and cling to what is good. I treat others with the respect
they deserve simply because they are fashioned in the image of God.

Re  Luke 4:21-30. Jesus’ prophetic words are not just nice sayings.  They are
challenges to change how we THINK, how we RELATE, how we LIVE.  As human
beings, we resist such challenges that get to the core of who and how we are.  What
motivates us to hear Jesus’ prophetic words and internalize them is that he is the
beloved One whom we can trust, who fulfills our truest dreams, who promises new

3.  What do you think of the Good News of Jesus re the fulfillment of the passage (the
continuation of last Sunday’s Gospel Reading - his mission: to bring “glad tidings” to
the poor, the captives, blind, and oppressed)?  If it were that good, why do you think
many of his contemporaries rejected it (and even it led him to his death on the
cross)?  If you were to preach the Good News of Jesus and you were rejected too,
what would you do?
What I think about the good news is that Jesus is practically declaring that he
would give people the chance to choose how they will conduct their lives. The
positive news should inform individuals that they now have a say in their lives.
The Jews despised Jesus for associating with sinners and tax collectors, and
he was assassinated as a result of his inclusiveness and tolerance. Many of the
Jewish elders were irritated when Jesus extended friendship and kindness beyond
their narrow confines. However, it is inaccurate to claim that Jesus was disliked
merely because he was too kind, as if his inspirational tolerance was the source of his
adversaries' unyielding intolerance.
If I am rejected, I admit it to myself. I shouldn't attempt to ignore the pain or
pretend it isn't there. Instead of thinking, "I shouldn't feel this way," I consider how
reasonable it is for me to feel this way given my circumstances. Still I continue to
preach the gospel because Jesus is my savior and I owe Him all I am.


1.  Create YOUR OWN eight-liner poem about LOVE, patterned after the letter of
Paul to the Corinthians.  Dedicate the first four lines to the theme of “What love IS
NOT, and the last four lines to “What love IS.” (Contextualize the piece ON your
VERY OWN personal experiences and reflections).  SET  (the whole piece) in an
appropriate background.  Better yet, you can use your own photography as a
2.  Look for a music video (gospel song, liturgical music, worship song, inspirational
song, and the like) that speaks of the same theme of intimate relationship between
God and his people (us).  Copy and attach the VIDEO MUSIC ITSELF – NOT just
the LINK nor its URL.  Make a three-sentence annotation about the chosen music.
Include WHY you chose the song and how does it relate to you.
I selected this song because it reminds me of his enormous love for me; I am
rescued alone by his grace. I get peace in knowing that Jesus is beside me in all that
I am going through. Even if my world crashes or my dreams do not come true, his
endless love secures me.

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