Religious Involvement Week 5

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7th Sunday in Ordinary (Time Year C) - 

How was your engagement in activities

that foster your Spiritual Growth from February 20 - February 27, 2022?


The Scripture readings for this Sunday dwell quite heavily on MERCY, which in this
instance might be described as the “act of being generous with someone beyond they
might have merited.”  The gospel (Luke 6:27-38) presents example after example of
how the Lord is merciful with each of us, and CALLS us to LOVE in some way. Yet
we know our God us one of JUSTICE as well.  Where justice exists without mercy, a
legalistic culture can emerge; where mercy exists without justice, we might lose the
pursuit of equity and fairness. As St. Thomas Aquinas says, “Mercy without justice is
the mother of dissolution; justice without mercy is cruelty.”
Further, Pope Francis, quoting Aquinas, has recently reminded us that mercy is NOT
something altogether different from justice, but rather is the FULNESS of justice,
united in God’s sacrificial love, which we, too, are daily called to imitate.
1.  Justice and Mercy must coexist and they temper one another to reveal the fuller
sign of holiness and indeed a duller sign of our God.  What are the practices and
experiences that you can engage in within this week in line with justice and
mercy?  (Name three and explain in five [5] or more sentences).
 The Right to Vote. Me and my friends are encouraging people who are
eligible to vote to use their right, and fight to remove impediments to
participation. As the 2020 presidential election approaches, millennials must be
encouraged to vote, as well as the barriers that can prevent low-income
individuals, college students, senior citizens, minorities, and others from voting.
These barriers can include difficult voter registration, shortened early voting
windows, and stricter identification requirements. I have the ability to choose
the kind of life that I desire for myself and future generations. Voting allows me
to advocate for topics that are important to me, including as public transit,
raising the minimum wage, and financing local schools. This is my life; please
take the time to advise me on what is best.
 Equality. I was promoting equality in our community when the government
was offering financial assistance or "ayuda." Since the guy in charge of the list
of names prioritized those, he knew and was close to. Equality is about giving
everyone an equal chance to make the most of their life and skills. It is also the
concept that no one should have fewer opportunities in life because of how
they were born, where they came from, what they believe, or if they have a
disability. Everyone is regarded equal and is treated in the same manner.
 Assisting everyone in my vicinity that is hurt. Forgiveness can also lead to
sentiments of empathy, empathy, and compassion for the person who has
been harmed in our community. Forgiveness does not imply forgetting or
dismissing the pain done to me, nor does it imply reconciling with the person
who inflicted the harm. Forgiveness gives me a sense of calm that allows me
to move on with my life. Helping others enhances my social connection, diverts
my attention away from my own concerns, and boosts my self-esteem and
competence. Helping others increases social integration, allowing people to
live more active lives.
To love our enemies is surely hard and unreasonable, yet is the most radical
obedience that Jesus asks of his disciples.  To love our enemies who victimize us
makes us no longer victims; we become free people whose behavior is determined by
no one else – except Christ of whom we are disciples.  To love and not to hate; to
bless and not to curse; to be generous and not demanding; to be compassionate and
not self-centered – the choice us always there.
2.  Who do you consider your enemies or those you hold a grudge against?  How do
you love them? (Expound in five [5] or more sentences).
I consider the people who hurt me emotionally my enemies. But I come to a halt, take
a deep breath, and separate myself. When I think of my enemy, I am most likely filled
with rage or something like. Instead of allowing those sentiments to control my
behavior, I will stop myself. Be mindful of my emotions. Take a deep breath and a
step backwards. Now I'm going to try if I can disconnect myself. I envision myself
flying out of my body and observing the scene objectively. I'm not the same person I
used to be. This individual has no longer harmed me or someone I care about.
Someone else has been harmed as a result of their actions. The first step is to see
the issue objectively; it's too tough to overcome my sentiments if I'm in the thick of it.
3.  The psalm (Ps 103:1-2,3-4,8, 12-13)  contains a thesis about Salvation
history, “The Lord is kind and merciful.”  It centers us back in the love and acceptance
of the Lord, the kind of person the gospel is calling us to be: kind and merciful. How
free do you feel if you were able to accept this; to truly believe this?  Would it be
easier for you to love your enemies (and those who persecute you) if you yourself
knew that you are loved, no matter what? (Elaborate in eight [8] sentences or
I am really free to feel in order to accept and honestly believe. Both are equally
significant. Without justice, societal order begins to deteriorate. There is no purpose
in having a social order if there is no mercy. Mercy is the outcome of justice. It would
be simpler to love my enemies if I knew how much I am loved, since loving my
enemies teaches me to be more respectful and considerate of others. Even the
concept of loving my adversaries changes the way I think. This can also help me
appreciate everyone around me, not just the people I liked or despised. This teaches
me to be more courteous and mindful of others. 

1.  a. Create a word poster using synonyms, concepts, results or consequences
about “JUSTICE.”  Be creative.
     b.  Create another word poster using synonyms, concepts, results or outcomes or
upshots that expresses “MERCY.” Be creative.
2.  Compose a prayer centering on the theme love of enemies and forgiveness to
those who malign you.  Set it on a creative and appropriate backdrop.

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