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Week 2: Antepartum Care

Sex and Fertilization
Act of copulation / “coitus
4 Stages of Sexual Response:
- Physical and psychological stimulus
- Arterial dilatation and venous constriction in the genital
Physiological changes in woman:     Functional life of a spermatozoa is about 48h, possibly as
- clitoris increase in size long as 72h
- Lubrication     - Ova about 24h possibly as long as 48h
- Vagina widens     - The ovum is surrounded by a ring of mucopolysaccharide
- Breast nipples become erect fluid (zona pellucida) and a circle of cells (corona radiata) -
- Increase BP, HR, RR serve as protection from injury
Physiological changes in men:
- Erection
- Scrotal thickening
- Elevation of the testes
- Increase BP, HR, RR
- Reached first before orgasm
- Women: formation of orgasmic platform, increased nipple
- Men: full distention of the penis Fertilization usually occur in the outer 3rd of the Fallopian
3. ORGASM PHASE tube, the ampullae portion
- Discharge of accumulated sexual tension - Normally, an ejaculation of semen averages 2.5 ml of fluid
- Shortest stage containing 50M - 200 million spermatozoa per milliliter or an
4. RESOLUTION STAGE average of 400 million / ejaculation
- External and internal organs return to their uncrossed state - Spermatozoa deposited in the vagina during intercourse
Generally takes 30 min generally reach the cervix within 90 sec and the other end of
the Fallopian tube within 5 min after deposition
- Final process that sperm must undergo to be ready for
- The sperm move toward the ovum
 Changes in the plasma membrane of the sperm head, reveals
the sperm - binding receptor sites

- Union of ovum and spermatozoon
- Fertilized egg is called ZYGOTE
OVUM - from ovulation to fertilization
ZYGOTE - from fertilization to implantation HYALURONIDASE
EMBRYO - from implantation to 5-8 weeks - Proteolytic enzyme
FETUS - From 5-8 weeks until term  Released by the spermatozoa and acts to dissolve the layer of
CONCEPTUS - developing embryo / fetus and placental cells protecting the ovum
structures throughout pregnancy
Normally, only one spermatozoon is able to penetrate the cell
membrane of the ovum. Once it penetrates the zona After implantation, the endometrium is called the DECIDUA
pellucida, the cell membrane becomes impervious to other Once implanted, the zygote is called an EMBRYO
After the spermatozoon penetrates the ovum, its nucleus is
released into the ovum, its tail degenerates and its head
enlarge and fuses with the nucleus of the ovum. This fusion
provides the fertilized ovum, called a zygote with 46
chromosomes. The spermatozoon and ovum each carried 23
chromosomes (22 autosomal and 1 sex chromosome)


1. Maturation of both sperm and ovum
2. Ability of sperm to reach the ovum
3. Ability of the sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida and cell
membrane and achieve fertilization
- Occurs when the cellular wall of growing structure / zygote
implants itself in the endometrium of the anterior or
posterior fundal region, 8-9 days after fertilization after the Antepartum Care
corona and zona pellucida degenerates
- After fertilization. It takes 3-4 days for the zygote to reach to
the body of the uterus (free floating). During this time,
mitosis cell division, or cleavage begins.
- Day 2 - 1st cell division
- Day 3 - morula; bumpy appearance; consists of 16-50 cells;
body of the uterus; floats free in the uterine cavity for 3-4
Day 4

- Blastocyst; large cells collect at the periphery of the ball, SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF PREGNANCY
leaving a fluid space surrounding an inner cell mass PRESUMPTIVE
- this structure attaches to the uterine endometrium Presumptive means speculation or unconfirmed.
- the cells in the outer ring are known as trophoblasts which Presumptive signs and symptoms of pregnancy are those
will form into placenta and membranes signs and symptoms that are usually noted by the patient,
the inner cell mass (enclosed within the trophoblast will form which impel her to make an appointment with a physician.
the embryo) These signs and symptoms are not proof of pregnancy but
they will make the physician and woman suspicious of
1. Amenorrhea (Cessation of Menstruation). (1) In early pregnancy, changes start with a slight, temporary
(1) Amenorrhea is one of the earliest clues of pregnancy. The enlargement of the breasts, causing a sensation of weight,
majority of patients have no periodic bleeding after the onset fullness, and mild tingling.
of pregnancy. However, at least 20 percent of women have Breast Changes during Pregnancy
some slight, painless spotting during early gestation for no (2) As pregnancy continues the patient may notice:
apparent reason and a large majority of these continue to (a) Darkening of the areola–the brown part around the
term and have normal infants. nipple.
(2) Other causes for amenorrhea must be ruled out, such as: (b) Enlargement of Montgomery glands–the tiny nodules or
(a) Menopause. sebaceous glands within the areola.
(b) Stress (severe emotional shock, tension, fear, or a strong (c) Increased firmness or tenderness of the breasts.
desire for a pregnancy). (d) More prominent and visible veins due to the increased
(c) Chronic illness (tuberculosis, endocrine disorders, or blood supply.
central nervous system abnormality). (e) Presence of colostrum (thin yellowish fluid that is the
(d) Anemia. precursor of breast milk). This can be expressed during the
(e) Excessive exercise. second trimester and may even leak out in the latter part of
1. Nausea and Vomiting (Morning Sickness). the pregnancy.
(1) Usually occurs in early morning during the first weeks of (3) These breast changes can be more positive if the patient
pregnancy. has not recently delivered and is not presently breastfeeding.
(2) Usually spontaneous and subsides in 6 to 8 weeks or by 1. Vaginal Changes.
the twelfth to sixteenth week of pregnancy. (1) Chadwick’s sign. The vaginal walls have taken on a deeper
(3) Hyperemesis gravidarum. This is referred to as nausea and color caused by the increased vascularity because of
vomiting that is severe and lasts beyond the fourth month of increased hormones. It is noted at the sixth week when
pregnancy. It causes weight loss and upsets fluid and associated with pregnancy. It may also be noted with a
electrolyte balance of the patient. rapidly growing uterine tumor or any cause of pelvic
(4) Nausea and vomiting are unreliable signs of pregnancy congestion.
since they may result from other conditions such as: (2) Leukorrhea. This is an increase in the white or slightly gray
(a) Gastrointestinal disorders (hiatal hernias, ulcers, and mucoid discharge that has a faint musty odor. It is due to
appendicitis). hyperplasia of vaginal epithelial cells of the cervix because of
(b) Infection (influenza and encephalitis). increased hormone level from the pregnancy. Leukorrhea is
(c) Emotional stress, upset (anxiety and anorexia nervosa). also present in vaginal infections.
(d) Indigestion. 1. Quickening (Feeling of Life).
MGT: Dry toast / crackers before arising in the morning; avoid (1) This is the first perception of fetal movement within the
greasy / fatty foods; avoid highly seasoned foods; eat small, uterus. It usually occurs toward the end of the fifth month
frequent meals because of spasmodic flutter.
1. Frequent Urination. (a) A multigravida can feel quickening as early as 16 weeks.
(1) Frequent urination is caused by pressure of the expanding (b) A primigravida usually cannot feel quickening until after
uterus on the bladder. 18 weeks.
(2) It subsides as pregnancy progresses and the uterus rises (2) Once quickening has been established, the patient should
out of the pelvic cavity. be instructed to report any instance in which fetal movement
(3) The uterus returns during the last weeks of pregnancy as is absent for a 24-hour period.
the head of the fetus presses against the bladder. (3) Fetal movement early in pregnancy is frequently thought
(4) Frequent urination is not a definite sign since other factors to be gas.
can be apparent (such as tension, diabetes, urinary tract 1. Skin Changes.
infection, or tumors). (1) Striae gravidarum (stretch marks). These are marks noted
MGT: Decrease fluid intake in the evening on the abdomen and/or buttocks.
Avoid caffeine and tea (a) These marks are caused by increased production or
Void as soon as the urge is felt sensitivity to adrenocortical hormones during pregnancy, not
Teach how to perform Kegel’s exercise just weight gain.
Report signs of UTI at once (b) These marks may be seen on a patient with Cushing’s
1. Breast Changes. disease or a patient with sudden weight gain.
(2) Linea nigra.
(a) This is a black line in the midline of the abdomen that may
run from the sternum or umbilicus to the symphysis pubis.

This patient has both striae gravidarum (stretch marks) and

the midline linea nigra
(b) This appears on the primigravida by the third month and
keeps pace with the rising height of the fundus.
(c) The entire line may appear on the multigravida before the
third month.
(d) This may be a probable sign if the patient has never been
(3) Chloasma. This is called the “Mask of Pregnancy.” It is a POSITIVE
bronze type of facial coloration seen more on dark-haired - Absolute evidence
women. It is seen after the sixteenth week of pregnancy. 1. FHR
(4) Fingernails. Some patients note marked thinning and Funic soufflé
softening by the sixth week. Uterine soufflé
1. Fatigue. 1. FETAL MOVEMENT
This is a common complaint by most patients during the first - When felt by the examiner, after the 16th week but usually
trimester. Fatigue may also be a result of anemia, infection, about 5 months
emotional stress, or malignant disease. 1. ULTRASONOGRAPHY
1. Positive Home Test. - Maybe detected as early as the 6th week of gestation,
These tests may not always be accurate, however, they are although usually done at 16 - 18 weeks
very effective today if they are performed properly. 1. ROENTGENOGRAPHY
- X-ray of fetal skeleton; usually done at 14th - 20th week


- Uterine changes
- “Practice contractions” - Braxton Hick’s contractions
- Amenorrhea
- Cervical changes
- Vaginal changes
- Ovarian changes
- Changes in the breasts
- Hyperactive sweat and sebaceous glands
- Hyperpigmentation
- Palmar erythema & increase angiomas
- Increase hair & nails growth
- Increase vascularization of the respiratory tract caused by
increased estrogen levels
- Shortening of diaphragm caused by the enlarging uterus
- Increase tidal volume causing slight hyperventilation
- Slight increase (2 bpm) in respiratory rate
- Increase water retention caused by higher levels of steroids
sex hormones
- Decrease serum CHON levels
- Increase intra-capillary pressure and permeability
- Increase levels of serum lipids, lipoproteins, and cholesterol
- Increase iron requirements
- Increase CHO needs
- Increase body temperature
Weight gain 25 - 30 lb (11.3 - 13.6 kg)
Allowable weight gain in pregnancy
1st trimester - 2-4 lb
2nd trimester - 11 - 13 lb
3rd trimester - 11 - 13 lb
- Increase cardiac workload > increase cardiac output > left
ventricular hypertrophy > palpitations, increase heart rate
- Stroke vol >increase 10 - 30% A pregnancy epulis is a benign (harmless) tumor and does not
- Heart displaced up and the left, PMI shifts about 1.5 cm to have the potential to become cancerous. Some women may
the left have the epulis removed during pregnancy for cosmetic
Blood reasons, or because the diagnosis is uncertain. However, if
- Increase iron demand left alone, the epulis will usually become smaller or disappear
- Increase water retention after childbirth.
- Decrease blood viscosity and increase blood flow Hemangiomas of gingival capillaries (epulis of pregnancy) are
->pulmonic and apical systolic murmurs treated with proper dental hygiene and avoidance of trauma.
- Increase progesterone > increase fibrinogen > increase Surgical excision, cryotherapy, and electrodesiccation can
clotting factor XII, IX, and X at term cause unnecessary blood loss or permanent disfigurement
Blood Volume and should be avoided. The lesion usually resolves
- Circulating blood volume increase by 30-50% by water and spontaneously after delivery.
Na retention approximately 1,500 cc Blood Pressure - Thicker bile secretion due to progesterone
- Brachial artery pressure highest when sitting; lowest when PTYALISM due to increase level of estrogen
at lateral recumbent position Ptyalism gravidarum (PG) also known as hypersalivation or
- 2nd & 3rd trimester - increase relaxin > vasodilation, sialorrhea is a condition of hypersalivation that affects
muscle relaxation and decrease muscle tone > decrease pregnant women early in gestation. Symptoms include
peripheral resistance > decrease BP massive saliva volumes (up to 2 liters per day), swollen
- Venous compression > increase venous stasis > pronicity to salivary glands, sleep deprivation, significant emotional
thrombosis distress, and social difficulties.
- BP is lowest on the 2nd trimester because of pseudoanemia Management:
- Compression of iliac veins leads to.  Chewing on ice
- Supine hypotensive syndrome  Using a minty mouthwash
- increase hydrostatic pressure in leg veins > varicose veins  Brushing your teeth often with a minty toothpaste — it's also
and dependent edema good for dental care, which is extra important during
- Stomach displaced upward > increase reflux of acids in the  Chewing sugarless gum
lower esophagus > heartburn (pyrosis) and flatulence -  Eating or drinking something sour, like sucking on lemon
related to increase HCG, progesterone slices
- Increase progesterone > decrease GI motility and emptying  Always carry paper towels and a tissue with you, so you can
> tendency for N&V blot any saliva that escapes from your mouth
EPULIS OF PREGNANCY due to estrogen  
- Increase HPL detectable as early as 3 weeks and found in the
maternal blood by 6th week > decrease ability of the mother
to use insulin (anti-insulin effect) > increase maternal serum
glucose supply to support the fetus & placenta > may cause
- Increase maternal cortisol / steroids > also has anti-insulin
effect > increase maternal serum glucose supply to support
the fetus and placenta > may contribute to development of
Gestational DM
- Increase OXYTOCIN (later part of pregnancy) > stimulates
the milk let-down reflex for the release of milk after delivery
of the baby and stimulates labor contractions to occur at
- Only maternal IgG cross placental barrier to provide the
baby with antibodies in the early neonatal period
- IgA is secreted in colostrum providing baby with additional
gastrointestinal protection during
- Fetal immune system develops as early as the 7th week and
antigen recognition by 12th week
- Fetus develops all types of immunoglobulins by 12th week,
except IgA with highest amount at term before delivery
1. URINARY SYSTEM - Refers to the interwoven feelings of wanting and not
- Diuresis > pressure of enlarging uterus to bladder in 1st wanting that always exist at high levels
trimester - Normal response in both the woman and her partner
- Relieved when uterus rises out of the pelvis in 3-4 months - Lack of knowledge of or preparation for parenthood and
but returns with LIGHTENING (2 weeks before onset of labor) children may also contribute to ambivalence
Postural Changes - Commonly occurs as a result of changes in the woman’s role
- Lumbosacral curve increases accompanied by a 3. NARCISSISM
compensatory curvature in the cervicodorsal region - Self-centeredness / egocentrism
- Characteristic posture in pregnancy: Backward tilt of torso - Generally an early reaction to pregnancy
to balance the weight of the enlarging abdomen > strain on - Occurs as the woman becomes focused on herself and the
back and thigh muscles and ligaments > back pains and changes occurring in her body
cramps later in pregnancy 4. INTROVERSION / EXTROVERSION
- Waddling-Gait of Pregnancy - duck-like movement of pelvis - Some pregnant women become introverted during
when walking due to pelvic instability caused by the enlarging pregnancy, focusing entirely on their bodies and themselves
abdomen and relaxation of sacro-iliac joint and symphysis - Other women become extroverted - may increase their
pubis participation in activities and appear more outgoing, they
- Enlarging uterus > anterior abdominal wall stretching > may view their expanding abdomen with a sense of
umbilical stretched > DIATASIS RECTI fulfillment
- The major endocrine gland during pregnancy is the - For some women pregnancy can be a time of stress
PLACENTA - The woman and her partner may view the pregnancy as
- Increase BMR (up to 25% at term) interfering with his or her ability to accomplish daily tasks
- Increase iodine metabolism from slight hyperplasia of the - Adequate support systems can help alleviate some of this
thyroid gland stress and aid in adapting to the pregnancy
- Slight parathyroidism 6. EMOTIONAL LABILITY
- Production of PROLACTIN - Mood changes occur frequently
- ESTROGEN & PROGESTERONE > GnRH suppression > - May be the result of the woman’s introversion and
decreases gonadotrophic hormones > no ovulation narcissism
- Increase HCG > (+) pregnancy test > prolongs life of corpus - Additionally, hormonal changes, specifically increase
luteum > continued production of estrogen and progesterone estrogen and progesterone contribute to this lability
> continued vascularity of endometrium > support life of - Feelings are easily hurt by remarks that would have been
embedded embryo / fetus laughed off before
- Partner may experience discomforts such as nausea & 5. Leukorrhea
vomiting, fatigue or weight gain, similar to or possibly more 6. Fatigue
intense than those that the pregnant woman experiences SECOND TRIMESTER
- The more he is involved or attuned to the changes of his 1. Heartburn / pyrosis
partner’s pregnancy, the more symptoms he may experience 2. Constipation
- These discomforts are normal and temporary and become 3. Hemorrhoids
problematic only if the partner becomes delusional or - commonly known as PILES
emotionally disruptive - Over dilation of veins under the mucous membrane in the
8. CHANGES IN SEXUAL DESIRE rectal / anal area or both related to the weakness in the walls
- During the 1st trimester, most women report a decrease in of the rectum
libido because of the nausea, fatigue and breast tenderness - Maybe INTERNAL or EXTERNAL and straining related bowel
- During the 2nd trimester, as blood flow to the pelvic area movement may cause bleeding
increases to supply the placenta, libido and sexual enjoyment - Pressure on the pelvic veins by the enlarging uterus, which
rise markedly interferes with venous circulation
- During the 3rd trimester, it may remain high or decrease MGT:
because of the awkwardness of finding a comfortable - Avoid constipation
position and increasing abdominal size - Avoid prolonged standing
9. BODY IMAGE & BOUNDARY - Avoid constrictive clothing
- The way your body appears to yourself - Topical ointments / anesthetic
- A zone of separation you perceive between yourself and - Sitz baths or apply warm soaks
objects or other people - Lie on her side with feet slightly elevated
DEVELOPMENTAL / PSYCHOLOGICAL TASKS OF PREGNANCY - Re-insert external hemorrhoids, by placing patient in side
FIRST TRIMESTER - Acceptance of the Pregnancy lying / knee-chest position, using a lubricant and using only
- “I am pregnant” gentle pressure
- Pregnancy confirmation may leave some couples with 4. Backache
disbelief, shock, or amazement 5. Leg Cramps
- The woman & her partner must learn to accept the reality of 6. Ankle Edema
the pregnancy 7. Shortness of breath
- Some couples experience some degree of ambivalence 8. Fainting spells / Hypotension
- Feeling the fetus move or seeing the fetus on an ultrasound 9. Varicose veins
can help the couple achieve acceptance 10. Braxton Hick’s contractions
SECOND TRIMESTER - Acceptance of the Baby - are normal throughout the entire pregnancy, maybe more
- “I’m Going to Have a Baby” pronounced in the latter part of pregnancy
- The woman and her partner work to accept the baby 11. Headache
- Acceptance of the baby refers to acknowledgment that the DANGER SIGNS OF PREGNANCY
fetus is a distinct individual, separate from the mother 1. Severe, persistent vomiting
- Feeling the fetus move or hearing its heartbeat 2. Vaginal bleeding
demonstrates that the fetus is an active being 3. Sudden escape of fluid from the vagina
- The woman and her partner begin active preparations for 4. Chills and fever
the baby 5. Epigastric / Abdominal or Chest pain
- A good way to measure the level of a woman’s acceptance 6. Swelling of finger / face
of the coming baby is to measure how well she follows 7. Vision disturbances
prenatal instructions 8. Seizures / muscular irritability
THIRD TRIMESTER - Preparation for Parenthood 9. Frequent, severe headaches
- “I’m going to be a Mother” 10. Decrease urine output
- The couple work on preparing to become parents 11. Rapid weight gain
- The couple begin to demonstrate “nesting” behaviors such 12. Increase or decrease fetal movements
as preparing the baby’s room, shopping for necessary baby
items, and discussing names Estimated Date of Delivery / EDC - Expected Date
- The couple may attend childbirth education classes of Confinement
- The couple may review relationships with their own parents Pregnancy Timeline
and engage in role-playing and fantasizing about being a
1. Nausea & Vomiting
2. Breast enlargement and tenderness  
3. Urinary frequency and urgency Terms:
4. Nasal stuffiness, discharge, or obstruction
Gravidity is defined as the number of times that a woman has years ago she had a miscarriage at 10 weeks gestation. What
been pregnant, regardless the outcome. Either twins or is her GTPAL?*
multiples count as ONE.      G=7, T=4, P=1, A=1, L=5
Parity is defined as the number of times that she has given A 27 year old female is currently 16 weeks pregnant. She has
birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 24 weeks or more, 2 year-old twins that were born at 39 weeks gestation and a 5
regardless of whether the child was born alive or was year-old who was born at 40 weeks gestation. She had no
stillborn. history of miscarriage or abortion. What is her GTPAL?*
Nullipara a woman (or female animal) that has never given       G=3, T=2, P=0, A=0, L=3
birth. Estimated Date of Delivery / EDC - Expected Date of
Primigravida a woman who is pregnant for the first time. Confinement
Nulligravida a woman who has never been pregnant     NAGELE’s Rule
Multigravida a woman who has been pregnant more than     - Count back 3 calendar months from the 1st day of LMP
once then add 7 days.
Grand multipara is a woman who has already delivered five     - e.g. Oct 5 , ---> 10-3, 5+7
or more infants who have achieved a gestational age of 24                                =. 7.     12
weeks or more, and such women are traditionally considered                                    July 12
to be at higher risk than the average in subsequent     DATE OF QUICKENING
pregnancies.     Primigravida:
      - Date of quickening + 4 months and 20 days = EDC
Grand multigravida has been pregnant five times or more. Multigravida:
      - Date of quickening + 5 months and 4 days = EDC
Great grand multipara has delivered seven or more infants     First three months = +9 +7
beyond 24 weeks of gestation. AGE OF GESTATION
A 28-year-old female gives birth to twins at 38 weeks 1. MC DONALD’S rule
gestation. This is her first pregnancy. best describes the - uses fundal height to determine duration of pregnancy
patient’s gravidity and parity - Measurement is made from the notch of the woman’s
  symphysis pubis to over the top of the
Gravida 1, para 1 uterine fundus as the woman lies supine
  - Typically, the distance from the fundus to symphysis pubis in
Gravida 1, para 1… Gravida is the number of times the centimeters is equal to the week of gestation between 20th -
woman has been pregnant, regardless the outcome. The 31st week
patient has been pregnant just once (twins or multiples count Mc Donald’s rule becomes inaccurate during the 3rd
as ONE). Parity is the number of births (hence completed trimester of pregnancy
pregnancies) that occurred at greater than 20 weeks
gestation. The patient’s parity is 1 (twins or multiples count as
A more elaborate coding system used elsewhere, including
America, is GTPAL (G = gravidity, T = term deliveries, P =
preterm deliveries, A = abortions or miscarriages, L = live
A full-term pregnancy lasts between 39 weeks, 0 days and 40
weeks, 6 days. This is 1 week before your due date to 1 week
after your due date.
     At 37 weeks, your pregnancy is considered full-term. The
average baby weighs around 3-4kg by now. Your baby is 2. Bartholomew’s Rule of Fours
ready to be born. Your baby's lungs, liver, and brain go - Measures age of gestation by determining the position of
through a crucial period of growth between 37 weeks and 39 the fundus in the abdominal cavity
weeks of pregnancy. Waiting until 39 weeks, now called "full Normal length of pregnancy:
term," gives your baby the best possible chance for a healthy
start in life.
Preterm birth is when a baby is born too early, before 37
weeks of pregnancy have been completed.
Abortion termination of a human pregnancy during the first
28 weeks of pregnancy.
A 30 year old female is 25 weeks pregnant with twins. She has
5 living children. Four of the 5 children were born at 39 weeks
gestation and one child was born at 27 weeks gestation. Two
 Days - 267 - 280 DECIDUA VERA/PARIETAL - remaining area of the endometrial
Weeks - 40 - 41 weeks lining
Calendar months - 9 - Secretes PROLACTIN to promote lactation
Trimesters – 3 - Secretes RELAXIN, which relaxes the connective tissue of the
symphysis pubis and pelvic ligaments; also promotes cervical
The Fetus dilation
STAGES OF FETAL DEVELOPMENT: - Secretes PROSTAGLANDIN, important for mediating several
1. Pre-embryonic Period physiologic functions
- Begins with fertilization and last a about 3 weeks 1. CHORIONIC VILLI
- As the zygote passes through the Fallopian tube, it - Develops on the 11th / 12th day
undergoes a series of mitosis divisions, or cleavage - Miniature villi or probing fingers that reach out from the
- Once formed, the zygote develops into morula and then single layer of cells into the uterine endometrium
blastocyts eventually becoming attached to the 2 layers:
2. Embryonic Period - Produces HCG, somatomammotropin (HPL), estrogen and
- Begins with the 4th week of gestation and ends with the 7th progesterone
week (2wk - 8 wks) - Outer layer
- Germ layers develop, giving rise to organ systems CYTOTROPHOBLAST / LANGHAN’S LAYER
- The embryo is highly vulnerable to injury from maternal - Inner layer
drug use, certain maternal infections and other factors - Develops after fertilization - 12 days gestation
3. Fetal Period - Functions in early pregnancy by protecting the growing
- Begins with the 8th week of gestation and continues until embryo and fetus from certain infectious organisms
birth (9 weeks/2months-birth) 1. PLACENTA
- During this period, the embryo, now called a FETUS - Latin for pancake
matures, enlarges and grows heavier - is formed by the union of chorionic villi and decidua basalis
-The head is disproportionately larger when compared its - Contains 15 - 29/30 subdivisions called COTYLEDONS
body - lacks subcutaneous fat - Maturity: 12 weeks/3 months; functions most effectively
through 40 - 41 weeks
EMBRYONIC AND FETAL STRUCTURES - Weighs 400-600 gm; 1/6 of the weight of the baby;
measures from 15-20cm in diameter and 2-3cm in depth at
2 parts:
Maternal side - has a rough surface
Fetal side - shiny and gray


-refers to the endometrial lining during pregnancy 1. SCHULTZ’ mechanism
3 Separate layers: - fetal side goes out first
DECIDUA BASALIS - lies directly under the embryo; it’s where - Most common; 80% of deliveries
trophoblasts connect to the maternal blood vessels 1. DUNCAN’s mechanism
DECIDUA CAPSULARIS - Stretches over or forms a capsule - 20%
over the trophoblast; enlarges as the embryo grows; FUNCTIONS OF THE PLACENTA
eventually coming into contact & fusing at the opposite side 1. Respiration, circulation
of the uterine wall  - 1 Umbilical vein - carries oxygenated blood
- 2 Umbilical arteries - carry deoxygenated blood 2 arteries
- Foramen ovale - septal opening between the atria of the Wharton’s jelly - gelatinous substance that helps prevent
fetal heart kinking of the cord in uterus (cord coiling / nuchal cord); gives
- Ductus arteriosus - connects the pulmonary artery to the the cord body and prevents pressure on the veins and
aorta, allowing blood to shunt around the fetal lungs arteries
- Ductus venous - carries oxygenated blood from the umbilical FETAL MEMBRANES & AMNIOTIC FLUID
vein to the inferior vena cava bypassing the liver
2. Nutrition
- supplies the fetus with CHO, H2O, fats, CHON, minerals and
inorganic salts
3. Protection
- transfers passive immunity via maternal antibodies (IgG)
4. Excretion
- it carries end products of fetal metabolism to the maternal
circulation for excretion
5. Endocrine function
- produces hormones
 HCG - first hormone produces
 Estrogen - hormone of women
- primarily Estriol
- contributes to the mother’s mammary gland development
- stimulates uterine growth to accommodate the developing
 Progesterone - hormone of mothers - The chorionic villi on the medial surface of the trophoblast
- necessary to maintain the endometrial lining of the uterus gradually thin and leave the medial surface of the structure
during pregnancy smooth
- reduce the contractility of the uterine musculature during - The smooth chorion eventually becomes the chorionic
pregnancy, which prevents premature labor membrane, the outermost fetal membrane
 HPL / Human Chorionic Somatomammotropin  Chorion - outer wall of blastocyst
- Growth promoting and lactogenic properties - covering of the fetus
- Regulates maternal glucose, CHON, and fat levels - holds the sac of amniotic fluid
Amniotic / amniotic membrane - holds / lines amniotic fluid
UMBILICAL CORD - inner fetal membrane
- forms beneath the chorion
- also produces the fluid (amniotic fluid)
Amniotic fluid - source is the fetal urine and amnion
- clear / yellowish
- 800 - 1200 cc
- 7.2 pH
Amniotic fluid is responsible for:
 Protecting the fetus: The fluid cushions the baby from
outside pressures, acting as a shock absorber.
 Temperature control: The fluid insulates the baby, keeping it
warm and maintaining a regular temperature.
 Infection control: The amniotic fluid contains antibodies.
 Lung and digestive system development: By breathing and
swallowing the amniotic fluid, the baby practices using the
muscles of these systems as they grow.
 Muscle and bone development: As the baby floats inside the
amniotic sac, it has the freedom to move about, giving
- Originates from the amnion and chorion muscles and bones the opportunity to develop properly.
- Serves as the lifeline from the embryo to the placenta;  Lubrication Amniotic fluid prevents parts of the body such as
provides circulatory pathway the fingers and toes from growing together; webbing can
- About 53 - 55 cm (21 inch) in length at term occur if amniotic fluid levels are low.
3 Parts:
1 vein
 Umbilical cord support: Fluid in the uterus prevents the - End of 4th week, a septum begins to divide the esophagus
umbilical cord from being compressed. This cord transports from the trachea. At the same, lung buds appear on the
food and oxygen from the placenta to the growing fetus. trachea
Normally, the level of amniotic fluid is at its highest around 36 - Spontaneous respiratory movements begins as early as 3
week of pregnancy, measuring around 1 quart. This level months
decreases as birth nears. - SURFACTANT, a phospholipid substance is formed and
When the waters break, the amniotic sac tears. The amniotic excreted by the alveolar cells at about 24th week. This
fluid contained within the sac then begins to leak out via the decreases alveolar surface tension on expiration, preventing
cervix and vagina. alveolar collapse
The waters usually break toward the end of the first stage of Surfactant has 2 components:
labor. When this happens, it is time to contact the health - 35th weeks - lecithin and sphingomyelin
provider as delivery may be imminent. - Ratio: 2:1
Problems of Amniotic Fluid: - With fetal lung movements, surfactant mixes with amniotic
Oligohydramnios - lesser amount of amniotic fluid (300cc) fluid
Polyhydramnios- excessive amount of fluid (3000-5000cc) 3. Nervous System
- Develops during 3rd and 4th week of life
Embryonic Germ Layers: - Neural plate (thickened portion of ectoderm) is apparent by
3rd week of gestation
- Brain waves can be detected on EEG by the 8th week
- By 24th week, the ear is capable of responding to sound; the
eye exhibit a pupillary reaction, indicating sight is present
4. Endocrine System
- They mature in intrauterine life
5. Digestive System
- Separated from the respiratory tract at about 4th week
- MECONIUM forms in the intestines as early as the 16th
week. It consists of cellular wastes, bile, fats, mucoproteins,
mucopolysaccharides, and portions of the vernix caseosa
- Meconium is black or dark green (obtaining its color from
bile pigment and sticky
- Sucking and swallowing reflexes are not mature until the
The endoderm is the innermost of the three germ layers.
fetus is about 32 weeks or the fetus weighs 1500 gm
Cells derived from the endoderm eventually form many of
6. Musculoskeletal System
the internal linings of the body, including the lining of most of
- Quickening - 1st fetal movements perceived by the mother
the gastrointestinal tract, the lungs, the liver,
16th week - multiparous
the pancreas and other glands that open into the
20th week - primipara
gastrointestinal tract, and certain other organs, such as the
- Fetus can be seen to move on ultrasound as early as 11th
upper urogenital tract and female vagina. Endoderm cells give
rise to certain organs, among them the colon, the stomach,
7. Reproductive System
the intestines, the lungs, the liver, and the pancreas.
- Child’s sex is determined at the moment of conception
The ectoderm, on the other hand, eventually forms certain
- Can be determined as early as 8 weeks by chromosomal
“outer linings” of the body, including
the epidermis (outermost skin layer) and hair.
- Gonads form at about 6th week
The mesoderm also is the precursor to mammary glands and
- Testes first form into the scrotal sac late in intrauterine life
the central and peripheral nervous systems.
at the 34th - 38th week
8. Urinary System
1. Cardiovascular System
- Rudimentary kidneys are present as early as the end of the
- One of the 1st systems to become functional in intrauterine
4th week
- Urine is formed by the 12th week and is excreted into the
- Single heart tube forming as early as the 16th day of life,
amniotic fluid by the 16th week of gestation
beating as early as the 24th day
- At term, fetal urine is being excreted at the rate of 500 ml/
- Heart beat may be heard with a Doppler as early as the 10th
- 12th week of pregnancy; 16th - 20th week with a
9. Immune System
- IgG maternal antibodies cross the placenta into the fetus
primarily during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, giving a fetus
2. Respiratory System
temporarily passive immunity against diseases for which the
- 3rd week, respiratory and digestive tracts exists as a single
mother has antibodies
- The level of passive IgG immunoglobulins peaks at birth and
then decreases over the next 9 months
10. Integumentary System - Rhythm strip requires the mother to remain in a fixed
 Skin covered by soft downy hairs (lanugo), and a cream position for 20 minutes
cheese like substances Vernix Caseosa - secreted by 1. NON-STRESS TEST (NST)
sebaceous glands, important for lubrication, provide warmth, - Measures the response of the FHR to fetal movement
and keeping skin from macerating. - The woman pushes a button attached to the monitor
whenever she feels the fetus move
- Fetal movement typically results in an increase in FHR of
about 15 beats/min
- This increase should be sustained for about 15 seconds and
turn to baseline or average when fetus quiets down
- Absence of an increase in FHR with movement is highly
suggestive of fetal hypoperfusion / fetal hypoxia
- Non-stress test is usually done for 10-20 minute (20-40)
- The test is REACTIVE if two accelerations of FHR (15 beats or
more) lasting for 15 seconds occur after movement within the
chosen time period.
     NON-REACTIVE if no accelerations occur with the fetal
- Method of evaluating fetal ability to withstand decrease O2
supply and the physiologic stress of an oxytocin
- induced contractions before true labor begins
- IV oxytocin is administered, usually starting at 0.5mU/min at
15-20 min intervals until three high quality uterine
contractions are obtained within 10 minutes
- Can be used at 32 - 34 week gestation
- Carries the risk of hyper stimulation or embarrassment
FETAL WELL-BEING because it can’t be controlled if there’s hyper stimulation
ASSESSMENT of FETAL WELL-BEING - May require nipple rolling or application of warm
1. FETAL MOVEMENT washcloths to one nipple
- Also called quickening; described as light fluttering - Induces contractions by activating sensory receptors in the
- Typically follows a consistent pattern, usually on the average areola, triggering the release of oxytocin by the posterior
of at least 10x / day pituitary gland
- Sandovsky method, to assess the fetal movement, ask the - Exhibits the same reactive pattern as the reactive NST result
woman to lie in a recumbent position after a meal and record and the same pattern as the abnormal OCT result
the number of fetal movements within an hour. In every 10 3. BIOPHYSICAL PROFILE
minutes, the fetus normally moves at least twice or 10 to 12 - Assesses several variables
times in an hour. Fetal breathing movements
- CARDIFF method – A way to assess intrauterine well-being in Fetal body movements
which the expectant woman records fetal movement during Fetal muscle tone
her usual activities. There should be at least 10 movements Fetal amniotic fluid volume
within a 12-hour period; if fewer than 10 movements are Fetal heart rate reactivity
perceived, further medical evaluation is needed. Placental grade
2. FETAL HEART SOUNDS / RATE - Each variable is scored as 0 - 2, with 0 indicating abnormal
- Heart rate should be 120 - 160 beats/min throughout finding and 2 indicating a normal finding; some institutions
pregnancy use a scoring system of 0, 1 and 2; total score is then
- Assessment of the FHR in terms of baseline and long and - This profile is commonly referred to as the FETAL APGAR
short variability SCORE because scoring is similar to that of the Neonatal
- BASELINE - refers to the average rate of the fetal heartbeat APGAR Score
per minute - Can detect CNS depression
small changes in rate that occur from second to second - Provides immediate results without potential harm to the
- LONG-TERM VARIABILITY - the differences in heart rate that fetus or the mother
occur over the 20-minute time period - Non-invasive and painless
- Provides info about fetal presence, size, position, and - Elevated maternal serum AFP (MSAFP) level suggest a neural
presentation, placental location, amniotic fluid and tube defect or other neural tube anomaly (open
gestational maturity via biparietal measurements spinal/abdominal defect) - open body defects
- Evidence of normal fetal growth or possible defects or - Decrease MSAFP levels are associated with Down Syndrome
malformations, fetal death, malpresentations, placental - Definitive diagnosis requires ultrasound and amniocentesis
abnormalities, multiple gestation and hydra nips or 12. TRIPLE SCREENING
oligohydramnios - Involves a blood sample that tests 3 parameters: Maternal
- It is helpful if the mother has a full bladder at the time of the serum for alpha fetoprotein, unconjugated estriol, HCG
- May also be done by an intravaginal technique - Involves removal and analysis of a small tissue specimen
5. BIPARIETAL DIAMETER from the fetal portion of the placenta to determine the
- The widest transverse diameter of the fetal head; a side to genetic make-up of the fetus
side measurement obtained using ultrasound - Done at 10-12 weeks of pregnancy
- Measurements can be made by 12-13 weeks of gestation - COELOCENTESIS- is an alternative method to remove cells
- Typically, if the biparietal diameter is 8.5 cm or more, the for fetal analysis; transvaginal aspiration of fluid from the
fetus will weigh more than 5.5 lb (2,500g) extra embryonic cavity
6. DOPPLER UMBILICAL VELOCIMETRY - Complications: carries the risk of spontaneous abortion,
- Measures the velocity at which RBC in the uterine and fetal infection, hematoma, and intrauterine death
vessels are traveling
- Placentas can be graded by ultrasound as 0 (a placenta 12-
24 weeks), 1 (30-32 weeks), 2 (36 weeks), 3 (38 weeks)
 Because fetal lungs are apt to be mature at 38 weeks; a grade
3 placenta suggests that the fetus is mature

- Refers to a needle insertion into the uterus trans
abdominally to aspirate amniotic fluid for analysis
- Can be performed as early as 12 - 13th week of gestation,
Video: placental grade
when uterus has moved into the abdominal cavity
- Requires only 1 ml of fluid for analysis
- Is indicated for women age 35 and older and women with
- Amount of amniotic fluid present is an important fetal
family history of chromosomal / neural tube defects or inborn
assessment measure because a portion of the fluid is formed
errors of metabolism
by fetal kidney output
- Amniotic fluid color
- May be recorded as early as the 11th week of pregnancy
Normal - color water
10. MRI
Slightly yellow tinge - late in pregnancy
- Has the potential to replace or complement ultrasound as a
Strong yellow color - blood incompatibility
fetal assessment technique
Green color - meconium staining
- It may be most helpful in diagnosing complications such as
-Lecithin/Sphingomyelin ratio 2:1
ectopic pregnancy / trophoblasts disease
- Phosphatidyl glycerol & desaturated phosphatidyl - choline
(present only with mature lung function)
- Requires a blood sample obtained via venipuncture to
- Bilirubin determination - analyzed if a blood incompatibility
evaluate the level of alpha fetoprotein in the mother’s serum
is suspected
- Fetal liver produces alpha fetoprotein
- Chromosome analysis - few fetal skin cells are always
- This CHON crosses the placenta and appears in the mother’s
present in amniotic fluid. These cells many be cultured and
stained for karyotyping
- Alpha-fetoprotein begins to rise at 11 weeks gestation, then
- Inborn errors of metabolism
steadily increases until term
- Alpha-fetoprotein
Video: amniocentesis vs. chorionic villi sampling anger and/or the age of the father • Planning pregnancy
15. PERCUTANEOUS UMBILICAL BLOOD SAMPLING (PUBS) - Good health and avoiding exposure to harmful substances
- Also called CORDOCENTESIS / FUNICENTESIS are significant contributing factors for a successful pregnancy
- Is an invasive procedure during which a needle is inserted and a healthy baby
through the mother’s abdomen and uterine wall into a vessel - Any woman of childbearing age should be aware of health
in the umbilical cord under direct ultrasound guidance problems or medication regimens that may
- Provides direct access to the fetal circulation to obtain fetal - adversely affect pregnancy and the birth of healthy baby
- It is recommended for women to optimize their intake of
blood samples or to transfuse the fetus in utero
folic acid several months before becoming pregnant
- Access to the fetal circulation allows for direct drug
- Regular aerobic exercise conditions the body systems
administration - Smoking cessation is an important consideration when
- Used when the fetus is at risk for congenital and planning for pregnancy
chromosomal abnormalities, congenital infection or anemia - Alcohol intake can affect the developing child especially in
- Also used to assess acid balance of fetuses with intrauterine the earliest weeks of pregnancy
growth retardation - A woman with chronic illness is at higher risk for poor
- Can be done anytime after 16 weeks gestation pregnancy outcome
16. AMNIOSCOPY • Preventing pregnancy
- Visual inspection of the amniotic fluid through the cervix - The best contraceptive method is the one that is most
and membranes with an amnioscopy (a small fetoscope) comfortable and natural for the partners, and the one that they
- Use to detect meconium staining will consistently use correctly
- Risk for membrane rupture Natural or Fertility Awareness Methods:
17. FETOSCOPY 1. Calendar (Rhythm method)
- Actual visualization of the fetus by inspection through a - Relies on abstinence from intercourse during fertile periods
fetoscope - Fertile periods are calculated by recording 12 consecutive
- Amniotic may occur; mother is placed on 10-day antibiotic menstrual cycles
- Subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle and 11 days from
therapy after the procedure
the longest cycle = fertile period
- Effectivity rate is 13%
SPECIAL ISSUES OF REPRODUCTION & - Inexpensive and convenient
WOMEN’S CARE - Encourages communication
- Breast cancer screening - Ethically and morally non-controversial
- Pelvic examination and pap smear - Appropriate for sexual education programs
- Vulvar self-examination Disadvantages:
• COMMON DISORDERS OF THE FEMALE - Requires long periods of abstinence and control
REPRODUCTIVE TRACT - Requires correct calculations and regular menstruations to be
- Menstrual disturbances effective
> Amenorrhea - Confusing irregular uterine bleeding with a menstrual period
> Atypical uterine bleeding day lead to incorrect calculations
Menorrhagia - Effectiveness is unreliable and depends on many variables
Metrorrhagia Natural or Fertility Awareness Methods:
> Dysmenorrhea 2. Cervical Mucus method
> Post-menstruated syndrome - Relies on abstinence from intercourse during fertile periods
- Endometriosis - Cervical mucus in the ovulatory period is clear and slippery
- Infectious disorders and more abundant
- Pelvic Inflammatory disease - Pre-ovulatory and post-ovulatory periods, cervical mucus is
• COMMON DISORDERS OF THE UTERUS yellowish, less abundant, thick and sticky (inhibits sperm
& OVARIES motility)
- Cervical polyps - Effectivity is about 20%
- Uterine fibroids Advantages:
- Ovarian cysts - Inexpensive
FAMILY PLANNING - Ethically and morally non-controversial
- Family planning consists of two complementary Disadvantages:
components: - Not as effective as other methods
> Planning pregnancy
> Preventing pregnancy
- Family planning gives the woman control over the number of
children she wishes to have and allows her to determine when
births will occur in relation to each other and in relation to her
2. Intrauterine Device
- Flexible device inserted in the uterine cavity during
- This alters uterine transport of sperm so fertilization don’t
- Side effects:
> Dysmenorrhea
> Increased menstrual flow
> Uterine infection or perforation
> Ectopic pregnancy
- Danger signs to report
> Late or missed menstrual period
> Severe abdominal pain
> Fever and chills
3. Symptothermal method
> Foul vaginal discharge
- Couple makes use of the combination of calendar, basal body
>Spotting, bleeding, or heavy menstrual periods
temperature, and cervical mucus method to determine fertile
>Spontaneous expulsion occur in 2-10% of users in the first
- Effectivity can be as high as 13-20% among typical users
- Inexpensive
- No side effects
- Encourages communication
- Provides the couple with more information
- More complex and difficult to learn
- Requires regular and daily effort Advantages:
4. Lactation Amenorrhea Inexpensive for long term use
- As long as a woman is breastfeeding an infant, there is some - Reversible
natural suppression of ovulation - May be use with lactating women
- The woman may not be menstruating but may be ovulating; - Requires no attention other than checking that it is in place
the woman may still be fertile even if she has not had a period Disadvantages:
since childbirth - Available only through a health care provider
Artificial Methods: Barrier Methods - Contraindicated if woman has an active infection of pelvis,
1. Male Condom postpartum infection, endometrial hyperplasia or carcinoma,
- A latex or rubber sheath that fits over the erect penis and uterine anomalies, women who have an increased risk of
prevent sperm from entering the vagina STDs or women with multiple sexual partners
- Effectivity is 86% 3. Cervical cap
Advantages: - Is a reusable rubber cap that fits tightly over the cervix. The
- No side effects cervical cap is inserted into the vagina with spermicide before
- Helps prevent conception and STDs sex to prevent pregnancy.
- Available over the counter - For people who’ve never given birth, the cervical cap is 86%
- Condom helps maintain erection longer Advantages:
- Prevents sperm allergies - Convenient and give you control
- Discretely carried by men and women - Cervical caps don’t interrupt sex
Disadvantages: - Cervical caps don’t have hormones
- Decreases spontaneity and sensation - Lasts a long time > only need to be replaced every year with
Disadvantages: proper care
- Should be used with vaginal jelly if condom or vagina is dry
- Contraindicated to men and women with latex allergy

- Cervical caps don’t protect against sexually transmitted
infections spermatic cord
- You have to use it every time you have sex. Difficult / hard - Each vas deferens is lighted and cut
to use correctly for some people to do, also, spermicide can - May experience some pain, bruising, and swelling
have side effects - May apply ice pack, scrotal support, and a mild oral
- Changes in the body over time can mess up the fit of the analgesic
cervical cap. You have to get refitted for a new size if you 1-2 days moderate activities because of scrotal tenderness
have a baby, miscarriage, or abortion - Sutures are removed about 4-7 days
4. Cervical diaphragm - Must use another method of birth control for at least
- Is a shallow, bendable cup that you put inside your vagina. 1 month until a negative sperm count verifies sterility
It’s a shallow cup like a little saucer that’s made of soft - The man still has the ability to achieve and maintain erection
silicone. You bend it in half and insert it inside your vagina to or on the volume of ejaculate
cover your cervix Pharmacologic Methods
- Adding spermicide is used to make it more effective 1. Oral Contraceptives
- 88% effective - that means about 12 out of 100 people who - Used to prevent conception by inhibiting ovulation
use it will get pregnant each year - Causes atrophied changes of the endometrium to prevent
Advantages: implantation
- Convenient and give you control - Causes thickening of cervical mucus to inhibit sperm travel
- Don’t interrupt sex - Regulates menstrual cycle
- Lasts a long time up to 2 years with proper care - Combined estrogen and progesterone in table form
Disadvantages: - Effectivity is about 97-100% if properly used
- You have to use it correctly Side effects:
- Some people have trouble inserting the diaphragm - breakthrough bleeding
- Spermicide may have side effects - Nausea and vomiting
- Susceptibility to vaginal infections
- Thrombus formation
Edema and weight gain
- Irritability
- Missed periods
- Most reliable contraceptive method
- Convenient to use
- Tend to decrease menstrual cramps and pain
- Contraindicated to women who are smoking
Surgical Methods - Contraindicated to women with history of thrombophlebitis,
1. Tubal Ligation CVA, varicosities, DM, estrogen dependent carcinoma, liver
- The Fallopian tubes are surgically lighted or cauterized either disease, older than 35 years of age
through mini laparotomy or laparoscopy - Needs reassessment and re-evaluation every 6 months
- Effectivity is 100% - Does not offer protection against STDs
Advantages: 2. Contraceptive Implants
- Highly effective - Is a very small plastic rod about the size of a matchstick. A
- Usually permanent doctor inserts it into the upper arm, right under the skin. It
- Can be performed immediately postpartum releases progestin hormone into the body to prevent pregnancy
Disadvantages: - Prevents pregnancy by blocking the release of eggs. It also
- Invasive procedure thickens cervical mucus
- May be irreversible - Implants must be removed after 3 years. At that time, another
- High risk of ectopic pregnancy after reversal implant can be inserted
- No protection against STD Advantages:
- One of the highest levels of effectiveness of all
- No need to worry about birth control for 3 years
- Fertility returns as soon as the implant is removed
- Appropriate for women who can’t use birth control that
contains estrogen
- No protection against STIs
- High up-front cost
- Insertion requires a doctor’s visit
- Must be removed after 3 years
2. Vasectomy
- This procedure takes about 20 minutes
- Small incision is made on each side of the scrotum over the

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