A Feasibility Study On JRM Home Cleaning Services in The City of Mati

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Dirt, infectious agents, and other contaminants are all removed from an object or
environment as part of the cleaning process. Cleaning can be done in a variety of ways
and using a range of tools. Many people are involved in cleaning. Window washing,
floor cleaning, vacuuming, furniture cleaning, carpet cleaning, air duct cleaning, water
damage restoration, and other related services are all examples of cleaning services.
Customers from both the commercial and residential sectors use these services.

Dirt, infectious agents, and other contaminants are all removed from an object or

environment as part of the cleaning process. Cleaning can be done in a variety of ways

and using a range of tools. Many people are involved in cleaning. Window washing,

floor cleaning, vacuuming, furniture cleaning, carpet cleaning, air duct cleaning, water

damage restoration, and other related services are all examples of cleaning services.

Customers from both the commercial and residential sectors use these services

(Rhodes, 2016).

As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining a clean home has

become a requirement. According to the World Health Organization, house disinfection

procedures are necessary to reduce the danger of contamination from the

novel coronavirus. Among the cleaning priorities are surfaces that come into contact

with your flesh on a regular basis, such as door and window knobs, kitchen counters,

toilet taps, electronic devices, and so on. Due to health constraints and a growing
awareness of well-being, household cleaning services are now essential (Allied Market

Research, 2022). People in today's world have evolved their thinking and doing

habits. Many people have been forced to adjust how they approach their daily activities

as a result of growing demands. Many people used to clean on a regular basis, but that

has changed in recent years, and now many people employ cleaners. This is an all-day

job that requires a lot of effort (Rhodes, 2016).

In the Philippines, home cleaning on demand is not a new concept. The need for

house cleaners who did not have to stay the employer's premises like traditional

domestic staff increased as the number of condominium dwellers increased. The

use of digital platforms to mediate such labor arrangements, on the other hand, is a

relatively new concept. According to Statistica Research Department (2017), the

revenue of the industry cleaning activities in the Philippines from 2012 to 2017, with a

forecast to 2024 is projected that will amount to approximately 0.3 billion U.S. Dollars by


It does not cost a lot of money to start a cleaning service business. It is one of

those businesses where you only need a few things to get started. The next duties will

aid in the company's expansion and capital raising. Threats from the economy are

unlikely to have a significant impact on the company's operations. Companies

and institutions must be cleaned, whether they are doing well or not. As a

result, the economy is unlikely to have an impact on the firm. Because the business is

still in its development, there are only a few enterprises on the market, making it simpler
for them to thrive in difficult economic times. With this, feasibility analysis on cleaning

services here in Mati City will be conducted.

Research Objectives

The main objective of the study is to determine the feasibility of proposed

business within City of Mati specifically focused to;

1. To determine the marketability of the business;

2. To determine the initial capital requirements needed for the business; and

3. To determine the payback period and return on investment of the proposed project.

Significance of the Study

The business cleaning services is economically significant since it will provide

development and can save up time. This study could benefit the following stakeholders:

Possible Investors - they will have an idea on what are the latest trends

on the industry. It will also give them ideas about the improvement of cleaning

businesses and develop new strategies to make their business more profitable. This

study will give information to existing businessmen on how they will improve their

services, and on how will they prepare for the new generations will fit to the demands of

Management, with the help of this study, the will learn how to identify potential

problems, solutions, and strategies, as well as how to handle all of the challenges that

come with owning a firm like this. They will be able to better manage this type of firm as

a result of the research

Government, this study will help the government evaluate whether the projected

business will be beneficial to the community especially in the healthcare aspect.

Future Researches’ this study will serve as the researchers training ground in

enhancing and sharpening their skills and talents and future uses. This will also

help them in their future endeavors especially related in the study

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study covers the feasibility of putting up cleaning services in

Mati City. Gaining of information in different aspects of the said business like the

market, technical, management and organization, financial and socio-economic

were the main objectives of this study. Thus, it is definitely aimed to

determine whether this business is feasible or not.

study. Thus, it is
definitely aimed to
determine whether this
business is feasible or
This study covers the feasibility of putting up the projected cleaning
services in Koronadal City. Gaining of information in different aspects of the said
business like the market, technical, management and organization, financial and
socio-economic were the main objectives of this study. Thus, it is definitely
aimed to determine whether this business is feasible or not.
A proportion of the people in Mati City will be interviewed and surveyed by the

researchers. The information acquired and the responses made by the respondents will

be used by the researcher to create a study of the proposed firm.

Definition of Terms

Home cleaning services - specializes in things around your home such

as cleaning floors, bedrooms and bathrooms.

Initial Investment - The capital of a business is the money it has available to

fund its day-to-day operations and to bankroll its expansion for the future.

Return on Investment - a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency

of an investment or compare the efficiency of several investments.

Net Present Value - is the difference between the present value of cash inflows

and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time.

Chapter II


Growing industrialization, expansion of manufacturing, healthcare, and other

industries, as well as increased awareness of workplace hygiene and cleanliness, are

all driving the growth of the Global Industrial Cleaning Market. The market is also being

driven by increasing government requirements on industrial hygiene and sanitation.

Furthermore, increased consumer awareness of infectious diseases caused by viruses

and bacteria, as well as the need to clean the environment to avoid infection, drives

demand for cleaning products and chemicals, propelling market expansion even further

(Business Wire, 2022).

As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, maintaining a clean home has

become a requirement. According to the World Health Organization, house disinfection

procedures are necessary to reduce the danger of contamination from the

novel coronavirus. Among the cleaning priorities are surfaces that come into contact

with your flesh on a regular basis, such as door and window knobs, kitchen counters,

toilet taps, electronic devices, and so on. Due to health constraints and a growing

awareness of well-being, household cleaning services are now essential (Allied Market

Research, 2022). People in today's world have evolved their thinking and doing

habits. Many people have been forced to adjust how they approach their daily activities

as a result of growing demands. Many people used to clean on a regular basis, but that

has changed in recent years, and now many people employ cleaners. This is an all-day

job that requires a lot of effort. (Rhodes et.al, 2016).

According to (Bound, 2002) the overall quality of cleaning service is determined

by cost or the price of the service, the reliability of the service provider, how the service

provider responding to disasters and resolving complaints, cleaning quality, customer’s

needs and expectations as well as the organization’s principles and working

mechanism. In a customer’s mind, cost bares heavily as it is used to gauge the level of

the quality desired. When defining the level of quality, one should compare the cost with

the various quality level. A continuous and consistent provided by the service provider

give the customers as sense of reliability.

Cleaning company need to offers guarantees so that customers are assured of

good quality and the delivery system they provided. Responding to disaster and

resolving complaints or any other crisis caused while the process of cleaning as well as

any customer’s emergency is the cleaning service obligation. To provide satisfaction

both parties, the cleaning quality and affordable price must meet the expectation that

both parties agree. At the beginning of the agreement, cleaning service provider should

avail the need to tailor service according to the customer’s needs, expectations as well

as assumptions. Once the agreement is finalize, cleaning service provider need to take

full responsibilities of the cleaning quality. At this point, cleaning service provider need

to maintain their performance and their professionalism ( Kyengo, 2007).

Profitability of Cleaning Service in the Philippines

According to Wealth (2021) everyone needs a cleaning service every once in a

while. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, homeowners have become more conscious

about sanitizing and disinfecting their living areas. Because cleaning products and

maintenance of a cleaning business in the Philippines is low, a cleaning business can

be profitable, especially with high ticket services. However, if a business only has a few

customers and their expenses are high, profitability decreases, and badly managed

cleaning businesses can also become unprofitable. Expanding your business with more

cleaners, booking larger cleaning jobs, and maintaining your clientele will surely spike

your revenue along the road.

If you do a great job cleaning their place, customers are more likely to book you

again and become repeat customers, ensuring a steady source of revenue for your

business. To start a cleaning business in the Philippines, you don’t need an army of

cleaners at your disposal. You can even complete cleaning jobs on your own. However,

as your brand becomes more popular and you start booking larger orders, you can

consider hiring help. You can easily find suitable candidates among former maids,
working students who can work part-time, moms, returning OFWs, or TESDA-trained

NC2 certificate holders for housekeeping (Wealth, 2021).

Cost To Start A Cleaning Business In The Philippines

Starting a cleaning business in the Philippines is quite cheap. You can start with

just yourself as a workforce or hire one cleaner to get your business started. To fully

register a business, purchase equipment, and market your business, a cleaning

business in the Philippines can be started for under P10,000. However, this can be

started for much less or more depending on the scare of your business. This way, you

can maximize your profits by lowering starting overhead costs. You also don’t need a lot

of expensive cleaning equipment right away. Operating with just enough to get buy will

do, as long as you clean the space as if it is your own (Wealth, 2021).

 Registration costs. Of course, you want to operate a legitimate business, so

you need to have all necessary registrations in place before you start. As

mentioned earlier, this can go for around P2000-3000 for the fees, notarization,


 Cleaning equipment. Investing in good-quality cleaning equipment upfront can

reduce your expenses down the road. That means better quality services and

less need to replace equipment like brooms, dustpans, brushes, mops, and

vacuums. Most of these can be obtained for around P1000. You may also need

to provide yourself with rubber gloves or other protective equipment, especially

when utilizing harsh chemicals.

 Cleaning supplies. These are the consumables – trash bags, cleaning solution,

soap, dishwashing liquid, bleach, disinfectant spray. As with the cleaning

equipment, you should have enough to use for your first few customers for less

than P1000, and you can also get them at promotional rates in cleaning supply

stores or online. You can save on these costs based on your usage while

maintaining a quality cleaning service. Having supplies you know how to use is

also a plus as it allows you to work better and faster.

 Vehicle. A vehicle is necessary when you have to lug big equipment around, but

not so much when you are just starting. You can use your vehicle or use/rent

transportation services in the metro for cheap.

10 Most Popular Home Cleaning Services in the Philippines

In this time and age, proper sanitation and disinfection of our homes, workplace, and

business establishments are of utmost importance. Maintaining good hygiene and a

clean environment is a must to keep our family, employees, and customers safe. 

These days when people stay home more than usual, housekeeping can be somewhat

challenging. Working from home takes you away from even simple tasks such as

cleaning your space. Thus, there is a steady demand for home cleaning services in the

Philippines nowadays. 

Here’s a list of the best cleaning services in Manila that will cater to your every need. 

Gawin.ph houses thousands of vendors across Southeast Asia with services ranging

from home cleaning, managing events, and even health and wellness needs. Their

home cleaning services include house, carpet, upholstery, and even laundry. Apart from

these, they also have sofa and mattress cleaning, curtain, car seat, and disinfection

services. They also do general cleaning and carpet cleaning for the office, or you can

opt for their thorough cleaning service should you wish to have a deep cleaning. Deep

clean services include using a hydro vacuum and air purifying. Booking their services

can be done from their website or app. Depending on the request, they will send you a

quote or assign a vendor at fixed prices. Customers prefer this cleaning company

because of Gawin Guarantee wherein they will redo the job should the client deem the

service unsatisfactory.

Happy Helpers

Happy Helpers is a social enterprise operating since 2014 that take pride in empowering

women by hiring mothers from underprivileged communities. Happy helpers are given

professional training and a skill set to deliver the best service possible. They are happy

to help you with home cleaning services including deep cleaning, Hyla vacuum

cleaning, steam cleaning, move-in/out cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and

disinfection. Some added services include misting, fogging, air sanitation, and

kitchendetailing services. On a separate note, they even have sneaker cleaning

services where they deep clean your sneakers using specialized cleaning kits. Happy

Helpers offers deep cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection services for business
establishments such as offices, warehouses, and retail stores. Aside from their social

contribution to uplift women’s lives, the company uses all-natural cleaning materials. 

Cleaning Lady

Cleaninglady.ph provides cleaning services to residential homes, condominiums, and

establishments. Like Happy Helpers, they create employment opportunities for women

from underprivileged communities. Services include general surface cleaning,

disinfection, and post-construction cleaning. Their employees also only use eco-friendly

cleaning agents and equipment. Cleaninglady.ph’s deep cleaning services comprise

rainbow vacuuming, removing deep-seated and accumulated dust, dust mites, molds,

and other dirt, and thorough cleaning of mattresses, pillows, sofa, curtains, and carpets.

They also do air purification inside your home.

Captain Cleaners

Captain Cleaners aims to make life easier by giving professional cleaning services to

your home or workspaces. Cleaning, polishing, sanitizing your place from ceiling to

floors is what they do. Services offered are home and office housekeeping services,

condominium cleaning, post-construction cleaning, and deep cleaning. They even have

clothes ironing, upholstery cleaning, disinfection, and floor polishing. Home and office

cleaning packages include one house cleaner who does sweeping, mopping, dusting,

basic tidying, cleaning restrooms and kitchen, and disposing of trash. 

Cleanhome.ph makes home cleaning as easy as 1-2-3. All you need to do is make a

booking in seconds, and a Cleanhome partner will arrive after 3 hours. You can either

pay in cash or via credit card. General Cleaning package includes the basics like wiping

furniture, appliances, and floors, cleaning bathrooms, making beds, trash

disposal,closet cleaning, arranging clothes, changing linens, vacuuming, and scrubbing

water deposits.


Dubbed as the #1 app for home services and as one of the Top 50 Startups in

Southeast Asia, you can avail of their popular services with just a few taps on your

phone. Besides home cleaning, other favored services include laundry and beauty

services such as manicures, pedicures, and massages. Something worth noting is that

Goodwork.ph rewards its frequent users with a free service after availing 10 of its

services on their platform. 

Clean All Professional Cleaners

Cleanall.ph provides professional cleaning services in Manila which includes the

following: premium home or office cleaning, upholstery deep cleaning, interior car

detailing along with disinfection, air conditioning cleaning and repair, and Covid-19

disinfection and sanitation. What's good about this company is that their staff is regularly

tested for Covid-19, so rest assured that both parties are safe. Disinfection has never

been better with their certified chemicals, public health protocol procedure compliance,

and regularly tested staff. 


Cleanworks.ph is a team of professionals trained to deliver their promise of guaranteed

quality of service. Requesting their service is made easy by using their app. After

creating an account and getting verified, you may start booking your type of service,

date, and time. You will be given a cleaner service provider nearest you.  Services they

offer include home cleaning where they focus on areas that need extensive cleaning

and commercial building cleaning where they provide janitorial services for any

business establishment. They also do air conditioning by expert technicians.

Cleanworks.ph offers laundry services as well to make your life easier. Additionally, they

have special service cleaning, including carpet, aircon, plumbing, and more. Should you

wish to have a regular cleaning service provider to maintain a clutter-free environment

in your workplace, they also offer corporate office cleaning.

Busy Bee Cleaning Co.

One of the trusted home cleaning services in the Philippines is Busy Bee Cleaning Co.,

being the most rated and recommended in Metro Manila. They aim and advocate for

healthier clean homes. What makes them stand out among the rest is their deep

cleaning process. Their cleaners do intensive cleaning using the company’s own

specially formulated products and tools, cleaning every nook and cranny of your home.

They also perform air purification by using the Rainbow cleaning procedure that purifies

the air from dirt, dust mites, and other allergens. We love how they let you choose an

aromatic scent that will fill your home for a minute or two. Other services they offer are

deep dry cleaning, car interior detailing, anti-bacterial mist treatment, deep upholstery
shampooing, germ proofing shield 3-in 1 disinfection, post-construction cleaning, and

superior steam sterilization. 

Prestige Housekeeping

What sets Prestige Housekeeping apart from other cleaning companies? They send

one cleaner at a time, so it’s like having a housekeeper of your own. Besides bringing

their own tools and equipment, they use earth-friendly cleaning supplies specially made

for Prestige. What’s good about booking Prestige is that its rates are fixed regardless of

the number of hours spent cleaning, up to a maximum of 8 hours. Another one of their

perks is that if you have any concerns to address, you can call them within 24 hours and

they will return and correct them at no additional cost! Their services include cleaning

for residential and condos, offices, and commercial warehouses, disinfecting and

sanitizing, upholstery/mattress shampooing, carpet, and grease trap cleaning. 

Source: Marlyn Deknees, 2021/productnation.co

Presently, there is no existing business establishment that caters to the same

need as what the project provides. Seeing this as an opportunity, the proponents found

the desire to conduct a feasibility study regarding the business.

Chapter III


Research design

This research undertaking will adopt the descriptive quantitative research

method. The study is suitable for a descriptive research as it is devoted to the gathering

of information about prevailing conditions or situations for the purpose of description

and interpretation. This type of research method is not simply amassing and tabulating

facts but includes proper analyses, interpretation, comparisons, identification of trends

and relationships (Aggarwal, 2008).

Research design basically provides the description of the plan in which the

research adopted to achieve its objectives. The study adopted quantitative research
approach to explain a phenomenon by collecting numerical data that was used to

analyze the data.

Sources of Data

Primary and secondary data sources will be used to supply and gather

data for this investigation. The major data came from respondents' responses to

the proponents' standardized questionnaires. Furthermore, secondary data will

be gathered from books, previous study, journals, and websites related to the


Research Locale
The researchers had their distribution of questionnaire at 4 selected barangays

in Mati City; Barangay Central, Barangay Dahican, Barangay Sainz and Barangay

Matiao. These four barangays are the most populated barangays in City Mati in which

the researcher decided to floated its survey questionnaire.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers gathered 100 participants of homeowners, office workers, and

business owners that reside in City of Mati about their opinion about the safety and

effectiveness of getting cleaning services for homes and offices.

Sampling Technique

The researchers will utilize the probability sampling method in choosing the

respondents. According to McCombes (2019), a probability sample involves random

selection, allowing you to make strong statistical inferences about the whole group.

Stratified sampling involves dividing the population into subpopulations that may differ in

important ways. It allows the researcher to draw more precise conclusions by ensuring

that every subgroup is properly represented in the sample.

Sample Size

Presented in the table are the respondents of the study, the 100 respondents who are

customers from four (4) major barangay in the City of Mati, Davao Oriental.

Distribution of Respondents

Name of Barangay No. of Respondent





Data Collection Procedure

The study will begin with the formulation of the problem and the identification of

the variables, as outlined in the research paradigm, using the procedures outlined

below for data collection:

Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study. First the researchers will secure a

permission to conduct the study from the research panels and the Dean of the Institute.
Then, researchers will write a letter to the identified respondents, requesting permission

to conduct a survey.

Construction of Questionnaires. The researchers subsequently made the

questionnaires, which are then validated by the panel of experts. The reliability of the

questionnaire will also be tested They were also tested for their reliability using

Cronbach Alpha after a pilot testing to 10 customers with te reliability of the Cronbach’s

Alpha reliability coefficient score at or above 0.70.

Distribution of Questionnaires. The questionnaires will be sent to the study’s

respondents, who will be asked to answer the questions honestly so that accurate and

reliable data could be gathered. Given the restrictions in the time of pandemic, the

researchers will follow the minimum health standards implemented by the Inter-Agency

Task Force (IATF) just like wearing of face mask and face shield as well as maintaining

social distancing.

Retrieval of Questionnaires. The responses will be double-checked and statistically


Analysis and Interpretation. The findings will be examined and interpreted in the light

of the study’s objectives. The output of this study will be submitted to the Institute of

Business and Public Affairs. It will be archived after 3 to 5 years.

Data Treatment
As for the purpose of this feasibility study, survey questionnaire were used to

gather the data needed for this study. In-depth questionnaires were established whose

aim is to identify participant’s opinions regarding the possible opportunities of

establishing sporting goods.

A descriptive analysis method will be used to examine the data gathered from the

online survey questionnaire. As the questionnaire consists of close-ended questions,

multiple choices, and Likert Scale, statistical tools like weighted mean, percentage,

tables, charts, and graphs will be used to interpret and analyze the data. Researchers

believe that performing descriptive analysis methods is essential for this study because

it allows the researchers to present their data in a meaningful way and leave their data

structured and ready to convey further analysis.


a. Market Research Analysis

i. Demand Analysis

Regular cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch areas and surfaces in homes

such as chairs and tables, door handles, front doorways, and other handles are

important precautionary measures in reducing the spread of germs and viruses.

Cleaning services companies put their expertise at the forefront, keeping businesses

and homes safe and virus-free.

The propose business is a convenient way to keep your home clean. It aims to

provide professional and trustworthy cleaning services at a great value using functional

and safe cleaning solutions, as well as tried and tested techniques and equipment for

top quality results. There is a high demand to establish cleaning services in Mati City

since there is no existing establishment that offers cleaning services in town.

ii. Supply Analysis

City hardware is the major suppliers of the business for cleaning materials. They

have been a trusted cleaning equipment supplier in town since 2015. Emcor Mati will be

the supplier of the appliances needed in the business and the supplies for office are

from Sunlight Mati. The business will maintain a good relationship with the suppliers.

iii. Demand and Supply Gap

Based on the demand analysis, this shows that the demand for cleaning services

is increasing dramatically. One of the reason why cleaning services are big hit in the

Philippines because some of the parents are usually busy in their work and they do not

have time to clean their house. Therefore, they have to tap the service for those who

have a skill in cleaning services. Many households need to hire cleaners to maintain

cleanliness in their home. Furthermore, it was concluded that the business would meet

sufficient demand to establish tutorial center in Mati City.

b. Market Strategies

i. Service Strategy

Clean surroundings and a healthy working environment are not only prerequisite

for a functional environment but also the basis for well-being and employee productivity.

JRM Cleaning Service makes sure that every home and workplace of the client is

professionally cleaned providing a customized cleaning solution where the scope, level

and the combination of services are carefully adjusted to each customer. JRM offers

cleaning services that will absolutely satisfy the customers at affordable cost. Especially

to those people that don’t have enough time to clean their stuffs or places.

ii. Pricing Strategy

The pricing strategies that we have decided to implement and apply are the cost-

plus pricing strategy and the Hourly Pricing Strategy. The cost-plus pricing strategy will

help us in sustaining the equipment and products that we use on our services. The

hourly pricing strategy is ideal for the type of services that we provide, since the time

allotted on our services won’t always be the same. These are the pricing strategies the
company believe would allow us to sustain our service in the long-run. We would also

be offering discounts for our frequent clients.


Sweeping 1 hour Php200.00

Mopping 1 hour Php300.00

Rooftop/Drainage/Canal Cleaning 1 hour Php500.00

Toilet Cleaning 1 hour Php400.00


General Cleaning Php1,500.00 to


iii. Promotional Strategy

a. Digital Marketing

The business will be planning to promote and advertise our products and

services through social media platforms like creating a pages and ads in different

social networks. Social networks connect with a world of potential customers and

clients that can view our business from a different perspective.

b. Customer Referral Incentive Program

The customer referral incentive program is a way to encourage our current

customers to refer new customers for our services offered. Big discounts, limited time

offer, and free samples of our products are some of the incentives that our business can

use. This promotional strategy leverages our customer base as a sales force.
c. Traditional Promotion

Traditional marketing method that connects a business with the public by

providing our services and business information through a variety of means such as

television, radio, magazine and newspaper advertisements. These traditional

promotions referred to as a mode of marketing in which different offline advertising

and promotional campaigns are being used to target the relevant audience.

iv. Target / Potential Market

The target market of the propose business are those households that don’t have

enough time to clean their stuffs or places. And also for the business establishment

that don’t have a janitor to clean their establishment.

v. Market/Product Flow

Clean the Payment and

Book for Checking the
house or Customer
Appointment Location
establishment Feedback

vi. Sales Forecast

Sales forecast will be based on the result of the survey conducted by the

researcher to determine how many are willing to avail the cleaning services. And the
business will assume that number of clients will increase by 10% every year and the

annual income of the business will also increase by 10% a year.

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