February 2011 HMH Adult Trade New Releases

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A Visual Guide to the Amazing Behaviors of Your Newborn and Growing Baby Kevin Nugent Photographs by Abelardo Morell ISBN: 9780547242958 Hardcover, $20.00 Rights: US, C, O From an international expert on infant-parent communication, Your Baby Is infant Speaking To You is destined to become a parenting classic. Through intimate access to babies and their families, Dr. Kevin Nugent and acclaimed photographer Abelardo Morell capture the amazingly precocious t communications strategies babies demonstrate from the moment they are born. Your Baby Is Speaking to You illustrates the full range of behaviors--early smiling to startling, feeding to early sleeping, listening to your voice and recognizing your face. The newest research--including information on recogn research subtle and fleeting behaviors not seen or explained in any other book--illuminates the meaning of the things illuminates babies do that concern and delight new parents: - the language of yawning - the rich range of cries, and how to understand their meanings - baby's earliest "sleep smiles" and sleep states, and what they signify Your Baby Is Speaking To You delivers the information parents crave in gentle, accessible style while giving parents the confidence they need to respond to their own baby's way of communicating during the very first astonishing days and the months beyond.


Elly Griffiths ISBN: 9780547237442 Hardcover, $25.00 Rights: US, O Its been only a few months since archaeologist Ruth Galloway found herself entangled in a missing persons case, barely escaping with her life. But when construction workers demolishing a large old house in Norwich uncover the bones of a child beneath a doorway orwayminus its skullRuth is once again called upon to investigate. Is it a Roman Roman-era ritual sacrifice, or is the killer closer at hand? Ruth and Detective Harry Nelson would like to find outand fast. When out they realize the house was once a childrens h home, they track down the Catholic priest who served as its operator. Father Hennessey reports that two children did go missing from the home forty years beforea boy and a before girl. They were never found. When carbon dating proves that the childs bones predate the home and relate to a time when the house was privately owned, Ruth is drawn ever more e deeply into the case. But as spring turns into summer it becomes clear that someone is trying very hard to put her off the trail by frightening her, and her unborn child, half to death.

Dark Matter, Dark energy and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality Richard Panek ISBN: 9780618982448 Hardcover, $26.00 Rights: World

In the past few years, a handful of scientists have been racing to explain a disturbing aspect of our universe: only 4 percent of it consists of the matter that makes up you, me, our books, and every planet, star, and galaxy. The rest96 percent of the universeis completely unknown. Richard Panek tells the dramatic story of how scientists reached this cosmos-shattering conclusion, and what theyre doing to find this "dark" matter and an even more bizarre substance called dark energy. This is perhaps the greatest mystery in all of science, and solving it will bring fame, funding, and certainly a Nobel Prize. Based on in-depth, on-site reporting and hundreds of interviewswith everyone from Berkeleys feisty Saul Perlmutter and Johns Hopkinss meticulous Adam Riess to the quietly revolutionary Vera Rubinthe book offers an intimate portrait of the bitter rivalries and fruitful collaborations, the eureka moments and blind alleys, that have fueled their search, redefined science, and reinvented the universe. The stakes couldnt be higher. Our view of the cosmos is profoundly wrong, and Copernicus was only the beginning: not just Earth, but all common matter is a marginal part of existence. Paneks fast-paced narrative, filled with behind-the-scenes details, brings this epic story to life for the very first time.

Living Through the Next Fifty Years on Earth Mark Hertsgaard ISBN: 9780618826124 Hardcover, $24.00 Rights: US, C, O

For twenty years, Mark Hertsgaard has investigated global warming for publications including The NewYorker, Time, Vanity Fair, and the Nation. But the full truth did not hit home until he became a father and, soon after, learned that climate change had already arriveda century earlier than forecastwith impacts bound to worsen for decades to come. Now, Hertsgaard has written a book about how all of usas individuals, communities, companies, and countriescan navigate this new era. Taking Bill McKibbens Eaarth to the next essential step, Hot offers examples of how we might live through the next fifty years.The result is an informed message of hope that will enable parents, young people, and all readers to make the best choices in the decades ahead. Combining reporting from around the world with reflections on his daughters future, Hertsgaard provides pictures of what we can expect: Chicagos climate transformed to resemble Houstons; dwindling water supplies and crop yields at home and abroad; the redesign of New York and other cities against mega-storms and sea-level rise. Above all, he shows who is taking wise, creative precautions. For in the end, Hot is a book about how well survive.


A Natural and Unnatural History of the Polar Bear Kieran Mulvaney ISBN: 9780547152424 Hardcover, $26.00 Rights: US, C, O

Polar bears are creatures of paradox. They are white bears whose skin is black; massive predators that can walk almost silently; Arctic residents whose major problem is not staying warm, but keeping cool. Fully grown they can measure 10 feet and weigh close to 2,000 pounds, but at birth they are just 20 ounces. Creatures that may wander thousands of miles over the course of a year, they begin life in a snowdrift. Tales throughout history describe the ferocity of polar bear attacks on humans; but human hunting of polar bears has exacted a far larger toll, obliging Arctic nations to try to protect their regions iconic species . . . before its too late. Now, however, another threat to the polar bears survival has emerged, one that is steadily removing sea ice and the life it supports. Without this habitat, polar bears cannot exist. The Great White Bear celebrates the story of this unique species. Through a blend of history, both natural and human, through myth and reality and observations both personal and scientific, Kieran Mulvaney masterfully provides a context for readers to consider the polar bear, its history, its life, and its uncertain fate.


Tales of Mystery and Suspense Joyce Carol Oates ISBN: 9780547385464 Hardcover, $25.00 Rights: US, C, O

The need for loveobsessive, self-destructive, unpredictabletakes us to forbidden places, as in the chilling world of Give Me Your Heart, a new collection of stories by the inimitable Joyce Carol Oates. In the suspenseful Strip Poker, a reckless adolescent girl must find a way of turning the tables on a gathering of increasingly threatening young men can she outplay them? In the award-winning Smother! a young womans nightmare memory of childhood brings trouble on her professor mother which of them will win? In Split/ Brain, a woman who has blundered into a lethal situation confronts the possibility of saving herselfwill she take it? In The First Husband, a jealous man discovers that his wife seems to have lied about her first marriage, and exacts a cruel revenge, years after the fact. In these and other powerful tales, children veer beyond their parents control, wives and husbands wake up to find that they hardly know each other, haunted pasts intrude upon uncertain futures, and those who bring us the most harm may be the nearest at hand. In ten razor-sharp stories, National Book Award winner Joyce Carol Oates shows that the most deadly mysteries often begin at home.


Bradford Morrow ISBN: 9780547382630 Hardcover, $26.00 Rights: US, C, O Walking a lonely forested valley on a spring morning in upstate New York, having been hired by a developer to dowse the land, Cassandra Brooks comes upon the shocking vision of a young girl hanged from a tree. When she returns with authorities to the site, the body has vanished, leaving in question Cassandras credibility, if not her sanity. The next day, on a return visit with the sheriff to have another look, a dazed, mute missing girl emerges from the woods, alive and the very picture of Cassandras hanged girl. What follows is a narrative of ever-deepening and increasingly bizarre divinations that will lead this gifted young woman, the struggling single mother of twin boys, hurtling toward a past shed long since thought was behind her. The Diviners Tale is at once a journey of self-discovery and an unorthodox murder mystery, a tale of the fantastic and a family chronicle told by an otherwise ordinary woman. When Cassandras dark forebodings take on tangible form, she is forced to confront a life spiraling out of control. And soon she is locked in a mortal chess match with a reallife killer who has haunted her since before she can remember.


Carsten Jensen Translated from Danish by Charlotte Barslund with Emma Ryder ISBN: 9780151013777 Hardcover, $28.00 Rights: US, C, O Carsten Jensens debut novel has taken the world by storm. Already hailed in Europe as an instant classic, We, the Drowned is the story of the port town of Marstal, whose inhabitants have sailed the worlds oceans aboard freight ships for centuries. Spanning over a hundred years, from the midnineteenth century to the end of the Second World War, from the barren rocks of Newfoundland to the lush plantations of Samoa, and from the roughest bars in Tasmania to the frozen coast of northern Russia, We, the Drowned spins a magnificent tale of love, war, and adventure, a tale of the men who go to sea and the women they leave behind. Ships are wrecked at sea and blown up during wars, they are places of terror and violence, yet they continue to lure each generation of Marstal menfathers and sonsaway. Strong, resilient women raise families alone and sometimes take history into their own hands. There are cannibals here, shrunken heads, prophetic dreams, forbidden passions, cowards, heroes, devastating tragedies, and miraculous survivalseverything that a town like Marstal has actually experienced, and that makes We, the Drowned an unforgettable novel, destined to take its place among the greatest seafaring literature.


An Unexpected History of an Accidental Book Timothy Beal ISBN: 9780151013586 Hardcover, $25.00 Rights: US, C, O In this revelatory exploration, Timothy Beal takes us back to early Christianity to ask how a box of hand-written scrolls became the Bible, and forward to see how the multibillion-dollar business that has brought us Biblezines and manga Bibles is selling down the Bibles sacred capital. Showing us how a single official text was created from an array of different scripts, Beal traces its path as it became embraced as the word of God. Among his surprising insights: Early Christianity thrived for centuries without any Biblethere was no official canon of scriptures, much less a book big enough to hold them all. There is no original Bible behind the thousands of different Bibles on the market today. The farther back we go in the Bibles history, the more versions we find. The idea of the Bible as the literal word of God is only about a century old. In calling for a fresh understanding of the ways scriptures were used in the past, Beal offers a chance to rediscover a Bible, and a faith, that is truer to its own historynot a book of answers but a library of questions.


The Ancient Art& New Science of Changing Minds Kevin Dutton ISBN: 9780151012794 Hardcover, $26.00 Rights: US, O, (-EU) How many times a day do you think someone tries to persuade you? Twenty? Thirty? Actually its more like four hundred. When you imagine a society based on coercion you start to see how important persuasion is; it literally keeps us alive. Psychologist Kevin Dutton has identified a powerful strain of instinctual persuasion, an elixir of influence that can quickly help you disarm skeptics, win arguments, close the deal. Mapping the cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience of this incisive new influence, he introduces us to the natural super-persuaders in our midstBuddhist monks, magicians, advertisers, con men, hostage negotiators, even psychopaths. He shows us which simple triggers can makesomeone trust you immediately; what hidden pathways in the brain lead us to believe something even when we know its not true; how group dynamics can make us more tolerant or deepen our extremism; and what we can learn from newborns about winning arguments. Duttons fascinating and provocative book will help anyone tap into the power of split-second persuasion.

Rana Dasgupta

ISBN: 9780547397085 Hardcover, $25.00 Rights: US, O With an imaginative audacity and lyrical brilliance that puts him in the company of David Mitchell and Alexander Hemon, Rana Dasgupta paints a portrait of a century though the story of a hundred-year-old blind Bulgarian man in a first novel that announces the arrival of an exhilarating new voice in fiction. In the first movement of Solo we meet Ulrich, the son of a railroad engineer, who has two great passions: the violin and chemistry. Denied the first by his father, he leaves for the Berlin of Einstein and Fritz Haber to study the latter. His studies are cut short when his fathers fortune evaporates, and he must return to Sofia to look after his parents. He never leaves Bulgaria again. Except in his daydreamsand it is those dreams we enter in the volatile second half of the book. In a radical leap from past to present, from life lived to life imagined, Dasgupta follows Ulrichs fantasy children, born of communism but making their way into a postcommunist world of celebrity and violence. Intertwining science and heartbreak, the old world and the new, the real and the imagined, Solo is a virtuoso work.


Gina Ochsner ISBN: 9780547394558 Trade Paperback, $14.95 Rights: US, C, O In a crumbling apartment building in post-Soviet Russia, there's a ghost who won't keep quiet. Mircha fell from the roof and was never properly buried, so he sticks around to heckle the living: his wife, Azade; Olga, a disillusioned translator/censor for a military newspaper; Yuri, an army veteran who always wears an aviator's helmet; and Tanya, a student of hope, words, and color. Tanya carries a notebook wherever she goes, recording her dreams of finding love and escaping her job at the All-Russia All-Cosmopolitan Museum, a place that holds a fantastic and terrible collection of art knockoffs created with the materials at hand, from foam to chewing gum, Popsicle sticks to tomato juice. When the museum's director hears of an American group seeking to fund art in Russia, it looks as if Tanya might get her chance at a better life, if she can only convince them of the collection's worth. Enlisting the help of her neighbors, Tanya scrambles to save her dreams, and along the way discovers that love may have been waiting in her own courtyard all along.


My Adventures in Caribbean cooking, Eating and Island Life Ann Vanderhoof

ISBN: 9780547423166 Trade Paperback, $14.95 Rights: US, O While sailing around the Caribbean, Ann Vanderhoof and her husband Steve track wild oregano-eating goats in the cactus-covered hills of the Dominican Republic, gather nutmegs on an old estate in Grenada, make searing-hot pepper sauce in a Trinidadian kitchen, cram for a chocolate-tasting test at the University of the West Indies, and sip moonshine straight out of hidden back-country stills. Along the way, they are befriended by a collection of unforgettable island characters: Dwight, the skin-diving fisherman who always brings them something from his catch and critiques her efforts to cook it; Greta, who harvests seamoss on St. Lucia and turns it into potent Island-Viagra; sweet-hand Pat, who dispenses hugs and impromptu dance lessons along with cooking tips in her Port of Spain kitchen. Back in her galley, Ann practices making curry like a Trini, dog sauce like a Martiniquais, and coo-coo like a Carriacouan. And for those who want to take these adventures into their own kitchens, she pulls 71 delicious recipes from the stories she tells, which she places at the end of the relevant chapters. The Spice Necklace is a wonderful escape into a life filled with sunshine (and hurricanes), delicious food, irreplaceable company, and island traditions.

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