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Realme (stylized as гeɑlme) is a brand of Android based smartphones developed

by Realme Chongqing Mobile Telecommunications Corporation, Ltd., a
manufacturer based in Shenzhen, China. It was founded by Li Bingzhong (known
as "Sky" Li) on May 4, 2018, who was former vice president of Oppo.


 Realme startup on May 4, 2018, in China, Realme first appeared in China in

2010 with the name "OPPO Real". It was a sub-brand of OPPO (which is
itself a subsidiary of BBK Electronics) until its formation as a spinoff on May
4, 2018.
 In May 2018, they released their first phone, Realme 1.
 On July 30, 2018, Sky Li announced his resignation from Oppo and his
intention to establish Realme as an independent brand on Sina Weibo.
 On November 15, 2018, Realme adopted a new logo.
 On November 22, 2018, Realme became an emerging brand in the Indian
market. The sales of Realme devices in India have since surpassed the sales
of Oppo. Realme has been the fourth largest smartphone brand in India since
2019, behind Xiaomi, Samsung, and Vivo. Realme holds records in India for
fastest-charging smartphone and India's first 5G smartphone.
 On May 15, 2019, Realme held its first conference in Beijing to enter the
Chinese domestic market, launching the Realme X, Realme X Lite and
Realme X Master Edition.
 In June 2019, Realme announced its entry into the European market.
 On June 26, 2019, Realme released its first photo taken with its 64MP

 By July 2019, Realme had entered markets including China, South
Asia, Southeast Asia and Europe.
 By August 2019, Realme surpassed 10 million users.
 In August 2019, Realme showed a prototype device with a quadruple 64MP
camera in China and India.
 In 2021, the brand had a user base in Europe and Asia that one review
described as "fairly wide".


Industry Consumer electronics

Founded May 4, 2018; 4 years ago

Founder Sky Li

Headquarters Shenzhen, China

Key people Sky Li (李炳忠) (Founder and Global CEO)

Madhav Sheth (SVP) (CEO) (realme India and Europe)
Xu Qi (徐起) (CMO)
Yao Kun (姚坤) (CTO)
Wang Wei (王伟) (CPO)

Products Smartphones
Tablet computers
Realme UI
Phone cases
AIoT products
Smart TVs

Parent BBK Electronics

Divisions Realme TechLife, Dizo (India)



Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the
activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services.
Consumer behaviour consists of how the consumer's emotions, attitudes and
preferences affect buying behaviour. Consumer behaviour emerged in the 1940–
1950s as a distinct sub-discipline of marketing, but has become an
interdisciplinary social science that blends elements from psychology, sociology,
social anthropology, anthropology, ethnography, marketing and economics
(especially behavioural economics).

The study of consumer behaviour formally investigates individual qualities such

as demographics, personality lifestyles, and behavioural variables (such as usage
rates, usage occasion, loyalty, brand advocacy, and willingness to provide
referrals), in an attempt to understand people's wants and consumption patterns.
Consumer behaviour also investigates on the influences on the consumer, from
social groups such as family, friends, sports, and reference groups, to society in
general (brand-influencers, opinion leaders).

Research has shown that consumer behaviour is difficult to predict, even for
experts in the field; however, new research methods, such as ethnography,
consumer neuroscience, and machine learning are shedding new light on how
consumers make decisions. In addition, customer relationship management
(CRM) databases have become an asset for the analysis of customer behaviour.
The extensive data produced by these databases enables detailed examination of
behavioural factors that contribute to customer re-purchase intentions, consumer
retention, loyalty and other behavioural intentions such as the willingness to
provide positive referrals, become brand advocates or engage in customer

citizenship activities. Databases also assist in market segmentation, especially
behavioural segmentation such as developing loyalty segments, which can be used
to develop tightly targeted, customized marketing strategies on a one-to-one basis.

The Rapidly growing demand of smartphone has created a buzz around the world.
Nowadays most of the consumers opt to have a smartphone. The Increasing
innovation in Mobile phone industries has brought this craze among the people on
smartphone. A Smartphone is a mobile device that combines cellular and mobile
computing functions into one unit. They are distinguished from feature phones by
their stronger hardware capabilities and extensive mobile operating systems,
which facilitate wider software, internet and multimedia functionality a long side
core phone functions such as voice calls and text messaging. Smartphones
typically contain a number of metal oxide semiconductor integrated circuit chips,
include various sensors that can be lever aged by their software and support
wireless communications protocols. Smartphones in the present scenario have
penetrated everywhere and raised the comfort level of the individuals in their
everyday life.

Smartphones are prolife rating at a very fast pace in India mainly due to the
younger demo graphic and rapidly expanding economy. The way a individual
deals with things is eased through the smartphones. The market of smartphone has
been escalating every year with increasing innovations. Irrespective of the high
price of the smartphone, still the demand is increasing. It is true that Hi Tech
technology has played a vital role in attracting the people towards Smartphones.
Brand is a factor that drives people to buy smartphone. Besides, technology and
brand there could be other so many marketing and stimuli factors that could
influence the consumer behavior of smartphone buyers. Moreover, the
characteristics of the buyer itself also affect the buying behavior. There are
several brands and smartphone companies in the market for consumers to choose
from. Among the various brands of smartphones available in the market, realme
smartphones are far-reaching one. Realme is a technology brand officially
established on May 4, 2018 by Sky Li. The aspiration of realme is to provide

products with a comprehensive superior experience for the young and realme is
committed to be a trend setting technology brand. With in a year of establishment
realme has already entered the markets of India, Vietnam,

Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Myanmar, Pakistan, Nepal,

Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, ltaly, Spain, France, England, Russia,
and China. As the world’s fastest growing smartphone brand realme stands firmly
among the main stream smartphone brands.


 As Samsung falls behind Huawei, placing second for

global smartphone shipments in the second quarter of 2020, only two top-ten
manufacturers actually increased sales or market share in the same quarter.
One of these is a prolific budget phone maker you’ve likely never heard of.

 The first, placing at number three, is Apple. With the launch of the iPhone
SE, the company is beating Android flagship-makers at their own game. As
for the other brand on the up, meet Apple’s unlikeliest rival; Realme.


Research is defined as careful consideration of study regarding a particular

concern or problem using scientific methods.

According to the American sociologist Earl Robert Babbie, “research is a

systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict, and control the observed
phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive methods.”

Inductive research methods analyze an observed event, while deductive methods

verify the observed event. Inductive approaches are associated with qualitative
research, and deductive methods are more commonly associated with quantitative

Research is conducted with a purpose to:

 Identify potential and new customers

 Understand existing customers

 Set pragmatic goals

 Develop productive market strategies

 Address business challenges

 Put together a business expansion plan

 Identify new business opportunities


Good research follows a systematic approach to capture accurate data.

Researchers need to practice ethics and a code of conduct while making
observations or drawing conclusions.

 The analysis is based on logical reasoning and involves both inductive and
deductive methods.

 Real-time data and knowledge is derived from actual observations in natural


 There is an in-depth analysis of all data collected so that there are no

anomalies associated with it.

 It creates a path for generating new questions. Existing data helps create more
research opportunities.

 It is analytical and uses all the available data so that there is no ambiguity in

 Accuracy is one of the most critical aspects of research. The information must
be accurate and correct. For example, laboratories provide a controlled
environment to collect data. Accuracy is measured in the instruments used, the
calibrations of instruments or tools, and the experiment’s final result.

Research methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of any given piece of
research. More specifically, it’s about how a researcher systematically designs a
study to ensure valid and reliable results that address the research aims and

For example, how did the researcher go about deciding:

 What data to collect (and what data to ignore)

 Who to collect it from (in research, this is called “sampling design”)

 How to collect it (this is called “data collection methods”)

 How to analyse it (this is called “data analysis methods”)


 For getting the results of my research I used method which is

questionnaire method that is under primary data. A questionnaire (also
known as self-administered survey) is a type of statistical survey handed
out in paper form usually to specific demographic together information in
order to provide better service or goods. Each person was asked a set of
questioning given order and answer is limited to a list of alternative.


 The Study: This study was Descriptive in Nature.

 Sample Design: The population for the study was the Realme Smart phone

 Sampling Technique: Non-probability (Purposive Sampling) technique was


 Sample Area: Mathura Region.

 Sample Size: 25 Respondents.

 Tools used for Data Collection: Questionnaire was adopted.

 Tools used for Data Analysis : Percentage


 To know about the company and its product range.

 To know the satisfaction level of consumers’ towards Realme smart phones.

 To analyse the factors influencing the customers to choose Realme smart



1: - Location
Table 1- Location wise classification

Location No. of respondents Percentage

Mathura Region 25 100%

Total 25 100%

No.of respondents



Interpretation: - The above charts show that all the respondents belong to
Mathura Region.

2: - Gender
Table 2- Gender wise classification

Gender No. of respondents Percentage

Male 15 60%

Female 10 40%

Total 25 100%


40% Male


Interpretation: - The above charts show that the the majority of respondents is
male that is 60% and female that is 40%.

3: - Age
Table 3- Age wise classification

Age No. of respondents Percentage

Upto 25 14 56%

26 to 30 2 8%

31 to 35 3 12%

36 to 40 5 20%

Above 40 1 4%

Total 25 100%


upto 25
above 40

Interpretation: - The above charts show that the majority of respondents upto
age 25 is 56%; between the 26-30 age is 8%; between the 31-35 age is 12%;
between the 36-40 age is 20% and above 40 age is 4%.

4: - Occupation
Table 4- Occupation wise classification

Occupation No. of respondents Percentage

Business 4 16%

Service 5 20%

Other 16 64%

Total 25 100%





Interpretation: - The above charts show that the majority of respondents in Other
is 64%; Service is 20% and Business is 16%.

5: - How often do you use the function of on smartphone?

Table: 5-

S. Twice Once a Once a

Statements Daily Rarely Responded %
No a week week month

A SMS 5 5 7 6 2 25 100%

B Video call 9 10 4 0 2 25 100%

C 14 3 5 3 0 25 100%

D Videos / 9 2 4 6 4 25 100%

E Web Surfing 10 4 2 6 3 25 100%

F 8 4 6 4 3 25 100%

G Playing Games 7 8 2 5 3 25 100%

H 5 4 6 7 3 25 100%

Interpretation: -
A. SMS- The above table shows that the majority of respondents for Once a week
is 28%; Twice a week is 20%; Once a month is 24%, Daily is 20% and rarely
is 8%.
B. Video call- The above table shows that the majority of respondents for Twice
a week is 40%; Once a week is 16%; Once a month is 0%, Daily is 36% and
rarely is 8%.
C. Listening Music- The above table shows that the majority of respondents for
Daily is 56%; Twice a week is 12%; Once a month is 12%, Once a week is
20% and rarely is 0%.
D. Watching videos/movies- The above table shows that the majority of
respondents for Daily is 36%; Twice a week is 8%; Once a month is 24%,
Once a week is 16% and rarely is 16%.

E. Web Surfing- The above table shows that the majority of respondents for
Daily is 40%; Twice a week is 16%; Once a month is 24%, Once a week is 8%
and rarely is 12%.
F. Social Networking- The above table shows that the majority of respondents
for Daily is 32%; Twice a week is 16%; Once a month is 16%, Once a week is
24% and rarely is 12%.
G. Playing Games- The above table shows that the majority of respondents for
Twice a week is 32%; Daily is 28%; Once a month is 20%, Once a week is 8%
and rarely is 12%.
H. Reading Newspaper- The above table shows that the majority of respondents
for Once a month is 28%; Twice a week is 16%; Daily is 20%; Once a week is
24% and rarely is 12%.

6- How important are the following factors when you usage your smartphone?
Table: 6-

S. Strongly Strongly
Statements Disagree Neutral Agree Responded %
No disagree agree

1. More 5 5 5 6 4 25 100%
reliable and


2. 4 5 3 6 7 25 100%
stylish and

Has good
integration of
3. wide range of 6 3 7 8 1 25 100%
functions and
Makes me
accomplish my
4. 0 6 6 7 6 25 100%
more quickly

Is compatible
5. and fit with 5 4 1 6 9 25 100%
my needs
Is compatible
6. and fit with 2 5 3 7 8 25 100%
my lifestyle
Friends and
family are
very helpful to
7. me in making 5 5 5 5 5 25 100%
decision of
8. smartphone 7 8 6 3 1 25 100%

9. provide high 3 4 6 8 4 25 100%
quality games

emergence of
10. has changed 4 5 6 9 1 25 100%
the way we
with one


Get attracted
by the
11. and design of 9 8 7 1 0 25 100%
and then want
to own it?
Purchase of
depends on the
12. 3 5 6 9 2 25 100%
features the

Consider the
'value for
13. 6 4 1 5 9 25 100%
concept while
purchasing a

14. smartphone 0 6 6 5 8 25 100%

I like
15. smartphone 2 3 4 9 7 25 100%

I like
16. smartphone 4 3 6 7 5 25 100%

Interpretation: -

1. More convenient, reliable and useful than other smart phones: - The above
table shows that the majority of respondents for Neutral is 40%; Strongly
disagree is 12%; Disagree is 28%; Agree is 8% and Strongly agree is 12%.
2. More fashionable, stylish and trendy: - The above table shows that the
majority of respondents for Strongly agree is 28%; Neutral is 12%; Strongly
disagree is 16%; Disagree is 20% and Agree is 24%.

3. Has good integration of wide range of functions and services: The above
table shows that the majority of respondents for Agree is 32%; Neutral is 28%;
Strongly disagree is 24%; Disagree is 12% and Strongly agree is 4%.
4. Makes me accomplish my task more quickly: - The above table shows that
the majority of respondents for Agree is 28%; Neutral is 24%; Strongly
disagree is 0%; Disagree is 24% and Strongly agree is 24%.
5. Is compatible and fit with my needs: - The above table shows that the
majority of respondents for Strongly agree is 36%; Neutral is 4%; Strongly
disagree is 20%; Disagree is 16% and Agree is 24%.
6. Is compatible and fit with my lifestyle: - The above table shows that the
majority for Strongly agree is 32%; Neutral is 12%; Strongly disagree is 8%;
Disagree is 20% and Agree is 28%.
7. Friends and family are very helpful to me in making decision of buying
smartphone: - The above table shows that the majority of respondents for
Neutral is 20%; Strongly disagree is 20%; Disagree is 20%; Agree is 20% and
Strongly agree is 20%.
8. I like smartphone design: - The above table shows that the majority of
respondents for Disagree is 32%; Neutral is 24%; Strongly disagree is 28%;
Agree is 12% and Strongly agree is 4%.
9. Smartphone provide high quality games: - The above table shows that the
majority of respondents for Agree is 32%; Neutral is 24%; Strongly disagree is
12%; Disagree is 16% and Strongly agree is 16%.
10. The emergence of smartphones has changed the way we communicate
with one another: - The above table shows that the majority of respondents
for Agree is 36%; Neutral is 24%; Strongly disagree is 16%; Disagree is 20%
and Strongly agree is 4%.
11. Do you get attracted by the appearance and design of smartphone and
then want to own it: - The above table shows that the majority of respondents
for Strongly disagree is 36%; Disagree is 32%; Neutral is 28%; Agree is 4%
and Strongly agree is 0%.

12. Purchase of smartphone depends on the features the smartphone
provides: - The above table shows that the majority of respondents for Agree
is 36%; Neutral is 24%; Strongly disagree is 12%; Disagree is 20% and
Strongly agree is 8%.
13. I consider the 'value for money' concept while purchasing a smartphone: -
The above table shows that the majority of respondents for Strongly agree is
36%; Neutral is 4%; Strongly disagree is 24%; Disagree is 16% and Agree is
14. I like smartphone Colour: - The above table shows that the majority of
respondents for Strongly agree is 32%; Neutral is 24%; Strongly disagree is
0%; Disagree is 24% and Agree is 20%.
15. I like smartphone Quality: - The above table shows that the majority of
respondents for Agree is 36%; Neutral is 16%; Strongly disagree is 8%;
Disagree is 12% and Strongly agree is 28%.
16. I like smartphone Technology: - The above table shows that the majority of
respondents for Agree is 28%; Neutral is 24%; Strongly disagree is 16%;
Disagree is 12% and Strongly agree is 20%.


Based on research objectives the researcher applied appropriate analysis and tools
to know about consumers’ behavior of Realme smartphones in Mathura Region.
From the analysis, there searcher found the important findings of the study.

 Majority of the respondents were male that is 60%.

 Majority of the respondents are age group upto 25 is 56%.
 Majority of the respondents occupation lie at other is 64%.
 Majority of respondents using sms Once a week is 28%
 Majority of respondents for video calling on smartphone is Twice a week is
 Majority of respondents for listening music on smartphone Daily is 56%.
 majority of respondents for watching videos/movies on smartphone Daily is
 Majority of respondents for web surfing on smartphone Daily is 40%.
 Majority of respondents for social networking on smartphone Daily is 32%.
 Majority of respondents for playing games on smartphone Twice a week is
 Majority of respondents for reading newspaper on smartphone Once a month
is 28%.
 Majority of respondents for More convenient reliable and useful than other
smartphone Neutral is 40%.

Realme is rather a new funded phone company that it first appearance in 2010
as helper of BBK, on July 30, 2018. Realme is a company that provides various
products that ranges from headphones to their main product: smart phone. But
although Realme is a new funded phone company but the sales of their smart

phones had a great leap as much as 848% growth in shipments in its first year.
Furthermore as an emerging brand, realme is the fastest growing global
smartphone brand, founded within 18 months realme has made itself into Top 7
with over20 markets, including China, India, Southeast Asia, Europe, Russia
and etc. But because Realme is a new funded company so it can be still be
improved in many other ways, hence there are a few recommendation that
Realme should use to improve their company in term of sales and as a whole
company. The first recommendation is Realme should focus more on their
target market.

Realme is a company that produces Smartphone with super affordable price

and with high performance so that their customers will support their phones and
be their loyal customers. So if in current state Realme wish to compete with
renowned phone companies that produce similar products such as Apple,
Samsung and Huawei. It would be hard for Realme to compete with them
because the smart phones that are produced by this kind of company are higher
end and in a more expensive price. Furthermore, these companies already have
their loyal customers since they have been on the smartphone market for a long
time so it is very hard for Realme to compete in the high end smart phone
market. Hence, Realme should focused their resources on mid-tier or low-tier
smartphones that literally everyone could afford, they should continue their
focus to make flag ship smart phone like the Realme X2 pro that had make a big
hit in the smart phone market.

This phone includes all the high end internals and specs that are only available
in the high end smartphone market, but Realme has pushed out this phone to
compete with the other companies and it has received many positive comments
from various consumers and with all those good specs it sells at a very
affordable price. This act of Realme has attracted a lot of consumers in
smartphone market that want to find a flash ship smartphone. Realme should
put more focus on the Asia region especially India, because India has a large
market that still in a developing market.


Based on the fore said findings and the observations made by the researcher
during the survey, the following suggestions are made by the respondents of
Mathura district and by the researcher.

 Using of promotional strategies like price offer had attracts majority of
respondents. Therefore, the company should provide more like promotional
offers so that it can attract more customers.
 Company should take necessary steps to make improvements in our such as
cameras and accessories, as some respondents are not fully satisfied in this
 Company should maintain this price range and also try to reduce price further
more without making any compromise in quality through more innovative
 Company should do all activities that can make their product highly satisfied
in all areas by customers, so that it will increase their loyalty towards the
 Only few respondents are known about the product through advertisements in
newspaper, television, magazines. Most of them are influenced through online
advertisements and family and friends. So, the company should take necessary
steps to make more investments and improvements in this area of advisements,
so that it will make realme more popular among the pubic which leads
increase in sale of the product.

 Small number of respondents i.e. 25 only.
 The sample size of the study was only 25, so we cannot apply this study’s
suggestions on a large scale.

 Limited time period.
 Due to limited time period, as a result of which the sample size of the study
remains small.
 Lack of access to respondents.


 Kothari, C. R. (2004). Research methodology: Methods and techniques. New

Age International.

 Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2006). Marketing management 12e. New Jersey,


 Malhotra, N., Nunan, D., & Birks, D. (2017). Marketing research: An applied

approach. Pearson.

 Schiffman, L., O'Cass, A., Paladino, A., & Carlson, J. (2013). Consumer

behaviour. Pearson Higher Education AU.


Respected Ma’am / Sir

You are requested to kindly fill the questionnaire on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 indicates
Strongly Disagree and 5 indicates Strongly Agree. Your participation in this study will

be highly appreciated and the information you provide will be used for academic
purposes only.


1. Name of Respondent (Optional):- ........................................................................

2. Location: - .............................................................................................

3. Gender:- Male [ ] Female [ ] Other [ ]

4. Age: - Up to 25 [ ] 26 To 30 [ ] 31 To 35 [ ] 35 To 40 [ ] Above 40 [ ]

5. Occupation:- Business [ ] Service [ ] Other [ ]


1. How often do you use the following functions of your smartphone?

Twice a Once a Once a

No. Statements Daily Rarely
week week month

B Video call
C Listening Music
D Watching Videos/ Movies
E Web Surfing
F Social Networking
G Playing Games
H Reading News

2. How important are the following factors when you usage your smartphone?

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
No. Statements Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5

More convenient, reliable and
1 1 2 3 4 5
useful than other smart phones.
More fashionable, stylish and
2 1 2 3 4 5
Has good integration of wide
3 1 2 3 4 5
range of functions and services.
Makes me accomplish my task
4 1 2 3 4 5
more quickly.
Is compatible and fit with my
5 1 2 3 4 5
Is compatible and fit with my
6 1 2 3 4 5
Friends and family are very
7 helpful to me in making decision 1 2 3 4 5
of buying smartphone.
8 I like smartphone design. 1 2 3 4 5
Smartphone provide high quality
9 1 2 3 4 5
The emergence of smartphones
10 has changed the way we 1 2 3 4 5
communicate with one another.
Do you get attracted by the
appearance and design of
11 1 2 3 4 5
smartphone and then want to own
Purchase of smartphone depends
12 on the features the smartphone 1 2 3 4 5
I consider the 'value for money'
13 concept while purchasing a 1 2 3 4 5
14 I like smartphone Colour. 1 2 3 4 5

15 I like smartphone Quality. 1 2 3 4 5

16 I like smartphone Technology. 1 2 3 4 5

***** Thank You Very Much *****


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