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Read the passage below It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the
best alternative from the choices given.

Many people in various parts of the world experience stress. It can be defined as worrying excessively
about a 1._ situation. l would like us to share some thoughts 2._ how to manage stress as an ongoing 3._
First of all, the manner 4._ which We explain things that happen to us will determine the 5._ of our

Stress has no age limit. Children 6._ known to experience and express extreme stress. Sometimes stress
leads to disagreements with 7._ whom we love. We need to be aware that stress 8._ come in a bang.
Thinking about 9._ events is one way of building on our failures. A small failure here and there so
increases pressure 10._ it 11._ reach a level which is beyond 12_.

The second point is to 13._ note of anything which causes war in the self. Remember at one time, 14._
may have made a passing comment 15._ “You look so ugly.” If you store this in your mind and keep on
thinking about it, it becomes unhealthy.

1. A. hard B. difficult C. tough D. destructive

2. A. Off B. with C. on D. of

3. A. process B. event C. method D. problem

4. A. on B. into C. in D. by

5. A. measures B. courses C. causes D.results

6. A. have been B.had been C. were being D. were

7. A. many B. some C. they D. those

8. A. did not B. does not C. has not D. had not

9. A. current B. present C. past D. future

10. A. that B. then C. as D. because

11. A. can B. shall C. must D. will

12. A. measure B. increase C. control D. limit

13. A. record B. take C. write D. put

14. A. everybody B. nobody C. anybody D. somebody

15. A , B . C ! D ;

For questions  16 to 18,  choose the alternative that means the  same  as the underlined words. 16. Most
people appreciate help given to them.

A. like
B. enjoy

C. take

D. value

17. People who wanted to buy supplies gathered at the entrance of the shop long before it opened.

A. Competitors

B. Crowds

C. Partners

D. Customers

18. The members of the board made a series of decisions on how to proceed in future.

A. agreements

B. resolutions

C. suggestions

D. proposals

For questions  19  to  21, choose the correct alternative to fill the blank space.

19. The Workers could still be seen hard at Work-- the sun was burning hot.

A. although

B. but

C. and

D. as

20. He had plenty of money but he--help nobody.

A. will

B. could

C. would

D. can

21. The banker had-- in her purse.

A. a five-shillings coin

B. a five-shillings coins

C. a five-shilling coins

D. a five-shilling coin
In questions  22  and  23  remove one letter from the word in CAPITALS. then select the opposite of the
new word formed.

22. GOT

A. receive

B. leave

C. come

D. start


A. love

B. dislike

C. respect

D. rush

For questions  24  and  25, choose the alternative which best completes the statement given.

24. However Well l do the job

A. but nobody commends me.

B. nobody commends me.

C. that nobody commends me.

D. except nobody commends me.

25. Not only was I sick

A. but also tired.

B. and also tired.

C. then also tired.

D. in fact also tired.

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the
best alternative from the choices given.

Some people are able to .........1....................... worry quite easily. Others, ............2.......................... , are
like sponges. They soak it up and ..................3............. time, worrying becomes a habit that they find
difficult to break. Of course we all tend to worry about ...................4.................... . It could be money
safety appearance, performance, friends, family ...........5......................... a thousand other things. But it
is ..........6............. to realise that worry accomplishes nothing positive. It lets air out of all you do,
draining fun and excitement ...................7............... everything.
Worry makes us miserable, impatient and forgetful. lt can keep night or make
your stomach ache. It can make it hard to concentrate. Constant worry can lead to ............9..........
stress, panic attacks or other............10............ What most people do not realise is that it
is ...........11............ a waste of time and the . more you worry the achieve. So, let
go............13....... your Worries. After all, many of .....................14.............. things that you worry
about ...............15................ never happen.

1. A. defeat B. overcome C. fight D.prevent

2. A. however B. furthermore C. nevertheless D. Moreover

3. A. in B. on C. by D.over

4. A. nothing B. anything C. something D.everything

5. A. and B. or C. also D.even

6. A. wise B. useful C. good D.important

7. A. from B. in C. of D.for

8. A. out B. up C. down

9. A. severe B. serious C. excess D.extreme

10. A. problems B. disorders C. issues D.challenges

11. A. surely B. truly C. actually D.honestly

12. A. little B. less C. least D.Lesser

13. A. out B. of C. off D away.

14. A. the B. such C. these D.those

15. A. can B. will C. must D.may

For questions 16 and 17, choose the alternative

that best replaces the underlined word. 16. After the voting, the winner will be announced immediately.

A. decided .

B. declared

C. produced

D. revealed.

17. The English lesson was interrupted for a moment when a dog entered the classroom.

A. disrupted

B. disturbed
C. stopped

D. prevented

For questions 18 to 20, choose the alternative that best fills the blank space.

18. His sight was that he

could not read.

A. very bad .

B. such bad

C. so bad

D. too bad

19. “Did you get a new pen?”

“Yes, .............

’ A. I got

B. I did

C. I got it

D. I did get

20. Juma didn’t like the porridge and

A. John did neither

B. neither did John

C. nor John did

D. nor did John

For questions 21 to 23 choose the sentence that means the same as the underlined one. 21. If Ali had run
faster. he would have won the race.

A. Ali ran so fast that he won the race.

B. Ali ran too fast to Win the race.

C. Ali did not run fast enough to win the

race. C

D. Ali ran very fast but he did not win the

race. 22. “I went for a long walk yesterday.” said James.

A. James said that he went for a long walk the day before.
B. James said that he had gone for a long walk the day before.

C. James said that he had gone for a long walk yesterday.

D. James said that he had gone for a long Walk the other day. 23. There was hardly any water in the

A. There was no Water in the tank.

B. There was some water in the tank.

C. There was very little water in the tank.

D. There was a lot of water in the tank.

In questions 24 and 25, choose the sentence which is correctly punctuated.

24. A. “Let the children play,” said Sila. “It is part of learning.”

B. “Let the children play, said Sila, it is

part of learning.” C. “Let the children play.” said Sila, It is part of learning.

D. “Let the children play,” said Sila, it is part of learning.”

25. A. Kamau is a good student. Isn’t he?

B. Kamau is a good student, Isn’t he?

C. Kamau is a good student. isn’t he?

D. Kamau is a good student, isn’t he?

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered I to 15. For each blank space, choose the
best alternative from the choices given.

Today, most people have mobile phones. It is actually not _1__ to imagine how we ever lived without

They have made communication _2__ much easier and faster. Amazingly, a life in danger can be saved
by _3__ consulting a doctor on the phone. We can _4_ use our phones to send and receive money as
well as _5__ certain banking operations.

However, there are restrictions _ _6__ the use of this very important _7_ . Students, for example, are
_8__to use mobile phones in school. The __9__ for this are many. To begin with, phones could 10 those
who do not have them to steal in order to be like _11__ else. Secondly, they can be used to cheat in
examinations. _12__ this happens, the culprit faces very serious consequences. id it is true that mobile
phones can easily distract one from concentrating on their studies. Who wants to hear 14 loud annoying
ringtone when revising for a test? Again, how many can resist the _15__ to play phone games when one
ought to be studying?

1. A. possible B.right C.easy D.Difficult

2. A. too C.very D.quite

3. A. shortly B.easily C. briefly D.simmply

4. A. even B.still C.just D.likewise

5. A. carry on B.carry off C.carry out D.carry thought

6. A. on C.for D.0f

7. A. item C.thing D.gadget

8. A. banned B.forbidden C.refused D.denied

9. A. explanations B.arguments C.causes D.reasons

10. A. lead B.make C.tempt D.force

11. A. everybody B.anybody C.someone D.Anyone

12. A. As B.if C.while D.Because

13. A. Yet B.hence C.Morever D.Nevertheless

14. A. the B.such C.any D.someone

15. A. chance B.urge C.need D.wish

For questions 16 and I7, choose the alternative that best completes the sentence given.

16. My three-year-old brother loves to play with other children, ?

A. isn’t he
B. doesn’t he

C. does he

D. is he

17. Fatuma has never seen a chameleon,

A. has she

B. is it

C. hasn’t she

D. isn’t it

For questions 18 and 19, choose the alternative that best completes the sentence given.

18. Kamau was not only a prefect

A. yet also a good athlete.

B. and also a good athlete.

C. then also a good athlete.

D. but also a good athlete.

19. The children were so tired "

A. to be able to do their homework.

B. as they could not do their homework.

C. that they could not do their homework.

D. and were not able to do their homework.

For questions 20 to 22, choose the sentence that means the same as the underlined one.

20. My grandfather rarely visits us.

A. My grandfather hardly visits us.

B. My grandfather usually visits us.

C. My grandfather sometimes visits us.

D. My grandfather never visits us.

21. As soon as mother arrived, the baby stoppgd crying.

A. Mother arrived just as the baby stopped crying.

B. Mother arrived soon after the baby stopped crying.

C. The baby stopped crying just before mother arrived.

D. The baby stopped crying immediately after mother arrived.

22. I would buy those books if I had money.

A. I cannot buy those books unless there is money.

B. I cannot buy those books because I don’t have money.

C. I will buy those books when I get enough money.

D. I will buy those books as soon as I have money.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 23 to 25.

Four pupils, Asha, Peter. Joyce and David, were asked by their teacher to mention the games they liked.
Asha mentioned football, netball and swimming. Peter said he liked football and swimming. Joyce stated
that she liked netball and swimming while David mentioned basketball and netball.

23. Which two games were equally popular?

A. football and basketball

B. netball and swimming

C. football and swimming

D. netball and basketball

24. Which game was not liked by the girls?

A. football

B. netball

C. swimming

D. basketball

25. Which of the following statements is true?

A. All the pupils liked football.

B. The two boys liked different games.

C. Asha was the most active pupil.

D. Swimming was the most popular game.

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