Cognitive Clusters in Specific

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LDXXXX10.1177/0022219416678407Journal of Learning DisabilitiesMichele et al.

Journal of Learning Disabilities

Cognitive Clusters in Specific

2018, Vol. 51(1) 32­–42
© Hammill Institute on Disabilities 2016
Reprints and permissions:
Learning Disorder
DOI: 10.1177/0022219416678407

Michele Poletti, PsyD1, Elisa Carretta, MS2,3,

Laura Bonvicini, MS2,3, and Paolo Giorgi-Rossi, PhD2,3

The heterogeneity among children with learning disabilities still represents a barrier and a challenge in their conceptualization.
Although a dimensional approach has been gaining support, the categorical approach is still the most adopted, as in the
recent fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The introduction of the single overarching
diagnostic category of specific learning disorder (SLD) could underemphasize interindividual clinical differences regarding
intracategory cognitive functioning and learning proficiency, according to current models of multiple cognitive deficits at
the basis of neurodevelopmental disorders. The characterization of specific cognitive profiles associated with an already
manifest SLD could help identify possible early cognitive markers of SLD risk and distinct trajectories of atypical cognitive
development leading to SLD. In this perspective, we applied a cluster analysis to identify groups of children with a Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual–based diagnosis of SLD with similar cognitive profiles and to describe the association between
clusters and SLD subtypes. A sample of 205 children with a diagnosis of SLD were enrolled. Cluster analyses (agglomerative
hierarchical and nonhierarchical iterative clustering technique) were used successively on 10 core subtests of the Wechsler
Intelligence Scale for Children–Fourth Edition. The 4-cluster solution was adopted, and external validation found differences
in terms of SLD subtype frequencies and learning proficiency among clusters. Clinical implications of these findings are
discussed, tracing directions for further studies.

specific learning disorder, neurodevelopmental disorders, cluster analysis, multiple cognitive deficit model, cognitive

The heterogeneity among children with learning disabilities Poletti, 2016a). Indeed, current cognitive models of neu-
still represents a barrier and a challenge in their empirical rodevelopmental disorders (e.g., Pennington, 2006;
and clinical conceptualization (Branum-Martin, Fletcher, & Wilcutt et al., 2010) involve multiple and additive cogni-
Stuebing, 2013; Fletcher, Lyon, Fuchs, & Barnes, 2007). tive deficits. For example, impairment in reading (i.e.,
Although a dimensional approach has been gaining empiri- dyslexia) is associated with deficits in skills both linguis-
cal support (Snowling & Hulme, 2012), the categorical tic (e.g., phonological awareness: Melby-Lervag, Lyster,
approach based on psychometric tests and cut points & Hulme, 2012; Morris et al., 1998) and visuospatial (e.g.,
remains the most adopted in this field. visuospatial attention: Franceschini, Gori, Ruffino,
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Pedrolli, & Facoetti, 2012) and shares executive deficits
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V; American with impairment in math (Wilcutt et al., 2013).
Psychiatric Association, 2013) still opted for a categorical
approach, introducing the single overarching diagnostic
category of specific learning disorder (SLD); this decision
was made considering that specific learning disabilities Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry Service, AUSL of Reggio Emilia,
share many features regarding genetic risk, environmental Italy
Inter-Institutional Epidemiological Unit, AUSL of Reggio Emilia, Italy
risk factors, developmental features, comorbidity, and 3
Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova, IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy
cognitive weaknesses (Tannock, 2013). However, the
choice of a single overarching category may underempha- Corresponding Author:
Michele Poletti, Department of Mental Health and Pathological
size interindividual differences regarding profiles of cog- Addiction, Child Neuropsychiatry Service, AUSL of Reggio Emilia,
nitive functions and learning proficiency (Cornoldi, Via Amendola 2, 42100, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Giofrè, Orsini, & Pezzuti, 2014; Giofrè & Cornoldi, 2015; Email:
Poletti et al. 33

The identification of specific cognitive weaknesses asso- period (August 2012–August 2014). Empirical data for
ciated with SLD is an important empirical and clinical pur- this study were collected during routine clinical assess-
pose, for two reasons: First, it could guide prevention ment for diagnostic purposes. All recruited participants
studies aimed at identifying possible early cognitive mark- underwent a neuropsychiatric screening and a neuropsy-
ers of SLD risk; second, it could guide longitudinal studies chological assessment focused on intellectual functioning
focusing on distinct atypical trajectories of cognitive devel- and learning proficiency, according to usual diagnostic
opment headed for SLD. procedures.
For example, the longitudinal association between a spe-
cific language impairment and a subsequent increased risk
of SLD is a robust empirical finding (Bishop & Snowling,
2004; Pennington & Bishop, 2009; Ramus, Marshall, The Italian version of the WISC-IV (Orsini, Pezzuti, &
Rosen, & van der Lely, 2013), with important clinical con- Picone, 2012a) was recently standardized with a group of
sequences regarding prediction, intervention, and preven- 2,200 participants (1,100 males, 1,100 females). Its four-
tion (Thompson et al., 2015). factor structure was confirmed (Orsini et al., 2012b), in
In this perspective, the statistical technique of cluster agreement with the American standardization (Wechsler,
analysis (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001) can still be useful in 2003). Along with the Full Scale Intelligence Quotient, the
identifying homogeneous subgroups based on shared cogni- WISC-IV provides four indexes:
tive profiles (Allen & Goldtsein, 2013; C. R. Hale, Casey, &
Ricciardi, 2014), as long as researchers are aware of its lim- Verbal Comprehension Index—based on Similarities,
its in regard to a relationship with external variables Vocabulary, and Comprehension subtests;
(Branum-Martin et al., 2013) and a possible risk of splitting Perceptual Reasoning Index—based on Block Design,
up continuous dimensions (Morris et al., 1998; Speece, Picture Concepts, and Matrix Reasoning subtests;
1990, 2003). Working Memory Index—based on Digit Span and
Distinct cognitive profiles characterized by specific Letter-Number Sequencing subtests; and
weaknesses (in broad-based cognitive processing, execu- Processing Speed Index—based on Coding and Symbol
tive functioning, verbal functioning, or nonverbal-visuo- Search subtests.
spatial processing) were reported in previous cluster-analytic
studies on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Subtests of the Verbal Comprehension Index and Perceptual
(WISC) among clinical and healthy samples (Bodin, Reasoning Index compose an index related to reasoning
Pardini, Burns, & Stevens, 2009; Borsuk, Watkins, & abilities (General Ability Index; Raiford, Weiss, Rolfhus, &
Canivez, 2006; Donders, 1996; C. R. Hale et al., 2014; Coalson, 2005), and subtests of the Working Memory Index
Holcomb, Hardesty, Adams, & Ponder, 1987; Konold, and Processing Speed Index compose an index related to
Glutting, McDermott, Kush, & Watkins, 1999; Snow, executive functioning (Cognitive Proficiency Index; Weiss
Cohen, & Holliman, 1985; Vance, Wallbrown, & Blaha, & Gabel, 2008).
1978; Waxman & Casey, 2006). Specific tasks developed in the Italian clinical context
In this study, we applied a cluster analysis to the fourth were administered for the assessment of learning profi-
edition of the WISC (WISC-IV) intellectual profiles of SLD ciency regarding reading fluency and decoding, written
children, with two aims: first, to identify and describe sub- expression, and mathematics (see appendix).
groups of SLD children with similar cognitive profiles; sec-
ond, to describe the association between clusters and SLD
According to the DSM-V and the Italian diagnostic guide-
lines (Consensus Conference, 2007; PARCC DSA 2007,
Method 2011) participants were diagnosed with SLD if at least one
interpretable WISC-IV index among Verbal Comprehension
Participants Index or Perceptual Reasoning Index was ≥85 and perfor-
Participants were selected from among children who were mances on reading, writing, and/or arithmetic skills were
referred for neuropsychological assessment due to persis- under the clinical cutoff scores indicated by cited guidelines
tent academic difficulties and who had received a diagno- (≤2 SD below mean performances of age-matched partici-
sis of SLD at the end of the clinical evaluation. All 205 pants or ≤5th–10th percentile). With the aim of selecting a
children referred to the Child-Adolescent Neuropsychiatric homogeneous group of children with SLD without signifi-
Unit with a diagnosis of SLD (132 boys and 73 girls; cant comorbidities and potentially confounding factors (fre-
mean age = 10.6 ± 2.8 years; mean grade = 5.5 ± 2.7) quently co-occurring with SLD), exclusion criteria were the
were consecutively recruited for this study in a 2-year presence of significant medical and psychological problems
34 Journal of Learning Disabilities 51(1)

and comorbid disorders (e.g., attention-deficit/hyperactiv- 1985); in this study, external validity was assessed by com-
ity disorder, developmental coordination disorder, present paring the derived WISC-IV subgroups on the basis of
specific language impairment) and disruptive behaviors. mean standard score performances in reading and math
The following subtypes of impairment were diagnosed tasks (performances in tasks of written expression were not
among the 205 children with SLD: 106 with an isolated considered for external validation, because they did not pro-
impairment (56 in reading, 28 in mathematics, 22 in written vide comparable parameters across school grades). Valida-
disorder) and 99 with a combined impairment (81 in read- tion of clusters with academic scores may permit searching
ing and mathematics and 18 in written expression and for possible distinct profiles of academic proficiency, given
mathematics). that they could be clinically underemphasized by the DSM-
V single overarching SLD category.
An analysis of variance, followed by a Bonferroni post
Statistical Analyses
hoc test, was used to compare mean scaled scores provided
Cluster analysis.  Children were grouped on the basis of the by math tasks. An analysis of covariance was used to com-
scaled scores obtained on the 10 WISC-IV core subtests, pare mean raw scores on six reading parameters (reading
by means of a cluster analysis. Cluster analysis is a mul- speed regarding words, nonwords, and text; reading accu-
tivariate classification technique that allows for the iden- racy for words and nonwords; text comprehension), adjust-
tification of homogeneous subgroups based on shared ing for age because the Bonferroni post hoc test was
characteristics (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). Before clus- calculated to evaluate differences between each pair of clus-
ter analyses were run, data were checked for multicol- ters in reading tasks.
linearity and multivariate outliers through Pearson Continuous variables were summarized as mean ± SD
correlations and Mahalanobis distances (Field, 2009; and categorical variables as percentage frequencies. The
Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001). percentage of diagnoses was compared among the clusters
In the first step, Ward’s linkage was used to combine with a chi-square test. All analyses were carried out with
children into clusters through euclidean distance as a mea- SPSS 20.
sure of similarity. With this procedure, each participant
begins as his or her own cluster. The two closest clusters are
then combined, and this process repeats until all children
are combined into one large cluster. The best cluster solu- Parents signed informed written consent forms regarding
tion was selected per visual inspection of the agglomeration diagnostic procedure and potential subsequent use of anon-
coefficients and dendrogram figure. Moreover, the variance ymous clinical data for empirical purposes. Because all
ratio criterion was calculated for each selected cluster solu- empirical data were collected during routine clinical assess-
tion. In the second step, k-means clustering was used to ment, this study did not required an ad hoc ethical commit-
maximize cluster homogeneity. In k-means analysis, the tee approval by the Institutional Review Board.
number of clusters to be extracted is specified in advance.
In this study, cluster means from the hierarchical procedure
were used as starting point for the k-means analysis. Cluster
solutions characterized by clinically interpretable profiles Means and standard deviations for WISC-IV subtests are
were forwarded for reliability analyses. reported in Table 1. Correlations between scaled scores on
The stability of the final cluster solutions were assessed, subtests ranged from –.13 to .63. None of the correlation
comparing results from Ward’s and k-means methods by coefficients exceeded .8, suggesting the absence of multi-
Cohen’s kappa (k) and intraclass correlation coefficient collinearity. Multivariate outliers were not identified on the
(ICC). Likewise, membership agreement was verified study sample with the critical value of Mahalanobis dis-
between the original two-step cluster procedure (Ward’s tance, χ2(10) > 29.59, p < .001.
followed by k-means) and additional cluster analysis per-
formed with a different clustering algorithm (complete link-
Cluster Analysis
age, average linkage between groups, average linkage
within groups). Overall, a k < .2 reflected poor agreement; Initial hierarchical cluster analysis based on Ward’s method
.21–.4, fair; .41–.6, moderate; .61–.8, good; and k > .81, provided support for two-, three-, four-, and five-cluster
very good. solutions. In particular, the percentage of change in the
agglomeration coefficient was high up to the five-cluster
External validation. External validity of a cluster solution solution (>5%). As well, the dendrogram showed that there
addresses the degree to which empirically derived sub- would be from two to five potential occurring clusters in the
groups can be distinguished on the basis of theoretically sample. Variance ratio criterion registered the lower score
important variables not used in the cluster analysis (Fletcher, for four- and five-cluster solutions.
Poletti et al. 35

Table 1.  Demographics Characteristics and WISC-IV k = .64, ICC = .84, vs. k = .29, ICC = .60). Based on these
Performances for Full Sample. findings, the four-cluster solution was considered appropri-
Measure M ± SD Range ate for the study sample and was chosen as the final cluster
Descriptive characteristics  
  Age, years 10.63 ± 2.80 6–17
 Grade 5.49 ± 2.71 1–12 Description of Clusters
WISC-IV subtests   The mean WISC-IV scaled scores are reported in Table 2
 Similarity 8.73 ± 2.32 5–14 and plotted in Figure 1. Clusters were clinically character-
 Vocabulary 9.30 ± 2.61 3–16
ized according to Sattler and Dumont (2004)—that is,
 Comprehension 10.34 ± 3.07 3–18
scaled subtest scores between 8 and 12 were considered
  Block Design 9.64 ± 2.61 3–17
average; scores between 1 and 7, below average; and scores
  Picture Concept 10.45 ± 2.85 2–18
between 13 and 19, above average.
  Matrix Reasoning 10.24 ± 2.49 4–17
  Digit Span 8.05 ± 2.44 2–15
Cluster 1 (n = 65) was labeled low verbal (LV) to reflect
  Letter Number Sequencing 7.73 ± 2.62 1–14 below-average scores on verbal subtests (Similarities,
 Coding 7.63 ± 2.66 1–16 Vocabulary, Letter-Number Sequencing). Cluster 2 (n = 61)
  Symbol Search 9.92 ± 2.51 4–17 was labeled low coding (LC) to reflect a below-average
WISC-IV indexes   scores only on Coding. Cluster 3 (n = 38) was labeled low
  Verbal Comprehension Index 96.81 ± 13.26 64–130 executive functioning (LEF) to reflect below-average
  Perceptual Reasoning Index 100.57 ± 12.65 69–132 scores on executive tasks (Digit Span, Letter-Number
  Working Memory Index 87.31 ± 13.05 64–124 Sequencing, Coding). Cluster 4 (n = 41) was labeled low
  Processing Speed Index 92.65 ± 13.07 59–129 reasoning and executive functioning (LREF) to reflect
  Full Scale Intelligence Quotient 93.45 ± 11.34 67–121 below-average scores on reasoning (Similarities,
  General Ability Index 98.44 ± 12.05 74–133 Comprehension, Picture Concepts) and executive function-
  Cognitive Proficiency Index 87.43 ± 12.59 55–117 ing (Digit Span, Letter-Number Sequencing, Coding,
Symbol Search). There were no statistically significant dif-
Note. Children with specific learning disorder, N = 205 (male: n = 132,
64.39%; female: n = 73, 35.21%). WISC-IV = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ferences in mean age among clusters (Kruskal-Wallis test =
Children, fourth edition. 3.42, p = .33).

The cluster solutions were used as initial cluster cen- External Validation of Clusters
troids in the k-means partitioning method. Reestimating the
Mean global math scores for Number Sense and Calculation
clusters through the k-means analysis led to the reallocation
were statistically different among clusters (F = 5.75, p =
of between 11% and 19% of children across cluster solu-
.0010, and F = 4.92, p = .0028, respectively). Post hoc com-
tions. Following the inspection of the mean cluster profiles,
parisons showed that Cluster 1 (LV) and Cluster 2 (LC)
it was determined that four- and five-cluster solutions had
achieved significantly higher scores as compared with
the most interpretable and clinically informative profiles.
Cluster 4 (LREF; p < .05; see Table 3).
The two-cluster solution was excluded because it did not
Significant mean score differences among clusters were
clearly reveal differences in the subtests but only an overall
found in reading speed of text (F = 3.14, p = .03) and non-
assessment of high or low performance. Moreover, in the
words (F = 3.40, p = .02) and in reading comprehension (F
three-cluster solution, the third cluster looked like a residual
= 6.43, p = .0004). Cluster 1 (LV) showed a significantly
compound of the first two clusters, which identifies cases
higher score in reading speed of text in comparison with
with deficits most widespread.
Cluster 4 (LREF) and in reading speed of nonwords in com-
parison with Cluster 2 (LC) in post hoc analysis (p < .05).
Reliability Analysis Post hoc analysis also showed that the text comprehension
score was significantly higher in Cluster 2 (LC) in compari-
Good agreement (k > .7) and high profile similarity (ICC >
son with Clusters 1 (LV) and 4 (LREF; p < .05).
.8) were obtained comparing initial Ward’s analysis with
k-means analysis for both four- and five-cluster solutions.
However, the four-cluster solutions showed better stability Cluster Membership and Diagnoses in
as compared with the five-cluster solution when a different Reading, Written Expression, and Mathematics
clustering algorithm was used in the hierarchical cluster
analysis (complete linkage: k = .52, ICC = .70, vs. k = .32,
ICC = .34; average linkage between groups: k = .45, ICC = Impairment in reading was significantly lower in children
.61, vs. k = .32, ICC = –.46; average linkage within groups: assigned to Cluster 1 (LV) than in those assigned to the
36 Journal of Learning Disabilities 51(1)

Table 2.  Mean WISC-IV Performance According to Cluster Membership.

Cluster, M ± SD

1: Low 2: Low 3: Low executive 4: Low reasoning and

Measure verbala codingb functioningc executive functioningd
Intelligence Quotient 92.37 ± 6.48 106.43 ± 6.10 90.16 ± 4.16 78.90 ± 5.52
General Ability Index 92.77 ± 7.28 112.11 ± 7.77 99.53 ± 6.10 86.10 ± 5.99
Cognitive Proficiency Index 93.88 ± 9.74 94.98 ± 8.92 79.11 ± 7.38 73.68 ± 8.54
Similarity 7.55 ± 1.78 10.87 ± 1.72 9.11 ± 1.66 7.07 ± 1.82
Vocabulary 7.91 ± 1.85 11.85 ± 1.82 9.03 ± 2.06 7.98 ± 2.33
Comprehension 8.46 ± 2.04 13.05 ± 2.34 11.82 ± 2.24 7.93 ± 1.92
Verbal Comprehension Index 88.03 ± 7.94 111.54 ± 7.44 99.89 ± 7.53 85.95 ± 8.63
Block Design 9.40 ± 2.30 11.30 ± 2.28 8.18 ± 2.35 8.93 ± 2.58
Picture Concept 10.77 ± 2.55 11.70 ± 2.47 11.39 ± 1.78 7.20 ± 2.14
Matrix Reasoning 9.77 ± 2.10 11.66 ± 2.61 9.92 ± 2.40 9.17 ± 2.07
Perceptual Reasoning Index 99.78 ± 10.69 110.02 ± 11.07 98.63 ± 9.35 89.54 ± 10.17
Digit Span 8.00 ± 2.53 9.41 ± 2.25 7.71 ± 1.74 6.44 ± 2.05
Letter Number Sequencing 7.71 ± 2.63 9.38 ± 2.37 7.34 ± 2.23 5.66 ± 1.49
Working Memory Index 87.08 ± 13.05 96.36 ± 11.62 85.16 ± 9.17 76.22 ± 7.75
Coding 9.66 ± 1.81 7.87 ± 2.30 5.53 ± 2.21 6.00 ± 2.17
Symbol Search 11.42 ± 2.05 10.75 ± 2.08 8.26 ± 1.77 7.85 ± 2.09
Processing Speed Index 103.08 ± 7.92 95.89 ± 10.04 81.34 ± 9.20 81.80 ± 10.35

Note. WISC-IV = Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, fourth edition.

n = 65. bn = 61. cn = 38. dn = 41.

Figure 1.  Mean profiles for the fourth edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children: Cluster 1, low verbal; Cluster 2, low
coding; Cluster 3, low executive functioning; Cluster 4, low reasoning and executive functioning. Note. VCI = Verbal Comprehension
Index; PRI = Perceptual Reasoning Index; WMI = Working Memory Index; PSI = Processing Speed Index.

other clusters (χ2 = 11.31, p = .0102), and the percentage of impairment in written expression made up <10% of Cluster
impairment in mathematics was significantly higher in 3 (LEF) and Cluster 4 (LREF) but were significantly higher
Cluster 4 (LREF; χ2 = 30.82, p < .0001). Children with an in Cluster 1 (LV) and Cluster 2 (LC; χ2 = 11.12, p = .0111).
Poletti et al. 37

Table 3.  External Validation: Mean Performances on Learning Proficiency Tasks by Specific Learning Disorder Children According to
Cluster Attribution.
Cluster, M ± SD

1: Low 2: Low 3: Low executive 4: Low reasoning and Post hoc significant
Learning proficiency task verbala codingb functioningc executive functioningd comparison

  Number Quotient 42.72 ± 1.55 42.44 ± 1.68 39 ± 2.06 33.40 ± 1.92 2 > 4, 1 > 4
  Calculation Quotient 40.17 ± 1.65 41.18 ± 1.79 37.54 ± 2.19 31.87 ± 2.04 2 > 4, 1 > 4
Reading speed, syllable/second  
 Text 2.80 ± 0.10 2.51 ± 0.11 2.51 ± 0.14 2.29 ± 0.14 1>4
 Words 2.45 ± 0.12 2.13 ± 0.12 2.22 ± 0.15 1.98 ± 0.15 —
   Errors in reading words 6.95 ± 1.15 8.95 ± 1.18 7.32 ± 1.46 7.13 ± 1.43 —
 Nonwords 1.63 ± 0.07 1.32 ± 0.07 1.38 ± 0.09 1.39 ± 0.09 1>2
   Errors in reading nonwords 6.97 ± 0.91 9.34 ± 1.17 9.67 ± 1.18 8.45 ± 1.15 —
Reading comprehension: correct answers, % 50.95 ± 2.43 61.64 ± 2.57 54.23 ± 3.29 44.07 ± 3.32 2 > 1, 2 > 4

Note: BDE = Batteria per la Discalculia Evolutiva (Developmental Dyscalculia Battery).

n = 65. bn = 61. cn = 38. dn = 41.

Discussion increased risk of SLD (Bishop & Snowling, 2004;

Pennington & Bishop, 2009; Ramus et al., 2013) and with
This study aimed to (a) identify groups of children with cognitive profiles of individual verbal weakness in com-
SLD who had similar cognitive profiles and (b) investigate parison with relative individual nonverbal strength (Botting,
the association between clusters and SLD subtypes. The
2005; Gallinat & Spaulding, 2014).
four-cluster solution of the cluster analysis based on
The current study replicated previous findings regard-
WISC-IV core subtests was chosen as best agreement
ing specific weaknesses in executive functioning (verbal
between statistical analyses and clinical judgement.
working memory and processing speed: the LEF cluster).
Different from all previous cluster analyses, we found a
Cognitive Clusters cluster with specific weakness only in the Coding subtest
The four-cluster solution partially replicated findings of (the LC cluster), which has been associated with impair-
previous cluster analyses on WISC scales (reviewed in C. ment in reading since previous WISC versions (Kaufman,
R. Hale et al., 2014) regarding clusters characterized by 1981, 1994; Poletti, 2016a; Whitehouse, 1983). The spe-
specific weaknesses in broad-based cognitive processing cific impairment in Coding, in the face of preserved per-
(LREF cluster in this study), verbal abilities (LV cluster this formance in Symbol Search, could be due to its more
study), and executive functioning (LEF cluster this study). demanding components of visual search, memory, and
Children in the LV cluster presented weaknesses in ver- copying.
bal comprehension (Similarities and Vocabulary subtests) As reported before, the present study did not permit us
and verbal working memory (Letter-Number Sequencing); to establish which altered trajectories of cognitive devel-
this pattern was reported in other cluster analyses based on opment could have produced cognitive profiles of execu-
previous WISC versions but not in the unique other cluster tive weaknesses. Furthermore, it is more difficult to
analysis performed on the WISC-IV (C. R. Hale et al., formulate speculative causal hypotheses on these clusters
2014). This study reported a cluster with specific weakness in comparison with the cluster of verbal weakness. Indeed,
in verbal comprehension (Similarities, Vocabulary, and early weaknesses in information processing/executive
Comprehension subtests) but not in working memory tasks. functioning—as assessed, for example, by rapid automa-
The cross-sectional nature of the present study did not allow tized naming tasks (Norton & Wolf, 2012) and spatial
us to establish which altered trajectory of cognitive devel- attention tasks (Franceschini et al., 2012)—have been
opment could have produced the cognitive profile of verbal shown to be predictive of subsequent risk of SLD
weakness. This investigation would be possible only (Thompson et al., 2015), but their longitudinal impact on
through longitudinal studies. cognitive profiles has been less investigated and did not
However, we speculatively hypothesize that the cogni- provide robustly replicated findings (e.g., Moll, Gobel,
tive profile of children in the LV cluster could mainly be the Gooch, Landerl, & Snowling, 2016).
longitudinal result of early linguistic difficulties; this In agreement with the unique previous cluster analysis
hypothesis is suggested by empirical evidence that specific on the WISC-IV (C. R. Hale et al., 2014), the current
language impairment is longitudinally associated with an study did not find any cluster with a specific nonverbal/
38 Journal of Learning Disabilities 51(1)

visuospatial weakness. This finding may be explained such other clusters. Therefore, it is interesting to note the higher
that the index tapping visuospatial abilities underwent the reading speed of the cluster characterized by verbal weak-
greatest change in the WISC-IV in comparison with previ- ness in comparison with clusters characterized by weak-
ous WISC versions, with reduction in speed and motor nesses in the Coding subtest (the LC cluster) or in reasoning
demands—“The construct measured by this index has and processing speed (the LREF cluster). The higher speed
changed from primarily perceptual organization with some in reading lists of nonwords, a task that principally activates
fluid reasoning to primarily fluid reasoning with some phonological skills (Griffiths & Snowling, 2002; Hermann,
perceptual organization in WISC-IV” (Weiss, Saklofske, Matyas, & Pratt, 2006), was unexpected and needs further
Prifitera, & Holdnack, 2006)—reducing its sensitivity to empirical confirmation. This pattern of results suggested
detect nonverbal/visuospatial difficulties shown by some that executive functioning, especially visuospatial attention
children with learning disabilities (Mammarella & Cornoldi, (e.g., Bosse, Tainturier, & Valdois, 2007; Franceschini,
2014; Poletti, 2016b) and other neurodevelopmental disor- et al., 2012; Menghini et al., 2010), also is involved in read-
ders, such as high functioning autism (Mayes & Calhoun, ing, in addition to phonological skills (Melby-Lervag et al.,
2008) and ADHD (Mayes & Calhoun, 2006). 2012; Morris et al., 1998). This conclusion is in agreement
Overall, some overlaps (clusters characterized by spe- with the double-deficit model (Norton et al., 2014; Wolf &
cific weaknesses in broad-based cognitive processing, in Bowers, 1999) and models of multiple cognitive deficits as
verbal abilities, or in executive functioning; absence of a the basis of neurodevelopmental disorders (Pennington,
WISC-IV cluster characterized by visuospatial weakness) 2006; Wilcutt et al., 2013).
and some differences (presence of a specific weakness in Moreover, reading comprehension differed among clus-
Coding) emerged in comparison with previous cluster ters: The LV cluster and the LREF cluster presented more
analyses. This general finding is probably due both to the difficulties in comparison with the LC cluster. The LV clus-
different structures of previous WISC versions and to ter had more difficulties in reading comprehension in com-
heterogeneous samples. For example, the WISC-IV study parison with the LC cluster in spite of better reading speed
by C. R. Hale et al. (2014) used less restrictive diagnostic (statistically significant in nonword reading, higher without
criteria on academic difficulties in comparison with the statistical significance in text reading and word reading).
SLD diagnostic criteria used in the current study. This finding confirmed the role of verbal abilities in reading
comprehension (Hulme & Snowling, 2014; Ricketts, 2011),
including oral language comprehension regarding vocabu-
External Validation and SLD Subtypes Among lary and verbal reasoning (Catts, Adlof, & Ellis Weismer,
Clusters 2006; Clarke, Snowling, Truelove, & Hulme, 2010; Nation,
Clarke, Marshall, & Durand, 2004; Nation, Cocksey, Taylor,
Math performance differed among clusters: Children in the & Bishop, 2010; Richter, Isberner, Naumann, & Neeb,
LREF cluster presented more difficulties in Number Sense 2013; Tighe & Schatschneider, 2014), and working memory
tasks and Calculation tasks in comparison with children in (Cain, Oakhill, & Bryant, 2004; Goff, Pratt, & Ong, 2005).
the LV and LC clusters; indeed, the percentage of impair-
ment in mathematics was significantly higher in the LREF
Study Limits
cluster in comparison with other clusters. These findings
are in agreement with those from previous studies in which The current study presents some limitations that have to be
researchers reported that impairment in mathematics was kept in mind when interpreting its results. First, we used a
associated with a more general cognitive deficit in compari- small sample of children for a cluster analysis. Second, this
son with other subtypes of impairment (as impairment in study lacked an external assessment of diagnosis. A third
reading and impairment in written expression); this cogni- limit is inherent in the cluster analytic methodology itself:
tive impairment involves crystallized intelligence, fluid Although aimed at ensuring reliability and validity of clus-
intelligence, visual processing working memory, and pro- ter solutions, it is a relatively subjective research tool (C. R.
cessing speed (Chen, Keith, Chen, & Chang, 2009; J. B. Hale et al., 2014; Lange, Iverson, Senior, & Chelune, 2002)
Hale et al., 2008; Poletti, 2016a; Proctor, 2012; Taub, Floyd, in which a somewhat high degree of subjective decision
Keith, & McGrew, 2008). making is required by the researchers. Moreover, forcing
Clusters also differed in reading speed: The LV cluster participants into clusters on the basis of relative similarity
outperformed the LREF cluster in reading a text (speed in to other participants means that clusters may include some
syllables/second: 2.80 ± 0.10 vs. 2.29 ± 0.14) and the LC individuals who bear only a minimal similarity to the mean
cluster in reading lists of nonwords (speed in syllables/sec- profile derived for that cluster (Hair & Black, 2000; C. R.
ond: 1.63 ± 0.07 vs. 1.32 ± 0.07). Indeed, percentage of Hale et al., 2014).
impairment in reading was significantly lower in children In addition, some specificities of the current study have
assigned to Cluster 1 (LV) than in those assigned to the to be underlined. First, restrictive cutoff points were used to
Poletti et al. 39

identify impaired performances suggestive of SLD, accord- subsequent associated cognitive profiles and SLD risk;
ing to cited diagnostic guidelines and DSM-V criteria; oth- these strongly deserve empirical investigation, especially
erwise, the use of less restrictive criteria for SLD as 1 or 1.5 considering that rehabilitative interventions for executive
SD below mean performance (e.g., in the SLD prevalence impairments are increasingly available (e.g., Mackey, Hill,
study of Moll, Kunze, Neuthoff, Bruder, & Schulte-Korne, Stone, & Bunge, 2011).
2014) could have provided different results for cluster solu-
tions. Second, the current study was performed in a linguis-
tic context (Italian) characterized by a transparent
orthography, and this feature has to be considered when Methods
evaluating the applicability of cluster solutions to distinct
linguistic contexts. Overall, specific diagnostic and linguis- Learning proficiency tasks.  Word and nonword reading, writ-
tic features associated with the cultural context of the cur- ing, and sentence writing were assessed with the Batteria
rent study have to be kept in mind when interpreting the per la valutazione della Dislessia e della Disortografia
results and their applicability to other contexts. Evolutiva–2 (Sartori, Job, & Tressoldi, 2007); text reading,
Finally, a new version of the Wechsler scale (i.e., the text comprehension, and writing (dictation) were assessed
WISC-V) is now available in a few countries, and how the clus- with the MT Series (for primary schools: Cornoldi & Colpo,
ter solutions chosen in the current study based on the 2011; for secondary schools of first grade: Cornoldi &
WISC-IV may apply to it deserves empirical investigation. Colpo, 2012; for secondary schools of second grade:
Cornoldi et al., 2010). Mathematical abilities involving
number sense (forward and backward counting, number
Conclusions reading, writing and repetition, number semantics) and
To our knowledge, this is the first study to apply a cluster calculation (multiplication tables, arithmetic facts, oral and
analysis to the DSM-V-based diagnosis of SLD: Within the written calculation) were assessed with the Batteria per la
single overarching diagnosis of SLD, distinct clinical pro- Discalculia Evolutiva (Bachmann, Mengheri, & Biancardi,
files of cognitive strengths and weaknesses are associated 2014; Biancardi & Nicoletti, 2004), which provides a
with different profiles in academic proficiency regarding Number Quotient, a Calculation Quotient, and a general
subtypes of impairment and severity. Impairments in learn- Number and Calculation Quotient.
ing proficiency profiles resulted relatively more promi-
nently in math and text reading speed and comprehension Diagnostic criteria for SLD subtypes.  Impairment in reading
for the LREF cluster, in text comprehension for the LV clus- was diagnosed if at least two parameters were under cutoff
ter, and in nonword reading speed for the LC cluster; any scores (≤2 SD below mean for decoding speed, ≤5th per-
prominent learning proficiency impairment resulted as centile for accuracy) in the three administered tasks: word
regards the LEF cluster in comparison with other clusters. reading, nonword reading, and text reading. Reading com-
Findings of the current study have clinical implications. prehension was not considered in diagnosing impairment in
First, clinicians should be aware that within the DSM-V reading.
single category of SLD, distinct cognitive profiles associ- Impairment in written expression was diagnosed if at
ated with distinct learning proficiency profiles may be least two parameters were under cutoff scores for accuracy
detected, and their careful investigation is still needed to (≤5 percentile) in the administered tasks (word and non-
plan intervention programs and to specify special educa- word writing and text writing for children attending primary
tional needs and strategies of compensation. school; sentence writing and text writing for older chil-
Second, further studies are needed to investigate if the dren); isolated difficulties in handwriting were not included
same impairment in learning proficiency has different in the diagnosis of impairment in written expression.
responses to treatment on the basis of associated cognitive Impairment in mathematics was diagnosed if at least
profiles of strengths and weaknesses. one quotient provided by the Batteria per la Discalculia
Third, further studies are needed to better characterize Evolutiva was under cutoff score (≤2 SD below mean).
trajectories of atypical cognitive development leading to According to guidelines, impairments in reading and written
SLD and their respective associated profiles of cognitive expression could not be diagnosed before the end of the sec-
strengths and weaknesses. As reported in the discussion, the ond primary grade, and impairment in mathematics could
longitudinal trajectory starting from early language impair- not be diagnosed before the end of the third primary grade.
ment in early childhood to subsequent cognitive profiles of
verbal weakness and to SLD (especially in reading) is the Declaration of Conflicting Interests
most investigated and supported by empirical evidence. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
Other trajectories starting from an early executive impair- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
ment have been less longitudinally characterized regarding article.
40 Journal of Learning Disabilities 51(1)

Funding Consensus Conference. (2007). Disturbi evolutivi specifici di

apprendimento. Raccomandazioni per la pratica clinical defi-
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
nite con il metodo della Consensus Confere [Developmental
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
disorders of learning: guidelines for clinical practice defined
with consensus conference method].
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