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Colegio Franciscano de Pio XII

Código: F-P-07

Teacher name: Samuel G. Moreno Grade: 11°

Project´s name: Thanksgiving

Term: 2 Length of the project: 2 weeks

Unit: none

Driving question: is thanksgiving just a holiday or can we work on eliciting values

from students ?

General purpose: To develop speaking skills by expressing ideas about some cultural
aspects based on history
Cross curricular project which it is related: None

Contents of the project:

● Fairy tales with a teaching
Creative production: Finger puppet show

Activity schedule (Subject to change):

The mini project will be conducted as proposed below for the following 2 weeks (
From monday to friday)

The project activities will be developed in the following phases:

Versión 01. Vigencia 07/2019 Formando Hombres y Mujeres de Paz y de Bien Página 1 de 2
Colegio Franciscano de Pio XII
Código: F-P-07


November 15th 1. Exploration: Students should make groups and find a

fable to use for the puppet show. The presentation
should be a minimum of three minutes long and the
fable should have a moral.

November 16th 2. Preparing the script: Students should divide the roles in
the reading of the fable so that everyone can
participate (they can modify the fable for the purposes
of group work). Once the roles are divided, they should
recreate the characters of the fable.
November 18st 3. Creating the puppets: Students will bring the materials
to design the theater where they will recreate the
fable, the characters and where they will rehearse the
presentation of their literary text.
November 24th 4. Presenting: For this stage students will present their
fable in front of the preschool and transition grades.
The students will have to make a video telling their
fable. It should contain quality images and audio.

Methodology: CLIL and comparative learning

Monitoring and evaluation:

★ the presentation and fable will be graded
★ Execution and performance (Commitment)
★ Final product (presentations )
★ Language skills:
Oral skills
Use of language (Grammar covered in class)
Cohesion and coherence
Resources: internet, digital illustrations, dictionaries, etc.

Webgraphy: none

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