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INTRO aɪm ˈkɜ:rəntli ə fɝːst - jɪr ˈstuːdənt ət ningbo I'm currently a first -year student at Ningbo Commented [GL1]: A first year student: sinh viên năm
ˌjuːnəˈvɜːrːsəti. University. = junior

maɪ ˈmeɪdʒɚ ɪz ˌedʒəˈkeɪʃən wɪtʃ aɪ bɪˈliːv ɪz ə My major is education which I believe is a very
ˈveri ˈmiːnɪŋfəl ˈsʌbdʒekt. meaningful subject.
Commented [GL2]: To give back to society: hồi đáp lại
ɪn ðə ˈfjuːtʃɚ aɪ hoʊp tuː ɡɪv bæk tuː səˈsaɪət̬i baɪ In the future, I hope to give back to society by being cho xã hội
ˈbiːɪŋ ə rɪˈspɑːnsəbəl haɪ skuːl ˈtiːtʃɚ. a responsible high school teacher Commented [GL3]: Actually = absolutely = in fact =
literally; thực ra..
BODY ˈæktʃu:li aɪ bɪˈliːv ɪt ɪz kwaɪt ˈpɑːpjəlɚ bʌt ˈoʊnli Actually, I believe it is quite popular, but only for Commented [GL4]: Since = because : bởi vì
Câu này full của nó là như thế này:
fɔːr ɡɝːlz. girls.
Since the job which most people will apply for after studying
education is teaching
sɪns ðə dʒɑːb moʊst ˈpiːpəl wɪl əˈplaɪ fɔːr ˈæftɚ Since the job most people will apply for after = Since teaching is the job most people will apply for after
ˈstʌdiɪŋ ˌedʒəˈkeɪʃən ɪz ˈtiːtʃɪŋ - ɡɝːlz ɪn ˈtʃaɪnə studying education is teaching - girls in China studying education.

tend tuː ˈfeɪvər ðɪs kəˈrɪr kəz ɪtz ˈsteɪbəl. tend to favor this career cuz it's stable. Commented [GL5]: To apply for : ứng tuyển vị công việc
Commented [GL6]: To tend to favor: xu hướng lựa chọn

ɪn maɪ əˈpɪnjən ˈbɪznɪs ɪz ˈprɑːbəbli ðə fɝːst tʃɔɪs In my opinion, business is probably the first choice Commented [GL7]: Cuz = because : bởi vì
fɔːr moʊst ˈpiːpəl. for most people. Commented [GL8]: Be stable (adj): tính ổn định
Stability (n): sự ổn định
Commented [GL9]: In my opinion = from my point of
ˈnɪrli ˈevriwʌn wɑːnts tuː biː ˈrɪtʃ soʊ ðeɪ θɪŋk ðæt Nearly everyone wants to be rich so they think that view = to my mind = from my perspective : ý kiến của tôi,
ˈmeɪdʒɚɪŋ ɪn ˈbɪznɪs wʊd help ðem əˈtʃiːv ðɪs majoring in business would help them achieve quan điểm của tôi
ɡoʊl. this goal. Commented [GL10]: Majoring in business: chuyên ngành
về kinh tế
Commented [GL11]: Help s.o do sth: giúp ai đó làm gì
aɪ ɡes ðə ˈsekənd moʊst ˈprevələnt ˈsʌbdʒekt I guess the second most prevalent subject would Commented [GL12]: A prevalent subject = a popular
wʊd biː kəmˈpjuːt̬ɪŋ. be computing.
Commented [GL13]: Computing: công nghệ, máy tính

juː noʊ ˈmeni ˈstuːdənts laɪk tuː pleɪ kəmˈpjuːt̬ɚ You know many students like to play computer Commented [GL14]: Like to do sth = thích làm gì

ɡeɪmz soʊ ðer ɪz noʊ daʊt ðæt ˈpiːpəl ɑːr ˈɪntuː games so there is no doubt that people are into that Commented [GL15]: No doubt: không nghi ngờ gì
ðæt ˈsʌbdʒekt. subject. Commented [GL16]: Be into : thích chọn ….

tuː biː ˈɑːnɪst ðə meɪn ˈriːzən ɪz bɪˈkɑːz maɪ skɔːr To be honest the main reason is because my score
fɔːr ðə ˈkɑːlɪdʒ ˈentrəns ɪɡˈzæm wɑːz nɑːt haɪ for the college entrance exam was not high enough Commented [GL17]: Adj + enough + noun

əˈnʌf tuː ɡoʊ tuː ə ˈbet̬ɚ ˈjuːni. to go to a better uni.

əˈnʌðɚ ˈfæktɚ aɪ ʃʊd ˈmenʃən ɪz bɪˈkɑːz ningbo ɪz Another factor I should mention is because Ningbo
maɪ ˈhoʊmtaʊn en ðiː ˈjuːni ɪz ɪtz kwaɪt kloʊz tuː is my hometown, and the uni is it’s quite close to Commented [GL18]: Close to : gần cái gì

naʊ hoʊm - maɪ ˈperənts maɪt mɪs miː ɪf ðeɪ doʊnt my home - my parents might miss me if they don’t
see me for a long period of time. Commented [GL19]: For a long period of time: trong suốt
siː miː fɔːr ə lɑːŋ ˈpɪri:əd əv taɪm. một thời gian dài

CLOSURE ˈtʃɪldrən saɪˈkɑːlədʒi ɪz maɪ ɑːl taɪm ˈfeɪvərɪt Children psychology is my all time favorite Commented [GL20]: Children psychology : tâm lý trẻ em
ˈsʌbdʒekt. subject. Commented [GL21]: My All time: cả đời tôi

əz aɪ hæv ˈmenʃənd bɪˈfɔːr aɪ wʊd laɪk tuː biː ə As I have mentioned before, I would like to be a Commented [GL22]: Would like to do sth = want to do sth

ˈtiːtʃɚ en ðɪs ˈsʌbdʒekt tiːtʃɪz ʌs haʊ ˈtʃɪldrən θɪŋk. teacher and this subject teaches us how children
ɪtz nɑːt ˈoʊnli ˈmiːnɪŋfəl bʌt ˈɑːlsoʊ ˈveri It's not only meaningful but also very
ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ. interesting. Commented [GL23]: Not only….but also….: không những
mà còn

aɪ wɑːnt tuː biː ə ˈmʌðɚ wʌn deɪ soʊ aɪ θɪŋk ɪts I want to be a mother one day so I think it's
ɪmˈpɔːrtənt tuː noʊ waɪ ˈtʃɪldrən duː ˈsɝːtən θɪŋz important to know why children do certain things
ɔːr wɑːt nɑːt tuː seɪ tuː ˈtʃɪldrən. or what not to say to children. Commented [GL24]: Say to s.o = tell s.o

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