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Library Guide to REFWORKS 2.0

V.Zarach, Bangor University, July 2011

CONTENTS 1. What is Refworks?p2 2. Logging in to Refworks...p2 3. Creating Foldersp3 4. Manually Creating References...p3 5. Finding E-Resources 5.1 From the University.....p4 5.2 From Home.p4 5.3 What Are E-Resources?..p4 6. Directly Exporting References 6.1 CSA Illumina...p5 7. Indirectly Exporting References 7.1 Web of Knowledgep6 8. Write-N-Cite.p8 9. Creating Bibliographies.p10
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10. Contacts & Help.p10

Refworks is an online reference manager Refworks enables you to save references online, divided by you into relevant folders. You can then access your references from anywhere as long as you have a university user name and password Refworks creates automatic bibliographies Once you have downloaded a tool called Write-NCite, you can insert references from your saved collection into essays in Microsoft Word, and then automatically create a bibliography (reference list) at the end of the essay. Refworks creates reading lists You can use Refworks to print out a list of references to create a reading list for students. Refworks enables you to share references You can share your lists of saved references with other people using Refshare. Refworks is free for university members Bangor University Library buys Refworks, so it is freely available to university staff and students, and can continue to be used by university alumni .

1. You can find Refworks online quickly by just typing Refworks into Google, and clicking on the link to Refworks: 2. Once on the Refworks page, click on Login. 3. Click on Login through your institution (Shibboleth users) 4. Select Bangor University from the drop down institutions list and click login. 5. Login with university user name and password . First time users need to register The first time you log in to Refworks, you will need to fill in your: y Name y E-mail Address (use your Bangor email address and remember to put y Type of User (postgrad, undergrad, etc) y Area of Focus (your department) Then enter the Code as displayed and click on Register.
5. Login with university user name and password 3. Login through your institution 2. Click login 1. Type Refworks into Google

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4. Select Bangor


Refworks folders enable you to organize your references into different categorie s, making them easier to organize and find. Choose an research topic, and name a folder to store the references you will collect. The example search is Tattoos. 1. Click New Folder on the top left of the screen. 2. Name the folder, e.g. Tattoos 3. Click Create. You can click the folders tab to see your folder, and use the icons on the right to rename, clear (remove references) or delete the folder.
3. Click Create Click Folders tab to see your folder

1. Click New Folder

2. Name the folder


1. Hover the mouse over References at the top left of the screen (dont click), and click Add New.


1. From References, click Add New

2. Click the drop down arrow on the View fields used by box, and select a referencing style. (Ask your department which referencing style to use).
2. Choose reference style

3. Choose a folder to put the reference in. 4. Choose a reference type (book, journal, etc). 5. Select a source type (print or electronic). 6. Choose an output language.By making a selection from the Output Language drop -down, RefWorks may apply special handling and formattingwhich is very important in multilanguage bibliographies. (Refworks Help). 7. You may add an attachment, if you are writing a reference for a journal article which you have saved onto your computer. Click on Browse, find the article, click on it and click on Open, click on Add Attachment, and click OK. 8. Fill in any information fields you need: author, title, publisher, etc. (Click on Additional Fields if you wish to add more details, such as notes, etc). 9. You can click on the help icon* at the top right hand for help at any time; e.g. to see the suggested format for adding authors. 10. Click Save Reference to save into folder. You will now see your reference in its folder.
9. You can use the Help icon 3. Choose folder

4. Choose reference type

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7. You can add attachments

8. Fill in details

10. Save

To find any of the electronic databases mentioned in the following sections, you need to find the library webpage.

5.1 From the University

1. Click the link to Library Services on the bottom left of the Bangor Intranet page. 2. Click on E-Resources 3. Click on Databases 4. Type the database name into the box labelled Search databases by name.

1. From the University Intranet homepage, click Library Services

1. OR from home, type Bangor Library in Google

2. Click on E-resources

5.2 From Home

1. Type Bangor Library into Google. 2. Click on E-Resources 3. Click on Databases 4. Type the database name into the box labelled Search databases by name.
4. Type database name 3. Click Databases

5.3 What Are E-Resources?

What is an E-Database? An electronic database is a collection of information resources, which could include journal articles, book reviews, newspaper articles, etc. The resources are stored and organized online, and can be accessed via the internet. What is a bibliographic database? Bibliographic databases do NOT contain actual journal articles, book reviews, newspaper articles, etc; instead they search across a huge number of sources and find details of relevant journal articles, book reviews, etc for the keywords you have typed into the search box. Bibliographic databases contain abstracts When you see short details about a source (article, review, etc) rather than the actual full text source, this is called an abstract. Other names for bibliographic databases You may also see these types of databases called abstracting or indexing databases.

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What is Exporting? Exporting means sending references into Refworks from another information source such as a library catalogue, or an electronic database (e.g. an online collection of journals).

What is Direct Export? Some electronic databases are able to send references straight into Refworks. This is called a direct export. Usually this means that you just need to tick or select the references you want to save, and then click a button marked Export to Refworks, or something similar, and your references will go straight into Refworks.

6.1 CSA Illumina (Bibliographic Database)

CSA Illumina is a bibliographic database which covers most subject areas. There is a list online here of all the subject databases which are available from within CSA Illumina: 1. Find CSA Illumina by clicking on the link from the General Resources box on the library eresources page (see Section 6 on page 3 for instructions on finding the e-resources page). 2. Important! In CSA, you need to set a Subject Area before searching, or it will not search
4. Type in search words

1. Click CSA from the e-resources page

2. *Set Subject Area before searching*

3. Or click Specific Databases

3. Alternatively, you can click on Specific Databases and narrow your search by choosing databases relevant to your subject area. (You need to make sure the box on the top right says All Subject Areas to see all the databases). 4. Type in a search, e.g. tattoos. 5. Tick references of interest.

5. Tick some references

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6. Click Save, Print, Email. 7. Change any setting required (e.g. full format instead of short format will save more details). 8. Click Export to Refworks. 9.If you are already logged in to Refworks, your references will go straight in, if not, you will need to log in to Refworks at this point. 10. Click View Last Imported Folder. 11. Important! Tick the mouse in the dot beside All in List, click on the Folder Image next to All in List, and click on the name of the Folder you are saving references into. 12. Your references are now safely in a folder.

6. Click Save, Print, Email 7. Change from short format to full format if wanting full reference details

8. Click Export to Refworks 10. Click View Last Imported Folder

11. Click All in List, click the folder icon, and select a folder


What is Indirect Export? Some E-databases are unable to directly send references to Refworks. Instead, you save your chosen references onto your computer as a text file, and import the text file into Refworks. Refworks Filters Within Refworks, you have to choose from a list of filters to correctly import the text file of references. You are only able to import text files from databases which match filters on this list.

7.1 Web of Knowledge (Bibliographic Database)

Web of Knowledge is a bibliographic database which covers most subject areas. Databases within Web of Knowledge are: Web of Science (Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, Conference Proceedings), MEDLINE, ResearcherID, Biosis Previews, Zoological Record, and Journal Citation Reports. Stage 1: Saving References into Text File 1. Find Web of Knowledge by clicking on the link from the General Resources box on the library eresources page (see Section 6 on page 3 for instructions on finding the e-resources page). 2. Type in your search words. Important! Note that the search field is set to Topic (Subject) and that this might mean you get less results, you may want to change this to Title instead. 3. Tick references of interest. 4. Click on Marked List at the top of the page.
4. Click Marked List

1. Click Web of Knowledge from the e-resources page

2. Type in a search. Change fields being searched from Topic to Title? 3. Tick some references

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5. Click Save to File from the middle of the page. 6. Click ok noting the name of the file (e.g. savedrecs, savedrecs6, etc).
5. Click Save to File

5. Click OK

7.1 Web of Knowledge continued (Bibliographic Database)

Stage 2: Importing Text Files into Refworks 1. Login to Refworks. (Instructions for logging in are in Section 2 on page 1). 2. Click on References on the top left hand side of the page, and click on Import. 3. Import Filter/Data Source should be set to Prifysgol Bangor University. 4. In Specify Database, select Web of Knowledge. 5. Click Browse and find the text file on your computer, it may be on the Desktop, or in Recent. 6. Click on the file name, and then click on Open. 7. Choose a Folder to Import the references into. 8. Press Import. 9. Press View Last Imported Folder to see the references. 10. View your references.
8. Click Import 7. Choose Folder 6. Find the file and click Open to attach it 2. Choose database

1. Click References, and then click Import

9. View Last Imported Folder

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10. View your references.

What is Write-N-Cite? Write-n-Cite is a tool you can download from Refworks and add into Microsoft Word. It enables you to access your saved references from Word, add them into your essay, and create and automatic reading list. INSTALLING WRITE-N-CITE

9.1 Installing Write-N-Cite on University Computers

1. On computers in the university, go to the Start button on the bottom left of your computer screen. 2. Click on All Programs. 3. Click on Refworks. 4. Click on Install Write-N-Cite Plugin for Word. 5. You may have to close Word at this point. 6. When you reopen Word, look for a tab at the top of the screen called Add-Ins. 7. Click Add-Ins and then click on Write-n-Cite. 8. Login to Refworks.

1. Click on Start 2. Click All Programs 3. Click Refworks 4. Click Install Write-NCite

6. Click Add-Ins 7. Click Write-N-Cite

8. Login to Refworks

Enabling Macros
1. If you are unable to open Write-N-Cite, you need to enable macros. 2. In Microsoft Word 2007, click on the button on the top left. 3. Click Word Options from the bottom button on the drop down menu. 4. Click on Trust Center. 5. Click on Trust Center Settings. 6. Click the dot next to Enable all macros and click on OK. 7. Close and reopen Word. Write-N-Cite should now work.

2. Click button on top left

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3. Click Word Options

4. Click Trust Center

5. Click Trust Center Settings

6. Click Enable all Macros

9.2 Installing Write-N-Cite on Home Computers

1. Go into Refworks, click the Tools tab, and select Write-N-Cite. 2. Download Write-N-Cite for Windows (or relevant version). 3. Click on Save File. 4. The file will download onto your desktop, where you can find and click on it (wnc3inst.ex e). 5. Install the file: click on Run and then follow the installation steps. 6. Open Word, and look for a tab at the top of the screen called Add-Ins. 7. Click Add-Ins and then click on Write-n-Cite. 8. Login to Refworks.


1. Click Tools, and Write-N-Cite

2. Select a download

3. Save File

5. Run 6. Click Add-Ins 7. Click Write-N-Cite

8. Login to Refworks

9.3 Inserting References & Bibliographies in Essays

1. Open Word, click on the Add Ins tab, click on Write-N-Cite, and log in to Refworks. 2. Click the mouse at the point in your text where you want to insert a reference, and click cite in Write-N-Cite next to the relevant reference/s. 3. Refworks inserts your references in funny looking brackets with a number (this is their number in Refworks). 4. To create a bibliography, click on Bibliography from the tabs along the top in Write-N-Cite. 5. Select your referencing style from the output style menu. 6. Click Create Bibliography. 7. If your references are indented rather than correctly laid out, click Normal. 8. You now have a bibliography!


1. Login to Refworks

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2. Click Cite

4. Click Bibliography

5. Choose reference style 6. Create Bibliography

7. Click Normal if needed



Once you have a folder full of references, you may wish to save or print this reference list for a variety of reasons, such as to use when hunting for the references listed, to give to students as a reading list, etc. 1. In Refworks, click on Create Bibliography. 2. Choose a reference style from the list. 3. Click on Format a Bibliography from a List of References. 4. Select a File Type, e.g. Word for Windows will create a Word document. 5. Choose a Folder of References to format. 6. Click Create Bibliography. (in the bottom right hand corner). 7. Click OK. 8. You can now see your reference list as Word document, and print it out.
7. Click OK 6. Create Bibliography 4. Choose File Type 1. Click Create Bibliography 3. Click Format Bibliography

5. Choose Folder


About this Guide Questions If you have a one off question about Refworks, please feel welcome to contact us by email or phone (or using Facebook:

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This guide is a work in progress, as we have recently updated from Refworks to Refworks 2.0 and are updating our guide to match. The current version contains the basic information you need to know, but the guide is being continuously added to and there will be a longer version available soon. Refworks Workshops We run regular Refworks workshops, at both basic and more advanced levels. Look out for posters, or email for information. One to One Sessions You can book for a one to one Refworks session with either of us, email or ring to book.

Contacts for Help Vashti Zarach, User Support Librarian 01248 388826 Or Jenny Greene, User Support Assistant 01248 383572

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