Tarea de Ingles Semana Diez

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Homework: Experience
Objective: The student is able to talk about activities in the past using another past activity as
Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Describe ten different activities you carried out before graduating from school.
Use expressions such as: by the time, before and structures using ago.

Speaking Activity
Activity: What happened?
Explain what happened before the situations described below and record them as a podcast.
1. Jim was condemned to 2 years in jail.
2. Jane went on a cruise around the world.
3. The police officer became the hero of the day.
4. Everyone burst into laughter.
5. The teacher grounded the whole class.
The student needs to record his/her voice on https://vocaroo.com/

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s email.
Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student`s email in this document for the teacher to verify
and grade your production. Send this document to your tutor.
Example: https://vocaroo.com/i/s02n501mY3oc


Writing Activity 1. Describe ten different activities you carried out before graduating from school. Use
expressions such as: by the time, before and structures using ago.

1. I didn't the math test because I hadn't studied anything.

2. before they decided to have the graduation party in Tampa, my fathers had already decided to my party

3. Before leaving school, the teacher had called Mom on the phone because they were riding skateboards.

4. I helped my mom in the store because my father had told

5. Before the students started the final test, the teacher had congratulated my friends because their
outstanding grades

6. I had already eaten when the school bus arrived, every day

7. the graduation present, my parents bought the new car, after had tried it a couple of times, they took it to
the party

8. There was a lot of snow outside because it had snowed carlier in that day of graduation

9. By the time the party started, all the graduates had arrived, very elegant and happy.

10. Never before have we seen such a lively party, very beautiful, because it was our farewell
Activity: What happened?

Explain what happened before the situations described below and record them as a podcast.

1.Jim had stolen all the money supermarket before arrived the police……Jim was condemned

to 2 years in jail.

2. She had already talked to her mom before buying tickets……Jane went on a cruise around the world.

3. We had already gone to bed, when came house the burglar……. The police officer became the hero of
the day.

4. When my mother arrived at the academy everyone had finished the test……Everyone burst into

5. The students didn’t pass the exam because they had not saudies anything…….The teacher grounded
the whole class.


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