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Homework: Descriptions
Objective: The student is able to describe people, places and things. El estudiante es capaz de
describir personas, lugares y cosas.
Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Write a three-paragraph text where you describe yourself, your favorite
landmark and your favorite object.
Actividad de escritura 1. Escribe un texto de tres párrafos donde te describas a ti mismo, tu punto
de referencia favorito y tu objeto favorito.

Speaking Activity
Activity: Descriptions
Read the text you created in the previous activity and record it as a podcast.
The student needs to record his/her voice on Actividad: Descripciones
Lee el texto que creaste en la actividad anterior y grábalo como un podcast.

Once the students finished the recording, the recording link will be sent to the student`s email.
Then, copy and paste the link sent to the student`s email in this document for the teacher to verify
and grade your production. Send this document to your tutor.

Many years ago, I was travelling to Africa with grandma, I flew from Botsuana to Luanda with Swiss
International Air Lines...we are excited about the trip... travelling around the world has always been my
dream.....As soon as we arrived in Luanda, we called our friends.

the elevator was not working and we had to take the stairs to the 10th floor...Grandma entered the room,
walked around the big bed and turned on the television... both my parents went to see grandma, they enjoy
living in a quiet rural area and they don't want big trucks and buses roaring trough town... I was really hungry
, my father had eaten all before I opened the fridge...I ate pizza… Grandma went to bed after she had wached
her favorite tv programme, we should arrive very early in the morning.

after my parents finished their rich breakfast, we left the apartment... the pavement was icy, so we walked
very carefully... we were afraid of falling....walk along the green line to reach the river... we took a boat
acroos the river....the weather was nice, so I suggested going for a walk....we are planning to travel new york
this summer my brother offered to help me..we're very proud of family.

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