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Develop a Business Plan (BP) for your product/service that is “doing well” for investors
and “doing good” for society/environment. Your team’s Business Plan should contain in-
depth analysis supported by strong research and sound recommendation.

To apply theories, concepts and tools covered in class to a business plan to
demonstrate that there is a good market potential for your product or service

1. You are to work in teams of 5-6 students (depending on the group size as
allowed by the instructor). You may form your own team.
2. Each team will orally present its Business Plan within a 25-minute timeframe in
front of your instructor as well as your classmates.
3. All members of the team must present (any special circumstance will require
prior approval).

1. Business Model Canvas: November 28, 2022, 23:59

Based on your business idea, provide a first draft of a Business Model Canvas (BMC)
with assumptions of what you think your business model would look like.

2. Written presentation: December 11, 2022, 23:59

ALL teams and ALL groups regardless of when your team will present must submit
your written presentation in full in both PowerPoint (or similar) and PDF formats in

• Format: PowerPoint is recommended. If you use any other format such as Prezi
or Google Slides, make sure that you can save it as a document (PDF or other
downloadable format). These documents are official records of your work and we
need to have them in downloadable format. A link to the presentation does not
meet this requirement.
• The slides of the presentation must contain the information that you are
presenting. You may use the “Notes” section of the slides to put the details of
your business. There is no limit in terms of the number of the slides but there is
a time limit of 25 minutes per team to present. Each slide must have source(s) if
external information is used.
• In addition to the presentation, you may submit supporting documents such as
survey/questionnaire, detailed financial projections, research, or related
supporting materials. These supporting documents must be submitted at the
same time with your presentation by the due date.

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AD002/IN002: Principles of Business Management (PBM) 2022/2023

3. Oral presentation

All presentations will take place during class time.

• Groups A, B, and IN002: December 13, 14, 20, 21

• Group C and D: December 13, 16, 20

4. Peer Assessment: December 21, 23:59


Notes about Due Dates:

• The stated deadline is when your presentation must be in eStudy, not when you
start to log in eStudy. The system will close at the stated time, and once it is
closed, you will not be able to submit your presentation.
• Late submissions will not be accepted. It does not matter if you are one minute
late, one hour late, or one day late. Late is late!
• If you have technical difficulty with eStudy, you must take a screenshot that
shows the problem and the time when it happens and email it along with your
presentation. Your email must arrive before the due date and time.
• Presenting without a written presentation will result in severe point deduction
(see below). The presentation, once submitted, can NOT be changed or
resubmitted after the due date.

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AD002/IN002: Principles of Business Management (PBM) 2022/2023

3a. Expectations
A good presentation will provide a thoughtful analysis of the business plan, directly
referencing the themes, lessons, cases, and reading done throughout the course
supported with strong research.

The Business Plan accounts for 35% of the course grade (5% for the first draft of the
BMC and 30% for the final written presentation and oral presentation).

3b. Weighting of the Business Plan (30%):

3b(i). Team grade: 50%
▪ Written and oral presentation. See the Grading Elements section below.

3b(ii). Individual grade: 50%

▪ Individual part of the written presentation: 30%

▪ Individual oral presentation: 5%
▪ Individual participation and contribution (Peer Assessment): 15%

3b(iii). Deduction:
▪ Presenting without a written presentation: - 50% points (the whole team)
▪ Failing to submit your part of the presentation: - 50% points (individuals)

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AD002/IN002: Principles of Business Management (PBM) 2022/2023

Grading Elements %

a. An introduction and description of the product/service, why it is unique, what is 12.5%

the business problem your product/service tries to solve, what benefits your
product/service offers your targeted customers and stakeholders (“doing well” for
investors and “doing good” for society and the environment).
What is your business model (how does your business make money?)?
You may include any visuals or promotional materials that describe yours
product/service as appropriate.

b. A market analysis: 25%

▪ What is the outlook of the industry and what are market trends?
▪ What are the opportunities? What are consumer needs?
▪ Who are your competitors?
▪ Who is your target market and segmentation? Which segments are your targeting?
▪ What are other factors that may impact your business?
▪ Why do you decide to enter this market?

Primary and secondary market research must be undertaken to support your market
c. A strategic plan: 17.5%
▪ What is your strategy? What is your UVP?
▪ What are your competitive advantages that support this strategy?
▪ What are some of the weaknesses that may potentially impact your company’s
competitiveness? How do you plan to overcome them?
The strategy you choose should be supported by your market analysis.

d. An operations plan: describing suppliers, production and distribution of your 5%

product/service as appropriate

e. A marketing and sales plan: How do you market, communicate, and sell your 5%
product/service to your customers? What is your USP?

f. Financial projections (1 year): 5%

▪ Sales/revenues: Sources of your sales or revenues and the projected amounts.
▪ Costs: Sources of your costs and the projected amounts.
▪ Profit/Loss projections: How much profit or loss do you project to have?

Document any business assumptions that you use to arrive at your projections.
g. Business Model Canvas (BMC) 25%
Revise the BMC for your business summarizing your background work from prior
sections. What assumptions under the first version of the BMC are no longer valid?
What assumptions are validated (still true)? What changes are made in the final
version and why?

Create extra slides for the nine blocks of the BMC to further explain or elaborate.
h. A conclusion of your business plan: Summarizing the purpose of your business 5%
plan and what you are asking. What do you see as potential opportunities and threats
as your company heads into the future?

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AD002/IN002: Principles of Business Management (PBM) 2022/2023

The percentage point allocation above is for the content of the presentation. Research
and citation as well as oral presentation will also be evaluated in addition to the
content. Refer to the Rubric for details.

Your professors will act as potential lenders or investors and may question all team
members during and after the presentation to further clarify different points. Do not
become defensive about your idea; assume beforehand that your team presentation
will be critically assessed. Your classmates are also allowed to ask questions about your

1. Content (the written presentation) – The content of your Business Plan is of utmost
importance. Present it in the most logical and concise manner to attract and maintain
attention. Use charts, graphs, visuals and research to support your analysis and
strategy. There is no limit in terms of the number of slides as long as your team does
not go over the 25-minute time.

Any statements made during the presentation or shown on the slides should be
supported by research showing the sources. Any information such as data and statistics
should show the source(s) of the information, following the Harvard Reference Guide.
The sources should be cited at the end of each slide or foot-noted if research, statistics,
or data are used on that slide. Having a reference list at the end of the document
without citing sources on the slides is not sufficient.

Due to the sizes of the groups and the schedules, the presentations are spread over
two weeks. To ensure fairness to all teams and all groups, we ask all submitted
written presentations to contain the full details of your business plan. If the
information is NOT in the written presentation, it is considered that the information
does not exist to be graded. This is to prevent giving the teams that will present later
the advantage over the teams that will present first.

For example, a team that submits a poorly written presentations with little information
and details may take advantage of the extra time if this team were to present in the
second week to improve its oral presentation. This is considered an unfair advantage
and is not allowed.

So, put the details of your business in the main slides or the notes section. If the details
are not there, they don’t exist and will not be graded.

2. Format – Format matters! How you structure your presentation will impact how
effective your content is delivered. Pay attention to spelling and grammar, use

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consistent font and font sizes, and utilize headings/sub-headings to enhance transition
and flow.

3. Your own work – All work must be your own in your own words. Copying and
pasting from source materials are not acceptable and considered plagiarism, earning
you a failing grade for the assignment or the course. You must reference source
materials using Harvard reference style if external materials are used.

4. Citation and References – External sources (research, statistics, data, etc.) should
be cited at the end of each slide or foot noted. This is in addition to having a References
section at the end of the presentation.

A References section should be included at the end of the document citing any
information such as data, statistics, studies, research, insights, etc. following the
Harvard Reference Guide. This is in addition to the citation at the end of each slide.

5. Appearance – First impressions are very important. Present yourselves

professionally and stay focused while members of your team are presenting (e.g., no
side chatters, looking bored, or interacting with the audience).


All students are expected to attend and contribute to their teams’ meetings and
activities in developing the business plan and presentation. Each student is required to
attend other teams’ presentations. This is a learning opportunity for both the presenters
and the students in the audience.

Peer assessment: Each student will submit an assessment of other team members’
participation and contribution throughout the project. Not providing a peer assessment
will also negatively affect your participation grade.

This peer assessment provides the instructor an opportunity to understand if all

members of the team have put in equal effort and thus deserve the same team grade.
Should issues be found consistently across, the grade for a particular student may be
adjusted at the discretion of the professor.

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AD002/IN002: Principles of Business Management (PBM) 2022/2023

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