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A Subsidiary of National Bank of Pakistan

Cement Sector Update REP- 040

Thursday, April 07, 2022
Insight—Cement Sector Update
12 Month Performance of Cement Sector
Mar’22 dispatches up 16%MoM Volume (RHS)
20% KSE-100
 Cement dispatches clocked-in at 5.04Mn tons, up 16%MoM in 10%
Mar’22, mainly due to out-going winter season bringing in longer 0%
-10% 40,000
working hours and construction activity picking up in the North re-
gion. However, cement dispatches fell 6%YoY on the back of i) ris- 20,000
ing construction costs amid inflation, and ii) cut in public sector de- -40% -
velopment expenditure restricting growth in demand. 7-Apr 7-Jul 7-Oct 7-Jan
Source: PSX and TSL Research
 Accordingly, local dispatches arrived at 4.75Mn tons, up 20%MoM.
FY22 Coal Price Trend (USD/ton)
Whereas, export dispatches clocked-in at 0.30Mn tons, down 27%
MoM mainly due to: i) low-retention prices from the export destina- 3rd Mar'22:
tions; and ii) high cost of freight keeping export prices on a higher 400 USD 353.95/ton

International Coal prices at USD 280/ton, up 1.4x in FY22TD 200
 International Coal prices (ICE Richard Bay Coal) are hovering
around USD 280/ton (USD 315/ton FOB), up 1.4x during the cur-
rent fiscal year after rising to more USD 350/ton during the month 0
Jul-21 Sep-21 Nov-21 Jan-22 Mar-22
of Mar’22.
Source: Barchart & TSL Research
 Coal prices have remained volatile throughout FY22 on the back of FY22TD Cement Prices - North & South Region
global demand recovery and gas shortages increasing the reliance on Avg. Prices North
850 Avg. Prices South
coal for power generation globally along with global supply chain
issues, leading to historic surge in coal prices.
 We expect the volatility to remain until Russia-Ukraine situation
comes at peace. 650

 Consequently, quarterly result announcements are around the cor-

ner and we may see gross margins for domestic cement players re- Jun'21 Sept'21 Dec'21 Mar'22
cording attrition during 3QFY22. Source: PBS & TSL Research
*Prices are based on standard 50kg bag
 However, most cement players have diversified their coal mix
through procurement of less expensive coal from Afghanistan or by
use of local coal protecting margins to an extent.

Local prices and capacity utilization

 Average retail prices in the North currently stand at ~PKR 867/bag
(~PKR 17,340/ton), up ~37% from ~PKR 635/bag (~PKR 12,700/
ton) as on July 1, 2021. Taurus Research AC
 While average retail prices in the South are hovering at ~PKR 863/
bag (~PKR 17,260/ton), up ~32% from ~PKR 653/bag (~PKR

Please refer to the end of the report for Analyst Certification and important disclosures.
A Subsidiary of National Bank of Pakistan

Cement Sector Update

Insight—Cement Sector Update
13,060/ton) as on July 1, 2021.

 Significant increase in retail prices is attributable to pass-on efforts

of the industry amid skyrocketing coal price increase and a similar
surge in freight rates which have caused cost of production to in-
crease substantially which had to be passed on to the consumers.

 Current average capacity utilization of players hovers around 85%.

Sector Outlook
 9MFY22 local dispatches are almost flat with 35%YoY drop in ex-
ports. Overall dispatches growth is negative 6% over the SPLY. We
attribute the same to i) slowdown in construction activity mainly, ii)
poor export environment i.e. non-feasible retention prices, and iii)
increase in construction cost amid inflationary pressure.

 However, we expect retention prices to sustain with some pass-on

ability (until the bulk of capacity additions go online in FY23 and
FY24), providing some cushion to margins in the near term.

Region-wise Cement Dispatches for March'22

Mn'Tons Mar'22 Feb'22 MoMΔ Mar'21 YoYΔ 9MFY22 9MFY21 YoYΔ
North 3.93 3.25 21% 4.08 -4% 30.60 32.54 -6%
Local 3.85 3.21 20% 3.80 1% 29.93 30.63 -2%
Exports 0.08 0.04 97% 0.28 -71% 0.68 1.91 -64%
South 1.11 1.11 1% 1.29 -14% 10.19 10.78 -6%
Local 0.90 0.74 21% 0.75 19% 6.23 5.55 12%
Exports 0.21 0.36 -41% 0.53 -60% 3.96 5.23 -24%
Total Local 4.75 3.95 20% 4.55 4% 36.15 36.18 0%
Total Exports 0.30 0.41 -27% 0.82 -64% 4.64 7.14 -35%
Total Dispatches 5.04 4.36 16% 5.37 -6% 40.79 43.32 -6%
Source: APCMA, Dawn & TSL Research
Monthly Cement Dispatches Trend
Local Dispatches (Mn tons) Exports (Mn tons)
5.0 0.81 0.54 0.61 0.30
0.88 0.57 0.70 0.54
4.0 0.52 0.41
0.75 0.45 0.55
4.56 4.67 4.60 4.75
2.0 4.07 3.81 4.02 4.12 4.06 3.95
3.20 3.45 3.39
Mar'21 Apr'21 May'21 Jun'21 Jul"21 Aug'21 Sep'21 Oct'21 Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22
Source: APCMA & TSL Research

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A Subsidiary of National Bank of Pakistan

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Please refer to the end of the report for Analyst Certification and important disclosures. 3
A Subsidiary of National Bank of Pakistan

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Valuation Methodology
To arrive at our period end target prices, TSL uses different valuation methodologies including
• Discounted cash flow (DCF, DDM)
• Justified price to book (JPB)
• Relative Valuation (P/E, P/B, P/S etc.)
• Equity & Asset return based methodologies (EVA, Residual Income etc.)

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Frequently Used Acronyms

TP Target Price DCF Discounted Cash Flows FCF Free Cash Flows
FCFE Free Cash Flows to Equity FCFF Free Cash Flows to Firm DDM Dividend Discount Model
SOTP Sum of the Parts P/E Price to Earnings ratio P/Bv Price to Book ratio
P/S Price to Sales EVA Economic Valued Added BVPS Book Value per Share
EPS Earnings per Share DPS Dividend per Share DY Dividend Yield
ROE Return on Equity ROA Return on Assets JPB Justified Price to Book

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