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I, Kukadiya Dharmistha P., a student of S.Y.B.B.A. of Shri D. D. Nagda B.B.A Collage, here by declare that this project report has been carried out successfully under the guidance of Prof. K. J. Thankachan and staff member. The product project report is based on the sweets situated at Jamnagar. I am further declaring that this Project Report is not previously submitted to any collage.

Place: Date: (Signature)

This project comprises of illuminating thoughts and experiences of many persons and this is the only page when I can acknowledge their efforts. I would like to acknowledge my parents first as they have provided regular and adequate support to me whether needed or not. I am really thankful to BHARTI AXA LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD. for giving me the permission to carry out my training. I express my sincere thanks to my project guide Mr. Chetan kakad and management and staff of BHARTI AXA LIFE INSURANCE CO.LTD. For providing their valuable guidance as well as last but not the least, I thank my friends & dear once for their whole hearted support in my this effort. I would like to express my deep gratitude to professor Mr. Chirag Erda for their helpful co-operation and guidance without which my efforts would have never materialize in such worth.

Thank You,

Place: Date Yours Faithfully, (KUKADIYA DHARMISTHA.)

India is shinning coz of the feel good effect created by the various business houses in this era of professionalisation and globalization. To globally strengthen and sustain, creative research and learning, integration is necessary. B.B.A. Is practical training as well as theatrical aspect. Practical study is an important task and playing a vital role in this course. Only theorical knowledge and classroom discussion is not enough for the student to know all angles of any business. This project report is very important as it reveals the up coming and setting up of a entire fresh industrial unit. It is necessary for each and every student to have theorical and practical knowledge on the concerned subject. I am a student of S.Y.B.B.A. Of SHRI D.D.N.B.B.A. COLLEGE. Our college is afflicted with the Saurashtra University. According to our syllabus we are having an industrial visit in the BHARTI AXA LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD.situated at jamnagar. I have put my heart and soul to collect information and have done a serious effort in this work. This report is the outcome of what I learnt and watched in the company during my visit period.

1 INTRODUCTION What is the life insurance? IRDA GENERAL INFORMATION History In brief Vision Strategy Bharti AXA confidence Executive profile MARKETING DEPARTMENT Introduction Marketing mix PRODUCT MIX Elements of product mix Product variety 1. Future confident 2. Wealth confident 3. Save confident 4. Dream life pension 5. Spot suraksha PRICE MIX Elements of price mix Payment option Different premium & sum assured PLACE MIX

7-11 10 11 12-19 13 15 16 16 17 18 20 21 23 25-38 27 28-38 29 31 33 35 38 39-43 41 42 43 44-49

Elements of place mix Distribution channel Coverage PROMOTION MIX Elements of promotion mix Advertising Marketing strategy Media Competitors Process of sales manager function Public relation Direct marketing Conclusion Summery APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY

46 47 48 50-64 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 61 63 64 65 66

8 9


Insurance is said to have commenced with marine insurance, covering goods sent on ships, against the risks of piracy and storms. The Lloyds coffee house in London where the traders used to gather and from where the first insurance risks were underwritten, still exists and continues to be the centre of insurance activity. Life and other insurances developed later. The first life insurance policy is said to have been issued in 1583 in England. In India, two British companies, the European and the Albert, attempted writing business on Indian lives in 1870. The first Indian life insurance company called the Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Ltd., was formed in 1870. By 1956, when the business of life insurance was nationalized, there were 253 companies in India, both Indian and foreign, with total assets of approximately Rs. 400 crores. As on 31.3.2000 the total assets of the life insurance corporation of India, the only insurer transacting life insurance business in the market, exceeded Rs. 160,000 crores. It had covered nearly 6.3 crores of the population through individual policies and other 5 crores through group insurance covers.

The contribution of the L.I.C. of India to the ninth plan is Rs. 1.30 lakh crores, or 10%of total plan outlay. Support had been provided for piped water supply and drainage schemes in 1960 urban/local bodies of Rs. 3000 crores, to all State Electricity Boards of Rs. 12000 crores, to housing development activities of Rs. 15885 crores and to industry of Rs. 29000 crores.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance is a formal agreement between an insurance company and an individual. Under this agreement, the insurer agrees to provide financial protection for a pre-defined period. The beneficiary of the policy would depend on the type of the life insurance policy purchased by the insured with death benefit, to an endowment product under which the insured himself benefits of the maturity of the policy.

What are the benefits of insurance?

1. Tax Relief: Under section 88 of income tax act a portion of premiums paid for life insurance policies are deducted from tax liability. Similarly, exemption is availability for health insurance policy premiums.
2. Encourages Savings:

An insurance scheme encourages thrift among individuals. It includes the habit of savings compulsorily, unlike other saving instruments where in the saved money can be easily withdrawn. 3. The beneficiaries to an insurance claim amount are protected from the claims of creditors by affecting a valid assignment. 4. For a policy taken under the MWP act 1874 (married womens property act), a trust is created for wife and children as beneficiaries. 5. Life policies are accepted as a security for a loan. They can also be surrendered for meeting unexpected emergencies.


6. Based on the concept of losses, the society will benefit as catastrophic losses are spread globally.

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

Reforms in the Insurance sector were initiated with the passage of the IRDA Bill in Parliament in December 1999. The IRDA since its incorporation as a statutory body in April 2000 has fastidiously stuck to its schedule of framing regulations and registering the private sector insurance companies. The other decisions taken simultaneously to provide the supporting systems to the insurance sector and in particular the life insurance companies were the launch of the IRDAs online service for issue and renewal of licenses to agents. The approval of institutions for imparting training to agents has also ensured that the insurance companies would have a trained workforce of insurance agents in place to sell their products, which are expected to be introduced by early next year.





India has become the centripetal force of the globalization. The country is attracting capital and companies at an accelerated pace. In the process, it is rewriting the economics of the scarce of industry. Consolidation is becoming the order of the day. Bharti AXA life insurance co. ltd. welcomes this trend sparked by the globalization. With the resurgence of the industrial sector, propelled by the buoyant exports and the brightening of the domestic investment climate, both business optimism and consumer confidence rose. The macro economics performance of our country, in fact, turned to be stronger than anticipated.


Bharti AXA Life insurance is a joint venture between Bharti Enterprises and AXA Group. Bharti AXA Life insurance = Bharti Enterprises + AXA Group Bharti Enterprises is one of Indias leading and fastest growing private sector providers of telecommunication services. Bharti Enterprises is acknowledging as one of Indias finest companies. AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management is ranked 15th in the fortune 500 list of global companies. AXA manages approximately 1064 billion euros of assets under management. The AXA group has over 50 million customers and employs 112000 people worldwide with a presence in over 50 countries.

Indias leading telecom provider One of the ten most mobile brands in the world Over 40 million customers Its one brand Airtel has 25 million customers

Financial protection and wealth management is ranked 15th in the fortune 500 list AXA group has over 50 million customers

Bharti enterprises are one of Indias leading business groups with interests in telecom, agri business, insurance and retail. Bharti enterprises have successfully focused its strategy on telecom while straddling diverse fields of business. From the creation of Airtel, one of Indias first finest brands, to becoming the largest manufacturer and exporter of world class telecom terminals under its Beetel brand, Bharti has created significant position for itself in the global telecommunication sector. Bharti Airtel limited is today acknowledge as one of one of Indias finest companies, and its flagship brand airtel has over 50 million customer across the length and breath of India. While a joint venture with TeleTech Inc., USA marked bharis successful foray into the customer management services business, Bharti enterprises dynamic diversification has continued with the co. venturing into telecom software development. Bharti has successfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group owned ELRO Holding India ltd., to export fresh Agri products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA. Bharti has joint venture with Bharti AXA Life insurance co ltd. with AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management. AXA is world wide leader in financial protection. AXAs operations are diverse geographically, with major operations in Western Europe, North America and the Asia/ Pacific area. AXA hold Euro 1315 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2006. The AXA ordinary share is listed and trades under the symbol AXA on the Paris stock exchange.


To be a leader and the preferred co. for financial protection and wealth management in India.

1. To achieve a top 5 market position in India through a multidistribution, multi-product platform. 2. to adopt AXAs best practice blueprint as a sound platform for profitable growth 3. to leverage Bhartis local knowledge, infrastructure and customer base 4. to deliver high level of shareholder return

5. to be the employer of choice to attract and retain the best talent in India






Marketing occupies an important place in the organization of a business unit. Marketing consists of those efforts that effect that effect transfer in ownership of good and care for their physical distribution. It is process by which product are made available to the ultimate consumers from the point of origin. The purpose of a business is to create a customer. Marketing is the function of business concerned with the creation of a customer. This means that marketing is the essence of all business. Marketing beings by influencing the form the product should take to secure maximum acceptance in the market as well as the prices at which and the quantities in which it should be offered in any given period to secure the maximum to the enterprise in the long term. Thus through marketing a firm makes a conscious and organized effort to find out what the member of the community need and how it can provide the maximum measures of satisfaction to them.




Meaning of Product:
A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or needs. Products that are marketed include: Physical goods Services Experiences Events Persons Places Properties Organization Information




A product mix is the set of all products and items that a particular seller offers for sale. Product mix includes: Product variety Quality Design Features Brand name Packing Services Returns


There are many types of products (plans) for the benefit and investment of the general public. And these are as follows: Future Confident Wealth Confident Save Confident Dream Life Pension Spot Suraksha


Why should you buy future confident?
Future confident is a suitable product for you, if your objective is long term, targeted wealth creation over 15-20 years, either for your own retirement or for your childrens future, while at the same time providing your family comprehensive protection against unfortunate incidences in life.

How future confident works for you?

The product works as follows: 1. The premium paid by you decides the sum assured. 2. The premium is netted off the premium allocation charge and invested in the investment fund of your choice. The unit price of the investment funds decides the number of units allowed to you. 3. Once the units are allocated, monthly fixed charges and mortality charges are deducted by cancellation of units. 4. Net units and the price of the investment fund decide your policy fund value. Every time the premium is paid, fresh units are allocated and subsequently the deduction is made, and the policy accumulated higher no. of units, resulting in higher policy fund value.


(Table- 1 plant at glance-future confident) Product name Sum assured Future confident It is fixed multiple of the regular premium 0-20 years = 35 times 21-35 years = 25 times 36-45 years = 20 times 46-50 years = 15 times 51-60 years = 10 times Rs.10000/- for yearly Rs.5000/- for half yearly Rs.2500/- for quarterly 0 years 60years Policy fund value as calculated with the respective unit prices of the relevant investment funds to which your regular premium and top up premium have been allocated as on their valuation dates.

Minimum premium Minimum age at entry Maximum age at entry Maturity benefit


Why should you buy this plan? Wealth confident is the perfect product for you, if your key objective is to potentially maximize your wealth and fulfill your future financial objectives such as childs higher education, building a retirement kitty, asset creation etc. Being a unit-linked plan, it suits your requirement of earning potentially higher returns by assuming the appropriate risks. How wealth confident works for you?
1. 2.

The premium paid by you decides the sum assured.

The premium is netted of the premium allocation charge and invested in the investment fund of your choice. The unit price of the investment fund decides the number of units allocated to you. Once the units are allocated, monthly fixed charges and mortality charges (deducted for the life insurance benefit, depending on your age) are deducted by cancellation of units.


(Table- 2 plant at glance wealth confident) Product name Sum assured Minimum premium Wealth confident 5 times the annual regular premium paid Rs 24000/- yearly Rs 12000/- half yearly Rs 6000/- quarterly Rs 2000/- monthly 18 years 60 years Policy fund value as calculated with the respective unit prices of the relevant investment funds to which your regular premium and top up premium have been allocated as on their valuation dates

Minimum age at entry Maximum age at entry Maturity benefit



Why should you buy this plan? Save confident is a suitable product for you, if your key objective is secured growth on your investments, with regular liquidity to meet your intermittent financial objectives, while providing your family a comprehensive and enhanced protection against unfortunate incidents. How save confident works for you? 1. The regular premium in save confident is to be paid for a term of 12 years, while the policy benefit period is 15 years. You can pay the premiums on a yearly, quarterly or monthly basis.
2. The

product guarantees regular annual payment for 10years starting from the end of 6th policy year till maturity. The guaranteed overall payment over the 10 years is 110% of the basic sum assured.


3. An annual reversionary bonus, if any, shall be declared on the sum assured. This will be declared every year and has a compounding effect.

(Table -3 plant at glance save confident) Product name Sum assured Minimum premium Minimum age at entry Maximum age at entry Maturity benefit save confident Minimum sum assured is Rs 60000 6000 for yearly mode 12 years 55 years Policy fund value as calculated with the respective unit prices of the relevant investment funds to which your regular premium and top up premium have been allocated as on their valuation dates



Bharti AXA life insurances unique unit- linked pension product, which lets you live your retired life king-size. How dose Dream Life Pension work? choose the age you would like to retire, which determines your premium paying terms in case of annual regular premium mode. 2. Choose to save as per your preference, through single premium or annual regular premium. 3. Premiums paid by you are netted off by the premium allocation charge and invested in the investment funds of your choice. 4. Once the units are allocated, policy administration charges are deducted monthly by cancellation of units. 5. Special additions are made to your policy fund value every year, starting from the end of 10th policy year onwards till the retirement date, thus increasing your retirements corpus.


1. Flexibility: The Accumulator Option Choose to regularly increase your Premium by 5%to 8% each year

BENEFITS Add top-up premium decrease Any time after 1st policy year, Any no. of times 2nd policy Increase or premium any time after Year

(chart no. 1 benefits of dream life pension) 2. Choice of investment fund options to help maximize your investment returns 3. Special addition to boost your investment return 4. Flexibility of choosing your retirement age 5. Switching facility to provide total control over your investment



(Table no. 4 surrendering value) Policy year Surrender value, % of policy fund value Annual regular premium Single premium 1 Nil Nil 2 75% Nil 3 88% Nil 4 92% 98% 5 95% 99% 6 100% 100%

(Table no. -5 plan at glance - dream life pension) Parameter Minimum age at entry Maximum age at entry Premium modes Minimum premium Eligibility 18 years 55 years Single pay, yearly, half- yearly, quarterly, monthly Annual: 12000p.a. Single:25000 Minimum policy 10 years



What is spot suraksha? Spot suraksha is a unit linked insurance product, which offers you an instant insurance protection and benefit of wealth creation in the long-term. What are the advantages of spot suraksha? With spot suraksha,getting an insurance cover is as simple as AB-C.
1. Understand the product: Read and understand the product

brochure and the Benefit illustration 2. Sing up: sing up the simple application form, submit photograph, proofs for identity, address and age
3. Walk out insured: a cover note is issued to you and your

insurance cover starts instantly. Other benefits: 1. just fill the application form and answer the simple health related questions 2. immediate insurance cover on completely filling the application form and correctly answering the health questions


100% allocation of your premium to the investment fund of your choice from 2nd year onwards



The second element of marketing mix is about price of the product. It is one kind of agreement between the buyer and the seller. It should consider pricing discount, allowance and terms of credit. The amount of money changed for a product or services for the sum of values that customers change for the benefit of having or using the product or service. Price is a value placed upon the product by the offered If we analyses all the four marketing mix. Among all these the price is the only element which generate revenue for the firm. All the other three are cost generators. Behind any successful organization right pricing decision is there while a wrong pricing decision may lead to failure or even sometimes loss to the organization. At last we can say that the price is the exchange the value of goods and services in terms of money.


There are many types of elements of price mix and which are as follows: List price Discounts Allowances Payment period Credit terms


Bharti AXA Life has many types of payment option. And these are as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. Cash / cheque Credit card Skypack drop box Electric bill payment process(EBPP)

Skypack drop box You can drop your premium cheques at any of skypack drop boxes in your area Electric bill payment process (EBPP) You can pay premium on line through your banking A/C with any of following partner banking: ICICI Citibank HDFC bank



(Table no. 6 different premium & sum assured)

Name of plan
Future confident

Sum assured
It is fixed multiple of the regular premium 0-20 years = 35 times 21-35 years = 25 times 36-45 years = 20 times 46-50 years = 15 times 51-60 years = 10 times 5 times the annual regular premium paid

Rs.10000/- for yearly Rs.5000/- for half yearly Rs.2500/-for quarterly

Wealth confident

Rs 24000/- yearly Rs 12000/- half yearly Rs 6000/- quarterly Rs 2000/- monthly

Save confident Dream life pension

Minimum sum assured is 6000 for yearly mode Rs. 60000 Annual: 12000p.a. Single:25000




Today you have to run faster to study in the same place, many companies fail to see change as opportunities. They must be trend takers and opportunities seekers. Company should adopt current trend to distribute its product. The channel management must be effective enough to run smoothly in the market for the product. Channel management is related with the way through which goods and services flow or move from producer to customer. It includes decisions regarding how to make available the finish product to the final consumer from manufacturer.


Place mix includes the following items: Channels Coverage Location Inventory Transport


Most producers dont sell their goods directly to the final users. Between them stands a set of intermediaries performing a variety of functions. These intermediaries constitute a marketing channel. Marketing Channels are sets of interdependent organization involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption The distribution channel of Bharti AXA Life is as follows: Bharti AXA life insurance

Advisor Customers (Chart no. -2 distribution channel)


The different coverage areas of Bharti AXA Life in only India are as follows: (Table no. 7 coverage area) 1. AHEMDABAD 2nd floor, Shree Jayshree Ambica Chambers, near C.U.Shah Collage, Ashram road, Ahamdabad- 380014 2.BHOPAL 1st floor ,117, zone-2 Maharana Pratap Nagar Bhopal-462011 (o)2578100,2578102,2 578103 Fax:0755-2578103 E-mail: .in (o)7546150 Fax: 079- 7546142 e-mail : insombahd@rediffmail. com

3.BHUBANESWAR 62,Forest Park,Bhuvnashwar751009 (O)2535220 Fax:0674-2531607 Email: susantamishra@yahoo. com/

4.CHANDIGARH S.C.O. no. 101,102&103,



2nd floor, Batra building sector17-D, Chandigarh-160017 5. CHENNAI Fatima AkhtarCourt, 4th floor,453 Anna salai, Chennai- 600018 6.DELHI 2/2A,1st floor, Universal InsuranceBldg.Asaf Ali Road New Delhi- 110002 7. KOCHI 2nd floor, CC27/2603 Pulinat building M.G. Road, Kochin-682015 8. MUMBAI 2nd floor,Jeevan Seva Annexe S.V. Road,santa cruz Mumbai-400054

Fax: 0172-708274

(o)24333678 Fax:044-24333664 e-mail: insombud@md4.vsnl.n

(o)23239611 Fax:011-23230858 e-mail: mailto:insombudsmand el@netcracker>com

(o)2373334 Fax: 0484-2373336

(o)26106928 Fax:022-26106052


This is the stage where which product to product has been decided and produced too. More over its price have also been fixed up on. The place where to launch the product is also fixing. Now how to launch it in a best way that each and every potential customer can get maximum information and knowledge about the benefits, features, uses etc of the product. The promotion mix strategy emphasizes upon marketing of the product through marking channels in the target market. The nature of production and financial condition of the company affects a lot in deciding about promotion mix of any product. In

short, promotion is one kind of tool for building favorable image of marketers and their products. it is an effective and continuous flow of information about the product between the firm and consumer.


There are many types of elements which are as follows: Advertising Sales promotion Sales force


Public relations Direct marketing




Any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor In developing a program, marketing managers must always start by identifying the target market and buyer motives. Then they can make the five major decisions in developing an advertising program, known as five Ms: 1. Mission: 2. Money: 3. Message: 4. Media: 5. Measurement: The description of these points is as follows.

1. Mission: What are the advertising objectives? The mission of the advertising of Bharti AXA Life is to increase the sales of policy and also for the awareness of the company and its plans. 2. Money: How much can be spent? If the company spends too little money, the effect will be negligible. If it spends too much, some of the money will be wasted. So the company should make the budget of the advertisement. Therefore it can prevent the waste of money. And Bharti AXA Life also makes the budget for the advertisements.

3. Message: What message should be sent? Logo of the Bharti AXA Life is be life confident This logo sends the message that takes the insurance and makes your life free from circumstances and live the life with confident. 4. Media: What media should be used? There are many types of media which is used by Bharti AXA Life which are TV, print, outdoor, websites and other new Medias. 5. Measurement: How should the result be evaluated? Good planning and control of advertising depend on measures of advertising effectiveness. Most measurement of advertising effectiveness deals with specific ads.



Appointment is taken from a person whoever is interested in taking policy. The data is collected from a bank of such person that has that much amount of money that the tax can be levied on that. For tax benefit purpose they may take policy. The data can also be collected from the AIRTEL service provider. After


that the agent calls them and if they are interested in taking policy, they give appointment.

The plans are explained. There are many plans at Bharti AXA insurance like, investment plan, save confident plan, secure confident plan, aspire life etc. Different documents are filled up. Then the person who undergone this process becomes policy holder.


Advertising media is a vehicle which carries sales manager of an advertiser to the prospects, by that way they aid in closing the gap between producer and consumer. Effective advertising refers t o informing the public about the right product at the right time through right medium. Conveying a right message through a wrong medium at the wrong time would be definite waste of resources. Right media selection is therefore crux of the success of entire advertising campaign.


Different types of marketing media of Bharti AXA Life are as follows: News papers, magazines Billboards, hoardings and panels Radio, television, website, email, SMS, Representatives of intermediaries Telephone solicitations Videos

The most important role playing in the existing of the company is of the competitors. The competitors of Bharti AXA Life are as follows:
Meiji yasuda life Japan Nippon life insurance Japan


Sumitomo life -Japan

PROCESS OF SALES MANAGER FUNCTIONS Customer services process flow:

Proposal forms received from branches at HO Reconcile the proposals received against the transmittal form

Quality check on proposals/documents attached Sent to underwriter Under written proposals which are accepted are received back Check from client &issue Dispatch policies to clients Confirm the receipt of policies from branches (Chart no. 3 customer services process)

MEANING OF PUBLIC: A public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on a companys ability to achieve its objectives. MEANING OF PUBLIC RELATIONS:


Public relation involves a variety of programs designed to promote or protect a companys image or its individual products. Public relation is referred to everything that is conducted to improve mutual understanding between organization and target groups. Its aim is to build the goodwill and good image. The importance of public relation is as follows:
It helps in creating a good and favourable image of co.

products in eyes of consumer.

It helps in introduction of new products by providing information about them to news media by press release and any other way. It helps in improving sagging image of existing product in repositioning it in the market. It helps in influencing national and local govt. on decisions affecting the organization. It helps in influencing specific groups and establishing relationship with them which may be favourable to organization. Bharti AXA Life maintain the public relation like as It releases the press kits. It organizes the seminars periodically of the advisor of Bharti AXA Life. It releases the annual report. It celebrates the all Indian events in all its branches.



At Bharti AXA we are committed to delivering customer delight by adhering to the gold standards of customer service. For any service request regarding your Bharti AXA Life insurance policy or information on any of our products and services please write into If you have encountered a problem or wish to escalate a service issue please write into Alternatively you could fax your message to 022-40306347 or write to us at the address mentioned in our contact details. And thus it improves their relation with the customers.

Direct marketing is an interactive marketing system that uses one or More advertising media to affect a measurable response and transaction at any location. Today, many direct marketers see direct marketing as playing a broader role, that of building a long term relationship with the customer. Direct marketer occasionally sends birthday cards, information materials or small premiums.


Bharti AXA Life also makes the direct marketing with the customers and also increases its sales of different plans. Tool of direct marketing Direct mail: Direct mail marketing means sending offers, announcement, reminder or other item to an individual customer. Catalog marketing: In catalog marketing, companies may send full line merchandise catalogs, specialty consumer catalogs and business catalogs, usually in print form but also sometimes as CDs, videos or online.

Telemarketing: Telemarketing is the use of the telephone and calls centers to attract prospects, sell to existing customers, and provide service by taking orders and answering questions. Bharti AXA Life uses the direct mail and telemarketing as the tool of direct marketing.


At the end I would like to conclude that the overall accounting policies of company are well structured. The background of the company is strong enough to resist the imbalance of the market as well as the company. They have been able to manage working capital components efficiently. Against the background of a very challenging business and economy scenario of the country, Bharti AXA Life concluded yet another year of satisfying results by improving operating margins significantly.


They shows that the society is stronger and more efficient and further shoe a consistent trend towards growth and cost efficiency.

Goal setting is a most important exercises for both advisor and the sales manager If done well it can help to motivate and get best results from all advisors Goal setting must lead to an actionable activity play for the short-term Goal setting is all about agreeing on a plan and working diligently to make it happens.


Goal setting is an on going exercise.

LIST OF TABLES Sr no. Particulars 1 2 3 4 Plant at glance-future confident Plant at glance-wealth confident Plant at glance-save confident Surrendering value Page no. 30 32 34 37


5 6 7

Plant at glance-dream life pension 37 Different premium & sum assured 43 Coverage area 48

LIST OF CHART Sr no. Particulars 1 2 3 Dream life pension Distribution channel Page no. 36 47

Customer services process 58

BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Business India. Life Insurance by ICFAI press. Kotler Philip, Marketing Management 11e, published by Pearson Edition (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., Indian Branch, Delhi.

Brouchers of Bharti AXA Life



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