محمد محمود ابوحسن sec6

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‫محمد محمود محمد احمد ابوحسن‬/‫االسم‬

‫اولي باور‬/‫الفرقه‬ Sec/6

1_THE BEST choose to manufacturing / cell

phone or digital camera batteries is : Li-ion
Battery Materials
Lithium-ion Battery Technology
In lithium-ion batteries, lithium ions move from the negative electrode through an electrolyte to the
positive electrode during discharge. The process is reversed when charging. Li ion batteries typically
use lithium as the material at the positive electrode, and graphite at the negative electrode.
The lithium-ion battery presents clear fundamental technology advantages when compared to
alternative cell chemistries like lead acid. Decades of research have led its development into the
efficient storage technology that it is today. Nevertheless, battery material R&D continues to push
the boundaries of cost, energy density, discharge rate, cycle life, and safety.

Lithium-ion Battery Materials

 Cathode Active Materials | LFP, LCO, LMO, NMC, NCA, CSG
 Anode Active Materials | Graphite, Graphene, LTO
 Packaging Materials | Pouches, Cases, Cans, Tabs
 Electrolyte | Lithium Hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6)
 Battery Grade Lithium | LiOH, Li2CO3
 Anode Foils | Copper, Nickel
 Cathode Foils | Aluminum
 Binders | PVDF, SBR
Lithium-ion Battery Advantages
Lithium-ion technology is currently the best-performing technology for battery energy storage. As a
result, li-ion batteries are widely used in small electronics (smartphones, laptops, drones) and electric
 Very high energy density, with potential for even greater density in the future.
 Prolonged charging of new batteries not required.
 Low discharge rate equivalent to half that of nickel batteries.
 Low maintenance requirements – period discharge not required.
 Can be configured to provide very high current to applications such as power tools.

2_cell phone display

Liquid Crystal Display, LCD Screen

The liquid crystal display is the thin screen covering your phone, and accounts for 39% of the pollution caused
by phones. Real liquid crystals are buried between the many thin layers of glass on your screen. Within this
liquid toxic mercury lurks. Thankfully, there is a big movement right now to create more environmentally safe
LCD screens, although they are yet to be in existence.

OLED Displays

Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays are able to deliver sharper and
brighter images than LCDs while using less power. Like LCDs, OLED
displays come in a variety of types. Here are the types of OLED displays
you're likely to find on smartphones.

Touch Screens
A touchscreen is a visual display that acts as an input device by responding
to the touch of a user's fingers, hand, or an input device such as a stylus.
Not all differences are the same. Here are the types of touch screens you're
likely to find on cellphones.

Retina Display
Apple calls the display on its iPhone a Retina Display , saying it offers more
pixels than the human eye can see. It is difficult to pin down the exact
specifications of a Retina display because the iPhone has changed size
several times since the technology was introduced. However, a Retina
Display delivers at least 326 pixels per inch.

3_solar cells:
:‫والبالستيك الشفاف الذي يكون في أعلى وأسفل سالسل الخلية يكون إما‬
EVA ‫البوليمر المشترك أسيتات فينيل االثيلين‬ 
PVB ‫بيوتيرال متعدد الفينيل‬ 
‫السليكونات‬ 
TPU ‫البالستيك الحراري متعدد اليوريثين‬ 
‫ حتى تتم حمايتها من العوامل الجوية‬.‫باإلضافة إلى زجاج معالج أمامي أي على السطح االمامي للسلسلة‬

4_wind turbine blades:

Manufactured from Glass and carbon fifibers. The stiffness of composites is
determined by the stiffness of fifibers and
their volume content. Typically, E-glass fifibers (i.e., borosilicate glass called
“electric glass” or “E-glass”
for its high electric resistance) are used as main reinforcement in the composites.
With increasing the
volume content of fifibers in UD composites, the stiffness, tensile and compression
strength increase
proportionally, yet, at high volume content of fifibers (after 65%), there might be
dry areas without
resin between fifibers and the fatigue strength of the composite reduces [25].
Typically, the glass/epoxy

composites for wind blades contain up to 75 weight % glass.

Many investigations toward the development of fifibers, which are stronger than
the usual E-glass
fifibers, have been carried out. The high strength fifibers (which are still used
seldom in practice, but
represent a promising source of the composite materials improvement) include
glass fifibers with
modifified compositions (S-glass, R-glass, etc.), carbon fifibers, basalt and aramid
fifibers. S-glass (i.e., high
‫‪strength glass, S means “Strength” here) .‬‬

‫‪5_ fuel cells :‬‬

‫تصنع من سبائك البالتين –االغشيه الهيدروكربونيه‬
‫ظهرت التطورات األخيرة للمحفزات الكهربية في خاليا الوقود أن محفزات سبائك البالتين‬
‫أظهرت زيادة في النشاط والتحمل أكبر من محفزات معدن البالتين‪ S.‬وقد أظهرت األغشية‬
‫الفلوروكربونية التقليدية تحسن في المتانة‪ ،‬كما أظهرت األغشية القائمة على الهيدروكربونات‪S‬‬
‫وعدا بالمساواة مع أداء األغشية الفلوروكربونية‪ S‬عالوة على التكلفة األقل‪ .‬كما قدمت التجارب‬
‫األخيرة مؤشرات على أن خاليا الوقود يمكن أن تعمل في الظروف القاسية بداء بالتجمد حتى‬
‫درجات الحرارة المرتفعة دون تدهور كبير في االداء‪ .‬إن أنظمة تخزين الهيدروجين الموجودة‬
‫للمركبات مازالت غير كافية لتلبية توقعات نطاق قيادة العمالء ( > ‪ 300‬ميل أو ‪ 500‬كم)‬
‫‪.‬دون اللجوء الي محطات شحن السيارة‬

‫‪6_Auto mobile engine blocks:‬‬

‫يص‪S‬نع‪ S‬م‪S‬حر‪S‬ك ا‪S‬لس‪S‬يا‪S‬رة‪S‬‬

‫تص‪S‬نع‪ S‬م‪S‬حر‪S‬كا‪S‬ت ا‪S‬لس‪S‬يا‪S‬را‪S‬ت‪ S‬من‪ S‬أن‪S‬وا‪S‬ع‪ S‬مت‪S‬عد‪S‬دة‪ S‬م‪S‬ن ا‪S‬لم‪S‬عا‪S‬دن‪ S‬و‪S‬ال‪S‬لد‪S‬ائ‪S‬ن‪ S‬ب‪S‬ما‪ S‬يت‪S‬ناس‪S‬ب‪ S‬مع‪ S‬وظ‪S‬يف‪S‬ة ك‪S‬ل‬
‫مج‪S‬مو‪S‬عة‪ S‬أو‪ S‬ق‪S‬طع‪S‬ة‪ S،‬وي‪S‬عا‪ S‬لن‪S‬وع‪ S‬األ‪S‬ح‪S‬ما‪S‬ل ا‪S‬لم‪S‬يك‪S‬ان‪S‬يك‪S‬ية‪ S‬ا‪S‬لو‪S‬اق‪S‬عة‪ S‬ع‪S‬لي‪S‬ها‪ ،S‬م‪S‬ع ت‪S‬حق‪S‬يق‪ S‬ال‪S‬مب‪S‬دأ‪ S‬ا‪S‬لع‪S‬ام‪S‬‬
‫وا‪S‬لم‪S‬عم‪S‬ول‪ S‬به‪ S‬بي‪S‬ن ك‪S‬اف‪S‬ة ال‪S‬من‪S‬تج‪S‬ين‪ S‬ل‪S‬لس‪S‬يا‪S‬را‪S‬ت‪ S‬وأل‪S‬ي‪ S‬س‪S‬لع‪S‬ة ك‪S‬ان‪ ،S‬أ‪S‬ال‪ S‬وه‪S‬و‪ S‬ت‪S‬حق‪S‬يق‪ S‬من‪S‬تج‪ S‬ب‪S‬أفض‪S‬ل‪S‬‬
‫ال‪S‬مو‪S‬اص‪S‬فا‪S‬ت‪ S‬و‪S‬عر‪S‬ضه‪ S‬لل‪S‬بي‪S‬ع‪ S‬بأق‪S‬ل ا‪S‬أل‪S‬سع‪S‬ار‪ S.S‬وف‪S‬يما‪ S‬يل‪S‬ي‪ S‬نس‪S‬تع‪S‬رض‪ S‬بعض‪ S‬أج‪S‬زا‪S‬ء‪ S‬ال‪S‬مح‪S‬رك‪ S‬وا‪S‬لم‪S‬وا‪S‬د‪S‬‬
‫ال‪S‬تي‪ S‬ت‪S‬صن‪S‬ع‪ S‬من‪S‬ها‪S:S‬‬

‫أو‪S‬ال‪ S‬ا‪S‬لم‪S‬عا‪S‬دن‪S‬‬

‫في‪S‬ما‪ S‬ي‪S‬لي‪ S‬ت‪S‬وض‪S‬ح‪ S‬ل‪S‬أل‪S‬جز‪S‬اء‪ S‬ال‪S‬تي‪ S‬ي‪S‬تم‪ S‬صن‪S‬اع‪S‬ته‪S‬ا‪ S‬من‪ S‬ال‪S‬مع‪S‬اد‪S‬ن‪ S‬مع‪ S‬تو‪S‬ضي‪S‬ح‪ S‬م‪S‬ما ي‪S‬صن‪S‬ع‪ S‬كل‪ S‬جز‪S‬ء‪S:‬‬

‫كت‪S‬لة‪ S‬ا‪S‬أل‪S‬سط‪S‬وا‪S‬نا‪S‬ت‪ S‬و‪S‬رأ‪S‬س‪ S‬ا‪S‬أل‪S‬سط‪S‬وا‪S‬نا‪S‬ت‪ S‬لل‪S‬مح‪S‬رك‪S‬‬

‫با‪S‬عت‪S‬با‪S‬ره‪S‬ما‪ S‬أك‪S‬بر‪ S‬ا‪S‬ألج‪S‬زا‪S‬ء‪ S‬با‪S‬لم‪S‬حر‪S‬ك ت‪S‬صن‪S‬عا‪S‬ن‪ S‬إم‪S‬ا م‪S‬ن س‪S‬بي‪S‬كة‪ S‬األ‪S‬ل‪S‬مو‪S‬ني‪S‬وم‪ S‬ال‪S‬قا‪S‬بل‪ S‬لل‪S‬صب‪( S‬ا‪S‬لق‪S‬اب‪S‬ل‪S‬‬
‫لل‪S‬سب‪S‬اك‪S‬ة) و‪S‬ال‪S‬مس‪S‬مى‪12 S‬‬

‫لل‪S‬مو‪S‬اص‪S‬فا‪S‬ت‪ S‬ا‪S‬لق‪S‬يا‪S‬سي‪S‬ة ا‪S‬لع‪S‬ال‪S‬مي‪S‬ة‪ ،)DIN( S‬و‪S‬ذل‪S‬ك‪ S‬لل‪S‬مح‪S‬رك‪S‬ات‪ S‬ال‪S‬صغ‪S‬ير‪S‬ة‪ S‬وذ‪S‬ات‪ S‬ال‪S‬ضغ‪S‬وط‪ S‬ال‪S‬من‪S‬خف‪S‬ضة‪S‬‬
‫وغ‪S‬ال‪S‬با‪ S‬ال‪S‬عا‪S‬مل‪S‬ة‪ S‬بال‪S‬بن‪S‬زي‪S‬ن‪ S‬أ‪S‬و م‪S‬ا ي‪S‬طل‪S‬ق‪ S‬ع‪S‬لي‪S‬ها‪ S‬مح‪S‬رك‪S‬ات‪ S‬ا‪S‬لش‪S‬را‪S‬رة‪ S.S‬أ‪S‬ما‪ S‬با‪S‬لن‪S‬سب‪S‬ة ل‪S‬لم‪S‬حر‪S‬كا‪S‬ت‪S‬‬
‫اال‪S‬ن‪S‬ضغ‪S‬اط‪S‬ية‪( S‬مح‪S‬رك‪S‬ات‪ S‬ا‪S‬لد‪S‬يز‪S‬ل) ف‪S‬غال‪S‬با‪ S‬ما‪ S‬يص‪S‬نع‪ S‬جس‪S‬م ا‪S‬لم‪S‬حر‪S‬ك‪ S‬و ر‪S‬أس‪ S‬ا‪S‬أل‪S‬سط‪S‬وا‪S‬نا‪S‬ت‪ S‬من‪ S‬حد‪S‬يد‪S‬‬
‫ال‪S‬زه‪S‬ر‪ S‬ذو‪ S‬ال‪S‬جر‪S‬اف‪S‬يت‪ S‬ا‪S‬لر‪S‬قا‪S‬ئق‪S‬ي‪ S‬ور‪S‬مز‪S‬ه‪GGS-20S; S‬‬


‫ال‪S‬شم‪S‬اي‪S‬ز‪Cylinder Liners S‬‬

‫وه‪S‬ي‪ S‬جلب‪ S‬ا‪S‬أل‪S‬سط‪S‬وا‪S‬نا‪S‬ت‪ S‬أ‪S‬و‪ S‬ما‪ S‬ي‪S‬طل‪S‬ق‪ S‬عل‪S‬يه‪ S‬ا‪S‬لق‪S‬مص‪S‬ان‪ S‬و‪S‬تص‪S‬نع‪ S‬م‪S‬ن‪ S‬حدي‪S‬د ا‪S‬لز‪S‬هر‪ S‬ا‪S‬أل‪S‬وس‪S‬تن‪S‬يت‪S‬ى‪ S‬ذ‪S‬و‬
‫ال‪S‬جر‪S‬اف‪S‬يت‪ S‬ا‪S‬لر‪S‬ما‪S‬لق‪S‬ي‪1562( S‬‬


‫ال‪S‬را‪S‬تن‪S‬جا‪S‬ت‪ S‬اإل‪S‬ي‪S‬بو‪S‬كس‪S‬يد‪S‬ية‪( S‬اال‪S‬ي‪S‬ثو‪S‬كس‪S‬يل‪S‬ين‪S‬ية‪ )S‬و ت‪S‬سم‪S‬ى‪ S‬ت‪S‬جا‪S‬ري‪S‬ا با‪S‬أل‪S‬را‪S‬لد‪S‬يت‪ S‬أ‪S‬و‪ S‬اإل‪S‬ب‪S‬وك‪S‬سي‪S‬ن‪S‬‬

‫وه‪S‬ي‪ S‬عب‪S‬ار‪S‬ة ع‪S‬ن‪ S‬مو‪S‬اد‪ S‬ال‪S‬صق‪S‬ة‪ S‬عا‪S‬لي‪S‬ة ا‪S‬لص‪S‬ال‪S‬بة‪ S‬وا‪S‬لت‪S‬حم‪S‬لي‪S‬ة‪ S‬وا‪S‬أل‪S‬دا‪S‬ء‪ S‬في‪ S‬درج‪S‬ات‪ S‬ال‪S‬حر‪S‬ار‪S‬ة‪ S‬ال‪S‬عا‪S‬لي‪S‬ة‪S‬‬
‫وت‪S‬ست‪S‬خد‪S‬م ف‪S‬ي ا‪S‬لع‪S‬دي‪S‬د‪ S‬من‪ S‬ال‪S‬مو‪S‬اض‪S‬ع‪ S‬ك‪S‬إص‪S‬ال‪S‬ح‪ S‬رأ‪S‬س‪ S‬ال‪S‬ما‪S‬كي‪S‬نة‪ S‬م‪S‬ن ا‪S‬لن‪S‬تو‪S‬ءا‪S‬ت‪ S‬و‪S‬ال‪S‬فج‪S‬وا‪S‬ت‪ S‬في‪ S‬غر‪S‬ف‪S‬‬
‫ال‪S‬حر‪S‬يق‪ S‬و‪S‬غي‪S‬ره‪S‬ا ك‪S‬ذل‪S‬ك‪ S‬تس‪S‬تخ‪S‬دم‪ S‬في‪ S‬ل‪S‬صق‪ S‬بطا‪S‬نا‪S‬ت ا‪S‬لم‪S‬كا‪S‬بح‪ S‬ب‪S‬قو‪S‬اع‪S‬ده‪S‬ا‪ S‬ال‪S‬حد‪S‬يد‪S‬ية‪ S‬في‪ S‬نظ‪S‬م ا‪S‬لك‪S‬يح‪S‬‬


‫كل‪S‬ور‪S‬يد‪ S‬ا‪S‬لب‪S‬ول‪S‬ي‪ S‬ف‪S‬ين‪S‬يل‪( S‬ي‪S‬تم‪ S‬تح‪S‬ضي‪S‬ره‪ S‬من‪ S‬األ‪S‬س‪S‬يل‪S‬تي‪S‬ن‪ S‬وح‪S‬امض‪ S‬ال‪S‬هي‪S‬در‪S‬وك‪S‬لو‪S‬ري‪S‬ك‪)S‬‬

‫وي‪S‬ست‪S‬خد‪S‬م ف‪S‬ي ص‪S‬نا‪S‬عة‪ S‬ا‪S‬لخ‪S‬را‪S‬طي‪S‬م‪( S‬ا‪S‬لل‪S‬يا‪S‬ت) وا‪S‬أل‪S‬جز‪S‬اء‪ S‬ال‪S‬عا‪S‬زل‪S‬ة‪ S‬لل‪S‬حر‪S‬ار‪S‬ة‪ S‬وا‪S‬لر‪S‬طو‪S‬بة‪ S‬وغ‪S‬ير‪S‬ها‪S.S‬‬

‫ال‪S‬دا‪S‬ئن‪ S‬ا‪S‬لب‪S‬ول‪S‬ي‪ S‬إ‪S‬يث‪S‬لي‪S‬ن‪ S‬ال‪S‬لي‪S‬نة‪ S‬وا‪S‬أل‪S‬خر‪S‬ى ا‪S‬لص‪S‬لد‪S‬ة‪S‬‬

‫وت‪S‬ست‪S‬خد‪S‬م ف‪S‬ي ص‪S‬نا‪S‬عة‪ S‬ا‪S‬لع‪S‬دي‪S‬د‪ S‬م‪S‬ن‪ S‬ال‪S‬حاو‪S‬يا‪S‬ت‪ S‬وا‪S‬لخ‪S‬زا‪S‬نا‪S‬ت‪ S‬وا‪S‬أل‪S‬وع‪S‬ية‪ S‬م‪S‬ثل‪ S‬حاو‪S‬يا‪S‬ت م‪S‬نق‪S‬يا‪S‬ت‪ S‬ا‪S‬له‪S‬وا‪S‬ء‪S‬‬
‫وا‪S‬لخ‪S‬زا‪S‬نا‪S‬ت‪ S‬اإل‪S‬ض‪S‬اف‪S‬ية‪ S‬لد‪S‬ائ‪S‬رة‪ S‬ال‪S‬تب‪S‬ري‪S‬د‪ S‬ال‪S‬مح‪S‬رك‪ S‬و‪S‬حاو‪S‬يا‪S‬ت‪ S‬ا‪S‬لك‪ S‬ا‪S‬لف‪S‬را‪S‬مل‪ S‬و غ‪S‬ير‪S‬ها‪S.S‬‬

‫أل‪S‬يا‪S‬ف‪ S‬ال‪S‬بو‪S‬لي‪ S‬أ‪S‬مي‪S‬د‪( S‬ي‪S‬تم‪ S‬تح‪S‬ضي‪S‬ره‪ S‬من‪ S‬أح‪S‬ماض‪ S‬ال‪S‬كر‪S‬بو‪S‬ن‪ S‬ا‪S‬لث‪S‬نا‪S‬ئي‪S‬ة و‪S‬ما‪S‬دة‪ S‬ال‪S‬دي‪S‬ام‪S‬ين‪S‬ين‪)S‬‬

‫وت‪S‬ست‪S‬خد‪S‬م ف‪S‬ي ص‪S‬نا‪S‬عة‪ S‬ل‪S‬يا‪S‬ت و‪S‬مو‪S‬صال‪S‬ت‪ S‬ال‪S‬بن‪S‬زي‪S‬ن‪ S‬وع‪S‬وا‪S‬ما‪S‬ت‪ S‬ا‪S‬لم‪S‬غذ‪S‬ي‪ S‬أو‪ S‬ال‪S‬مب‪S‬خر‪( S‬ال‪S‬كر‪S‬بر‪S‬يت‪S‬ور‪)S‬‬
‫وب‪S‬عض‪ S‬تر‪S‬وس‪ S‬ق‪S‬يا‪S‬س‪ S‬ا‪S‬لس‪S‬رع‪S‬ة‪ S‬وب‪S‬عض‪ S‬ال‪S‬تر‪S‬وس‪ S‬ال‪S‬من‪S‬قا‪S‬دة‪ S‬ا‪S‬لم‪S‬وز‪S‬ع‪( S‬ا‪S‬لد‪S‬لك‪S‬و) و‪S‬بع‪S‬ض ا‪S‬لح‪S‬لي‪S‬ب‪ S‬خ‪S‬في‪S‬فة‪S‬‬
‫ال‪S‬تح‪S‬مي‪S‬ل‪ S‬ال‪S‬مك‪S‬ان‪S‬يك‪ S‬وح‪S‬لق‪S‬ات‪ S‬ال‪S‬در‪S‬ك‪ S‬وج‪S‬ل ا‪S‬لص‪S‬يا‪S‬فة‪ S‬ا‪S‬لغ‪S‬ير‪ S‬م‪S‬عر‪S‬ضة‪ S‬ل‪S‬ال‪S‬حت‪S‬كا‪S‬ك‪ S‬ا‪S‬لم‪S‬با‪S‬شر‪ S‬و‪S‬غي‪S‬ره‪S‬ا‪S.‬‬
‫‪7_auto mobile bodies:‬‬

‫صلب أو فوالذ ‪1.‬‬

‫مما ال شك فيه قد تطور إنتاج الصلب كثي ًر ا في يومنا هذا‪ .‬وتحتاج األجزاء والقطع المختلفة للسيارة إلى أنواع مختلفة من‬
‫إن الصلب مادة رئيسية ذات مهمة في صناعة ألواح األبواب‪ ،‬وشاسيه السيارات‪ ،‬والدعم اإلنشائي‪ .‬كما أنها تستخدم في‬ ‫الفوالذ‪ّ .‬‬
‫‪.‬أنابيب العادم وكواتم الصوت في السيارة‬

‫تستخدم مادة الفوالذ في الغالب في تصنيع هيكل السيارة بسبب قوتها‪ .‬هذا يعني أنها تمتلك القدرة على امتصاص التأثيرات‬
‫إن السيارة المتوسطة في المستوى تحتوي على ‪ 2400‬رطل من الفوالذ‬ ‫‪.‬والضربات‪ّ .‬‬

‫‪.‬فهذه المادة تساعد الناس على البقاء آمنًا في الطرق حيث أنها معدن مسؤول عن وزن ودعم المركبات‬

‫بالستيك ‪2.‬‬
‫المواد البالستيكية المستخدمة في إنتاج السيارات هي منتجات بترولية ثانوية‪ّ .‬‬
‫إن بالستيك (الغاز والنفط) يتحدى الصلب ألهميته‬
‫‪.‬في صناعة السيارات‪ .‬البالستيك قوي للغاية بما يكفي للحفاظ على الهيكل في الشكل‬

‫البالستيك؛ تشكل لوحة العدادات ما يقرب من نصف إجمالي قطع غيار السيارات التي تعد المكون الرئيسي في إنتاج مقابض‬
‫‪.‬األبواب واألنابيب وفتحات التهوية‪ .‬إن المتانة والتنوع والوزن الخفيف للمواد البالستيكية تجعلها مواد مثالية ألجزاء مختلفة‬

‫األلمنيوم ‪3.‬‬
‫إن مادة األلمنيوم تجعله خفة ومتانة مثاليًا لبعض قطع غيار السيارات من بين المعادن األخرى‪ ،‬كما أصبحت مادة شائعة في‬
‫إنتاج السيارات‪ .‬كانت مادة األلمنيوم تشكل ‪ ٪2‬فقط من إجمالي مكونات السيارات في عام ‪ .1970‬وأ ّما اليوم تمثل ‪ ٪15‬من‬
‫‪.‬إجمالي قطع غيار السيارات‬

‫من بين األجزاء المهمة للسيارات مما ال شك فيه هي العجالت‪ ،‬وتكون مصنوعة من األلومنيوم بدالً من الفوالذ‪ .‬ومعظم كتل‬
‫ضا من الفوالذ‪ .‬مع أن مادة األلمنيوم ليست متينة© مثل الحديد‪ ©،‬إال أنها أخف وزنا وهذا يحسن األداء‬
‫‪.‬المحرك تكون مصنوعة أي ً‬

‫المطاط ‪4.‬‬
‫تصنع أسافين المحرك‪ ،‬وخراطيم المياه‪ ،‬وشفرات المساحات‪ ،‬واألحزمة من مادة مطاطية‪ .‬مثل مادة البالستيك‪ّ ،‬‬
‫إن المطاط‬
‫‪.‬رخيص ودائم ومرن‬

‫لذلك‪ ،‬يمكن استخدام المطاط في مجموعة متنوعة من األجزاء‪ .‬والمطاط تتعامل مع الحرارة جيدًا إذا سخنت السيارة‪ .‬ويستخدم‬
‫‪.‬معظم المطاط المنتج في صناعة السيارات‬

‫زجاج ‪5.‬‬
‫يستخدم الزجاج في شاشات المالحة وعدسات الكاميرا االحتياطية والمرايا في السيارات في يومنا هذا‪ .‬ويساعد الزجاج السائقين‬
‫‪.‬على رؤية خلفه وما يفعله بوضوح أكبر وإلى أين يتجه‬

‫يصنع الزجاج األمامي حاجز الرياح من الزجاج الرقائقي‪ .‬ويوفر تصفيح الزجاج أعلى درجات األمان للمستخدمين‪ ،‬خاصة في‬
‫‪.‬حالة حدوث تصادم‬

‫األلياف الزجاجية ‪6.‬‬

‫‪.‬يعتقد معظم الناس أن الزجاج واأللياف الزجاجية نفس المادة‪ .‬لكن هذا ليس بصحيح‬
‫تصنع األلياف الزجاجية من أسالك زجاجية رقيقة صغيرة‪ .‬عندما يلمس الزجاج هذه الطبقات الصغيرة ويتم طالء الراتنج عليه‪،‬‬
‫‪.‬يمكن عمل أشياء صغيرة‬

‫تقدم األلياف الزجاجية العديد من المزايا اإليجابية في صناعة السيارات‪ .‬إنها مادة غير قابلة للتآكل‪ ،‬لذا فهي تساعد في استبدال‬
‫‪.‬الفوالذ في المناطق التي يمكن أن يصدأ فيها الفوالذ بسهولة‬

‫األلياف الزجاجية مقاومة للحريق‪ .‬ففي حالة وقوع حادث‪ ،‬يمكن للمستخدمين ترك السيارة دون أي ضرر‪ .‬ويمكن‬

‫الرصاص ‪7.‬‬
‫الرصاص معدن ممتاز ألنه ثقيل ويساعد على توازن السيارة‪ .‬وهذا هو السبب في كون معظم العجالت مصنوعة من أجزاء‬
‫الرصاص واأللمنيوم واأللياف الزجاجية‪ .‬والبطارية أيضا ً مصنوعة من الرصاص‪ ،‬كما أنه يحمي السيارة حتى عند ارتفاع‬
‫‪.‬درجة حرارة السيارة‬

‫النحاس ‪8.‬‬
‫يستخدم النحاس في الغالب لتوصيل أسالك السيارة والمكونات اإللكترونية األخرى‪ .‬وتستعمل األسالك النحاسية ألنظمة مختلفة‬
‫‪.‬في جميع أجزاء السيارة‪ ،‬مثل الراديو وأنظمة األمان ونقاط الشحن‬

‫التيتانيوم ‪9.‬‬
‫‪.‬التيتانيوم معدن باهظ الثمن‪ .‬لهذا السبب‪ ،‬تتجنب معظم الشركات استخدامه في عمليات اإلنتاج الخاصة بهم‬

‫ومع ذلك‪ ،‬تستخدمه بعض الشركات في األجزاء المعدنية حيث يتم استخدام الفوالذ واأللمنيوم بشكل تقليدي‪ .‬التيتانيوم يجعل‬
‫‪.‬السيارات بشكل أساسي تبدو أكثر إرضا ًء من الناحية الجمالية‬

‫المغنيسيوم ‪10.‬‬
‫يتكون الجسم والبنية وبعض أجزاء المحرك من المغنيسيوم‪ .‬وقد تم استخدامه في هذه األجزاء منذ عام ‪ .1930‬إنه معدن© مثالي‬
‫ألنه أخف بنسبة ‪ ٪75‬من الفوالذ و ‪ ٪33‬أخف من األلمنيوم‪ .‬ويتم استخدامه فقط في مناطق صغيرة ‪ ،‬حتى ال يخرب توازن‬


‫?‪1 Surfboard materials guide: What are surfboards made of‬‬

‫‪1.1 EPS or Epoxy Surfboards‬‬
‫‪1.2 Epoxy Resin‬‬
‫‪1.3 Polyester‬‬
‫‪1.3.1 Polyester vs Epoxy‬‬
‫?‪1.4 What surfboard do I buy‬‬
‫‪1.4.1 Advantages of an epoxy surfboard‬‬
‫‪1.5 100% Carbon‬‬
‫‪1.6 PU/PE‬‬
‫‪1.7 Polystyrene‬‬
‫‪1.8 Fiberglass‬‬
‫‪1.9 Conclusion: materials to make a surfboard‬‬


‫‪Expanded polystyrene, also known as EPS, is mostly used for epoxy surfboards made industrially.‬‬
‫‪More than 90% of its volume is occupied by oxygen, which makes it a lightweight board with‬‬
‫‪ease of movement in the water compared to other surfboards.‬‬
Two example boards that we´ve tried are the: Firewire Dominator 2 , Sci Fi 2.0 from Slater
Desings , the Hypto Krypto or the Bradley Gladiator.


This material is made with a block of Polyurethane (PU) and is covered with epoxy resin. When
finished, the board has the same look as the conventional models that we are used to seeing.
The resin gives more flexibility and durability, while also giving the boards more resistance
when facing torque.

Approximately 80% of the boards made today are done with polyester. This is due to it being
more practical and economical than epoxy resin. In the manufacturing process, the polyester is
mixed with a catalyst so that the resin stays consistent. The catalyst can be liquid or ultraviolet.
There exists different types of polyester, but in the surf industry, the most adequate ones are
silma resin and UV H61. Both good quality.

Two examples of boards we´ve tried with this material are the: Ono Fish from Single Quiver,
the Sweetspot from DHD Surfboards and the Clayton The Modern Twin Fin

One of the most frequent doubts when buying a surfboard is choosing between conventional
polyester and epoxy. The question is: How do I choose? Even experts disagree over which one to
recommend, classic or epoxy?
If we have to highlight a characteristic, it´s that polyester resin without a doubt offers more
flexibility. Something that we make use of as much as possible when we are in medium and big
waves. This type of material gives us more maneuverability in the board and at the same time
better and faster response time in the water. It also stands out that these boards are cheaper.
On the other hand, polyester resin boards have less floatability.
In regards to epoxy made boards, we can say these are more lightweight and float more.
Something that makes these good initiation models for surf beginners. These surfboards are
ideal for small waves and their material guarantees more durability and resistance against
blows and hits. They are also more resistant to color deterioration from sun exposure. All of
this makes them more expensive than polyester. As for negative points, these boards are more
rigid with less flexibility.

To get to a conclusion over which type of surfboard is recommended for you, you have to take
into account these different variables: Surf level, type of waves / predominant winds of your locality,

faster boards, weight and also budget.

There are many factors that influence when buying one board or another. Being a beginner, it
can be a difficult choice to take since most of the questions you´ll be asked in the surfshop or
by the shaper will be like another language to you. But with time and experience, it will result
easier to know what material to choose to get the most performance from your board.

Here we have a list on the main advantages that an epoxy board will have vs a polyester board.
1. Structure: Despite both boards having the same structure, its interior is made with foam, the
materials used are different. Epoxy boards are made with more resistant materials and are in
continuous development.
2. Resistance: This is one of the most important characteristics when choosing. Boards suffer a lot
each time they go in the water. Conventional boards are known for their fragility given that with
a few sessions you´ll start to see cracks around the board. Epoxy, on the other hand, has the
advantage of high durability and resistance in the water.
3. Lightweight: Epoxy boards are a lot lighter, which gives the board around 15%-30% more
floatability, helping with the paddling and speed in the wave.
4. Flexibility and response: Epoxy boards have more flexibility as we´ve said before. This type of
boards are recommendable for smaller waves. Polyester boards, on the other hand, are
recommended for good surf condition (now wind).
5. Ecological: Epoxy surfboards leave less contaminating substances during the manufacturing
process than polyester boards.
We leave this video for you where we sum up the advantages of epoxy boards and PU boards.


The technology for 100% carbon uses a block of high density EPS (expanded polystyrene). Its
covered with an imported carbon fabric and epoxy resin. The result of this mix gives the boards
a lightweight that can be used in any type of board. Included Stand Up Paddle. The high
resistance of the material protects the edges of the board.

An example of this type of material is the new surfboard from Samsung Galaxy which we´ve
talked about a while ago and also the ones with Johnny Cabianca as shaper.
10_golf clubs.
Steel, titanium, other metals, or carbon fiber are now used as shafts in golf clubs.
Steel shafts are tapered tubes or stepped steel tubes that are telescopic in appearance.
Golfers are now more accurate as a result of this. Leather or rubber are used to make
the grips of the clubs.

11_golf balls:
Golf Balls
Raw Materials
A golf ball is made up of mostly plastic and rubber materials. A two-piece ball consists of a solid rubber core
with a durable thermoplastic (ionomer resin) cover. The rubber starts out as a hard block, which must be
heated and pressed to form a sphere.
The three-piece ball consists of a smaller solid rubber or liquid-filled center with rubber thread wound around it
under tension, and an ionomer or balata rubber cover.
During the 1970s the interior of the ball improved further, thanks to a material called polybutadiene, a
petroleum-based polymer. Though this material produced more bounce it was also too soft. Research at
Spalding determined that zinc strengthened the material. This reinforced polybutadiene soon became widely
used by the rest of the manufacturers.
The Manufacturing
Three-piece golf balls are more difficult to make and can require more than 80 different manufacturing steps
and 32 inspections, taking up to 30 days to make one ball. Two-piece balls require about half of these steps
and can be produced in as little as one day.
Forming the center
1 The center of the two-piece ball is a molded core. It is a blend of several different ingredients, all of
which are chemically reactive to give a rubber type compound. After heat and pressure is applied, a
core of about 1.5 inches (3.75 cm) is formed.
Forming the cover and dimples
2 Injection molding or compression molding is used to form the cover and dimples on a two-piece ball
using a two-piece mold. In injection molding, the core is centered within a mold cavity by pins, and
molten thermoplastic is injected into the dimpled cavity surrounding the core. Heat and pressure cause
the cover material to flow to join with the center forming the dimpled shape and size of the finished ball.
As the plastic cools and hardens, the pins are retracted and the finished balls are removed.
3 With compression molding, the cover is first injection molded into two hollow hemispheres. These
are positioned around the core, heated and then pressed together, using a mold which fuses the cover
to the core and also forms the dimples. Three-piece balls are all compression molded since the hot
plastic flowing through would distort and probably cause breaks in the rubber threads.
Polishing, painting, and final coating
4 "Flash" or rough spots and the seam on the molded cover are removed. Two coats of paint are
applied to the ball. Each ball sits on two posts, which spins so that the paint is applied uniformly. Spray
guns that are automatically controlled are used to apply the paint. Next, the ball is stamped with the
logo. The final step is the application of a clear coat for high sheen and scuff resistance.
Drying and packaging
5 After the paint is applied, the balls are loaded into containers and placed in large dryers. After drying,
the balls are ready for packaging in boxes and other containers.

Space Telescope Mirrors
Traditional mirror materials include glasses, ceramic materials, and fused quartz while nontraditional mirror materials
include metals, metal alloys, SiC, and CFRP composites. Nontraditional mirror materials offer opportunities to reduce
weight and cost. In the case of Origins, nontraditional mirror materials also provide thermal advantages over traditional
mirror materials.4 The first assessment was primarily driven by Origins’ 4.5 K operating temperature. The first materials
eliminated were any that were not ideally suited for cryogenic temperatures. This included the glasses and glass ceramics:
Ultra Low Expansion (ULE) glass (titania-silicate glass), Zerodur (lithium-aluminosilicate glass-ceramic), and
Borosilicate (glass with silica and boron trioxide). However, fused silica was not eliminated because of its prominent
heritage as an optical substrate and its potential to perform in cryogenic temperatures. Other materials eliminated include
titanium because of its extremely high density and CFRP based on its limited manufacturability technologies. Five mirror
material candidates remained: beryllium, aluminum, fused silica, SiC, and aluminum, and beryllium metal matrix
composite (AlBeMet®)
Fused silica
Fused silica has extensive heritage as an optical substrate. It also has the lowest CTE at 4.5 K, nearly indistinguishable
from beryllium, the lowest strain at 4.5 K and relatively low specific stiffness. However, it has poor thermal conductivity
and thermal diffusivity, which is critical for Origins. Thermal diffusivity is the thermal conductivity divided by density
and specific heat capacity at constant pressure, measuring the rate of heat transfer in a material. In terms of
manufacturability, it is roughly equivalent to ULE glass with boule production, light-weighting, and polishing.
Silicon carbide
Silicon carbide (SiC) has high specific stiffness, low strain at 4.5 K—significantly higher than fused silica but lower than
others—low CTE at 4.5 K, and excellent thermal conductivity and diffusivity. It also has the potential for many segments
to be created from a single mold using a cladding process. SiC has spaceflight heritage through the Herschel Space
Observatory, a large 3.5-m sintered SiC primary mirror.5 Other examples of SiC heritage include a SiC bench for near-
infrared spectrograph Instrument on JWST and SiC mirrors have been demonstrated on GAIA of the European Space
Agency (ESA).6,7
Beryllium has the highest performance because of its high specific stiffness, low CTE at 4.5 K, and excellent thermal
conductivity and diffusivity. It also has the most relevant heritage through the JWST with a large, segmented primary
mirror operating at cryogenic temperatures. It also requires significant schedule lead time to develop segments and
imposes higher costs, mainly associated with manufacturing. Even though beryllium is high TRL based on its JWST
heritage, it requires extra care in manufacturing due to the human health complexity factor in grinding and light-
weighting.Aluminum 6061
Aluminum 6061 has good thermal conductivity and diffusivity. It is also excellent for manufacturability because it can be
machined easily, polished, and heat-treated. However, its high density, extremely high strain at 4.5 K—highest of all the
materials—and relatively high CTE at 4.5 K make it an overall poor performer for Origins. An athermal design, both
optically and structurally, would minimize some issues associated with strain and CTE mismatch, but then mass is an
Options exist to improve light-weighting for an aluminum mirror but there is also chemical stability to consider because of
its highly reactive surface. Spaceflight heritage exists for apertures below 0.5 m.
AlBeMet is a metal matrix composite of aluminum and beryllium. Its materials properties fall between beryllium and aluminum
and while it has a better performance than aluminum, it still has some of the disadvantages of low manufacturability due the
toxicity of beryllium while also being lower TRL. It also lacks heritage, with little-to-no spaceflight heritage and no meter class

Military Body Armor
Choosing protection options for body armor, you need to proceed from the threat. The class of
ammunition will depend on the answer, which means weight, material, thickness, and other
The body armor, called the improved outer tactical vest, can weigh up to 16kg and is mostly
made of synthetic fibers like Kevlar, Spectra Shield, or Dyneema (plastic polyethylene), with
metal or ceramic plates and is inspired by shellfish shells, but instead of calcium carbonate,
they used a new material.
The new material is Kevlar. It is a unique polymer, like many other synthetic fibers, which was
obtained in the laboratories of the world-famous DuPont concern a plastic-like compound known
for its durability and resistance to impacts from hard and explosive objects. What material
invented at DuPont laboratories is used for body armor today.
Best Material For Body Armor
Over the centuries, different cultures developed body armor for use in combat. Mycenaeans of
the 16th century BC as well as the Persians and Greeks around the Vth century BC used up to
14 layers of flax, while the Micronesian inhabitants of the Gilbert and Ellis Isles used braided
coconut fibers until the 19th century. In other countries, the armor was made from animal skins:
among the Chinese, back in the 11th century BC - the skin of the rhinoceros was in five to
seven layers, and the Shoshone Indians of North America also developed jackets from several
layers of leather that were glued or sewn together.
Below are the materials that are the most common types of body armor manufactured. The
choice of the most ideal material depends on the level of threat you face and how comfortable
should be body armor for you. Nowadays, the best material for body armor is polyethylene.
Because many soft and hard body armor products are made from it.
Kevlar vs Steel vs PE (Polyethylene) Body Armor
Kevlar, steel, and Polyethylene (PE) are the most used materials in the production of body
armors. Kevlar and Polyethylene are primarily used to make soft body armor, while steel and
ceramics are used to make hard body armor.
Kevlar is the fabric that revolutionized the way of protecting people in dangerous professions.
The Kevlar material turned out to be stronger than steel, while its threads can be woven into a
cloth or used to create a variety of technical devices that are distinguished by their strength and
resistance to flame. In addition to the use of fibers for various technical structures, Kevlar fabric
is the basis of the most common protective clothing. The inventor of this material,
StephanieKwolek, considered saving many lives as her main achievement thanks to the Kevlar
armor, helmets and other protective equipment that are now used by NATO military units.
Steel body armor is thin, cheap, but very heavy material. The vest usually weighs more than
10 kg. Such armor is used in cash collection services.
A bullet-proof vest made of polyethylene is the best option that should be chosen. Ideal
material properties for body armor is made by gluing unidirectional UHMWPE fibers onto a high-
density polyethylene sheet. Plates of polyethylene body armor work in a unique way.
In-flight, the bullet moves in a spinning motion and this rotation causes friction when the bullet
hits the PE armor plate. This friction causes the polyethylene material to melt and then holds the
bullet while it cools and hardens again.


Sports Equipment
Sportswear is a type of clothing that people wear when they exercise, go for a run, play a sport, etc. It is
any clothing worn when you indulge in physical activity. In order to make your workout session
comfortable, you need clothing that reduces perspiration and
enables you to move swiftly. Hence,
sportswear are created with special types of materials such as:
Earlier the belief that prevailed among the masses was that cotton is a material that does not absorb sweat,
so it is not a good option for active wear. However, off late, cotton sportswear is being made available as
it has better odor management compared to other materials as it is breathable and does not hold on to the
stench. However, when it comes to quick sweat absorbing, cotton still lags behind.
Calico is a subtype of cotton. It is an unprocessed version of cotton that is equally soft. This material is
highly absorbent, which makes it a good choice for active wear clothing. Also, by using calico, you will
be doing your bit towards the environment as it is environment-friendly.
Microfiber, as the name suggests, is a material made of fine tiny thread fibers with a linear density of not
more than one denier. This means that microfiber has threads that are 100 times finer than a human hair.
It is not naturally occurring, but man-made. Microfiber is an amalgam of different
types of polyester.
Microfiber is hence, an expensive material and often used in branded activewear.
Spandex is one of the most common types of materials used in sportswear. This is because it has a high
stretchability which makes the clothes agile and comfortable for movements. In fact, this material is
known to stretch 100 times more than its original size, making it a favorite material for sportswear. What
more? This material is known to absorb sweat, breathe and dry quickly.
Synthetic sportswear was introduced to make the lives of sportsperson easy by letting go of rubber
plastic sportswear that used to overheat them. Synthetic material can be used not only for clothing but
other sporting equipment as well such as knee and elbow bands. This material is breathable and also
quickly absorbs sweat to keep you cool.
Bamboo FiberTalking more about natural materials for sportswear, bamboo fiber is another
choice that is an
environment-friendly material as it is naturally made. Bamboo fiber is very light in weight and is moisture
wicking, making it an odorless sportswear. Bamboo fiber also provides amazing protection from UV rays
when you indulge in outdoor sports.
Gore-Tex is a hybrid material that is not only used to make sportswear clothing such as jackets, but also
running shoes. It is a film of fabric that is generally coated over sportswear to make it air and waterproof.
Regardless of this quality, it is still a breathable material that is a good choice for high-intensity sports.
Basically, it keeps wind and water outside but enables the sweat to evaporate. This material is, therefore,
a good choice for windcheaters.
Polyester is another common type of material used in sportswear. It is basically cloth made out of plastic
fibers making it light-weight, wrinkle-free, long lasting and breathable. It is non-absorbent in nature,
which means that your sweat is not absorbed by this cloth but left to dry on its own. Polyester also has
insulating properties, making it a good choice for both hot and cold weather.
Nylon is a very soft material with a texture just like silk and is known to dry quickly. Nylon also wicks
sweat and helps in easy evaporation. Nylon is also mildew resistant, making the fabric last longer. Nylon
also has a good stretch and recovery capacity.
Polypropylene is a plastic-based fabric. However, this fabric is completely water resistant, which means
that even if the sweat comes on the outer layer of your clothing, the fabric will not be wet from the inside.
This material can be used as a standalone fabric as well as a base layer with another fabric.
X- Static
X-Static is a material that is made of metal. The fibers of this fabric have silver particles infused in it.
Silver is a metal with anti-bacterial properties that prevents the accumulation of bacteria and fungus. X-
Static sportswear is, therefore, clean and free of odor even after excessive use.
Tencel is a wood-based fiber which is made from wood pulp. Since this material is made out of wooden
fibers, it has a good texture with perspiration wicking properties. Tencel is a material which is completely
biodegradable making it an environment-friendly choice. This material stays cool and is wrinkle-free.
Wool is a good sportswear fabric in locations that have cold weather. The fibers
in woolen fabric traps
heat and helps in keeping you warm. Woolen fabric is breathable which makes it
an odorless option for

Soccer Balls
The standard soccer ball is made of synthetic leather, usually polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride, stitched
around an inflated rubber or rubber-like bladder. Older balls were made of genuine leather and held shut with
cotton laces. Modern balls have a valve. The synthetic leather panels are backed with cloth, usually polyester
or a poly-cotton blend. The backing is held on with a latex adhesive. The ball is spherical, and for standard play
must be no bigger than 28 in (71.12 cm) around, and no smaller than 27 in (68.6 cm). Its weight is specified at
no less than 14 oz (0.392 kg) and no more than 16 oz (0.448 kg), filled to a pressure of 15 lb per sq in (6.8 kg
per sq cm).
The inner bladder of a soccer ball can be made from either natural or synthetic rubber that is gendy heated and
forced into a mold. The outer panels are produced from sheets of synthetic leather backed with several layers
of cloth, to strengthen the material. The sheets of synthetic leather are passed through a die-cutting machine
that cuts the hexagonal panels and also punches the stitch holes. The panels are then silkscreened and
imprinted with the manufacturer's logo.


The outside covering of a basketball is made of synthetic rubber, rubber, composition, or leather. The inside
consists of a bladder (the balloon-like structure that holds air) and the carcass. The bladder is made of butyl
rubber, and the carcass consists of treads of nylon or polyester. Preprinted decals are used to label the ball, or
foil is used to imprint label information. Zinc and copper plates are used in a press to either affix the decals or
imprint the foil.

Ski Poles
Ski poles are typically made of aluminum, graphite, fiberglass, or composite materials, all varying in
weight, price & performance.Most models today are made of a combination of these materials, drawing the benefits of each. A
pole that feels too heavy can through off your balance, whereas a super-light racing pole won't be able to withstand average
resort wear & tear.
Aluminum - moderately lightweight &most affordable, but can bend/snap easily.
Carbon Fiber - 100% carbon fiber creates the lightest poles available, but is also easily dented.
Composite/graphite - durable & have resilient flex, but are also slightly heavier

Ski Boots
Four different types of ski boots, which are claimed
by the producers to be thermo-formable, have been tested. All boots were in
size 26.5 Mondopoint. The plastic name given by the manufacturer, the external
maximum width (called Last [1]) and the nominal flex index (nFI, which is the
value of the flex index provided by the manufacturer and that has no
correlation between different manufacturers [6]) are reported in Table 1. Boot
1 and 2 had the same internal and external dimensions since have been obtained
by the same mold. Boot 3 was composed of two parts with two different values
of hardness, with a stiffer yellow part on the lower section of the shell and
a softer white part in the upper section of the shell (Fig. 1). The same type
of liner was used in all tests. The liner used was not thermo-formable in the
temperature range employed in the present study. Table 1: characteristics of
the ski boots tested Plastic name External maximum width (mm) nFI Boot 1 TPU
109 120 Boot 2 PTL 109 100 Boot 3 Custom shell 110 120 Boot 4 Vacuum plastic
110 130 The chemical composition has been determined by Fourier transform
infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) with a Perkin Elmer Spectrum One instrument,
using an Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) detector. The crystallinity and
melting temperature have been measured by differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC) using a Perkin Elmer DSC6 130 Martino Colonna et al. / Procedia
Engineering 112 ( 2015 ) 128 – 133 using a heating rate of 20°C/min from
0°C to 240°C. The Shore D hardness of the materials was measured according
to ISO 878 at 23°C. The softening of the plastic materials has been studied
measuring, by DMTA analysis, the storage modulus (E’) in a temperature range
from -120°C to 120°C. The tests have been performed with a Rheometrics
dynamic mechanic thermal analyser DMTA-3E model with a single cantilever
bending geometry on samples of 25x2x6 mm, using a strain of 0.1%, a frequency
of 10 Hz and with a scan rate of 3°C/min. DMTA has been performed applying an
oscillatory force to the sample and analysing the response as a function of
temperature. Due to the visco-elastic nature of the polymers tested, a
sinusoidal stress induces a sinusoidal strain consisting of an in-phase or
elastic part (E’, storage modulus), and an out-of-phase or viscous part (E”,
Loss modulus). The ratio between E” and E’ is called tanG and gives an
indication of the damping behaviour of the material. DMTA analysis has also
been used to predict ski boot performance (flex and rebound speed)
measuringthe storage modulus and tanG, of the materials
according to a
previous work
[5]. The change in shape of ski boots has been
measured using
a foot
(size 26.5 Mondopoint)
with a
the internal
part (Fig.
prosthesis was
in the
ski boot after
heating the
shell at 80°C
minutes, which are the
suggested thermo-formation
and temperature given
ski boot producers,
using a K-Tech Oven,
1CH, with a
power output
of 2300W. The prosthesis was kept in the
for 10 minutes and then extracted
from the boot. The width
boot was
measured in 7 different
points (Fig.
1) at the end of the process,
after 24
hours and after 1 week,
in order to determine the shape memory effect
of the material

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