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Hordova O.

Cлова на літеру D
Debate around China's steel industry is often clouded by doubts over official
statistics, and the challenge of gathering accurate data on a sprawling and
fragmented industry.

To debate
These two organizations served to create regulations over airports which the
airports themselves had no authority to debate.

Dem. Abb
Some major issues important to Dems are social and economic equality and
environmental conservation.

Sixty million people followed a demagogue who will do little for them.

Democracy is not about elections and voting.

Harbhajan Singh was known as a Democrat.

They are living in makeshift camps run by Kurdish armed groups including
U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.
The Department of Labor and the Department of Justice used the
Constitution to oppose self-determination.

In case of loans granted based on deposit, EIR also includes income from
interest on deposit paid by a bank.

The current deputy parole commissioner started as a corrections officer in

Labour Party rule changes in the 1980s which allowed local parties not only
to select candidates but deselect sitting MPs raised the prospect of local party

In the period 1419-1426 Gjon was an ally of Serbian Despot Stefan
Lazarević, who was also an Ottoman vassal.

In October MTOT Recorded About 170 Events that Could Destabilize
Ukrainian Society.

The end of the Vietnam War and the beginning of Détente caused domestic
military budgets to drop sharply.
Devolution of power was a major constitutional change reflecting the reality
of cultural diversity within the United Kingdom.

England, therefore, is the only country in the UK not to have its own
devolved parliament.

devolve on
Once all the States members of the Paris Union have become Members of
the Organization, the rights, obligations, and property, of the Bureau of that Union
shall devolve on the International Bureau of the Organization.

Devolve to
This store of knowledge may now devolve to one or several of the successor

devolve upon
Expectations without precedent devolve upon the United Nations.

The ability to resolve conflict through dialogue rather than violence, is an
essential skill for Myanmar to build in order to reach a lasting peace.

Dictatorship + dictator
In 2022 there are 57 dictatorships in the world. We define a dictator as the
ruler of a land rated “Not Free” by the Freedom House in their annual survey of
Diplomacy + Diplomatic
Modern diplomatic methods, practices, and principles originated largely
from 17th-century European custom. Beginning in the early 20th century,
diplomacy became professionalized; the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations, ratified by most of the world's sovereign states, provides a framework
for diplomatic procedures, methods, and conduct.

Hochstein is a former diplomat who advised Biden on Ukraine matters
during the Obama administration.

Since the start of the crisis in Ukraine, Germany's government has
demonstrated its willingness to engage diplomatically with Russia.

Diplomatic bag
A the end of the second reading of the draft articles, the Commission
recommended to the General Assembly that an international conference of
plenipotentiaries be convened to conclude a convention on the status of the
diplomatic courier and the diplomatic bag not accompanied by diplomatic courier.

diplomatic corps
Even in the United Nations, security considerations had resulted in
considerable limitations being placed upon the diplomatic corps.

Diplomatic immunity
Diplomatic immunity was not a licence to disregard the laws of the host
The British diplomatist secured his first triumph in the signature of the treaty
of Bucharest (May 28, 1812) whereby Khotin, Bender, Kilia and Akkerman were
left to Russia; the frontier was fixed at the Pruth; the Asiatic boundary was slightly

The dirty trick

The dirty trick refers to a political scandal that erupted in Israel in 1990.

the Democrats used their power in the state legislature to disenfranchise
minorities, primarily blacks, and ensure that Democratic Party and white power
would not be threatened again.

In 1965 the first arrests and trials of 20 dissidents occurred; profiles of these
dissenters were circulated clandestinely, and their compiler, the journalist
Vyacheslav Chornovil, was also arrested and imprisoned

The same deficiencies were found in countries whose institutions eschewed
pluralism and where the expression of opposition or dissidence was systematically

Dissident adj
The overseas political dissident site Epoch Times also reported that a large
number of patients released from medical care had tested positive again.
divine right
In European Christianity, the divine right of kings, divine right, or God's
mandation is a political and religious doctrine of political legitimacy of a

Australian political theorist Robert E. Goodin argues that the problem with
dog-whistling is that it undermines democracy, because if voters have different
understandings of what they were supporting during a campaign, the fact that they
were seeming to support the same thing is "democratically meaningless" and does
not give the dog-whistler a policy mandate.

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Canada was worth 1990.76 billion
US dollars in 2021, according to official data from the World Bank

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