Homework 2

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KAUST - ME 222 A – HW2 Mechatronics and Microsystems Fall 2022


Q1: A spring mass system has a natural frequency of 1000 Hz. When we reduce the spring constant by
500 N/mm, the frequency is altered by 30%. Find the mass and stiffness of the system.

Q2: Consider a 1-DOF model of a resonator of m=0.2 g and k =2 N/m. Answer the following:
a) What are the values of “c” to get damping ratios of 0.1, 0.6 and 2. Plot the time history for the
three cases. Comment on the result.
b) Plot the steady-state response curve of the resonator.
c) Consider the system to be actuated by a harmonic force of amplitude F=0.2 μN and excitation
frequency of 90 rad/s. Repeat parts a) and b), and comment on the results.

Consider the two degree of freedom system shown below, m = 0.2 g, c = 0, k = 2 N/m, F = 0 N.

d) Solve analytically to find the natural frequencies of the system.

e) Determine the eigenvalues of each mode.
f) Demonstrate mode shape orthogonality.
g) The motion is initiated by giving the mass corresponding to x1 a velocity of 0.02 m/s when in
equilibrium. Determine analytically x1(t) and x2(t).
h) Determine the steady state solution of x1(t) and x2(t) if the same force of part c) is applied again to
this system.
i) Now consider the case where c = 0.6 g/s, with the force still active. Using numerical integration,
calculate the response of the second unforced mass (output) for a) =0.05 N/m and b) =0.15 N/m.
Compare the results with part c) and comment.
j) What is the reason behind using the systems given in parts c) and i)? Which one is better for
each of the following applications: Filter, Gyroscope, and Accelerometers?
k) Among the two cases given in part i), which case gives us higher performance? In which

Q3: Consider a MEMS gyroscope made of square plate of length L=2000  m, thickness h = 6  m, and of
aluminum material of density ρ=2710 Kg/m3. The measured in-plane natural frequency of the plate in the
driving (x) direction is 2 kHz with a bandwidth =12 Hz. The plate is actuated by a harmonic force of
amplitude F=0.1 µN, and input rotation is 1 rad/s.

1-Calculate: 𝑋, 𝜔𝑥 , 𝜁𝑥 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑥 . Given:

f x / x2  2 r 
X ;   tan 1  x 2x 
(1  r )  (2 x rx )  1  rx 
2 2 2

2-Calculate and plot the sensing amplitude Y for various driving frequencies (11000 rad/s – 14000 rad/s)
assuming 1 rad/s input rotation for the following parts:
KAUST - ME 222 A – HW2 Mechatronics and Microsystems Fall 2022

a) Assume the measured in-plane natural frequency in the sense direction is 99% of that of the driving

b) Assume the measured in-plane natural frequency in the sense direction equals that of the driving

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