Second Homework

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Q2. Part A.
For damp ratio=0.1
For damp ratio=0.6
For damp ratio=2

We can see that if we increase the damping ratio the amplitude is reduced, for the case of damping
ratio 0.1 the amplitude has a very slight decrease over the time.
Q2. Part B

Steady state for 3 damping ratios would be the same as there is no force.

Q2. Part C

For damp ratio=0.1 (time response)

For damp ratio=0.6 (time response)

For damp ratio=2 (time response)

For damp ratio=.1 (steady state response)
For damp ratio=.6 (steady state response)

For damp ratio=2 (steady state response)

If we compare the displacement when we don’t have an exciting force vs when we do have one, we
can see that the force helps to avoid the amplitude reduction that is consequence of the damping
ratio. After the initial velocity is “absorbed” by the damper there only remains the steady state
response which is a consequence of the excitation force.

Question 2. Part D

Question 2. Part E
Question 2. Part F

Question 2. Part G
Question 2. Part H
For x1(t)

For x2(t)
For x1(t)-blue and x2(t)-red

Question 2. Part I
with 𝜕𝑘 = 0.05 𝑚
with 𝜕𝑘 = 0.15 𝑚

In this case we can see that the displacement of X2 looks very different from the part c, as for here
the system is more complex and the force is applied on the other mass. It also takes a little bit more
time for the X2 mass to have a constant amplitude than the time it takes to X1 mass.

Question 2. Part J

The reason to study vibration systems is because most microstructures undergo some sort of
vibration motion, and these are the principles of operation of some MEMS devices such as
accelerometers, gyroscopes and band-pass filters. For the part c (forced harmonic excitation of
single degree of freedom systems) it is very common in MEMS through actuation methods such as
electrostatic and piezoelectric. For the part i the clearest example would be as a band pass filter in
which you couple multiple filters to improve its performance.

For the three applications the j system would be better as it increases the bandwidth of the

Question 2. Part K
The 𝜕𝑘 = 0.15 would be better than 𝜕𝑘 = 0.05 , as we would be increasing the bandwidth and
𝑚 𝑚
therefore the operating frequency.
Question 3. Part 1.
Question 3. Part 2.a

Question 3. Part 2.b

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