Lesson 5 Working With Graphics How To Insert Lines and Shapes On A Document?

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Lesson 5

Working with Graphics

How to insert Lines and Shapes on a Document?

1. To insert Lines and Shapes on a document, click Show Draw Functions Button from the
Standard Toolbar. A new menu will appear at the bottom of the page.

Figure 1.80: Step 1 in inserting Lines and Shapes

2. Click the button of the line or shape that you want to appear on the document from the
menu and then point and drag the cursor to the area on the document where you want the
shape to appear.

Figure 1.81: Step 2 in inserting Lines and Shapes

3. To modify the shape, click on the menu that appeared below the Standard Toolbar.

Figure 1.82: Step 3 in inserting Lines and Shapes

How to insert a Fontwork on a Document?

1. To insert a Fontwork on a document, click Fontwork Gallery Button from the menu.
The Fontwork Gallery dialog box will appear, choose the Fontwork Style you want and
click OK.

Figure 1.83: Step 1 in inserting Fontwork

2. Double click the Fontwork that appeared. A textbox will appear where you will type the
text that you want for the Fontwork.

Figure 1.84: Step 2 in inserting Fontwork

3. After you type the text that you want to appear on the Fontwork, click on the Fontwork
itself and the text written will change to the text that you type on the textbox.

Figure 1.85: Step 3 in inserting Fontwork

How to insert a Picture from File?
1. To insert a Picture from File, click From File Button from the menu. A dialog box will
appear where you are requested to choose for the picture that you want to insert in you
document, after choosing a picture click Open.

Figure 1.86: Step in inserting Picture from File

Figure 1.87: Inserted Picture from File

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