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JURNAL PENJAMINAN MUTU Volume 5 Nomor 2 Agustus 2019





Gek Diah Desi Sentana, I Wayan Nerta, I Gede Suwindia*, I Putu Oka Agus
Mahendradatta, Ni Luh Putu Seri Setia Dewi, Ni Putu Sukarmiasih, I Ketut Resna
Institut Hindu Dharma Negeri Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

diterima 12 Juni 2019, direvisi 29 Juli 2019, diterbitkan 31 Agustus 2019


Online games are very fast growing lately. The longer, it becomes more
fun, including the appearance, style of play, game graphics, image resolution,
and so on. There is also a variety of player types such as war, adventure,
strategy, fight and all types of online games which are surely interesting to
play. The kind of technology development greatly impacts the development of
the children's character. When technology is used positively, surely it will help
us in our daily life and vice versa. Program (PKM), 1 title Village Partner
Development Program (PPDM)

Keywords: Online Game; Children’s Character

I. INTRODUCTION Of all the phases that occur during the

The development of human life is not life span, one of the most important phases in
limited to an understanding of growth that is individual development is infancy. Called the
getting bigger. But it also consists of a series most important because during this time the
of changes that take place continuously and individual begins to learn and understand
is but from physical and spiritual functions, new things and experiences about himself.
which the individual possesses toward the Many kinds of development tasks must be
stage of maturity through growth, maturation completed by an individual at this time.
and learning. humans produce forms and Childhood is a period of physical and mental
characteristics of new abilities that take place development and growth of children. This
from a simple phase of activity to a higher period is an introduction to the world to
stage. The development moves gradually, but children, children will learn what their
surely, through a form (stage), which is parents do.
increasingly growing, starting from the The development of technology and
moment of conception and end in death. information which then invite the
development of children on the negative side
increasingly have an impact on the child's technology will have an impact on the
daily life, the influence of technology and child'ren's growth process.
information is very influential in children's Almost every tenology has two kinds of
development since he was a child, impact. The first is a positive impact and the
Information technology is one thing that will second is a negative impact as well as
not be separated in life human. Because this technological developments. Positive impact
information technology has been around for created by technology can encourage the
centuries and is still developing. Without birth of a variety of new innovations that
information technology, people will have facilitate human life and the negative impact
difficulty communicating and conveying of technology can influence the children's
information. Now information technology is social relation (Choi & Kim, 2004).
developing so fast along with the Intentionally or not, nowadays all
development of science. Information and parents prepare their children to face an
communication technology has many roles increasingly developed world, when they
and impacts in various fields, especially in begin to utilize a techonology (Moore &
entertainment. Rideout, 2007). Thus we must monitor what
Current technological advances cannot the children is doing. From year to year, the
be separated from people's lives. Various children will obtain information about
information that occurs in various parts of technology wider, equipment will be more
the world now we can immediately know practical, faster, better, and will be cheaper.
thanks to technological advances now the Children will get easier access to these
world has felt increasingly narrow because of technologies, especially access to an
the rapid access to information in various increasingly sophisticated online game.
parts of the world making this world seem Every child is inseparable from play
increasingly narrower because we can see activities, the form of the game also varies
what is happening in all parts of the world, from traditional ones which are hereditary to
even though we are in Indonesia. sophisticated games that use machines.
Of course this technological progress Today many millions of children and
caused a huge change in the lives of adolescents enter the digital age through
humankind with all its civilization and cyberspace life on the internet. The
culture. This change also had such a huge community-entertainment web industry is
impact on the transformation of values in developing at such a rapid pace. The
society. Particularly communities with accounts that become sites for gamepun
eastern cultures and customs such as games are various such as Coc, Poker,
Indonesia. in Indonesia we can see so much Gatrich and many other online games even
the influence of technological progress on those that are fond of online games in the
cultural values that are embraced by society, form of violence. Most fans of this website
both urban and rural communities are children of school age to students. Online
(modernization) technological advancements game play is very loved by children this is a
such as television, telephone and cellphone new fact that it turns out children are easy
(cellphone), even the internet not only hit targets that many sought after by game
urban communities, but also can be enjoyed makers.
by people in remote villages. Human creativity in utilizing
In everyday life we cannot escape the community technology for entertainment and
changes that occur in the society around us commercial purposes is indeed
or in ourselves. In discussing about the extraordinary. Starting from technological
development of technology basically we developments in the field of television to the
cannot escape the development of society creation of video games, video watch, and
itself. Technology is an important part of others. This is because as a form of
children's life. The development of a modernization that we as humans have to

The Impact Of Online Game On The Children’s Character Change │ Gek Diah Desi 139
Sentana, I Wayan Nerta, I Gede Suwindia, I Putu Oka Agus Mahendradatta, Ni Luh
Putu Seri Setia Dewi, Ni Putu Sukarmiasih, I Ketut Resna
cope with, we must limit the extent of the technological advancements very easily.
negative factors that influence it. Along with the development of the era and
The presence of online games can foster the essence of technological development,
children's and adolescent's appreciation of communication among people can be
technology because this game can also conducted with various tools or facilities.
stimulate the creativity and reaction of One of them is a facility to refresh each
children as long as the child does not play person such as online games. Games are
the game repeatedly. The negative impact of games that use electronic media, in the form
this game will be felt when the game can not of multimedia that is made as attractive as
control themselves. When someone starts to possible so that players can get inner
feel, that this game is just to be enjoyed in satisfaction. Games become one of the main
leisure time as a recreational activity, then cultures and daily activities of the people.
the disaster starts. Culture of playing games has become a
In every online game, it contains various lifestyle that is much favored by the
features that will spoil the players, although community, especially the younger
basically a game that serves to entertain us in generation and even children at the
fatigue but in fact it is more than that. When elementary school age, both in rural or urban
the use of the game exceeds the normal limit, areas.
the effect will occur and will continue Online games are very fast growing
occuring if it is not stopped (Ng & Wiemer- lately. The longer, the game is more fun,
Hastings, 2005). According to detiknet, in starting from the appearance, style of play,
psychiatric hospital in Grogol there are four game graphics, image resolution, and so on.
teenagers addicted to game during 2012. There is also a variety of player types such as
Now they still stay in that hospital. One of war players, adventure, strategy, fights and
them is Andi. Actually he is a smart student all types of online games which are of course
at school but he could not be separated from interesting to play. Online games are games
his favorite game. Because it is too cool to that are very popular by children from
play the game andi starts to withdraw from kindergarten, elementary, junior high and
his association and often skip school just to high school. This can be viewed from every
play the game. Both of his parents had often children nowadays (Young, 2009).
banned Andi by taking his smartphone, but According to Angela, online game
the result was that Andi actually went comes from two words, namely game and
berserk, said Dr. Suzy Yusna Dewi SpKj, online. Game that is more defined as
head of the Child and Youth Mental Health something to play and online is defined as
Installation at Grogol Hospital. connecting to the internet or all game
The incident above proves that a game is activities connects to the internet (Angela,
very dangerous if it is played without 2013). So, it can be analyzed online game is
parental control and supervision. These a game or game that is connected to an
habits will affect the children's character internet so that the players inside can connect
starting from actively playing the Game. In with other players and can play together.
fact, game is an application created aiming to There are several types of online games
reduce the level of stress and anxiety due to played by each person.
routine activities carried out by human a. First Person Shooter (FPS), this game
beings. But when something is overused, it takes first-person views on the game
will take a bad impact as the use of game. so that as if we were alone in the
game or experienced the atmosphere
II. DISCUSSION of the game directly, this game
2.1 Gaming Technology mostly took the element of war or
The development of technology in this military weapons Point Blank, Cross
era is very rapid. We can get various fire and X-Shot.


b. Real-Time Strategy, This game actually used excessively, this technological
emphasizes the greatness of strategy progress will not have a positive impact on
of the game players because in this its users. For example, when the game is not
game we become 1 character that we controlled, there will be an addiction effect
play not in groups for example is and lead to psychological disturbance for the
Atlantika Online. player. When there is an unbalanced use of
c. Browser Games, this game is usually technology, the negative effects will arise on
played on browsers like Firefox, the children.
Opera, there are some conditions if
you want to play this game including 2.2 The Influence of Game on the
the browser supports javascript, php, Children’s Character
and flash for example City Ville, According to KBBI, character is
Castle Ville, and Ninja Saga. defined as the psychological nature, morality
d. Massive Multiplayer Online Games, and character that distinguishes one from
this is a game where players play in a other people, habit, and character. Thomas
world of large scale or a game that Lickona says character education about
can accommodate many players in it, being a character, where school is the best
not only that players can interact with place to instill character, while the character
each other in which the interaction education process itself is based on the
can be in the form of visual sound or totality of psychology that covers all
send messages to each other, for individual human potential (cognitive,
example Ragnarok, Luna , Dota, affective, and psychomotor) and the function
Mobile Lagend, Arena Of Valor of sociocultural totality in the context of
Based on the types of games above, the interaction in the family of educational units
best-selling game played by children and society (Adisusilo, 2012).
nowadays isthe Mobile Legend. This game is According to Adisusilo, character
able to attract the heart of children because in comes from the Greek "charassein" which
this game they can interact with their means goods or scraping tools, which are
opponents or their own friends. In addition, later understood as stamps. Or you could say
this game can be downloaded by every character is something that sticks to
android phone that kids have. The game someone. The character or nature of a person
control is also very easy and not difficult to can be formed, meaning that a person's
play. According to Fendy Tan, the Overseas character can be changed from a positive or
Opration Manager in Indonesia, which was negative thing (Adisusilo, 2012).. Although
quoted in detikINET "currently, 35 million character is an innate element since humans
times the Mobile Legend application has are born as an internal potential of a human
been downloaded and the tone of 8 million being that characterizes differences with
daily active users in Indonesia" from the other human beings. However, changes in
fandy's statement is not wrong when every the character of a child can also be
Indonesian child can play that game. influenced by external factors, namely the
The development of this technology family, community, social environment,
greatly affects the psychological workplace and so on.
development of every child. When In addition, according to Dantes,
technology is used positively, every character is related to moral knowledge,
technology will help us in life. For example, moral feelings and moral behavior. Good
the development of technology can make a character consists of good knowledge, desire
game become very advanced. The facilities to do good or habits to think well, and good
inside are very extraordinary and it will behavior habits (Mulyasa, 2011). Based on
affect the interest of youth to play it. When that point, character education is very
the advancement of this technology is important in the family, school and

The Impact Of Online Game On The Children’s Character Change │ Gek Diah Desi 141
Sentana, I Wayan Nerta, I Gede Suwindia, I Putu Oka Agus Mahendradatta, Ni Luh
Putu Seri Setia Dewi, Ni Putu Sukarmiasih, I Ketut Resna
community education. In the formal has focused on the game can be imagined
education environment, character education how the child's behavior or how the child's
must be given to children in the early character in addressing his life. Therefore the
childhood, kindergarten, and elementary role of parents is very important in building a
school. This occurs because at that time it child's character from an early age. Basically,
was a sensitive period to receive various Game is a tool to make us happy in playing
forms of good education so that it could be it, our armpits are even engulfed in the game.
developed to the next level of education, When the children are addicted, they will
with a foundation of good character suffer from mental disorder because they
education. ignore their social acitivities.
But when the children do not live their The development of technology in the
normal life as carried out above the growth era of globalization is very rapid
of the character, the children will be (Prawiradilaga, 2013). The rapid
disturbed, such as being too addicted to technological development indirectly gives a
playing the Game, both formal or non-formal big influence on human life in various
education will be ignored by the them. This aspects and dimensions (Siregar, 2014).
surely makes the children not get education Technology which is a basic human need is
in their social environment. If it continues supported by the rapid development of
occuring, there is no doubt that the case of a science. The development of technology
child who has experienced a mental disorder developed drastically and continues to
because of playing the game very often will evolve until now and increasingly
occur again. worldwide. This can be proven by the many
When a child has experienced a shift in innovations and inventions that are simple to
character when playing games often there are very complicated.
some character educations that children will
miss. If it is associated with the Lickona's III. CONCLUSION
opinion, there are several character Playing games have different levels of
educations among them. addiction for players, namely: sometimes,
a. Moral knowing often, and always. The level of game
Moral knowledge relates to how an addiction can be seen from the intensity of
individual knows an abstract value the children playing the game. The longer the
that is elaborated in 6 sub- frequency of playing the game, the more the
components, among others, moral impact of the game on a child's social
awareness, knowledge of moral personality.
values, understanding perspectives, Children's psychology develope both
moral reasoning, decisions making, physically and spiritually every day. This
and self-understanding appears in spontaneous movements in each
b. Moral feeling of their activity. Every phase experienced by
Moral feeling is a stage of behavior children is a transitional period that exists on
in the character component which is them for the direction of the next phase.
elaborated on 6 sub, including Chilren in a psychological development must
conscience, self esteem, empathy, always be accompanied and guided by their
love of kindness, self control, and parents. Moreover in this era every child has
humility a cellphone which contains online games
c. Moral Action which look so fun. When it is not controlled
Moral behavior is built on 3 by the parents, children will focus on playing
components, including competence, desire and forgetting their social activities. Surely it
and habits Viewing from the various moral is dangerous for their psychology when they
education above, when a child forgets his grow up.
moral education because from childhood. He



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The Impact Of Online Game On The Children’s Character Change │ Gek Diah Desi 143
Sentana, I Wayan Nerta, I Gede Suwindia, I Putu Oka Agus Mahendradatta, Ni Luh
Putu Seri Setia Dewi, Ni Putu Sukarmiasih, I Ketut Resna

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