Traveller Intermediate B1

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Contents of Teacher's Book

Student's Book with Teacher\ Notes

Contents of Student\ Book

Module I 5

Module 2 2l
Module 3 37

Module 4 53

Module 5 69

Module 6 B5

Module 7 101

Module 8 I17

Pairwork Activities t33

Culture Pages 135

Grammar Reference r39

Irregular Verbs r49

Appendix I 150

Appendix II ).52

Word list 153

Listening Transcripts Student's Book........................... 160

Listening Transcripts Workbook 168

Tracklists for Student's Audio CD/CD-ROM and for C1ass CDs 172
Grammar VoeabularY
. Present SimPle - Present . Words easilY confused
. British and American English
. Stative verbs . Verbs + prepositions
. Questions and Question words ' Negative prefixes and suffixes
. lndirect questions
. Past Simple
. used to - be/get used to

. Past Progressive . Phrasal verbs with on and off

. Past Simple vs. Past . Collocations with s aY and tell
. Adjectives formed from nouns -
. Relative clauses Nouns formed from adjectives
. Adjectives Adverbs ofmanner 'Similes
. Compansons . Words related to natural disasters

. Lexical set (sPorts)

' Free-time actiYities, . Present Perfect SimPIe - . Strong adjectives
hobbies Present Perfect Progressive
. mLtst, h$/e to, need. . Expreisions with lz ake and do
. Leisure facilities
. Words easily confused
. lob applications and would rather, had better
. may, might, could . Nouns deriving from verbs
. Job qualifications ' must, can't
. Careers

. Lexical set (geograPhical

. Geography ' Future tenses
. Environmental . Time clauses features)
. Conditional sentences . Words easily confused
problems . Lexical sets (animals, units oi
. Conservatron Prolects (Types l, 2)
. Eco-tourism . Articles - Nouns - measurement)
. Endangered sPecies Determiners
. Sources of energY

. Past Perfect SimPle - Past . Reporting verbs

. Mystery
. Phrasal verbs with aP
. Strange events Perfect Progressive
. Reported Speech (statements) . Lexical set (words related to
. Places, buildings,
. Reported Speech (questions, crime)
landmarks . Expressions with the word time
. Crimes and criminals commands and requests)
. Be + prepositions

. Passive Voice I . Words easily confused

. Travelling
. Clauses of reason, concession, . Compound nouns
. Means of transPort
. Nouns describing occuPatrons
. Travel arrangements
. Passive Voice I1 . Prepositional Phrases with at
. Space travel
. Holiday destinations and in
' Adjective suffixes

. Infinitives and -ing forms . Adjectives and PrePositions

. Modern life
. Lexical set (apPearance and
. Technology ' Causative form
. Fashion . Modal verbs + have + Past fashion)
. Expressions / Collocations with
. Education particiPle
. Devices keep and hoU
. Collocations with lPseand miss
. Expressions with theword waY

. Conditional sentences . Phrases / ExPressions with most

. People
. RelationshiPs (Type 3) and least
. Wishes and Unreal Past . Idioms
. Health
. all / both / neither / none . Lexical set (parts ofthe bodY)
' Superstltlons . Words easilY confused
. Telepathy . both... and... / neither... nor... /
. Phrasal verbs
either... or...

page 133 Appendixl Page 150

Reading Listening Speaking Writing
' A magazine article about . Part of a radio programme about . Compadng photographs . Developing a
the Window of the English used as an international Discussing language learning paragraph
World theme park language . Discussing different lifestyles ' An e-mail based on
. A magazine article about . People talking in different prompts (informal)
rvhat colours mean situations

. An extract from the

' A radio interview about funny ' Discussing different kinds of . A description ofa
:! noyel lyanhoe comic book super-heroes heroes and expressing opinion person
ns ' Three short te)rts about . A conversation between two . Speculating about the missing . An informal letter
el'eryday heroes friends about an adventurous parts of a comic strip and including a narrative
holiday narrating a story
. A radio interview

. Four short texts about . Six short conversations . Speculating and making a . An informal letter
1 oung people's free-time
. A job interview decision (Choosing activities giving news
Jo activities . People talking in different and facilities to be offered by a . A letter of
' A magazine article situations youth centre)
giving advice about job . Speculating and making a
rntervlews decision (Choosing the most
suitable applicant for a job)

' Four advertisements . People talking in different . Speculating and making a . An e-mail based on
about volunteering for situations decision (Choosing an prompts (informal)
the environment . Peopie talking about different eco-tourism holiday) . An article
oi . .\ magazine article about aspects oflife in the future . Comparing photographs
endangered species . A conversation between a student Discussing environmental
and his science teacher about problems and sources ofenergy
global warming

' ,{n extract fron the . A tour guide giving information . Speculating and making a . A description ofa
book The Phantom of . A radio play decision (Choosing which place
tlle Opera . A radio programme about the Iandmark to visit) . A story
. -\ newspaper article Bermuda Triangle ' Talking about a strange event
about an unusual by expanding on input given

' .\n advertisement for a . People talking in different . Comparing means oftransport . A paragraph
guided bicycle tour situations and discussing advantages and expressing opinion
Ins ' -{ magazine article about . Six short conversations disadvantages . An essay expressing
7t 'beaming', the transport . People talking in different . Comparing photographs
of the future
- opinion
situations Discussing holiday destinations
and holiday tlpes

' \ magazine article about . A radio interview about

a project . Discussing different aspects of . A letter (to the
learning English by called'One Laptop Per Child' rnodern life editor) expressing
using new technology ' A conversation between two . Speculating and making opinion
,.'ith ' -\ magazine article about people about a computer a decision (Choosing . A semi-formal letter
high tech dining animated film which devices to take on a / e-mail based on
. A conversation between two backpacking trip) Prolrlpts
people about fashion technology
!it0Jt . Four short texts about . A telephone convefsation . Discussing problems - Asking . A letter giving
between a girl and her aunt for and giving advice advice
'uperstitions . People talking about their
' 1 magazine article about . Speculating and making a . A book revierv
:\'l relepathy between tr.ins horoscopes decision (Choosing which
. People talking in different books to read)
Window on the world

\\JorLlcl r'ou like to trlt'el llound thc

\'orlc1? \\'h\'/ \\'hv no t?
r l1

leirm ho\\' to e-\pl-ess entltLtsi J5lI. ralkc

srrgqestions lnd gi'e clir'ections
rll .. ", t lrrr'-r
's. I. ' ' ..rr.e l. r.
.l r

cultu res ancl lilcslrlcs

lcltt n to clistilquish bct\\,een fcr ntanenL iutd
teDtPofiltv sr I iLllttolts
lernr hoN to refer to plst h,tbits illrc1 c\.eltts
leinr how t() ask questions inforntlllr ancl
tbr mallv
leaf lo \!rite a pirragraprh and rD infornral
e nrail bascd on prompts
rcquir e skills nn(l \tritegies that l.iil heip
t oLr in ctlnts
EA reading
A. Discuss. c. Read the article again. Decide whether the foItowing statements
. are true, false or not mentioned in the articte. Write T' F or NM in
Wher.e are thc tbllowing landnarks?
the boxes.
\\rhat clo vou knoN about them?
l. 'fhis article is the only one in the nagazine on the topic of
the Taj Mahal the Acropolis
theme parks of the world.
the Grand Canl'on the Eiffel Torver
Niagara Falls the Egyptian Pyrainids 2. ;\ll the exhibits or-r shorv are the same size ls the ot igin;rls.

. 3. The organisers of the par-k rvant visitors to learn something

\!hich ofthen l'ould vou like to visit
about diffelent cotLtrtries in the l'orlcl.
nost? \{h,v?
B. Read the article quickty and answer )'ou can try out food frorr <lifferent parts of (lhina in the Park.
the question below. 5. Visitors can take part in sPorting activities in the palk.
\{hat is the pLl pose of the article?
6. I he r i.itur' .rr. erllrtr.i.'.1i. tbu.rl LheP.'rK
a. to edLtcirte the reader
b. to inibrrn and entertairl the reader'
c, to encoulage people to visiL China

It's a

This week, in our series on the world's most famous

thene parks, we are visiting The Window of the World
theme park in Shenzhen, China.

This certainly is a theme park u'ith a difference. The themes. Visitors also have the opportunity to try out food fiom
Window of the World contains over 130 replicas ofthe all over the world in one ofthe many restaurants.
most famous natural and nan-made sites in the world, 'This week rve are holding Indian Week,' explained one of the
all squeezed onto about 480,000 square lnetres Sone of organisers. '\risitors can learn all abor.rt Indian culture' customs
the replicas are the actual size of the sites while others and traditions. ],\re are offering Indian food all week and there is
Jre smdller. In one lfternoon. lorr can lhe liffel also a special exhibition on famous Indians in histor,v.'
Tower, rvalk around the Grand Canyon and narvel at
the Egyptian Pyramids. The Acropolis is here along Vi.itor. to the have the opporlur'rily lo qee rnany
prrk nol only
with Niagara Falls. famous sites and learn a lot about different world cultures, but
they also have the chance to take Part in many adventure trips
'We want visitors to see and experience places and in the park.
cultures they may not be able to actually get to in
person. Not everyone can visit every famous landmark 'We are waiting to go dowrt the Colorado River by boat and
in the world in one lifetime and that is why this park is some friends of ours ate skiing in the Alpine Ski Resort" said
attractive to many visitors, both Chinese nationals and one visitor.'We actually come from Shenzhen andwe think this
foreigners,' commented NIr Chin, one ofthe managers park is a great benefit for our region. We wili probably never be
able to visit all ofthese places ourselves, so it is really interesting
The Window of the World theme park combines both for us. Sone friends of ours are visiting us next week from the
fun and education. There are regular exhibitions about USA and ue are going to bring them to see the park, too!'
famous people in history, and the park often holds
it reailv is a'snall world'l
&frf, f Eattlllfg
Discussing habitual actions altd routines
DiscLlssillg current activities
Distinguishing between temporary and permanent situations . The Eiffel Tower: an iron tou'er next to the Seine River
in Paris construction ofrvhich started in 1887 and was
in conpletcd in 1889. The to\^er \{as designed by Gustave Eiffel,
Present Simple Presertt Progressive as the entrance arch ofthe Exposition Universelle, a tribute
itative velbs to the centennial ceiebratioll ofthe French Revolution. It
is 325 m (1,063 ft) high and the tallest structure in Paris.
Avetage nunber ofvisitors per 1'eal 7 million.
\Vords related to places . The Egvptian Pyramids: Despire the fact that there
rdrnire benefit (n) cotrrbin.: cultural culture are approximateiy 100 pvranrids ill Egypt, the most
austonl cducate entertarn enthLrsrastlc 1ellowned are the ones located at Giza, Cairo; the Great
.\hibit exhibition cxperience (v) foreigner Pyramid of Khufu, the Pyramid ofKhafre and the
landmark marvel (v) regiol replica resort Pyramid ofMenkaure, the first oll,{hich is the only of
site theme park tradition the seven rvonclers ofthe rvorld u'hich sti1l exists. The
Other words and phrases pyramids rvere built around 2500 BC and contrary to
.lctual actually aim (n) certainlv popular oel.e'. r he pyr'a rnid builder'' were nor' rve.
.urlrncnl v. c.'t lrin en\oJr.lsc focr. or foreigners, but Eg)'ptians oversecn by the pharaoh's
habit hold in person increase inform'r, superr.isors. Trivia: Around 20,000 to 30,000 $'orkers
organiser originai purpose squeezed built the Pyramids at Giza over 80 years. Average nun-rber
ofvisitors per )'ear: 7 nillion.
stranger take part take place tr)r on try out

-{. Discuss (Pre-reading) Aim: to give Ss practice in identifying the main idea of
.{ims: . to introduce the topic of the reading activity the text
II . to generate discussion based on Ss'personal
. Have Ss read the cluestion and options and check
. Then have them read the text quickly and answer the
' Have Ss read through the landmarks in the box.
. \.k \\ rhe fir\( lrvo qr,.r,on. ard d.,cu.,. questions.
. Provide additional infornation concerning the landmarks . Poir t ou I th.ll lhev .l^oltlo not
lrrv .r I ten t ion to x n)
if necessary. u1lknolvn words they rnay have.
. \sk th€ third . Check Ss' ansrvers and ask them to provide justification.
question and discuss.

'The Taj Mahal: an Islamic tomb mausoleum in Agra,
|TEA India, built bv the Enperor Shah Jahan and dedicatecl
E. to his wife, Mun-rtaz Maha. The construction rvhich
Ei c.
started in l63l and n'as completed in 1653 - is consideted Aim: to give Ss practice in identifying specific
f i to bc the best example ofMughal architecture, a style
r: combining Indian, Turkish, Persian, and Islamic
architectural elements. As of 1983, The Taj Mahal is a
Uncsco World Heritage Site. Avelage llumber ofvisitors r.l Prr,r. . ,rne, r- <.
Er pel year:3 million. 2.1 rpJ-.r. . ine. I-u, \
Ei ' The Grand Canyon: The most famous National Park
3. T (para 2, lines 1-3 and para 3)

in the US. It is a World Heritage Site rvhich cor-ers

4. NM (para. 3, lines 4-5)
1,218,375 acres and is situated in northwesteri Arizona.
5. T (para 5 and para 6 lines I 3)
tiom 6. T (para 6)
Its geographical significance is due to the fact that it
provides a perfect record olthree eras ofgeoiogical time, ' A.k 5s n Tew e\ t rd r orn pre ren.ion qu\ \t ior..
as well as an imnense variety ofgeological chdracteristics
oi the . Wllat can yau see 4t tle Windo:l,, of the World Therne Park?
and rock types. Yet, it also impresses the visitor by its
5ioms sheer size:277 river n]iles (446kn) long, up to 18 miles Replicas of ftrmous natural and man-n-rade sites in the rvorld.
rere is (29kn) u.ide, and a mile (l.6km) deep. Average number . r,Mty is tle park so attrLliir)e to both Chinese antl
.foreign sitots?
ofvisitors per year: 5 nillion. Because not everyone cal visit every famous landnark in
' Niagara Falis: Huge rvaterfalls separating the state ol the rvorld in one lifetime.
New York, USA and the province olOntario, Canacla. It . \\rhdt particul cuburc was tlrc park t'estival focusig on
:s, but is made up oftwo main sections divided by Goat Island, tlurittg tlte week the article t,as y'ritten?
the American Falls in the US aod the Horseshoe Falls, in Indian culture.
Canada. It is consideied to be the mightiest waterfall in ' \\that else can sitors to the park tlo in addition to seeing
Nolth Ailerica, since on averdge almost 4 million cubic r ep lic as of I an ci m,t rks?
:t and feet (110,000 m3) ofwater fall every minute. Average Thev can clo sports and go on adventure trips.
. said number ofvisitors per year:20 million. . \{here were the visitors vha h,erc wditittg to ga dorul the
:k rhis . The Acropolis: The Athenian Acropolis, dedicated to irs Coloraclo ri,er front?
ver be patron the goddess Athena was built in the 5th century They rvere from Shenzen.
eitlng BC and accurately reflects the tvealth ofthe city during
m the the golden age of Pericles. The nonument combincs
varioLrs orders (Doric,Ionian and Corinthian) and
st1'les of Classical art in a nost innovative nanner ancl
$ras completed undel the supervision ofthe greatest
d rch rl(. 1.. .culp.or\ r nd .r rtisr s t he tinre.
1& oorubulary & grammar
D. lHave and the
Ss read the examples ofthe Present Simple
Aim: to give Ss practice in identifying wold meaning pa"r"nt progt"rti,r" uni think ofone more example'
from context . iru-pl". oittutiu" verbs: ( "We want the visitor to have
theoprloltunitYto .wethinkthat )
. Ask Ss to read through the words /phrases 1-6 and their . RefeiSs to the ilramnar Reference. (p 139)
. i*ofoi" to tit"n.t tltat the,v sholrld fiod these rvords in the
texi and guess their nleaniig from the context
. Lfi.i' ,:'plain rhor ercn ifthel do not k rorv PRACTICE
"ni'"t.,na .' $ord th(co'llerL'Jn helf' Illeln ll'ler
rt' eimr io give Ss practice in using the Present Simple and
tlre nre.r'tinSof
. Ha\,e Ss do the activit,v the Present Progressive in context
. Check the answers rvith the class.
. Ask Ss to read through the dialogue and explain any
unknorvn lvor'ds
' Have Ss do the activitY.
. Check the answers lvith the class

. Explain any unknorsn vocabulat v in the text if necessar)'

E. Discuss (Post-reading)
3. want
- 9:i ilisil
S don't think
L? X
Aim: to gi\ e 5\ I he opport u nit y to expand on the topic 4. love 9. do you need
ofihe reading activity dran ing on tbeir ora n
5. never get 10. hope

. Ask Ss the questions

. F.licit ansrvers and initiate a briefdiscussiorl on thene
parks in genelal.

Aim: lo gi\ e ss praclice in using lopic vocabulary in .
coitext and di.tinguishing betueen words easil)

' Ask Ss to read throLlgh the sentences 1-12 and check

. Have Ss do the activity.
. Check the ansrvers with the class.

3, taie place 9 habit

4. take part 10. crtstollr
5. erpect 11. stor,v
6. \\'ait 12, histo[Y

e.i-, 1o n"tp St t"uise the use ofthe Present Simple and
Present Progressrve

. Ask Ss to looi( at the article oD page 6 and answer the


education Present
Question l: It conbines both fun and
Simple. It e)ipresses a Permanent situatioll'
to gn oo\ n llre .'lorrdo
- ior 2: Tl'ef .rr< r' a it ing
' ln lcll"n
Rire_. Irrc-enl Proqretsire ll cxpre-'e'
irappening norv.
Questj,.rn l: Present SimPle
dr".,;.'i o, \trrtt' i: a'i.rt ire relb rnd r' not u'trallv u'ed
in Progressive tel1ses.
D. Look at the following words/phrases
highlighted in the article and choose
the correct meaning a or b.
vocabulary & grammar
L. r'epllcas
a. copies
:.1r .' b. plctures
l. sqr-rcezed ontct
a. litting into a small space
A. Look at the article on page 6 and answer the foltowing questions.
b. cor.ering
1. \\ihat cloes the \\rinclorv ofthe \\rorlcl thene park conbine? \\rhich tense is
and -1. mirrvcl at used? \\. h).?
a. rr'or-tcler about 2. \\rhat irle sonre visitors doing norv? \{hich tense is used? \,Vh1?
b. r(lmi1e 3. \\rhich tense is cornnonlr-used rvith advertrs offi.ecluency (e.g. oftcir,
l. erp€.1ig1q9
sot ettorcs)?
a. to be in a pal ticular sitLrirtiolt
4. \\rhy does the manager use the Pt-esent Silnple tvhen he says'Wc want the
yisitor to see and experience places....'? \\'hat is 'special' about the verb tvnlt?
b. to renrembcr-a sitrratiolr
B. Read about the uses ofthe Present Simple and the Present progressive
i..onbines and think of one more exampte for each use.
a. ioins togetlter
o. lltcreilses
1, pel manent situations, e.g. Mr Cliri liyes in Chirn.
r.:rolcis 2. repeated lrabitr-ral actions, e .g. ... tltc pdrk at'telt holds t'estivals...
a, aontrols 3. general truths, e.g. 'lhe tr4oon goes t"ound the Earth.
b. of.!:itnlses

E, Discuss. 1.

' .t rrLrlcl vor.L like to visit the Windou,of 2.

::re \\'or'ld therne palk? \{hr-/ \'Vhy not? 3.
' hilt \\,olLld you lilie to do tltere?
----.,f -=. 1i l1:-
Read the rule betow and find examDles of stative verbs in the articte.
.r: The following verbs express states not actions and are not
.. r :- _ i.! : .. 1 _ :.
commonly used in progressive tenses,
CircLe the word that best comptetes each . see, heaq smell, taste, noticc, seem, look (=seem)
se ntence. . like, dislike, love, hate, want, need, prefer, nind
l. \\'hcn l go to a lestaurant, I ahvavs like to ' beliei'e, knorr', renenber, forget, think 1=5"1;.r,.1, urrd"rstand, hope,
mean, rmagllte
tr)'on / try out souretlring difierent on the . be, have (=possess), belong, cost
l. \us.ur asked the shop assistant ifshe could
trY on / try out tlrc blue sandals.
Thc Spring Fcstival l,ill take part /
take place in Brirxton Park.
1. \\ orrlcl you ever take part / take place in Complete the dialogue with the Present Simpte or the Present
Progressive of the verbs in brackets.
le.rlitl shorv?
Alicer FIi, (iarv. \{hat a 5urplise to see you in the pLrblic libraryl \{haL
The olganisers wait / expect thilt llore
(l) (,vou / do) hcre so the norning?
ih.rn -i,000 pcople l.ill attencl the concer.t.
Garyr fc.Lh, r'clll t2t (traYel) to lndia ivith m1'
\\ e le Lrecn here for 30 trlinutes. I cillt't
palents neft rnonth allcl the.v (3) (\vi1nl)
\iilit / expect anv l(xtger.
bit about Ilclian histofv and culture.
ttre to leanr
Foreigners / Strangers neecl ir visa to Alice: \bu are so luckvl I (4) (love) to travel, but I
eNter-t]rc countrv.
l(\\fg( '.\e(''. rc\ l,'g,,'. tt\\\h, !.
5. il i: comrrton tbr motlrels Lo tell their Gary: So, rvhat br lnes vou to the libt-arr'?
.hildrcn not to trlli Lo foreigners / Alice: C)h, I\r here rvitl.i Kellv. \{e (6)
any$,hcre this sunlncr', so \\''e deciciccl to kxrk for a job. \\te
9. \ rt I ..'.' ,,rd
habit I custom ut not t..fl.i 5 \7) prrt time iob hele.
(apir11) ibr a
(jii the I \,- \,hen slre is nrlt watching. (fuL thiDkt I'd li[.c Lt' rrork durjne
Gary: I (8)
-). (;iving sorreone gift on their birthclal isa
ir the sunnref, but good luckl
. ,r 'r rur. habit / cu\tom til Llo\r .o.tni1t(i. Alice: fhanks. Bv the 111,, (9) (1ou / need) anv
_1. | -onre on, Uncle (icolge, tell us a history / l.rclp fincling books about India? l'd bc elacl to help.
story about vour childhood. Gary: No, i'll be OK.
i .rh.avs like to lcaln rbout the history / Alice : Wcll, b)c thcD. A d I (10) (hope) vou enjoi-
story of tlre cities I r,isit. vour trip b I ncli;Ll

€e R [stening & reading

Dicl 1'ou nanage to help theni?
l oskcd,vou fbr clirections i.r English? tloiv clid,vou 'eact?
. "nu.,n".""l]
l)o lou fincl it harcl to give directions? \'Vh1 / \{h1'not?

B. Look at the Picture and guess.Then,|.i5tentothedia[ogueandcheckyouranswers.

. \\,hele are tlie rvomclt?
\Vhat is thc feliilionshiP betNcen them?
\\ hrt,ir.e thel talking abor.Lt?


Chelsea Excuse me, could,vou helP me?

Rosie Sute. You're not fiom around here, are you?
Chelsea No, lir.r l}on the Stirtes.
Rosie I thought so, i could tell b,v your accerrt Are
you enjo,ving London?
Chelsea Yes, it's au,esome. I lvent to Buckinghan-l
Palace yesterda,Y.
Rosie Really? Horv clid You fir.rd it?
Chelsea Elmrrl... \{ith a maP.
Rosie No, sorrl', I mean horv rvas it? Did 1-ou enjo,v it?
Chelsea I sure did.
Rosie So,what can I do to helP?
Chelsea Could 1-ou tell me l'hele Abbey Road is?
Rosie Ah, are,voir looking fol the zebra crossingl
C. Read the diatogue again and answer the questions betow'
Chelsea The zebra doing rvhat?
Rosie I mean tlre pedestlian ctossittg, the famous 1. What tloes Chelsea think ofher trip to l'ondon so tar?
one from the Ileatles album cover. 2. Which trvo thir.rgs caused a t'r.tisunderstanding between
Chelsea No, actually I'm looking for an olcl frier.rd's Rosie and Chelsea?
apartnlent. She lives thele- 3. Why does Rosie mention the Beatles'Abbev Road album
Rosie \{ell, it's onl)'a five ninute rvalk from here' cover?
Go clorvn here and turn riSht at the statiol.r' 4. \{l.rere is Abbey Road on the map belorv?
Then, take lhe second tulning on ,vour right
'I hat's AbbeY Road.

Chelsea Thanks. mole thing Can you tell me

Jlrst one
rvhat tbis means? She said she lived at A T'
Abbe.Y Road \{hat's that?
Rosie A.T.? \\'ho \{'l'ote that?
Chelsea t did. N'lv lriend told me on tlie phone, but I
didn't have time to asi<.
Rosie Ahl I knou'. lt\ dtl?4'Abbe'v Road'
Chelsea I don't get it
Rosie Tbe nun.rbel80.
Chelsea Ohl 80. \\re sPeak the sane lalguage but
sonletilnes il's hald to ligure out lvhat vott're het iriend's address?
4 er=i rrlrt rlrlrtrlS lI, |. v(t,tlrrt5

l. \he iL,.it .r lu.. / \ e.. it \ J$ ( ,, rrL /

rrking for, understancling and givirg directions 2. The lact d.rat in British English ive say 'hor^,' did vou
LikiDg questions politely find it' alicl 'zeblr crossing' instead of'horv rvas it' and
'pedestrian crossing' (Anerican English)
3.lSecause the Abbe,v Road zeLrra crossing \!as on the
covel fr-om a Beatles cover tlso entitled Abbey Road'.
-)Lrcstions ancl qucstion rvords 4. (indicated on nap)
:rrl ilect questions

.\merican English r.ords/phrases

-,r;utlnent a\{esonle cell phone check (n)
irips elevalo| fhll (n) ligufe out garbage
:r' I don't get it. movie theater pants
- relkcrs soccer \.acation
Other words and phrases
raaent ciruse (\, confuse cover (n) clirections
'.rti.|l ]]i'urdcr'rt.rrdillg plnr,lti. ,

''." , p 7eb J, r.'*

5. She mistook the nrrmber 80 for A.l. (becausc ofher
fliend's British pronunciation)


\. Discuss (Pre-listening/reading)
Ask Ss a ferv coniprehension qucstions, such as:
\ims: . to activate Ss' background knowledge
. to prepare Ss fol the listening/reading task
. \\'ltett is Chelseo Jtotn?
The USA.
' i:k Ss the questions and discuss. . Hon' did Rosie know that Chelsea Nas't fi a tn Lotdott?
Because ofher accent.
B- . \\rhere tlicl Chelsca go )lcsterdq'?
\im: to give Ss practice in listening for gist Bucliinplhan Palace.
. \\tho liyes in Abltey Roatl?
' ::rrc Sslookatthe picturesand guesstheanswersto the
An old 6.iend ofChelsea's.
' . :r thc CD. . How far is Abbey Roctd J) ont r,ltere Rosic incL Cllelsed drc?
' -r:eck the ansrvers rvith the class. Only 5 ninutes on fbot.

', refe irt c the \!'onen?

The r'orncn are soore\!,here iD cerrtral London.
'. iT.rt is the felatiol1ship bct\\Jec-n thetn?
lheY dre complete stl aDeers.
.' h.rt.tre thc,v talkiirg aboLlt?
ihev rre talking ;rbout how to get sorre\\'here.

rs below.
t: \im: to give Ss practice in listening/reading for specific
' . r nL out to Ss th.rt first they read the questioi and then
tun-i r:rrl the pilrt ofthe text which best aDsl\'els the question.
' ,'. Ss to lcad through questions l-5 and check
.::,.1e rsta ncling.
' -:ll Ss that thcv do Dot need to understand er-er1-thing in
:::. t.\t ilt order tO do the activit\'.
' -'{5s to uncledine where they found the answer in the
' -.r\e Ss do the activitv.
' :reck the answers rvith the class and ask Ss to provide
lfl, oorubulary & grammar
Aims: . to give Ss practice in identifyingword neaningfrom
context Aim: to give Ss practice in folning questions using
. to rai\e 5'' awarenesr ofd ifferences in meaning question words
between American and British English
. Have Ss do the activity.
. ,\sk Ss to Iead through the u'orcis l-'1 . . Check the irnsrvers $'ith the clirss.
. Explain to thenr lhat thel'should firld these rvolds in the
tcit and gucss their rnealling from the context.
. llirve Ss do the activity.
. Chcck the ansrvers with the class 2. \\ h' ' i' going to lh( c.nelr"r \!illl fa) \
3. Horv many fish did you catch?
4. \'Vhere do von usualll' go during the summer?
5. \\'hen cloes Tom go jogging?
6. Which car do they like?

' Explain any unknorvn vocabulaly in the dialogue if

Aim: to give Ss practice in forming indirect questions

. Ilave Ss do the activit).

VOCAB U LARY . Check the ansrvers with the class.
Aim: to help Ss differentiate between British and
American English l. Do you knor,how man,v eggs rve neecl for the cake?
2. Cal1 yoLr tel] lne hoh' much that jacket cost?
. L\plain to Ss that thev should natch the Anerican English 3. Do vou knorv rvhere the bus stoP is?
with the Brltish eclLri\,alent. 4. Cirn vou tell me wl-r,v Sally is cr,ving?
. Have Ss do the acti\-ity. 5. Do you remember rvhen Karen's birthclay is?

l. e 7.1
2.c 8.j SPEAKING
3.9 9. t)
Aim: to give Ss practice in giving directions
4.d r0. k
5.h r1. I . Tell Ss to turn to page I J3.
6.a 12- f . Dividc Ss into pairs and tell then to look at the map
. Have Ss read through the phrases in the box and nake
sure Ss uncler'stand then.
. Tell them that SA should choose a place on the map
GRAMMAR without telling SB irnd then tell SB how to get there.
QUESTIONS AND QUESTION WORDS . Sts lbllorvs SAs directions to reach the place.
Aim: to help Ss revise questions, questionwolds and . Ss st ap ro1es.
indirect questions

' Ilave Ss natch thc questions rvith the zrnsrvers.

Turn right into Rose Street and thc11 take the secol]d
' Hirr.c Ss clo the rctivitl'. turning on the 1eft. Tllat's Queen Street Go straight
. Check the zrnswers rtith the class.
on and it's olt,vour right next to the clnemil.
SB: lt's the Italian Restaurant.
SA: Rightl


. IIaveSs go tllrough the rules irnd cilcle the correct $'ords For the listening transcript go to page 168.
to conrplete the rulcs

Rule 1:is
Rule l: ls

' Have Ss read the exar'nples and fornlr.rl:rte the tule
. ln inclirect questions the embedded question \\'ord order is
the salne as in an affirnrative sentence.
. Refcr Ss to thc (lranrmar Reletence (P 139)
vocabulary & grammar
D. Look at the fottowing words from
the dialogue and choose the
correct meaning a, b or c.
1. lNesome
a. al'ful
b, tantastic
c. boring
:. ipartl]1ent A. Match the questions 1-4 with the answers a-d.
a. oftlce 1. Who lires at 80 Abbey Road? a. Chebea\ J|iend r1oes.
b. 2. Who does Chelsea want to visit? b. The zebra.
c. lanrily 3. \\'lrich animal looks likr a horse ond c. Pedestrian crossittg.
,i. I don't get it. lus black stipes? d. An old f iend.
a. i doD't agree. What does zebrd crossittg nrcan?
b. I can't go there. B. Look at the questions 1-4 again and circle the correct words to
c. i clou't understand. comDlete the rules below.
. When we use the question words wro, what, which, how much and
J. :rqule out how many to ask about the subject ofthe verb, the verb is / isn't in the
a. understand question form.
b. hear ' With other questionwords (when, where, why, etc.), and when we use
c. repeat the question words whq what, which, how much and how many to ask
about the object ofthe verb, the verb is / isn't in the question form.

Read the examples below. What's the difference between the direct
sRITISH AND AMERICAN ENGLISH questions and the indirect questions (the ones in botd)?
The words in bold in sentences 1-12 are Where is Abbey Road? )
Could you tell nre where Abbey Road is?
American English. Match them with their What does this mean? )
Can you tell ne what this neans?
British equivalents a-[. Where did Tont go? -> Do you know where Ton went?

a. lift g. crnema
b. autunln
c. petrol i. mobile phone
::ia d. bilt j. crisps
A. Write questions for the answers given. The words in botd are the answers,
e. rubbish k. football I a.
t-. trousers l. trainers
B: I bought a skirt and a pair ofshoes rvhen l rvent shopping.
L C.rn you take the garbage out? 2. A:
II s starting to smell. i- B: Jane is going to the cinema with Fay.
\\'e need to get gas before we 3. A:
:Iil It OllI JOUIney. B: I caught five fish yesterday.
I c.rn't trelieve theret only one 4. Al
movie theater in the udrole town. B: I usually go to Cornwall during the summer.
l. l)oes an1rcne u'ant coffee or 5. A:
I ask for the check? t- B: Tour goes jogging in the morning.
l. \\'here did you go on vacation 6. A:
last summer? B: They like the blue car.
6. \\'e have to take the stairs B. Rewrite the sentences with the new beginning using indirect questions.
because the elevator is broken. 1. How many eggs do we leed for the cake?
\lv brother gets a neu' cell phone Do you knolv
ire:rrl,v every two months. 2. How much did that jacket cost?
8. Do lou want a bag of chips ivith Can you
r our sandwich? 3.
.-l Where is the bus stop?
9. Ienny is going to start college in Do you know
the fall. ar 4. Why is Srlly cryingi
10, The next soccer practice rvill be Can you
at 8:00, OK? 5. When is Karen's birthda)'?
11. I need to buy some new sneakers Do you remember
betore school starts. .'l
it. \\'hich pants should I wear with
rhis shirt? Tatk in pairs. Go to page 133.
listening & sPeaking

1. Onc out of everl three people in the rvorld speaks
2. There are iust undcr one billion people learning

3. 1'he English lar-reuagc is usetl at r-najor sPorting events aroLLnd the \{orld'

4. 75 llliliiorl letters and poslcarcis ill t'nglish irre sent evelv da'v'

5, \!lte thirr.t 75?6 ofthe content ofthe Intctnet is in English'

\rer.y ferv non-n;rtive speakcr s ,rf Er-rglish

$,rite aIticles or blogs oll the Internet in English
on the Internet
7. In the futule, Nlandal ln ll'light be used more than English

in exercise A'
professor of tinguistics and check your answers
B. Now tisten to a radio interview with a

C. Discuss.
. Whot PurPoses do lou usc English fbr?


"' Look at the pictures and talk


Iivelv discussion
about the advantages and
each of the wavs of tearning.a foreign
tanguage. You can use the words/phrases

learning environment
pairrvolk / grol'lP lvork
peaceful atmosPhere
ln tne Dox'

presence ofteacher
\\'ith other students

ask questions
at o\\'n speed
inrmediate feedback
When vou are asked to discuss the advaniages

0l somFthrng erp"ess yoJ"

and 'enembo'to give "easors \o an'wer

or wronq but it should be iustified'


n C
r 7
\t-jE" ,
t ..|J,

..ll-* I
-j= i\
'\ o'-
q r\


C. Discuss.
leatn best, with a teacher iil il classroolll or studving on vour o\\'ni
expressions in the boxes and explain any nerv vocabulary.
. Tell
Ss to take turns in order to compare the photographs
..: .iins about foreign language leaining and say what the advantages and disadvantages ofeach of
: :':--- res si n g opinion and preference the ways oflearning are, using the vocabulary in the box.
::, tng reilsons

Pi. ru-e A: lea-nirg in r cla.s \

\\ ords related to learning a language . Better for pair or group work.
. The
: jn. s o\{u speed atnrosphere contact (n) S has the opportunity to actively interact with
. :\,.f inlera.tor learnirgenrironment his/her fellorv classmates, enjoy lively discussions and
- ..rher tongue non native speaker pronunciation practise oral skjlls as well.
. Contact \\'ith other students increases motivation.
-;rtionnaire spelling vocabular,y . The presence ofa teacher is ofgreat impoltance because
\\ ords related to work / business Ss can ask questions and there is immediate feedback.
, :.:rt company export (ll) inport (n)
::ifnational personalassistant Picture B: selfstudythrough the use ofcomputers and
other aids (e.9. dictionaries, reference books etc.)
Other words
.r:old advantage blog conlrron coDtent (n) ' Self study is ideal for people who need to make fast
: :Ienient disadvantage e pa1 immediate ' Ss can learn and study in a peaceful atmosphere and
.l)' major (adj) peaceful penpal plesence work at their own speed.
:.:ion specific sugliest ' Mole convenient to orgalise studying tiile without the
hassle and stress ofbeing in a classroom at a specific


Aimr to give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and expand
\ims:' to introduce the topic of the listening activity on the topic ofthe speaking activity
. to activate Ss'background knowledge
. Discuss the questions in class.
' .:.:\. Ss read statements 1-7 and check understanding.
' \( \'\\ the ar\\ver. lorl_eque\rion\.

B, Htw Jo you leartt besr, u ith a rra.hcr in a ,la'srcotn or \

.1im: to give Ss practice in listeningfor specific stutlying ott your own?
information and answering T/F questions Ss answer using ideas from the previous activity.
\lhat would you change abotLt the way you are learning
' :rpllin that they u'il1 hear an interview about
to Ss Englislt, if you cotLld?
:nqlish as a world language. Explain to Ss that they should I rvould like to do more pair work and group work
:re.k their answers in the previous activity. activities.
s and '-, tl)e L D d nd h.rr r Ss du tl'e ac ti' it). It would be exciting to use nulti-nledia to learn the
-0n ' .-heck Ss'answers in class. language.
I think there should be fewer students in the classrooltl.

C. Discuss
1im: to give Ss the opportunity to elaborate and expand
on the topic ofthe listening activity

I )iscuss the question in class.

to activate Ss' background knowledge
. to prepare Ss for the speaking task
-r-. ' Discuss the questions in class.
. /n'
rJ- B.
{imsr . to give Ss practice in comparing and contrasting
situations and discussing advantages and
. to provide Ss with vocabulary relevant to the
. l)ivide Ss iIlto pairs.
' \sk Ss to look at the photos and speculate about the place
ilnd the situations. Then have Ss go through the words and
1& writins '


Aim: to introduce the writing task

. Ask Ss to fill in the qLrestionnaire.

. Provide exolanatio,ri if necessarv.

Aiml to familiarise Ss with the process ofbrainstorming
. Initiate
a discr.rssion and encourage Ss to use all the
prompts pror,idecl as a sptingboarcl to expand on reasons
rvhy people rvant to learn English.

' I rrgli.h i. r * lu l fof p(ople \ l-o 1:Lc tr'rvelling\

it allows vou to communicate with people illmost
ever'y$here in the world.
. English is :rlso spoken in the rvorld ofbusiness so many
people need it fbr job purposes.
. People rvith hobbies such as skating or notorcycling
find English a useful tool since they can access
specialised rvebsites, r'nost olrvhich are in Eltglish,
participate in chat forums and exchange iders and
suggestions !vith others around the globe $'ho share the
silme interests.
. tr4a[y people lr.ant to take examinatiolts to prove their
knou,ledge of the language.
. English n-ray be the sole neans of communication r,vith
De[Dals or e Dals.
' English is necessary fot those rvho decide to stud,v
. English is the n.rain language used in the n.rusic / film /
lnternet industrv
. Attendiig English lessons can be a good way to meet
people lvith whon you have common interests anci
make new'fliends.

Aim: to help Ss identify paragraph content and
. Ask to read through sentences 1-4 and check
. Teil them to read the paragraph and tick the sentences the
content ofrvhich correspond to the paragtaph.
. Check the ans$'ers rvith the class.

Aim: to give Ss practice in developing a paragraph

. Read out and explain the tip.

. Tell Ss to refer to their ideas in the brainstorrnirtg activity
(activity B) and the paragraph (activity C) in order to write
a paragraph explaining why they wart to learn English.

A. You have decided to take a course in Engtish. Before you start, Read the paragraph one student\^rrote
you have to complete a questionnaire, Read and complete the and decide which of the following the
questionnaire below. Then, discuss your answers. student does in his/her paragraph
l. In the filst sciterlce he/she sa,vs
rvhat purpose he/she is lear ning
SECTION A He/She suggests rva,vs to improve
his/her English. i_l
How long have you been learning English?
3. He/She explains and gives reasons
rvhy he/she needs English. l- f

Hr grr er .-r .pecili. e\r1rl ,.

How old are you?

What is your mother tongue? I avv, learning English for Job purposes.
I work as a pe'rsonal assistant for a

la'.ge tl part expo'.t caMpa^g.9i^ce

Have you learnt any other languages before? English is an international language,
Which one(s)i How long for? we use it ta co\Mu\ic^te with our
clie^ts i^ otl'\er cou^tries. For exawrple,
I have to send e-n"".ails to our clients
Have you ever been to an English speaking or speak to thetm on lhe lelephone in
country? Which one(s)? English.

What do you find difficult in English?

reading ! grammar ! Write a paragraph exptaining why you want
listening D vocabulary D to learn English to complete Section B in the
ouestionnaire in A.

'peaking [-l
spellins D
wdtins D
pronunciation [-l

SECTION B When you write a paragraph:

Write a paragraph of approxirnatd 50 words > Begir witl- an riroductory selrence.

explaining why you are learning English.

> Then develop the idea in the
introductory sentence. Exp aln it,
give reasons (using because, as, the
rcason why, etc.) and. if possible, give
an example ($ing far exanple, for
B. Think of as many reasons as possible why people want to
instance, such as, elc.) .
learn Engtish. Discuss using the ideas in the box.

travel job/business hobby exams penpals/e-pals

studyabroad music/films/Internet makefiiends

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