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Dra. Rachmawati , M.Pd

Arranged by:

Julia Indriyani (A1B219045)




“Analysis of Politeness Strategies from ‘Harry Styles and Jimmy Bonded as
Dressing Room Neighbors on SNL’ Video”


A. Introduction

Politeness is the relationship between the speaker and the speech partner when
communicating. Politeness is judged from the manner of speech and body gestures.
This is also related to the rules of behavior and ethics of a person in daily
communication that must be obeyed because it has become a rule that is agreed upon
by the community. Language politeness is said to be an inseparable part in
communicating because it is one of the determining factors for success in conveying
messages to the speech partner. A person's politeness in language will be appreciated
if he can place his spoken language and body language well. Speaking of language,
language is divided into two, namely written language and spoken language. Written
language includes the language found in magazines, newspapers, articles, and others.
While spoken language includes language on radio, television, video recordings, and

Television is one of the popular media chosen by the public. Most of the world's
population uses television as a means of obtaining entertainment, information,
educational shows, and others. There are many programs that are broadcast on
television, such as news, music, game shows, talk shows, infotainment, and others.
One of them is a talk show hosted by Jimmy Fallon. The packaging of the Talk show
event presents speakers related to the topic being discussed. The community is
invited to review various topics to get answers to these topics.

Based on a video watched by Tonight Show writer Jimmy Fallon, he applies a

politeness strategy in asking and answering direct questions between Jimmy Fallon
and Harry Styles. The author considers it important to analyze whether in the video
there is Politeness Strategies.
The author is interested in studying the Tonight Show Program because the
program is entertaining. It motivated the writer to find out if all the jokes used on
Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show were polite.

Purpose of this study was to identify the types of politeness strategies used in
Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show and to determine the most dominant politeness
strategies found in Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon? The author will limit the scope of
politeness strategies contained in Jimmy Fallon's tonight show and the discussion is to
emphasize the use of politeness strategies, which are based on Brown and Levinson's
theory of classifying strategies into bald on record, positive politeness, negative
politeness, and off record. By writing this research report, the writer hopes that this
research can enrich students' knowledge of Pragmatics, provide additional
information for other researchers who wish to conduct further research on related

B. Research Question
1. The types of politeness strategies used in video Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show?
2. The most dominant politeness strategy found on Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show?


The method used in this research is descriptive method. The approach used in
this study is a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach aims to solve problems
by: preparing, collecting data, and analyzing data, and to describe situations or
phenomena that are currently using scientific procedures to answer the real problem
(Sugiyono, 2015:207). Research data in the form of words and sentences obtained
from the speech contained in it.

a. Data

Data was transcribed into English Language, here the link of transcribed file :
b. The Technique of Data Collection

The author collects data using documentation techniques. The steps for data collection
are carried out in the following way:

1. Watching and listening Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show in YouTube

here is the link of the video
2. Recording the dialog
3. Transcribing the conversation of Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show
4. Underlining the politeness strategy words.
5. To identify the politeness strategies
6. Finding out the most dominantly politeness strategy

c. Data Analysis

Brown and Levinson's politeness strategies used in the Q&A talk show were more
commonly found in positive and negative politeness strategies. In the following,
Brown and Levinson's politeness strategies will be described.

Based on the data obtained, positive politeness strategies were found, namely
paying attention to the interlocutor, exaggerating attention, approval, and sympathy,
intensifying the attention of the interlocutor by dramatizing facts, intensifying use of
group identity markers, asking for approval with general topics or repeating part or all
of overall, avoiding disagreement by pretending to agree, using jokes, expressing
understanding of the speaker's wishes, making offers or promises, showing optimism,
involving speakers in activities, asking questions asking for approval, giving gifts.
Here's the explanation. Paying attention to the interlocutor The use of the strategy of
paying attention to the interlocutor in the Q&A talk show can be seen in the following

Politeness Strategies (positive)

 Pay attention to the interlocutor

Jimmy Fallon : “: I totally enjoyed it. You were great in sketches, as well. You did
sketches, which you didn't have to do.You helped me with the "Party at my Parents'

Jimmy Fallon : “Yeah, I know. Well, the world likes you. I just thought it was so --I
remember, like --We were doing rehearsal for "Saturday Night Live." And no one kind
of knew what kind of song you were gonna put out. Everyone's like, "Oh, it's gonna be
a pop song, it's a dance song." And then,you curve balled everybody. Oh, man.”

This speech aims to pay attention to Harry Styles and as a form of praise for Harry

 Asking for agreement with a general topic or repeating part or all of it

The use of the strategy of seeking agreement with a general topic or repeating part or
all of it in a Q&A talk show can be seen when Jimmy Fallon repeatedly asks to
straighten out his question asked of Harry Styles.

Jimmy Fallon : You will?

Harry Styles : Yeah.

Jimmy Fallon : At Radio City?

Harry Styles : Yeah.

Jimmy Fallon : You're doing. Radio City Music Hall.

And in my opinion on this Tonight Show, the dominant Politeness Strategies used by
Jimmy Fallon is Positive Politeness, paying attention to the interlocutor. From the
many conversations they had Jimmy Fallon always praised anything related to Harry
Styles. And after the author analyzed the video, the author did not find any Negative
Politeness used by Jimmy Fa llon.

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