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The Follower

Do you ever feel like someone is watching you? , I asked anxiously.

Jim turned around and looked behind him but saw only a shadow, so
he thought it was nothing but his imagination. He told me that he had
been having a similar feeling for the past hour or so, but it’s probably
just his imagination. After a while I hear a sound coming from behind
me so I try to check up on it but then again, nothing there. I was very
interested in who or what was making these sounds so I decided to
catch the person or thing red-handed. After we left the building we
were in we quickly hid behind a corner and waited patiently for it to
come outside. In the meantime we were getting impatient that it
wasn’t coming outside. It was only then when we saw another friend
of ours leaving the building. It had to be him. We thought that , as
payback we should jump-scare him as he left the building . And that
is what we did. We got one good reaction out of him and after that he
confessed to following us around. He told us he was on his way out ,
when he noticed us and decided to follow us to see why we were here.
As the 3 of us were all together we decided we should go play
something at the arcade nearby.

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