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Karen & Dave

Dave was feeling guiltful because he was doing something behind

Karen’s back. He felt like he couldn’t tell her about it so he kept it a
secret to himself. Dave was feeling bad because the secret he was
keeping from Karen was her promotion. He had heard roumours about
this from other staff members but no one knew clearly. He did not
want to give Karen false hope and then be disappointed that she
actually lost the promotion to someone else. For that reason Dave was
in a dilemma and did not know who to ask. If word spread around that
the boss was going to promote Karen then there would be no point in
making an announcement. Dave thought about it and he decided that
he would wait and see the announcement party. And indeed it was
true. Karen got promoted and then Dave told her all about the worries
he had and his guilt. Karen said it was all good she cared more about
her friends than her promotion.

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