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Would midpalatal suture characteristics

help to predict the success rate of
miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal
Adriana Souza de Jesus,a Cibele Braga de Oliveira,a Wilson Humio Murata,b Selly Sayuri Suzuki,b
and Ary dos Santos-Pintoa
Araraquara and Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil

Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the success or failure of miniscrew-assisted
rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) in patients with advanced bone maturation could be related to factors such as
midpalatal suture density (MPSD), midpalatal maturation stage (MPSM), midpalatal bone thickness (MBTh),
palatal length (PL), expander screw position (ESP), and patient's age. Methods: Cone-beam computed tomog-
raphy scans of 25 patients of both sexes, aged 15-37 years (23 6 7.2), presenting transverse maxillary defi-
ciency and complete skeletal maturation (cervical vertebral maturation stage 5) treated using MARPE were
evaluated. The success of MARPE was confirmed by the midpalatal suture opening and failure when no opening
or limited separation of midpalatal suture occurred. Data were analyzed using t test for independent samples for
differences in the variables of success and failure cases and the Pearson correlation test to evaluate the relation
of the success and age, ESP, MPSD, MPSM, PL, and MBTh. Results: Age, MPSM, and MBTh at 12 mm and
16 mm presented statistically significant results (P\0.05). The older the patient with advanced bone maturation,
the lower the success rates of MARPE (94.1%, 90%, and 76% for 25, 30, and 37 years, respectively). The ESP
had similar averages in cases of success (15.34 mm) and failure (13.51 mm). There was no correlation between
ESP, MPSD, MPSM, or PL and MARPE success. Conclusions: MARPE success was related to age and a
greater MBTh at 12 mm and 16 mm. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:363-73)

apid maxillary expansion (RME) is the standard Previous studies have shown that about 10% of the
treatment method for patients presenting trans- total population and 30% of adult orthodontic patients
verse deficiency of the maxillary bone. In this have some transverse maxillary deficiency related to a
treatment modality, expanders are used to apply lateral posterior crossbite.3-5 MPS disarticulation can be easily
forces to the teeth, which increases the perimeter of achieved in young children; meanwhile, in adult
the arch and disarticulates the midpalatal suture patients, this suture presents increasingly complex
(MPS). Later, a reorganization at the suture occurs by interdigitation, which makes it more challenging to
connective tissue repair and bone formation.1,2 split.6 Both midpalatal and circummaxillary sutures
initiate the ossification process approximately in late
adolescence and become more rigid with advancing
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, S~ao Paulo State University, age.7,8 When performing maxillary expansion in patients
Araraquara, S~ao Paulo, Brazil.
Department of Orthodontics, S~ao Leopoldo Mandic School and Dental Institute,
with more advanced bone maturation, widening of the
Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil. maxillary width tends to result in greater alveolar bone
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- flexion and dental inclination.9 In addition, associated
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
The authors acknowledge the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Ed-
undesirable effects may include buccal alveolar fenestra-
ucation Personnel for financial resources for this research. tions, no MPS split, alveolar bending, extrusion of pos-
Address correspondence to: Adriana Souza de Jesus, Department of Orthodon- terior teeth, pain, instability, and root resorption.10
tics, School of Dentistry, S~ao Paulo State University, Rua Humaita 1680, Centro,
Araraquara, S~ao Paulo 14801-385, Brazil; e-mail, jesus.adrianasouza@gmail.
Miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE)
com. technique reported by Lee et al11 emerged as a clinically
Submitted, December 2019; revised and accepted, April 2020. effective and stable approach for nonsurgical correction
Ó 2021.
of transverse discrepancy in adult patients.12,13 Clinical studies have been demonstrating successful results
364 Jesus et al

using MARPE in adults.14,15 However, in some patients bilateral posterior crossbite (a difference greater than
with MARPE, orthopedic maxillary expansion may not 5 mm between the transverse distance of the palatal
occur. It is still unclear the reasons related to MARPE cusps of the maxillary first molars and the transverse dis-
failure, but differences in calcification patterns of the tance of the first mandibular molars central sulcus) with
MPS and craniofacial architecture (higher resistance) complete skeletal maturation confirmed by examination
may play a role as contributing factors.11,13 of the cervical vertebrae. All subjects were in cervical
A retrospective clinical study by Choi et al13 showed vertebral maturation stage 5 of Hassel and Farman's
as age increases, the amount of dentoalveolar expansion analysis modified by Baccetti, Franchi, and McNamara.16
tended to be greater in relation to the orthopedic effects Patients with previous orthodontic treatment, cleft lip
of maxillary expansion. The authors stated that, in older and palate, and syndromic conditions were excluded.
patients, the rigidity of the craniofacial skeleton could Four patients that met the inclusion criteria (success
limit the skeletal effects of MARPE. Therefore, the pre- cases) were excluded because the MARPE appliance
dictability of success should be well explained to the was in place on the initial tomographic evaluation, re-
patient because MARPE is still susceptible to failure. stricting the visualization of bone structures for mea-
In clinical practice, it is difficult to predict the success surements.
of MARPE in adult patients. A method to maximize the Patients were treated by RME using a hybrid
effects of the MARPE technique in clinical situations has expander device supported by 4 orthodontic miniscrews
not been fully studied.14 In this sense, it seems relevant inserted paramedian to the MPS and attached to the
to study the factors that may be associated with the suc- molars (PecLab, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil)
cess or failure of the MPS opening in these patients to (Fig 1). MARPE positioning and miniscrew sizes were
better predict the outcome of the expansion procedure. planned using initial CBCT images (T0), considering
This research aimed to evaluate whether the success the bone thickness and the available palate space to
or failure of MARPE in patients with advanced bone accommodate the expander device.
maturation is related to factors such as midpalatal All miniscrews were inserted manually with a manual
bone density (MPSD), maturation stage (MPSM), palatal contra-angle driver (PecLab). To measure the insertion
length (PL), bone thickness (MBTh), expander screw po- torque, a torque wrench was used. All steps were per-
sition (ESP), and patient's age. formed by the same clinician (C.B.O.).
The activation protocol was two-fourth turn immedi-
MATERIAL AND METHODS ately after MARPE placement and two-fourth turn daily
The sample used for this retrospective controlled on the following days (one-fourth in the morning and
study included cone-beam computed tomography one-fourth at night), varying from 14 to 18 days until
(CBCT) scans of 25 patients aged between 15 and full correction was achieved. After expansion, the
37 years (mean, 23 6 7.02), treated with MARPE. expander screw was locked and kept in place, without
Table I shows the sample distribution. activation, for the following 4 months.
The inclusion criteria were CBCT's before (T0) and af- CBCT scans before (T0) and after (T1) expansion were
ter maxillary expansion (T1) of subjects presenting taken using the i-CAT Next Generation scanner (Imaging
transverse maxillary deficiency with unilateral or Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa) at these settings: 36

Table I. Sample description according to treatment effect, sex, age, MPSM, and the tomographic indicators to assess
the success of the orthopedic expansion of MARPE technique (difference between preactivation and postactivation)
Age MPSM stage MIF PP AP

Treatment effect Sex n Mean SD Min Max B C D E Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE

Success Male 7 15 26 2 1 1 3
Female 12 15 34 1 4 3 4
Both 19 20.6 5.32a 15 34 3 5 4 7 2.83a 0.27 2.70a 0.20 3.47a 0.33
Failure Male 1 31 31 1
Female 5 17 37 2 3
Both 6 30.6 7.42b 15 34 2 4 0.47b 0.16 0.61b 0.20 0.71b 0.24
Note. Test t bicaudal (P \0.05). Significance is indicated by superscript letters for mean age (a \ b) and for the mean of variables MIF, PP, and AP
(a . b). Pearson chi-square for stages of MPSM (P 5 0.671).
MIF, the distance between infraorbital foramen; PP, distance lateral walls between the greater palatine foramina; AP, distance lateral walls of the
incisive foramen in millimeters); SD, standard deviation; Min, minimum; Max, maximum.

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After orientation, the scans were exported and saved

in digital image and communication in medicine format.
After that, gray density measurements were performed
using Mimics software (version 21.0; Materialise,
Leuven, Belgium), with a cut thickness of 0.5 mm.
Average gray density values were determined following
the protocol previously described in the study of
Gr€unheid et al.17 Regions of the suture (GDs), soft palate
(GDsp), and palatal process of the maxilla (GDppm) were
defined (Fig 2), and average gray density values were
used to calculate the MPSD ratio by the following equa-
GDs GDsp
MPSD ratio 5
GDppm GDsp
Fig 1. The MARPE: A, two anterior miniscrews, size
1.8 mm size in diameter with transmucosal of 4 mm and Dolphin 3D software was used to measure MBTh, PL,
7 mm of length; B, the 2 miniscrews were of 1.8 mm MPSM, and the MARPE screw position in all T0 images.
size in diameter with 4 mm of transmucosal and 5 mm To determine the MBTh, images were oriented as
of length. Figure 3. In the sagittal view, the posterior wall of the
mA, 120 kV, exposure time of 7 seconds, voxel size of incisive foramen and the posterior nasal spine was posi-
0.25 mm, axial slice thickness of 0.5 mm, and scanning tioned to pass throughout the same horizontal plane.
area of 23 3 17 cm. Data were exported in the digital The MBTh was measured perpendicular to the horizontal
image and communication in medicine format. All plane at intervals every 4 mm from the incisive foramen
CBCTs were taken before bonding brackets or any other to the posterior limit of 32 mm (Fig 3, C).
apparatus. The PL was performed following the protocol previ-
The success of the orthopedic expansion of the ously described in the study of Shin et al18 and defined,
maxilla with MARPE was confirmed by the opening of in axial view, as the distance from the posterior border of
the medial palatine suture observed by the separation the incisive foramen to the line formed by the coronal
of the two halves of the palatine process confirmed in slice passing through the posterior nasal spine in the
the tomographic examination after the activation sagittal plane (Fig 4).
period. Treatment failure was defined when the separa- To determine the MPSM of the patients, the T0 image
tion of the MPS was not observed in the tomographic ex- was used. The classification protocol for the MPS matu-
amination. In patients in which moderate MPS ration was according to Angelieri et al,6 which can be
separation was observed anteriorly but the posterior classified into 5 stages: A, B, C, D, or E. The images
portion of the palate did not show significant changes were cut out and arranged in the PowerPoint program
(# 1.0 mm), it was considered a limited result and (Microsoft, Redmond, Wash), standardized on a black
included as a failure of the technique. Maxillary changes background, and coded for classification.
were obtained by the difference of the linear measure- The position of the expander screw was measured in
ments achieved (T1 T0). The images were oriented the axial view, from the distal aspect of the incisor fora-
as Figure 2, A-C, and the measure was made in axial slice men to the center of the expander screw (measure D For-
(MIF, the measurement between infraorbital foramen; ame-Screw) using the T1 image (Fig 5).
PP, lateral walls between the greater palatine foramina;
Statistical analysis
AP, lateral walls of the incisive foramen). The measure-
ments (Table I) were used to separate the samples by suc- Estimation of the sample size was performed with
cess and failure because the expansion values of success G*power software (version 3.0.10; Franz Faul University,
were statistically higher than failure. Kiel, Germany) for a 2-tailed t test and effect size of 0.8
Initial examinations (T0) of each patient were used to and correlation test and effect size of 0.5, both with an
evaluate the MPSD ratio. CBCT images were oriented us- alpha of 0.05 for a group of 25 patients resulted in a po-
ing Dolphin 3D software (Dolphin Imaging and Manage- wer of 97% and 80%, respectively.
ment Solutions, Chatsworth, Calif) to adjust the palatal To determine the intraexaminer error calculation, all
plane in the sagittal and frontal views to yield an axial scans were reanalyzed randomly by the same examiner
slice through the center and parallel to the hard palate. (A.S.J.), with a 2-week interval between the first and

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366 Jesus et al

Fig 2. Views of the 3-dimensional reconstructions in Mimics software after preorientation in Dolphin
Software: sagittal (A) and frontal (B) views used to orient the hard palate parallel to the true horizontal;
C, central slice used for measurements. Regions used to determine average gray density values: D, the
gray density of the suture was determined in a rectangle centered on the MPS from the distal aspect of
the incisive foramen to the distal aspect of the first molar crown; E, the gray density of the palatal pro-
cess of the maxilla was determined in a square predetermined by the software at the cortical portion of
the palatal process of the maxilla; F, the gray density of the soft palate was determined in the same
square in a posterior area representing the soft palate.

second evaluation. To enable sample blindness, exam- of MPSM was converted to the numerical variable in
iner A encoded the tomographic scans, and examiner B which stage A 5 1, B 5 2, C 5 3, D 5 4, and E 5 5.
was responsible for the skeletal measurements and clas- The level of significance adopted for the rejection of
sification of the MPSM stage. The reproducibility of the the hypotheses examined was 0.05. The calculations for
method was evaluated using the intraclass correlation the statistical analysis were performed using SPSS statis-
coefficient (ICC) and t test for repeated measures (sys- tical software (version 16; SPSS, Chicago, Ill).
tematic error evaluation) for all measures used in this
study. The consistency of the suture classification RESULTS
method was analyzed by intraexaminer error analysis The intraexaminer error calculation obtained by the
(kappa test). ICC (Cronbach a ICC) for replicate measurements ranged
To verify the normality of the data, the Shapiro-Wilk from 0.953 (95% CI, 0.891-0.980) to 0.998 (95% CI,
test was used. Mean and standard deviation were calcu- 0.996-0.999), indicating excellent intraexaminer reli-
lated for the variables with normal distribution. Median ability. Complementary t tests for paired samples applied
and 95% confidence interval (CI) values were calculated to replicate measurements were not significant, and the
for the variables that did not exhibit a normal distribu- mean difference ranged from 0.04 (standard error [SE],
tion. Data were analyzed using the t test for independent 0.03) to 0.18 (SE, 0.17), showing no systematic error in
samples to evaluate differences in the variables between the measurements.
cases of success and failure of the maxillary expansion. The kappa test to analyze the consistency of the
The correlation of the success of the maxillary expan- MPSM stage resulted in 0.768 (SE, 0.102) with a 95%
sion according to the age, ESP, MPSD, MPSM, PL, and CI ranging from 0.568 to 0.968. The number of observed
MBTh of the MPS were observed using the Pearson cor- agreements was 21 (84% of observations) and the num-
relation test. For this statistical analysis, the ordinal scale ber of agreements by chance was 7.8 (31% of the

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Fig 3. Orientation of the 3-dimensional reconstructions in Dolphin Imaging software: A, coronal view
used to orient the hard palate perpendicular to the true vertical; B, axial view; C, sagittal section through
the center of the palate, with MBTh measurements every 4 mm behind the incisive foramen.

observations), which represents a substantial agreement both groups. The success cases showed a slightly smaller
for both measurements. decrease in thickness than the failure cases. A signifi-
Mean values, standard deviations, and ranges of the cantly greater MBTh (from 5.31 mm to 5.17 mm) in
continuous dependent variables measured are shown in the region 12 mm to 16 mm posterior to the incisive fo-
Table II. Statistically significant associations were found ramen was found in the success group than the failure
for the variables age (P 5 0.001), MPSM (P 5 0.014), cases (1.76 mm to 2.01 mm).
and MBTh at the interval from 12 mm to 16 mm behind The position of the expander screw had similar aver-
the incisor foramen (P 5 0.016 and P 5 0.014, respec- ages in the cases of failure (13.51 mm) and success cases
tively). MARPE failure cases consisted of patients with (15.34 mm). There is no statistically significant relation-
older mean age and higher MPSM compared with the ship between the position of the expander screw and the
younger mean age and lower MPSM of the success cases. successful opening of the MPS. The distribution of the
The MBTh pattern is illustrated in Figure 6. A pattern different stages of sutural maturation in the sample is
of decrease in thickness in the region from 4 mm to shown in Table I. Figure 7 illustrates the success and fail-
16 mm posterior to the incisive foramen followed by ure cases of MPS opening in MARPE therapy according
an increase from 16 mm to 24 mm was observed in to the MPSM and patient's age.

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368 Jesus et al

Fig 4. Measurements of PL in Dolphin Imaging software: A, orientation of the head in coronal view
showing the horizontal line connecting both infraorbital lower borders; B, orientation of the head in
sagittal view, using the Frankfurt horizontal plane; C, positioning the cuts for PL in a sagittal view
with the axial cut passing through the incisive foramen and the coronal cut passing through the poste-
rior nasal spine; D, measure of the PL, from the posterior border of incisive foramen to the horizontal line
made by coronal plane through the posterior nasal spine sagittally.

Fig 5. Orientation of the 3-dimensional reconstructions in Dolphin Imaging software: A, in the sagittal
view, the horizontal slice in the center of the expander parallel to the palatal plane; B, axial view
showing the measurement of the ESP.

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Table II. Intervening factors for the success or failure of the MPS opening
Failure Success Difference 95% CI Levene t test

Variable n Mean SD n Mean SD Mean SE Lower Upper F P t DF P

Age (y) 6 30.67 7.42 19 20.63 7.42 10.03 2.73 4.37 15.70 0.196 0.662 3.666 23 0.001
MPSM stage 6 4.67 0.52 19 3.74 1.19 0.93 0.34 0.21 1.65 7.163 0.013 2.698 20.2 0.014
MPSD ratio 6 0.78 0.18 19 0.73 0.18 0.05 0.08 0.12 0.22 0.526 0.475 0.616 23 0.544
PL 6 36.41 3.09 19 35.55 2.90 0.86 1.38 1.99 3.72 0.007 0.935 0.628 23 0.536
D Forame-Screw (mm) 6 13.51 2.39 19 15.34 2.09 1.83 1.01 3.92 0.26 0.077 0.783 1.812 23 0.083
MPSD 4 (mm) 6 6.61 2.00 19 6.27 1.52 0.34 0.77 1.25 1.93 0.685 0.416 0.438 23 0.665
MPSD 8 (mm) 6 4.98 1.22 19 6.30 1.55 1.32 0.70 2.76 0.12 1.579 0.221 1.897 23 0.070
MPSD 12 (mm) 6 3.55 1.35 19 5.31 1.47 1.76 0.68 3.16 0.36 0.034 0.854 2.601 23 0.016
MPSD 16 (mm) 6 3.16 1.30 19 5.17 1.69 2.01 0.75 3.78 0.45 0.918 0.348 2.660 23 0.014
MPSD 20 (mm) 6 4.49 1.85 19 5.75 2.01 1.26 0.92 3.18 0.65 0.082 0.778 1.363 23 0.186
MPSD 24 (mm) 6 5.12 2.16 19 6.15 1.65 1.04 0.83 2.75 0.68 0.190 0.667 1.247 23 0.225
MPSD 28 (mm) 6 4.54 2.19 19 5.24 1.80 0.70 0.88 2.54 1.13 1.454 0.226 0.794 23 0.435
MPSD 32 (mm) 6 4.35 2.30 19 4.41 1.62 0.06 0.94 1.79 1.67 2.348 0.139 0.070 23 0.945

SD, Standard deviation.

Fig 6. MBTh (sagittal view) according to MARPE therapy effect.

According to the results of the Pearson correlation characteristics in the area of interest would be an impor-
test, age correlated negatively with the success of tant success predictor of RME. The present study used
MARPE (ie, success decreases with increasing age) MARPE as an alternative treatment for maxillary atresia
(Table III). The number of success and failure cases ac- in patients with advanced bone maturation and corre-
cording to the age of the patients is shown in lated the success of the MARPE technique with MPSD,
Figure 8. For MPSD, MPSM, and PL, no correlation to MPSM, PL and MBTh, ESP, and patient's age.
success or failure was observed. Regarding bone thick- The overall success rate of midpalatal opening
ness in the 12 mm and 16 mm regions behind the incisor (MARPE success) in this sample was 76%, of which 19
foramen, positive correlations were observed with the out of 25 patients achieved significant skeletal expan-
success of MARPE. sion. Choi et al13 observed in their study a success rate
of 87% in a sample of 69 patients aged 18-28 years
DISCUSSION treated by RME assisted by a Hyrax device supported
Given the limitation of orthopedic results and the by 4 miniscrews. Our study showed a lower success
uncertain prognosis of conventional RME in late adoles- rate; however, the age range was higher (patients aged
cence,9 a personalized assessment of a patient's bone up to 37 years).

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Fig 7. The number of success and failure cases of MPS opening in MARPE therapy according to pa-
tient's age.

Table III. Correlation between the success of MARPE, MPSM. All patients that were classified in the B or C
age, MPSD, MPSM, PL, and MBTh stage of MPSM were successfully treated. Considering
stages D and E, the results are not clearly correlated
Success Age MPSD ratio with success or failure. From 17 patients with stages D
Pearson correlation r P r P r P or E of maturation, success was observed in 11 of
Success 0.61 0.001 0.13 0.544 them, all aged up to 28 years, and the highest concentra-
Age 0.61 0.001 0.12 0.584 tion of failures occurred in patients aged close to or over
MPSD ratio 0.13 0.544 0.11 0.584 30 years, except for 1 patient aged 17 years.
MPSM stage 0.36 0.080 0.07 0.752 0.08 0.971
PL 0.13 0.536 0.78 0.712 0.25 0.225
The classification proposed by Angelieri6 from A to E
D Forame-Screw 0.35 0.085 0.33 0.111 0.02 0.949 indicated that the synostosis of the MPS progresses from
MPSD 4 0.90 0.665 0.31 0.132 0.03 0.877 the posterior to the anterior region following the pattern
MPSD 8 0.37 0.070 0.41 0.044 0.07 0.724 showed by Persson and Thilander.19 Consequently, it is
MPSD 12 0.48 0.016 0.50 0.010 0.10 0.635 understood that the posterior region will have a poten-
MPSD 16 0.48 0.014 0.31 0.138 0.04 0.866
MPSD 20 0.23 0.186 0.13 0.544 0.13 0.527
tial increase in resistance to opening the MPS. Despite
MPSD 24 0.25 0.225 0.09 0.687 0.11 0.615 this, our results showed 4 failure cases that were in stage
MPSD 28 0.16 0.435 0.07 0.726 0.06 0.780 E and 7 success cases in the same stage E. In addition,
MPSD 32 0.02 0.945 0.15 0.466 0.03 0.881 there was almost the same proportion of patients in
stage D (2 failures and 4 success), which may explain
why a significant correlation of success with MPSM
In the current study, MARPE failure cases occurred in stage was not found (Table III) and, therefore, other
patients with older mean age (30.6 years) when related factors may influence the failure of MARPE in
compared with the younger mean age (20.6 years) these patients.
(Table II). The correlation test showed that the older The study by Shin at al18 indicated that age, PL, and
the patient, the lower is the expansion success rate MPSM stage could be predictors of midpalatal suture
(P 5 0.001) (Table III). In addition, Figure 8 highlights expansion by MARPE in young adults. They also
a decrease in success rate with 94.1%, 90%, and 76% analyzed the variables density and palate depth.
in patients aged up to 25 years, 30 years, and 37 years, Comparing with the results of the current study, Shin
respectively. One patient aged 17 years had failure indi- at al18 also showed a strong correlation with age as a pre-
cating that the possibility of failure even in young pa- dictor and agree that suture density is not relevant. How-
tients cannot be excluded. Therefore, it is possible to ever, the other variables are not in line with our results
consider individual variability in the results of this ther- despite the similar sample number. Methodologically
apy, and that age alone may not be the only factor to they compared the variables with the amount of opening
safely determine MARPE prognosis. in each patient, whereas we compared with groups of
The results also pointed out that failure cases pre- success and failure of therapy with MARPE, which may
vailed in patients with a higher MPSM than a lower have contributed to the difference in the results.

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Fig 8. Success and failure cases of MPS opening in MARPE therapy according to MPSM and patient's
Literature has shown that palatal bone densities are (D Forame-Screw, 13.5 mm and 15.3 mm, respectively
higher in nongrowing than in growing patients20 or in patients of MARPE failure and success). Although
significantly higher in adults than in adolescents.21 no significant correlation was found between the posi-
The study by Gr€ unheid et al17 intending to find a predic- tion of the expander screw and the successful opening
tor factor of the skeletal response to conventional RME, of the MPS, we found that it remained positioned in
showed that the MPSD ratio has the potential to become the range of 12-16 mm posterior to the incisive foramen,
a useful clinical predictor of the skeletal response to in which bone thickness showed positive correlations
RME. The results of the present study did not confirm with the successful patients (Tables II and III). The results
this assumption for MARPE because there was no corre- suggest that greater bone thickness in the MPS region
lation between midpalatal bone density (MPSD) and the may not lead to greater resistance to suture separation
success of the midpalatal suture opening (Tables II and in the MARPE technique. In addition, it can be argued
unheid et al17 correlated success and failure cases
III). Gr€ that the higher palatal thickness should favor the pri-
of conventional expansion using a dentosupported mary stability of miniscrews and the consequent
appliance.17 In patients treated with MARPE, density improvement in MARPE expander anchorage, which
does not interfere, probably because the forces trans- may contribute to the success of this therapy. However,
mitted by MARPE act differently from dentosupported the present study cannot confirm this because the
appliances, as shown previously in finite element measured region was the MPS and not the parasutural
studies.22 Furthermore, there were no differences in region where the miniscrews are precisely positioned.
the MPSD ratio in the success and failure cases (Table II). Studies on palatal bone thickness are mostly focused
Shin et al,18 found an association of palate length be- on the determination of the best place to anchor minis-
tween the separation and nonseparation groups treated crews and do not relate bone thickness to the resistance
with MARPE and explained this association through the of sutural opening.20,23,24 Regarding miniscrew stability
MPS pattern of synostosis was shown to progress from when inserted into the palatine region surrounding the
the posterior to the anterior region.19 Hence, in patients MPS, Gracco et al,23 searching the most suitable region
with a longer palate length, the suture expansion in the of the palate for miniscrew placement, analyzed the
anterior region could be delayed. However, our results CBCT images of 162 patients aged from 10 to 44 years
indicated that PL was not associated with the success and measured the thickness of the palatal bone at 20
of MARPE therapy. The PL had similar mean values in sites. They found a continuous decrease in the MBTh
the patients of failure and success (36.4 mm and with no difference among different age groups and
35.5 mm, respectively). concluded that the thickest part of the palate is the ante-
Another variable that could influence the success rior region (mean, 8.66 mm), although bone thickness in
of the therapy was the position of the expander screw, the posterior region (mean, 4.02 mm) may also be suit-
but the results showed no such association able for screws of appropriate diameter and length.

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The present study found a different pattern of MBTh activation protocol was standardized for all subjects
in the success cases, starting with a thicker anterior overcoming these limitations.
cortical bone in the region 4-8 mm behind the incisor fo- The authors believe that the amount of bone support
ramen (6.27 mm and 6.30 mm) and decreasing progres- is crucial for miniscrew stability and, therefore, to in-
sively in the region from 8 mm to 16 mm (6.30 mm, crease the chances of success of MARPE therapy. There-
5.31 mm, and 5.17 mm) posterior to the incisor foramen. fore, the preexpansion CBCT examination is indicated as
Then, a progressive increase in the MBTh through the re- an important tool to determine the proper positioning of
gion 16 mm to 24 mm (5.17 mm, 5.75 mm, and the MARPE device in each patient, searching for regions
6.15 mm) and another progressive decrease up to the re- of greater MBTh. Although other factors such as MPSD,
gion 32 mm behind the incisor foramen (6.15 mm, MPSM, and PL were not significantly correlated to
5.24 mm, and 4.41 mm). Regarding the failure cases, MARPE success, more studies with a larger sample in
we found a similar pattern but decreasing in thickness each group will be necessary to reassess the correlation
just after region 4 mm behind the foramen and an over- of these variables with the MPS opening. In addition,
all reduced thickness in relation to success cases with a more studies should be performed using CBCT images
significant difference in the 12 mm and 16 mm regions to evaluate other facial bone structures.
(Table II).
Yadav et al20 compared MBTh in the anterior, middle, CONCLUSIONS
and posterior parts of the palate in growing and
nongrowing men and women. They also found that 1. The findings over the success of MARPE therapy in
MBTh decreased from the anterior palate region patients with advanced bone maturation have
(mean, 8.29 mm in men; mean, 6.79 mm in women) to- shown that the older the patient, the lower the suc-
ward the posterior palate region (mean, 4.15 mm men; cess rates in opening the MPS with MARPE.
mean, 4.31 mm in women). They concluded that palatal 2. Until 25 years old, the success rate expected with
bone thickness was greater in the anterior part of the MARPE treatment is 94.1%. Up to 30 years, the suc-
palate (between the canine and first premolar) and rec- cess rate decreases to 90% and 76% up to 37 years.
ommended it to have a greater bone miniscrew contact 3. Greater midpalatal bone thickness in the regions
area; thus, increasing miniscrew primary stability. 12 mm to 16 mm behind the incisor foramen repre-
Conversely, Ryu et al24 compared bone thickness of the sents a relevant factor in the success of opening the
palatal area in early and late mixed and early permanent MPS with MARPE.
dentitions according to dental age and observed an in- 4. MPSD, MPSM, PL, and ESP were not related to the
crease in thickness at the MPS area in all 3 groups. sutural opening resistance because there was no
The results showed that the MBTh is related to the correlation between these variables and the success
greater success of MARPE therapy, regardless of factors of the MARPE technique.
such as density and length of the palate (Tables II and
III). There was a significant correlation of bone thickness AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
from 12 mm to 16 mm behind incisor foramen and the
success of this therapy. That region was 1.8 mm to Adriana Souza de Jesus: investigation, methodology,
2.0 mm thinner in cases of failure (Table II). Overall, writing - original draft; Cibele Braga de Oliveira:
the MBTh is greater in cases of success than in cases conceptualization, writing - review & editing; Wilson
of failure (Fig 6) and does not cause greater resistance Humio Murata: resources; Selly Sayuri Suzuki: re-
to its separation in the MARPE technique. This is the first sources, writing - review & editing; and Ary dos
time that this variable is studied, and the result found Santos-Pinto: conceptualization, formal analysis, proj-
about the MBTh region has important clinical signifi- ect administration.
cance for prognosis and represents a relevant factor in
the success of MPS opening with MARPE.
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics September 2021  Vol 160  Issue 3

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