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TC250/SC7/EG7 ´Pile Foundations´

Pile design in Germany

Design of pile groups

November 2nd, 2012

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Moormann

Head of Institute of Geotechnics, University of Stuttgart

Institut für Geotechnik ⋅ Pfaffenwaldring 35 ⋅ D-70569 Stuttgart

Tel. +49 (0)711 685 62436 ⋅ Fax +49 (0)711 685 62439 ⋅ E-mail:
Pile design in Germany

Pile groups:

1. Axially loaded pile groups (DIN EN 1997-1, section 7.6)

1.1 compressive ground resistance for pile groups
1.2 ground tensile resistance for pile groups

2. transversely loaded pile groups (DIN EN 1997-1, section 7.7)

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Pile design in Germany

1.1 Compressive ground resistance for pile groups (3)P For piles in groups, two failure mechanisms shall be taken into account:
- compressive resistance failure of the piles individually;
- compressive resistance failure of the piles and the soil contained between
them acting as a block…

… addendum by DIN 1054:2010-12 for (3):

´EA-Pfähle´ (2012) should be considered for pile group behaviour

´EA-Pfähle´ (2012), 8.2.1:

 „group behaviour to be considered in case of relevant group effects“,
but no clear indicator (e.g. pile spacing) in which cases group effects become relevant
 for the behaviour of pile groups due to compressive loads experiences are limited for
different pile types and underground conditions
 for SLS settlement of pile group can be calculated according to RANDOLPH & WROTH (1978)
 for bored piles an approximation procedure is proposed, which bases on an extensive 3D-
FEM parameter study and which allows to evaluate the group effect on the settlements and
the pile resistances.

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Pile design in Germany

1.1 Compressive ground resistance for pile groups

 load settlement characteristics depend to the position of the pile in the pile group
 distinction of corner pile, boundary pile and inner pile:

pile edge pile

inner pile

piles in a pile group typical load-settlement curve of a corner pile,

an edge pile and an inner pile

 in case of small settlements the corner piles have usually a higher resistance than edge piles
which resistance is higher than the resistance of inner piles

 for large settlements the resistance of a pile in a group might exceed the resistance of a
single pile
 no clear indication for the group behaviour of driven piles
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Pile design in Germany

1.1 Verifications for ´compressive ground resistance´ of pile groups

DIN 1054, 8.3.1:
 Verification of serviceabilitiy limit state (SLS):

Fc,d (SLS) = Fc,k (SLS) ≤ Σ Rc,d,i (SLS) = Σ Rc,k,i (SLS) or

zul sk (SLS) ≥ sk (SLS)
Rc,k,i : characteristic pile resistance considering group
effects (Rc,k,i depending on position in the pile
 Verification of ultimate limit state (ULS): group)

in limit state GEO-2

Fc,d (ULS) ≤ Σ Rc,d,i (ULS) or Σ Rc,d,i : resistance of the pile group as the sum of all
piles considering their individiual resistance
Fc,d,G (ULS) ≤ Rc,d,G (ULS) according to their position in the pile group
Rc,d,G : resistance of the pile group which is considered
has to be fulfilled.
as a large ´surrogate pile´

…DIN 1054: For determination of ΣRc,k,i (SLS) respectively Rc,d,i (ULS) and the average
settlement sk (SLS) of a pile group an approximation procedure with nomograms for
bored piles according to EA-Pfähle:2012 (8.2.1 and 8.2.2) might be used.
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Pile design in Germany

1.1 Simplified method according to EA-Pfähle:2012

for bored piles (group effects based on the settlement of a single pile)

 average settlement sG of a bored pile group due to the average load FG

sG = sE ⋅ Gs with: sG average settlement of the pile group

sE settlement of a comparable single pile

Gs settlement based group factor for the

average settlement of a pile group

 settlement based group factor Gs for determination of the average settlement in case of centric
and vertically acting total loads

Gs = S1 ⋅ S2 ⋅ S3 with: S1 influence coefficient for soil type, pile group geometry

(pile length L, embedment depth in stable subsoil d,
shaft center distance a)

S2 influence coefficient for group effect

S3 influence coefficient for pile type (in case of displacement

pile groups and micropile groups there is less verified
6 knowledge)
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Pile design in Germany

 there are further nomograms with limitations for influence coefficient S1

determination of S1 and S2
- cohesive I: Es = 5 - 15 MN/m2
- cohesive II: Es = 15 - 30 MN/m2
- non cohesive: Es ≥ 25 MN/m2

 soils with Es < 3 MN/m2 could be considered as

nonstable layers. In such soil layers no further
appreciable pile resistance is activated

with: a shaft center distance

d embedment depth in stable subsoil
D pile shaft diameter
FG vertical total load on the pile group
L pile length example nomogram (S1) for determination of the
RE,s=0,1⋅D settlement of a single pile average settlement of a bored pile group –
cohesive soils (II) with Es = 15-30 MN/m2
sE, sG settlement single pile /
average settlement pile group
nG number of pile

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 nomograms for determination of S2 are given influence coefficient S2

for several ratios of a/d

 further nomograms: ´EA-Pfähle´ (2012)

example nomogram (S2) to take into account the influence of the

size of the pile group for determination of the average settlement
of a pile group – cohesive soils (I) with Es = 5-15 MN/m2

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Pile design in Germany

1.1 simplified method according to EA-Pfähle:2012

for bored piles (group effect based on the resistance of a single pile)
 pile resistance of single bored piles in a pile group taking into account of group effects at a
average settlement of the pile:

RG,i = RE ⋅ GR,i with: RG,i pile resistance (pile i in pile group)

RE pile resistance of a comparable single pile

GR,i resistance based group factor for pile i in a pile group

 group factor GR,i for determination of the single resistances of piles in groups

GR,i = λ1 ⋅ λ2 ⋅ λ3 with: S1 influence coefficient for soil type, pile group geometry
(pile length L, embedment depth in stable subsoil d,
shaft center distance a)

S2 influence coefficient for group effect

S3 influence coefficient for pile type (in case of displacement

pile groups and micropile groups there is less verified
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 generally influence factor λ1

nomograms are
limited to pile
groups with max. 9
piles per side

with: a shaft center distance

d embedment depth in
stable subsoil
D pile shaft diameter
s pile settlement
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Pile design in Germany

1.2 ground tensile resistance for pile groups (3)P For tension piles, two failure mechanisms shall be considered:
- pull-out of the piles from ground mass;
- uplift of the block of ground containing the piles

pull-out test

 the extreme adverse effect of swell

and / or dynamic loads on ground
tensile resistance should be taken into
account according to EA-Pfähle
(2012), chap. 13

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Pile design in Germany

1.2 Pull-out of the piles from ground mass (3)P

 DIN 1054:2010-12: addendum to EC7-1, (3):

to verify: Ft;d ≤ Rt;d (GEO-2)

Ft,d = Ft,G,k ⋅ γG + Ft,Q,rep ⋅ γQ - Fc,G,k ⋅ γG,inf (design load)

with: Ft,G,k characteristic value of ground tensile load of a single pile or a pile group
caused by permenent acting loads

γG partial safety factor for permanent loads (GEO-2)

Ft,Q,rep characteristic or rather representative value of ground tensile load on a pile or

a pile group caused by unfavourable and variable acting loads

γQ partial safety factor for unfavourable, variable loads (GEO-2)

Fc,G,k characteristic value of a simultaneously acting compression load caused by

permanent acting loads

γG,inf partial safety factor for permanent compression load (GEO-2)

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Pile design in Germany

1.2 uplift of the block of ground containing the piles (4)P

 DIN 1054:2010-12: addendum to EC7-1, (4) - uplift of the block of ground
containing the piles

to verify: Gdst,k ⋅ γG,dst + Qdst,rep ⋅ γQ,dst ≤ Gstb,k ⋅ γG,stb + GE,k ⋅ γG,stb (UPL)

with: Gdst,k characteristic value of permanent, destabilizing and vertical

acting load

γG,dst partial safety factor for destabilizing permanent acting loads (UPL)

Qdst,rep characteristic or rather representative value of variable, destabilizing and

vertical acting loads

γQ,dst partial safety factor for destabilizing, variable loads (UPL)

Gstb,k lower characteristic value for stabilizing, permenent and vertical acting
loads on the building

γG,stb partial safety factor for stabilizing and permanent acting loads UPL

GE,k characteristic weight of the attached block of ground

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Pile design in Germany

 the geometric model for block of ground containing the

piles according to DIN EN 1997-1:Fig. 7.1 should not be
used for design in Germany

 approach for the weight of the attached soil block

GE,k according to DIN 1054:2010-12

  1 
GE,k = nz la ⋅ lb  L - ⋅ la lb ⋅ cotϕ   ⋅ ηz ⋅ γ
2 2

  3 

with: L length of tension pile geometry of

attached soil
la largest grid dimension of the pile group to a tension pile
according to
lb smales grid dimension of the pile group DIN 1054:2010
nz number of tension piles
γ volume weight of the attached soil
ηz matching coefficient ηz = 0,80

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 (6) When considering the uplift of the block of ground containing the piles the shear
resistance Td along the sides of the block may be added to the resisting forces…

DIN 1054:2010-12: addendum to EC7-1, Considering shear resistance

approach of shear resistance Tk at the side:

- on shear planes of the soil block
- in gap between soil and structure

a) as favourable permanent acting compression load

by verifying the pull out of the piles (GEO-2):

Ft,d = Ft,G,k ⋅ γG + Ft,Q,rep ⋅ γQ - (Fc,G,k + Tk) ⋅ γG,inf

a) or rather as stabilising permanent acting load

by verifying the uplift of the block (UPL):

Gdst,k ⋅ γG,dst + Qdst,rep ⋅ γQ,dst ≤ Gstb,k ⋅ γG,stb + (GE,k + Tk) ⋅ γG,stb

considering shear
(DIN EN 1997-1:2009-09)

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Pile design in Germany

1.3 transversely loaded pile groups (EC7-1, 7.7)

DIN 1054:2010-12: addendum to EC7-1, 7.7.1 (3c):

To evaluate the distribution of actions and resistances of piles of a transversely loaded pile
group recommendations by EA-Pfähle (2012), 8.2.3 should be applied.

DIN 1054:2010-12: addendum to EC7-1, 7.7.1 (4):

The group effect shall be considered when assessing the resistance of transversely loaded
pile groups.
(…) for serviceability limit state displacements and rotations have to be checked (…)

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Transversely loaded pile groups according to EA-Pfähle (2012), 8.2.3:

distribution of lateral load HG within a pile group
 assumption: same horizontal pile head displacements

 in case of double-symmetric pile groups with i similar piles the load-distribution of a

lateral load HG can be assumed as:

Hi αi
= with: αi = αL ⋅ α Q reduction ratio αL for the
HG ∑ αi ratio of shaft center
distance aL in loading
direction to the diameter of
the pile shaft Ds

Reduction ratios αQA and

αQZ for the ratio of shaft
center distance aQ
transverse to the diameter
of the pile shaft Ds

reduction ratios αi according to the position of the pile

17 in the pile group and the direction to the load HTC250
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Pile design in Germany

Transversely loaded pile groups according to EA-Pfähle (2012), 8.2.3:

distribution of subgrade modulus
 determination of the subgrade modulus:
- in case of subgrade modulus increasing linearly by depth (approximately applicable for
bored piles in nomal consolidated cohesive / non cohesive soils)

ks,k (z) = khE,k ⋅ z / Ds

 EI 
with the elastic length LE of a single pile: LE =  

 hE,k 

for the subgrade modulus khi,k of pile i in the group: L/LE ≥ 4: khi,k = αi1,67 ⋅ khE,k
L/LE ≤ 2: khi,k = αi ⋅ khE,k

for values 4 > L/LE > 2:

linear interpolation

mit: EI bending stiffness of the pile

you are allowed to
khE,k characteristic value of the subgrade modulus of a single pile at a depth of z = Ds

khi,k characteristic value of the subgrade modulus of pile i in the group

at a depth of z = Ds
18 L TC250 / SC7 / EG 7 "Piles"
length of the pile 2012-11-02
Pile design in Germany

- in case of a subgrade modulus constant by depth (as upper boundary for piles in
overconsolidated cohesive soils)

ks,k (z) = ks,k = const.

 EI 
with the elastic length LE of a single pile LE =  

k ⋅ D
 sE,k s 
and the subgrade modulus of a single pile ksE,k:

for the subgrade modulus khi,k of pile i in the group: L/LE ≥ 4: ksi,k = αi1,33 ⋅ ksE,k
L/LE ≤ 2: ksi,k = αi ⋅ ksE,k

for values 4 > L/LE > 2:

linear interpolation

mit: EI bending stiffness of the pile

ksE,k characteristic value of the subgrade modulus of a single pile

ksi,k characteristic value of the subgrade modulus of pile i in the group

L length of the pile

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Pile design in Germany

Piled rafts

 Design methods for piled rafts so far not as a subject of codes

→ German recommendation for piled rafts available

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