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Study Manual

Planning Your Career in Business

Module: BMAF008-20

Note: Internal use only.

Planning your career in Business

Table of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3

2. Module Aims ............................................................................................................................. 4

3. Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................... 5

LO1: Understanding your skills and how they relate to your career goals ....................................... 6

• Skills................................................................................................................................... 6

• Career ................................................................................................................................ 8

• Goals................................................................................................................................ 10

LO2 - Ability to identify and utilise a variety of sources and resources to support your own
personal and professional development. ..................................................................................... 12

• Ability .............................................................................................................................. 12

• Personal and professional development ........................................................................... 12

LO3- Understanding of methods of personal and professional development and training as well as
how they relate to your employability. ........................................................................................ 23

Learning Cycle.......................................................................................................................... 24

• Skills audit ........................................................................................................................ 33

• Analysis of CPD................................................................................................................. 34

• SWOT Analysis Template .................................................................................................. 36

• Action Plan ....................................................................................................................... 43

4. Guidelines for writing the module assignment ............................................................................. 48

5. List of references ......................................................................................................................... 51

6. Appendix ..................................................................................................................................... 52

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1. Introduction

The purpose of this manual is to guide the students in the research, analysis, and
construction of the plan needed to build a successful career in business. Starting
from the field of business we can understand its complexity and variety of
elements which are composing it, hence a career in the sector of business is
having the same degree of complexity and challenges.

I think of your career plan as a contingency plans (Why You Should

business plan which attempts to Write a Business Plan for Your
forecast how the first few years of a Career, 2022).
company's growth will proceed by
outlining your goals, your vision,
your competition, your problems,
and the mechanisms that will drive
your advancement. Why don't more
people create business plans for
their careers? Your career takes the
same amount of concentration;
you'll need to choose specific goals,
decide your preferred route, identify
important problems and
opportunities, and develop some

What does my past indicate about planning a career? That the course of your
career is beyond your control. Your work possibilities will be shaped by far too
many variables that are out of your control, including global economic trends,
political elections, and technological advancements. By approaching your career
with the proper mindset—one that realises that career planning is a continual
process that must be actively managed—you can boost your chances of success.
You should consider what you can do next to optimise your opportunities at
each stage of your career (A Better Way to Plan Your Career, 2022).

In terms of the assignment, its role is to help the student to apply the knowledge
and skills acquired during the course. As it is important not only to retain the
information but also to process it and apply it.

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The assignment proposed for this module will be a professional portfolio which
is comprising a personal statement, a completed application for a
volunteer/experience placement with a relevant C.V. and a skills development
action plan.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a portfolio is “a selection of a

student's work (such as papers and tests) compiled over some time and used for
assessing performance or progress”; of course, as future professionals, students
will continue creating portfolios needed in the world of business. Hence, the
assignment will be a collection/set of documents which will present the learning
outcomes that will be presented in detail below as LO1, LO2, and LO3. The
students need to consider that this is not an ordinary portfolio but a
Development Portfolio.

2. Module Aims

This module aims to help you

develop those abilities which
employers agree are most important
to achieve success in modern

The scope of learning activities in this module will enable you to develop:
- Excellent communication skills.
- The ability to think logically and objectively.
- The ability to take responsibility for your learning and development.
- The ability to investigate management problems and find solutions.
- The ability to persuade others that your solutions are the most effective

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3. Learning Outcomes

Intended learning outcomes are broadly classified under the following three

Understanding your skills and how they relate to your career goals.

Ability to identify and utilise a variety of sources and resources to support
your own personal and professional development.
Understanding of methods of personal and professional development and
training as well as how they relate to your employability.

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LO1: Understanding your skills and how they relate to your
career goals

Most of the time the undergraduates hope that their degree will lead to a good
career, however, the truth is that many employers are more focused on the
wider range of skills than the students’ marks.


To be skilled is your capacity to be able to perform well in a learned activity, which

is something you can develop through practice and reflection. The skills are also
developing personal qualities such as time management, commitment, awareness,
positive thinking and many more.

Albert Einstein says,

“Once you stop learning, you start

It is important to identify your current skills by thinking about something you do

well, maybe a difficulty that you overcame or even a personal achievement
(Cottrell, 1999).

It will be useful if you will write down all the elements that go into something you
have done well and note the skills, attitudes, and qualities you identified in yourself.
For instance, are you good at a particular sport or you are good at making a good

You can find some examples of skills below, but of course, are not limited to this

The skills selected for your CV will need to be chosen according to the position you
are applying for.

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60 List of Skills – Put Wisely on a Resume that Others Don’t (Ansary, 2022)

There is a particular list of skill sets and you should know the tricks to put them
wisely on a resume that help you get hired. What are the best skills to include in
your resume? Do you know the difference between hard skills and soft skills?
How can you share your skills, abilities, and achievements with potential
employers? In addition to giving a history of your experience, your biography is
the perfect place to highlight your skills, strengths, and abilities.

Your career skills section shows employers that you have the skills necessary to
succeed in your role. Often employers pay particular attention to the skills
category to determine who should move on to the next step of the hiring

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While you can often easily determine the hard skills for the list based on the
description of the job description, choosing the relevant soft skills is not always
clear. To narrow down which soft skills to resume, review various position
responsibilities, and determine which of your strengths will help you finish those
tasks successfully.

Carefully read the requirements from the job description and you can easily
identify the skills that are matching with the job or the culture of the company
you wish to apply for.


A career is a profession for which

one trains, and which is undertaken
as a permanent calling (Merriam-
webster dictionary, 2022). When
preparing for a career we need to be
aware of the direction in which we
are opting to go and how we are
going to do this, and the graphic
below shows the impact of investing
in ourselves.

As businesses demand that their staff use the newest technologies, training and
retraining will be more and more crucial. Strong educational credentials are
necessary for good jobs.

List of skills to put on a resume

Review examples of top skills that are employed when evaluating job
applicants, and the best skills to equip you with your life story when hiring.

Some skills apply to almost every job and type of organization. If you have
these common skills, you will increase your marketing. Employers review these
lists of skills according to the most demanding needs.

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Hard vs Soft Skills
Two types of skills are relevant when you are adding skills to your life story or
reviewing the skills needed for a job that interests you. A list of skills always
needs to be put separately on a resume.

Looking at our assignment your work should start with a brief introduction to
indicate what the portfolio contains and the reason for both the personal
statement and the CV that will be presented.

Argue the importance of this development portfolio, how and why it will help
you in your application for the chosen position and future career, and then you
will have a better understanding of how you can identify your skills and how to
utilise them in building the career. Flexibility and adaptability are important
elements in this case; as a career is not a sprint, but it is a marathon and as the
Greek philosopher Heraclitus said “the only constant in life is change” the
students will need to be aware of this and prepared for changes in their

When choosing a position listed by a company, you may also consider writing a
short overview of the chosen organization in a bid to justify your particular
interest in working in such a place. It will help you to understand better the field
in which the company operates, the level of the job, requirements etc. Paying
attention to the information provided in the description will give you a better
insight into the culture of the company, the direction in which it is heading,
future professional growth opportunities etc. Of course, it is recommended to
do a quick research about the company on their official website which can give
you even more information which will help you to put in balance the data
collected, take a decision and prepare yourself for the interview.

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According to the dictionary, “goal” is the end toward which effort is directed
(Merriam-webster dictionary, 2022). What is your professional goal?

A sense of our self-awareness and a

target to aim at are provided by the
long-term vision. Some people are
exceptionally skilled at "deferring
gratification," which involves giving
up immediate enjoyment in favour of
a goal that will be attained years
from now. They typically have a very
distinct idea of what they hope to
accomplish (Cottrell, 2003).

Focus on your career goal considering your skills, and the evolution of the
chosen field and mention the importance of the self-assessment via SWOT
analysis and the Action plan which will be tailored towards your skill
development, reflecting the SMART objectives (SMART Goals: A How to Guide,

In this professional journey, students will need to focus on Self-efficacy and

Taking Responsibility for their Own Personal and Professional Development!

The word “efficacy” means the ability or capacity to produce desired results,
hence this portfolio will help the student to have a better understanding of the
direction in which he/she is heading and will know what actions to take. It is
through Self-efficacy and discipline that they can develop the capacity of dealing
with issues and resolving problems that stand on their path – and position
themselves for achieving the goals and objectives they have set for themselves.

❑ Self-knowledge entails knowledge of self in terms of:

❑ Self-concept / self-image.
❑ Your strengths / abilities / talents / gifts.
❑ Your passion(s) / things you truly love.
❑ Your interests / hobbies / past-time.

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❑ Your vision and goals for the future.
❑ Your areas of weakness/areas you need to develop.
❑ Your intellect – cognitive ability.
❑ Your relationships / your circle
❑ “Self-development” is “… taking steps to better yourself, such as by
learning new skills or overcoming bad habits.
❑ Self-development involves:
❑ Efforts toward self-fulfilment, either through formal study programs or
on one's own.
❑ Development of one's capabilities or potentialities.
❑ Expanding one’s knowledge by reading, watching educational videos,
travelling, etc.
❑ Learning new skills, such as IT skills, academic writing, referencing skills,
❑ A career is the greatest Return on Investment, and the graphic below is
demonstrating this.

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LO2 - Ability to identify and utilise a variety of sources and
resources to support your own personal and professional

Nowadays there is a plethora of sources and resources that we can use to

support our personal and professional development, however, this can be a
challenge because you need to know what is suitable for you and relevant to
reaching your goal.


Ability is the quality or state of being

able or competent in doing
something. It is important to develop
this ability to research the
appropriate sources which can
support our progress. You will need
to continuously improve this ability.

Personal and professional development

Firstly, we need to understand our development needs, personal and

professional and to develop an awareness of the assets that we have, or which
can be improved, which can lead to a successful career. It is important to
measure up expectations of the sector or industry in which we want to perform,
and it also to identify and undertake actions to help our improvement.

Is good to identify whether you have your CV etc) (Lumley and Wilkinson,
a clear career in mind, by checking 2014).
the areas of skills shortage, what
general requirements employers
specify and identify the criteria that
matter to you (salary at entry, long-
term reward potential, chances of
further training, future impact on

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To be efficient and effective in this sense it is important to use reflection.

Reflection is a form of thinking, an act of mental processing and learning from

past events and experiences for personal growth and that is why we need to
improve and use it in the construction of the portfolio.

Reflection is about:
❑ Thinking purposefully
❑ Being critical, but not negative
❑ Continually analyzing how effective your learning is
❑ Questioning and probing your experiences, and learning from them
❑ Making judgments and concluding them
❑ Recognizing, accepting, and understanding how you felt
❑ Carefully analysing the situation.
❑ Learning from the experience
❑ Building upon the lessons you’ve learnt
❑ Continuing to get better as an individual

Do you have a better understanding please take as an example networking

which is a very important skill both in your future career and also in job hunting.
Spending time and effort on building social networks is a kind of investment
using resources created through social relationships. Use your social
competence to grow your network.

If so, people want the immediate effect and the results we need to consider that
networking requires time; think about the spider which is building its web.

You can also consider virtual networking which is extremely useful.

Some people find the idea of starting their own business to be very appealing.
However, there are signs that more and more younger people are starting their
businesses. In general, entrepreneurial activity tends to be undertaken by
people aged 35 to 54 after they have first gained significant work experience. It
is crucial to concentrate on your knowledge attitude and specific abilities in both
situations, whether you're looking for work or running your own business.
Personal statement in support of your application for a volunteer/work
experience placement in any organization of your choice.

Personal statements are important tools for making real use of ongoing
observation, reflection, and evaluation. They are written in a formal manner
drawing together learning that has taken place and identifying the overall path
the developmental work has taken over a while (Cottrell, 2003).

The personal statement will be the support of your chosen position (volunteer
or work experience placement) where you need to highlight the reason why you
want to perform in this specific sector/field, in this specific organisation. This
document gives you a chance to “sell” your set of skills, knowledge, and
experience, to the employer in a small and easy-to-digest letter in which you are
summing up all these points that make you the ideal candidate for the position,
you’ll be able to prove your suitability and convince the employer/recruiter to
read on. The personal statement should present the knowledge and skills that
are related and particular to this job needed to perform well in this specific
Steps to consider so you can include all the vital components of your
statement and keep your writing clear and concise:
Read the instructions
❑ Ask yourself questions before you begin: What makes your life story
unique? What experiences or challenges set you apart from other
candidates? Stand out from the crowd!
❑ Introduce yourself
❑ Write a captivating opening sentence
❑ Expand on relevant skills, interests and experiences (your experience,
your achievements, your talents and skills, explain why you feel you would
be an asset to the team or community, and your academic or professional
❑ Conclude your statement
❑ Proofread and edit
❑ A Personal Statement will be always a personalisation of your traits,
experiences and goals. For a better understanding of how to construct the
personal statement please have a look at the following examples:

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Example 1:

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Example 2:

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A detailed CV that has been carefully designed to fit the purpose.

The portfolio will also include the Curriculum Vitae (CV) which will need to be
tailored according to the position/sector you are applying for.

CV is the first thing an employer will see when hiring for a vacancy, and how it
looks at first glance will be the reason they decide to read it in more detail.
Even if your skills match the role perfectly, a messy and confusing CV probably
won’t even get a second look!
To ensure you’re painting yourself (and your skills) in the best light, you should
❑ Keep it short and succinct – two sides of A4 will almost always suffice.
❑ Choose a clear, professional font to ensure that your CV can be easily read
❑ Lay it out in a logical order, with sufficient spacing and clear section headings
(e.g., Work experience, Education)
❑ Order your experience and education in reverse chronological order to
highlight your most recent experience and achievements
❑ Create your CV following the CV template.
❑ Include your contact details at the top of your CV.
❑ Start with your name, address, and email address.
❑ Get a professional-looking email address with your name, NOT a nickname.
❑ Recognise the importance of proofreading for spelling, punctuation, grammar
and meaning.
❑ Identify your skills and personal qualities.
❑ Don’t lie – employers often run background checks and false claims will be
❑ “Sell” yourself – what are your unique qualities, personality traits, skills and
experience that make you stand out from the crowd
❑ Don’t leave unexplained gaps – if you had a career break to travel or raise a
family, explain what skills or experience you gained from this
❑ Be clear and concise – CVs should be a maximum of three pages long and
should be easy to read
❑ Create your CV according to your personality and the position you are
applying for, but keep it simple, professional, without mistakes, complete (no
work gaps or missing information) and correct.

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Sample CVs

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Curriculum Vitae

01234 000000

Personal statement/Summary

A conscientious and professional personal assistant with extensive experience in administration, and secretarial
roles, currently seeking a position in volunteering. A highly organised and efficient individual, whose thorough
and precise approach to projects has yielded excellent results. Recent achievements with my current employer
include the implementation of an innovative new communication system within the organisation.
(Approximately 100 words)

Key Skills

❑ Proficiency in all areas of Microsoft Office, including Access, Excel, Word and PowerPoint
❑ Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
❑ Accredited member of APA (Association of Personal Assistants)
❑ Fully qualified first aider

Employment History

PA to Personnel Manager, Company Name, Location

(April 2011 – Present)

Achievements and responsibilities:

❑ Implemented a change of stationery supplier, reducing costs by 20%

❑ Reorganised the meeting booking process, implementing an online system which all
staff can access, leading to reduced diary conflicts within the team
❑ Devised and implemented a new filing and indexing system for files, resulting in
greater ease of access and a more time-efficient process
❑ Helped provide a safer workplace by cataloguing and dispatching health and safety
information and posters for the whole company
❑ Diary management, typing correspondence and documents, creating presentations
and creating meeting minutes

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Front of House Receptionist, Company Name, Location
(June 2010 – April 2011)
Achievements and responsibilities:

❑ Presenting a professional and friendly first impression of the firm to all visitors and clients
❑ Managing incoming phone calls and mail
❑ Organising stationery orders and liaising with suppliers to meet business requests
❑ Replenishing and restocking the bar, always ensuring a high level of stock management
❑ Also assumed the role of fire/health and safety officer for the entire office staff
❑ Secretary, Company Name, Location
❑ (October 2007 – May 2010)

Achievements and responsibilities:

❑ Maintaining and organising the company filing system

❑ Answering incoming calls
❑ Typing all necessary documents and correspondence as required
❑ Printing any supplementary notes as required
❑ Running professional errands


College/School Name

(September 2004 – June 2006)

General Studies – B
English – C
Mathematics – C
School Name
(September 1998 – June 2004)
10 GCSEs, grades A-C, including Maths and English
Hobbies & Interests

I am involved in a local amateur dramatics society, where I volunteer as a lighting and sound technician. I have
been involved with this society for three years and very much enjoy being part of the team. More recently, I
assumed the role of Stage Manager for a two-week production and relished the chance to take control of
performances and react to a high-pressure environment.


References are available upon request.

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LO3- Understanding of methods of personal and professional
development and training as well as how they relate to your
Training is the act, process, or method of one that trains or the skill, or
knowledge; this definition is underlining the most important point that we need
to consider when we are looking into preparing a plan for personal and
professional development.

The development of human resources must include training and development.

It is playing an ever-more crucial role because of the development of technology,
which has increased competition, raised customer expectations for quality and
service, and necessitated cost-cutting measures. Equip people for new jobs, it
has also gained importance on a global scale. Before blaming technology for a
rise in staff training requirements, it's critical to recognise that many other
factors also play a role. In addition to financial compensation, training is
essential for the employee's personal growth and development, which drives
him/her to work for a certain company. Additionally, we mandate training to
keep staff members abreast of industry developments, changes to employment
laws, and other matters.

Employability relates to your knowledge, skills, and attitudes, how you use
those assets, and how you present them to employers in today's context.

Top 10 Employability Skills and How to Improve Employability Skills

The top employers' top 10 employability abilities, according to prominent

recruiters like Accenture, Siemens, and Nokia, have been assembled by
STEMNET (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Network). It is
equally crucial for you to create a strong CV that highlights your qualifications
for the position (Why are Employability Skills Important, 2022).

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Here are the top 10 employability skills that employers are looking for:
1. Communication and Interpersonal Skills
2. Problem-Solving Skills
3. Self-Motivation
4. Working under Pressure
5. Organizational skills
6. Team Spirit
7. Learning Skills
8. Number and Data Skills
9. Value Diversity
10. Negotiation Skills

After identifying the relevant skills and other elements which can contribute to
personal and professional development, we will have a look at how we will process
the information and how we will use all the information.

Hence, you will need to analyse the need for continuous learning and professional
development to drive sustainable business performance – theories and models
which could be applied:

Learning Cycle:

A Learning cycle is an idea of the way humans analyse from revel in. A studying
cycle may have several ranges or levels, the final of which can be observed with
the aid of the primary. The getting-to-know cycle is a sequential method for each
mastering and coaching. It places recognition on a series of steps that encourage
more thorough expertise and a deeper application of content. It additionally
pushes students in the direction of inquiry and discovery of their gaining
knowledge. The learning cycle offers teachers a system for education at the
same time as giving students a system for gaining knowledge whilst several
variations were developed through the years, the original learning cycle became
created based on ideas Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget had regarding how
children analyse. Piaget's purpose became to fit content material mastery with
a pupil's cognitive development technique. This model, acknowledged formally
as the learning cycle, consists of three basic steps: exploration, concept
improvement (now and then called invention), and idea software.

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Kolb learning Cycle: David Kolb published his studying patterns model in 1984
from which he developed his gaining knowledge of fashion inventory. Kolb's
experiential learning theory works in stages: a four-stage cycle of mastering and
four separate gaining knowledge of styles. an awful lot of Kolb’s idea is
concerned with the learner's internal cognitive tactics.


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Stage 1: Experience Life is full of experiences we can learn from. Whether at
(Kolb's "Concrete home or work or out and about, there are countless
experiences") opportunities for us to 'kick-start' the learning cycle.

Reflection involves thinking about what we have done and

Stage 2: Reflect
experienced. Some people are naturally good at this.
(Kolb's "Reflective
Others train themselves to be more deliberate about
reviewing their experiences and recording them.

When we pass from thinking about our experiences to

Stage 3: Conceptualise
interpreting them, we enter into the realm of what Kolb
(Kolb's "Abstract
termed 'conceptualization'. To conceptualize is to generate
a hypothesis about the meaning of our experiences.

In the active experimentation stage of the learning cycle,

we effectively 'test' the hypotheses we have adopted. Our
new experiences will either support or challenge these
To learn from our experiences is not sufficient just to have
them. This will only take us into stage 1 of the cycle.
Stage 4: Plan
Rather, any experience has the potential to yield learning,
(Kolb's "Active
but only if we pass through all Kolb's stages by reflecting on
our experiences, interpreting them and testing our

Summing up, learning from our experiences involves the

key element of reflection. Most people don't theorize
about their learning in this way, but in their learning follow
Kolb's cycle without knowing

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Gibb’s Reflective Cycle is a 6-stage process, namely:
1. Description – what happened (event)?
2. Feelings – what were you thinking and feeling?
3. Evaluation – what was good and bad about the experience?
4. Analysis – what sense can you make of the situation?
5. Conclusion – what else could you have done?
6. Action plan – if it arose again, what would you do?

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Honey and Mumford's model is based upon the work of Kolb and recognises
Four distinct learning styles or possibilities: Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist and

Peter Honey and Alan Mumford advocate that to maximize personal getting to
know, every learner should recognize their learning fashion and are searching
for possibilities to examine their mastering style. however, they ought to
additionally expand their gaining knowledge of potential in other patterns to
end up greater nicely rounded learners. This increases versatility in mastering
conditions. When imparting mastering opportunities, it's miles recommended
to understand and prepare for humans’ extraordinary gaining knowledge of
patterns: Powerful studying is said to paste (for as long as it should), Get used
(appropriately), and make a difference (for the better).

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This tool is a questionnaire that can be applied to identify individual learning
styles. It is used to identify four distinct learning styles or preferences:
➢ Activist
➢ Theorist
➢ Pragmatist
➢ Reflector

Here each learning style is matched with a stage of the learning cycle as
developed by David

Source:(Peter honey, 2007)

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To have a better understanding of the job market, the field chosen and the
organisations, the students (candidates) will have to be aware and be informed
about their performance and the future of this. It is a crucial understanding to
evaluate ways in which performance management, collaborative working and
effective communication can support high-performance culture and

Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of how High-Performance Work

(HPW) contributes to employee High Performance working: A high-overall
performance company is a business enterprise that achieves monetary and non-
economic effects which can be incredibly higher than those of its peer group over
five years or greater, focusing in a disciplined way on that which matters to the
company.” 'High overall performance working is a standard technique to handling
companies that dream to stimulate more powerful worker involvement and
commitment to obtain excessive levels. High overall performance: working refers
to a positive plan of the company set with the aid of the control for setting up
certain situations in front of the employees of the company to make themselves
lots extra efficient and capable of coping with special types of troubles correctly.

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Knowledge Sharing: As we have already discussed, high-performance operating
surroundings make it less difficult for the organization to make its employees
informed approximately the performance in delivering one kind of service which
makes the organization very lots extraordinary from others within the market
by way of organising efficiency in their overall performance at the time of
presenting services.

Source:(Coombs, 2007)

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Self-assessment reflecting skill gaps (SWOT Analysis inclusive)

Self-reflection is important at this point as it will help you to understand the

importance of evaluating and improving personal performance. You as a
“reflective practitioner” will use this for your continuing professional
development, making a fair and reasonable evaluation of your personal
experience, strengths, qualities and skills, identifying personal limitations and
areas that can be improved through training, practice or informal learning.

Reflect on your professional development by asking yourself:

➢ What skills are you developing? Can you identify obvious gaps in your
profile of skills and experience? Will this matter when you will apply for the
➢ Are your programme choices the right ones for the type of career you have
in mind?
➢ Is there some kind of experience you could undertake to develop your
skills, experience, or CV?

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Skills audit

Create a detailed professional skills audit that demonstrates evidence of

personal reflection and evaluation.

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Rating Should be Between 1-5. Where 1 is The Lowest and 5 is The Highest

Analysis of CPD

Definition of CPD: Continuing Professional Development refers to identifying and

taking actions to continuously improve personal and professional skills to keep one
updated on the need of the workplace and the industry (Emerson and Stewart,

How to engage in CPD: Engaging in CPD requires an analysis of the present and
future demands of the workplace and the industry. One can ask for suggestions
from industry experts and professionals, but it is the sole responsibility of the
learner to analyse and determine their own development needs. After determining
the development need one should engage in activities that will improve the

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required skills. The activities can be attending seminars, self-managed learning,
observing, researching, attending a conference, and so on.
How to record and evaluate CPD: The recording procedure of CPD is shown

Analysing current Reflecting on the Apppying the

skill sets learning learning

Identifying what
Undetaking Analysing skill
learning improvement

Set deadline and Identitying futher

Identifying the
and expected development
required resources
outcome needs

Figure 1: Process of recording and evaluating CPD (Source: Dirksen, 2015)

Self-management plays an important role as it is about being able to analyse

your situation and identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats,
also it helps to identify sources and resources of support and take a solution-
focused approach. SWOT analysis is a useful tool for taking stock of your
situation. You can analyse your level of readiness for your career. SWOT is often
used as part of a strategic or planning process but can be applied to help
understand an organisation or a situation, and also for decision-making for many
different scenarios (CIPD,2022).

For your work, you can use the template below to list the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats. Make sure that they are linked with your personal
and professional development and training as well as how they relate to your
employability. As well please provide details about how and where you’ve built
the strengths and how you can use them to overcome the threats and exploit
the opportunities. Also, explain how the weaknesses identified can be improved.

Planning your Career in Business Page 35 of 56

SWOT Analysis Template

Helpful Harmful
Strengths (strong points) Weaknesses (weak points)
1. 1.
2. 2.

3. 3.

Opportunities (potential gains) Threats (potential losses)

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Personal SWOT Analysis:

❑ SWOT Analysis is a popular tool or instrument that individuals, as well as
organisations, use for purposes of auditing their status or situation.
❑ The tool is useful in identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and
Threats, for both individuals and organisations.
❑ The results of such an analysis can serve as a baseline for further
investigation to identify areas that require attention.
❑ The tool helps not only in identifying strengths and weaknesses, but also
opportunities that an individual or an organisation can take advantage of….
❑ … as well as threats that an individual or an organisation may require to
bolster itself against.

Planning your Career in Business Page 36 of 56

See the example below:

Planning your Career in Business Page 37 of 56

Many people consider SWOT analysis to be something restricted to businesses
only, it’s an analytical framework which can help companies face great
challenges, and it can help to find the most promising new markets. The analysis
was created by business gurus Edmund P. Learned, Kenneth Andrews, C. Roland
Christensen and William D. in the 1960s.

Analysing yourself accurately in an unbiased manner is one of the most difficult

feats to achieve. Either we end up being too hard on ourselves or too easy. When
it comes to analysis, SWOT is one of the most used assessment tools.

Carrying out the analysis in a hurry will be not of much use. You should keep
your list specific, simple, and most importantly realistic. If you feel the need, you
can ask around for a general perception of yourself from other people before
you start, but do not make comparisons with others.

Many people are often confused about how to go about sorting things in
different quadrants when they are carrying out a SWOT analysis of self. The
strengths could be your set of capabilities and resources that makes you stand
out among others. Any habit or skill that needs to be improved or eliminated
can be counted as a weakness.

Please make sure you will NOT confuse Strengths with Opportunities, or
Weaknesses with Threats.

Planning your Career in Business Page 38 of 56

Action plan tailored towards your skill development (reflecting SMART

For a good, complete, and effective action plan the students will use the SMART
method which will help them to make the best use of examples that provide
evidence of their competence, as S.M.A.R.T stands for:

The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) is recommending the following

action checklist SMART:

1. Specific Objectives should be specific. They should describe the result that is
desired in a way that is, detailed, focused and well-defined. The following
questions may help formulate specific objectives:
❑ What outcomes are we looking for?
❑ Is it clear what the objective means?
❑ How will this be achieved and what strategies will be followed?
❑ What needs to happen?
❑ What are we going to do, with or for whom?
❑ Who will be responsible for what and do we need anyone else to be
❑ When do we want this to be completed?

Planning your Career in Business Page 39 of 56

When writing objectives, especially for individuals, use action-orientated verbs
which describe what needs to be done to achieve the objectives.
For examples: • analyse • apply • change • create • determine • differentiate •
identify • instigate • perform. Avoid jargon, words and phrases which are (or can
be construed as) misleading or ambiguous such as: • be aware of • have an
awareness of • be prepared for a variety of.

For example, my target is to improve and develop the skills and competencies
mentioned previously, to do my best in researching information about my
assignments and submit them on time to obtain good grades

2. Measurable Measurement is hugely important because it will enable you to

know whether an objective has been achieved. To be measurable an objective
should describe an achievement or outcome which is or can be related to a
percentage, a frequency, rate or number. Evidence will need to be derived from
a system, method or procedure which has tracked and recorded the outcomes
related to the objective. To help in setting measurable outcomes, think about
the desired outcome and which elements can be measured. Consider whether
there is any scope for cross-comparison. For example: if the objective is to
increase sales in a certain area, it is a simple matter to check whether sales have
changed in that area. However, if sales are changing in all areas, you will need
to show that the increase is related to actions related to the objective, rather
than as part of a general trend.

Consider these questions: • How will I know that the change has occurred? • Can
these measurements be obtained? All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior permission of the publisher.

Example: to obtain no less than 60% in all my assignments until next term to be
more familiar with assignments. To develop my communication skills and to use
correct grammar by at least 70%, and my presentation skills by at least 40% until
next term, for that I will do my best in group work activities, presentations and
all the modules’ assignments and activities.

Planning your Career in Business Page 40 of 56

3. Achievable (or agreed) An objective can be said to be achievable if the
necessary resources are available or similar results have been achieved by
others in similar circumstances.

Questions to consider include: • Who will carry out the actions required? • Do
they have the necessary skills to do the task well? • Are the resources
(personnel, funding, time, equipment etc.) to achieve this objective available or
can they be obtained? • Who will bear responsibility for what?
‘Achievable’ implies that those to whom it is assigned are willing and able to
achieve it. If objectives are seen to be unachievable those responsible for them
are likely to lose motivation and become demoralised. Individuals will be
unwilling to invest energy and enthusiasm into something which they do not
believe to be possible. For this reason, it is vital to discuss objectives, especially
those relating to individuals and reach an agreement on them. Recognise that
agreeing that an objective is achievable may involve a commitment to provide a
level of resources (staff, money, time) without which the objective would not be
achievable. This implies that in changed circumstances the objective would no
longer be SMART for the individual, team or organisation. Bear in mind that
setting objectives too low can also lead to demotivation and disillusionment.
Stretching objectives provide an incentive to put effort and commitment into
finding ways to reach the target. Most people will rise to a challenge if it is not

For example: to achieve the skills needed in business management I must gain
more experience in practice, that’s why I will part-time volunteer in a big
company and deal with a huge number of employees where I can face all the
challenges that could interrupt my career in the future and gain more
experience. I will search more about brands and try to understand the existing
theories and models. Also, I will use all the resources presented by the university
to develop the knowledge already gained through the assignments,
presentations and different challenges like a graduate challenge and marketing

4. Realistic (or relevant) The concepts of ‘realistic’ and ‘achievable’ are similar
and this may explain why some use the term ‘relevant’ as an alternative.

Planning your Career in Business Page 41 of 56

‘Realistic’ suggests that there is a clear understanding of how the objective
might be reached; that there are no circumstances or factors which would
achieve the objective impossible or unlikely; and that any potential obstacles
and constraints have been considered. ‘Relevant’ suggests that the objectives
set are appropriate to the individual or team and their job role and function or
at the organisational level that they align with the overall purpose and strategy
of the organisation.

For example, I need to obtain and develop all the important skills and knowledge
that are necessary for a career in business management and to get a good
degree, so I must persevere and invest all the necessary effort, time, ambition,
capacities and money to reach my goals

5. Timely (or time-bound) It is necessary to set a date or time by which the

objective should have been accomplished or completed and this contributes to
making objectives measurable. For objectives that may take weeks or even
months to fully achieve it is good practice to identify milestones or key steps and
to set deadlines for these to help keep progress towards the end objective on
track. A deadline helps to create the necessary urgency, prompts action and
focuses the minds of those who are accountable for the commitments that they
have made in agreeing to the objectives. Not setting deadlines will reduce levels
of urgency and motivation and may result in unnecessary delays or failure to
reach the objectives. Ask yourself whether the objective can be accomplished
within the deadlines which have been established, bearing in mind other
possible competing demands which may cause a delay

Example: the period in which I planned to develop my communication,

leadership, teamwork and presentation skills, all the necessary techniques to be
more competent in the field and all the necessary knowledge of the different
functions of an organisation like HRM, marketing, finance and productions are
by September 2026.

Planning your Career in Business Page 42 of 56

Action Plan

Full Name:

Title of the course:

Name of Institution:

The level at which I am

currently studying:

Start Date:

End Date:

My Reasons/Motivation for
applying for the role:

Objectives for my Actions required to Support Timeframe Estimated

personal and achieve my and/or date of
professional objectives resources I completion/
development need achievemen

Another helpful format will be the following:

Planning your Career in Business Page 43 of 56


Understanding your capabilities is crucial in building the plan and observing the

The last paragraph of your assignment will be the conclusion. A strong

conclusion aims to: tie together the portfolio’s main points. Show why your
argument matters. Leave the reader with a strong impression.

A well-written conclusion provides you with several important opportunities to

demonstrate your overall understanding of the research problem to the reader.
These include:

Planning your Career in Business Page 44 of 56

Presenting the last word on the issues you raised in your paper. Just as the
introduction gives the first impression to your reader, the conclusion offers a
chance to leave a lasting impression. Do this, for example, by highlighting key
points in your analysis or findings.

Summarizing your thoughts and conveying the larger implications of your study.
The conclusion is an opportunity to succinctly answer the "so what?" question
by placing the study within the context of past research about the topic you've

Demonstrating the importance of your ideas. Don't be shy. The conclusion offers
you a chance to elaborate on the significance of your findings.

Introducing possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research

problem. This does not refer to introducing new information [which should be
avoided], but to offering new insight and creative approaches for
framing/contextualizing the research problem based on the results of your


The final paragraph of your work will be the conclusion. A strong conclusion aims
to: tie together the portfolio’s main points. Show why your argument matters.
Leave the reader with a strong impression.

Planning your Career in Business Page 45 of 56

The conclusion paragraph should repeat your argument, list the important
points you made in favour of it throughout the paper, and provide your
assessment of the main idea. The conclusion of your tale or a realization of a
deeper reality should be included in this last summary. A strong conclusion will
summarise your key ideas and points, bringing together all relevant data with an
expressive appeal for a concluding remark that connects with your audience
(How to Write a Conclusion for Your Next Writing Project, 2022).

Check the example below:

Recycling is a vital process that benefits the environment. It conserves

resources, lowers our need to collect raw materials, and keeps usable
materials out of landfills. Recycling reduces our carbon footprint by extending
the longevity of materials, giving items additional uses before they become
waste. With a reduction in the need for additional resources, recycling can
lower the number of pollutants and other toxic chemicals released into the air
via processing and greenhouse gases. The less waste that gets incinerated,
buried in the ground, or thrown in the ocean, the healthier and more stable
our environment will be. Recycling is only one part of a much-needed effort to
combat climate change, but it is an important part that can help make a big

Planning your Career in Business Page 46 of 56

Writing Guidance

All references MUST conform to the Harvard style of referencing.
Layout and standard of presentation.

Your work must be typed or word-processed and contain no more than the
appropriate word count. It should be 1.5 line spaced; have numbered pages; use a
logical format; and be well presented, carefully edited, and checked for spelling.
The word count includes the main text but does not include the title,
acknowledgements, contents page, tables, diagrams, reference lists or appendices.
The list of references should appear single-spaced on a separate page. Place all
references in one list in alphabetical order by author surname and do not use bullet

Standard of English

Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation should be employed. Work should be

written in the required style (see Library resources on VLE for help). Lists, bullet
points and subheadings are acceptable in this format. Write from the third person
perspective (avoid first and the second person i.e. I, me, we, our, you) and employ
a varied and appropriate vocabulary (avoid slang and informal expressions,
repetition and contractions


Is the portfolio well-researched? Is a wide range of relevant sources used to inform

the various elements (e.g., plans, books, journals, reports)? Is material cited
accurately and used to the best effect? Are page numbers provided for quotes, data
and specific ideas? Is a complete bibliography provided on a separate page at the
end of the report using the Harvard style of referencing with accuracy?

Planning your Career in Business Page 47 of 56

4. Guidelines for writing the module assignment

Module Code: BMAF000-20

Module Title: Academic Study Skills
Assignment: S1. Individual Report
Word Count: 3000 words
Contribution to 100% of the overall grade
Module Mark:
Submission Deadline: 17/10/2022

Learning outcome By successful completion of the module, you will be able to

assessed: demonstrate:

LO1: Time management, organisation skills and listening

skills for note taking
LO2: Integration of information from appropriate sources of
literature to enhance and support your academic writing.
LO3: An understanding of academic integrity, plagiarism and

Assessment Task

1. This assessment requires you to compile an Individual Report.

Task 1: Report

Select ONE from the following 4 academic writing topics as your report topic and conduct
research on your selected topic.

1. A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor
go on that day? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice

2. Nowadays, electric cars have become popular. In your opinion, what are the
advantages and disadvantages of electric cars? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer

3. Due to COVID-19, most university classes are now delivered online. From your
experience, what are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning? Use reasons
and examples to support your answer.

4. 2021 saw the continuation of a decade of growth in the UK organic market. What’s
the future of organic food in the UK? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Planning your Career in Business Page 48 of 56

Having gathered the relevant and appropriate information on the topic, you will now be
required to complete an individual report (Max. 2000) presenting the research you have
conducted and your views on the question based on this evidence. You must include in your
report an introduction, the main body with balanced arguments and a conclusion with
comprehensive references to books, journals, and web pages.

Task 2: Essay

Include at the end of your report a self-evaluative journal (Max. 1000 words) to reflect on
your learning of this module and also the above research you conducted. You are required
to explain what you have learned following the completion of your research and reveal your
learning difficulties you have encountered when studying this module including the
academic challenges faced, lessons learned, knowledge acquired, and the skills that you
need to improve in order to enhance your future research and learning.


The individual Report will be marked according to the following criteria:

• Knowledge and Understanding (30%): Show knowledge and

understanding of topics to be discussed.
• Argument (30%): Integration of information from appropriate sources
of literature to enhance and support your academic writing.
• Reflection, Structure and Communication (20%): Reflection on
achievement of module outcomes, module-related tasks, key points,
and examples.
• Referencing and use of language (20%): Use appropriate Harvard
Referencing style and in-text citations.

Planning your Career in Business Page 49 of 56

Assignment Structure: Report:

Cover Page
• This should clearly follow the cover page template in your Module Handbook: Your
Student ID, Student Name, Module Name and Code, Assignment Name and the
Word Count.

Introduction (1 page)
• Outline the content of the report.
• Briefly provide the background to the topics you will write about.

Main Body (2-4 Pages)

• Present your findings for each topic.
• Include a balance of supporting and refuting statements.

Conclusion (1 Page)
• Summarise the main points.

Self-Evaluation (1-2 Pages)

• What problems/challenges did you face when finding research for this assignment?
• What did you enjoy about this assignment?
• Identify the lessons learnt and highlight any areas for potential improvement.

References (1-2 Pages)

• Your assignment should be Harvard Referenced and show a range of sources. You
must demonstrate at least 6 references, of which 4 must be from academic
journals/ articles/textbooks. This is an academic report; therefore, appropriate
referencing is expected.
For all policies regarding the submission of your work please refer to the Programme and Student

Planning your Career in Business Page 50 of 56

5. List of references

2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 1 September


2022. Why are Employability Skills Important? [online] Available at: <
employability-skills-important-article> [Accessed 1 September 2022].

2022. How to Write a Conclusion for Your Next Writing Project. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 1 September 2022].

Ansary, A., 2022. 60 List of Skills - Put Wisely on a Resume that Others Don't - Career Cliff. [online] Career Cliff.
Available at: <> [Accessed 1 September 2022].

Cottrell, S., 1999. The study skills handbook.

Cottrell, S., 2015. Skills for Success. [Place of publication not identified]: Palgrave Macmillan.

Harvard Business Review. 2022. A Better Way to Plan Your Career. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 1 September 2022]. 2022. Why You Should Write a Business Plan for Your Career. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed
1 September 2022].

Lumley, M. and Wilkinson, J., 2014. Developing employability for business. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2022. Training and Development - Meaning, its Need and Importance. [online]
Available at: <> [Accessed 1
September 2022]. 2022. SMART Goals: A How to Guide. [online] Available at: <
resources/_files/performance-appraisal/How%20to%20write%20SMART%20Goals%20v2.pdf> [Accessed 1
September 2022].

Planning your Career in Business Page 51 of 56

6. Appendix

Answer Template
Note: Students are not obliged to follow the template

Student Assessment Submission and Declaration

When submitting evidence for assessment, you must sign a declaration confirming that the work is
your own.


Student name: BSU ID NO


Submission date:

Module name and code Planning Your Career in Business (BMAF008-20)

Assessment No 1

A professional portfolio comprising a personal statement completed

Title / Topic application for a volunteer/work experience placement with a relevant C.V.
and a skills development action plan.

Lecturer’s name

Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Plagiarism must be avoided at all costs and students who break the
rules, however innocently, may be penalised. It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand
correct referencing practices. As a university-level student, you are expected to use appropriate
references throughout and keep carefully detailed notes of all your sources of materials for the material
you have used in your work, including any material downloaded from the Internet. Please consult the
relevant unit lecturer or your course tutor if you need any further advice.

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submitted is entirely my own work. I fully understand the consequences of
plagiarism. I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date:

Planning your Career in Business Page 52 of 56

No Table of Content Page No

Section A:
- A brief introduction to indicate what the portfolio contains and the reason for both the personal
statement and the CV that will be presented.
- You may also want to consider writing a short overview of the chosen organization in a bid to
justify your particular interest in working in such a place.

1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of the chosen Organisation

Section B:
- Personal statement in support of your application for a volunteer/work experience placement in any
organization of your choice.
- A detailed CV that has been carefully designed to fit the purpose.

2.0 Personal Statement to support your application

2.1 Detailed CV

Section C:
- Self-assessment reflecting skill gaps (SWOT Analysis inclusive)
- Action plan tailored towards your skill development (reflecting SMART objectives)

3.0 • A personal SWOT analysis

3.1 Personal Skill Audit

3.2 • SMART objectives for skill development (short-term, medium/long-term career


Professional Development Plan and training

4 • Conclusion

5 • References (Harvard System only)

Planning your Career in Business Page 53 of 56

A professional portfolio comprising a personal statement completed application for a volunteer/work
experience placement with a relevant C.V. and a skills development action plan.
Section A:
1. Introduction

(Hints: Write down the background information on the topic (Professional portfolio). You should
introduce the subject matter and the main issue/s to be explored).
Start writing here

1.1 Justification

(Hints: Write down the reasons for your interest for this organisation, for this location and justify
your peculiar interests).

Start writing here

Section B:

2. Personal Statement

(Hints: You need to provide the details of what you would bring to the organisation. You should
include some vital skills and previous experiences you have had)
Start writing here

2.1 CV
(Hints: The CV should be carefully designed for the work experience)
Start writing here

Your career
List of your Skills to meet the career goal Why those skills are important

Planning your Career in Business Page 54 of 56

Section C:
(Hints: This is to show your self-assessment and skill gaps. You need to provide a personal SWOT
(Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of yourself.)
Start writing here

3.1 PERSONAL SKILL AUDIT (Gap analysis)

Personal Skill Audit

List of Rating List of Skill Rating List of Rating
Knowledge Behaviour

Rating should be Between 1 – 5. Where 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest.

(Hints: You should create an action plan tailored to your short-term, medium and long-term career
objectives. Show how this plan is SMART).
Start writing here


Skills Required for Training / Duration How they relate to employability
Professional Method (Short, Mid and
Development Long term plan)

4 Conclusion
(Hint: You should provide here a summary of the key points with a concluding statement – this must
be informed by your main body in the report).
Start writing here

Planning your Career in Business Page 55 of 56

5 References
(Add at least 6 References and above)

(Hints: You should list all the sources used (cited in the body of the report), both those quoted directly
and those indirectly. You should use the Harvard Reference Style)

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