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Welcome to this great English course

Level A2 and A2.1
Teacher: Delcy del Carmen Vivanco

Welcome to this level, I think you´ll enjoy it and you´ll learn more
and more English. Be patient and dedicated with all your activities
and you´ll see the result of your great effort. Let´s go. Learn
In these levels you´ll learn

 How to ask and giving information in present continous

 How to ask information about costs
 How to express routines, actions and specific actions
 How to express actions in simple present
 How to express likes, dislikes and preferences
 How to talk about Works and work places

1. Useful expressions
 I have no idea  It´s no big deal
 It´s a pleasure to meet tou  Thank you for everything
 Likewise  Hold on a sec
 I don´t know anything  Just my luck
 What do you do for a living?  Hit the sac
 No kidding¡  It´s a piece of cake
 You have my Word.  No pain, no gain
 You bet.  I can´t make up my mind
 The sooner, the better  Cat got your tongue?
 You rock¡  Tell me about yourself

2. Choose the best option

1. Can you help me? A. I have no idea

A. No kidding B. Off course
B. No pain, no gain C. Likewise
C. You bet
5. Ohhh it´s 11:00…too late
2. What do you do for the living? A. You bet
A. Cat got your tongue? B. Nothing
B. Tell me about yourself C. Hit the sac
C. I´m a teacher

3. Thank you for everything. 6. My name is Delcy, your English

A. My pleasure teacher
B. The sooner the better A. It´s a piece of cake
C. You rock. B. It´s a pleasure to meet you
C. Hold on a sec
4. May I have a Word?

7. It´s your turn for the presentation 9. If I want that car, I have to work
A. It´s no a big deal hard
B. Thank you for everything A. Hold a sec
C. Hold on a sec B. It´s a piece of cake
C. No pain, no gain
8. are you going to have a graduation
party? 10. When should I get my English
A. I can´t make up my mind certification?
B. The sooner, the better A. Just my luck
C. Tell me about yourself B. The sooner the better
C. Cat got your tongue?

3 . Lesson 3. That´s a point

3.1. Acccording wirh the conversation, answer the following questions.

1. Why do Alex like the black dress?
A. She think it´s more expensive
B. She consider it´s cheaper
C. She guess it´s more is an expensive dress

2. We can infer that Clerk doesn´t prefer the black dress because, she considers that
A. It could be uncomfortable and hot due to the weather and the time of the wedding
B. It could be lighter and the weather is going to be cold in the afternoon
C. S $400 dress could be very stylish for a wedding in Winter

3. Did the dress Alex liked have the Price

oni t?
A. Yes he did 4. Did Alex try the dress?
B. No, he did A. Yes, he does
C. No, he didn´t . B. No, he doesn´t
C. No, he didn´t.

5 Do you think she buy the dress?

A. Yes, off course

B. Not at all
C. Hold a sec4.

4. Lesson 4: Which one do you prefer?

4.1. Useful expressions

 I prefer the red one
 The green one is cheaper than the blue one
 The black suit is more elegant than the gray one
 I like the blank one better
 Which pone do you prefer?
 I like the red one more

4.2. Preferences and comparisons with adjectives


4.3. Complete the line in blank with the words missed

1. My neighborhood is than yours 3. Dad is than my brother
A. Safer A. Attractiver
B. Safe B. More attractive
C. More safe C. Attractive

2. Cigarretes are than the 4. The Math teacher is than the

liquor English one
A. Dangerous A. More nicer
B. More dangerouser B. Nicer
C. More dangerous C. Nice

5. Mom is me
A. Prettier
B. More prettyer
C. prettyer

5. How much are these?

5.1. Useful expressions
 How much is it?
 How much is this/that watch?
 Which one? The black one?
 It´s $50
 Thanks, I´ll take it
 How much are they?
 How much are these/those?
 Which ones? The Golden ones?
 They´re $300
 Thanks, I´ll take them

A: How much is A: How much are wedding A: How much are

polo rings? sunglasses?
shirt? B: Which ? B: Which ? The silver B: Which ? The brown
The green ? ? A:No. The Golden ? A:No. The pink
A:Yes, it is B: $500 B: $500
B: $30 A: Thanks, I´ll take . A: Thanks, I´ll take .

5.2. Listening: Complete with the words misses

1. How much is sweater?
2. Which ?
3. The one?
4. $40
5. And white ?
6. It´s $
7. And How much are trainers?
8. Which ?
9. The ones?
10. dark gray ones or light gray ones?
11. These ones.
12. $250
13. And light gray ones
14. They´re $

6. Lesson 6: What are they doing?

6.1. Useful expressions
 What are you doing?
Play playing
 I´m riding a bike take taking
 What is she doing? run
 She´s studying English?
 What are they doing? running read
 Thay´re watching televisión Reading go
6.2. Listen and practice: I´m really hungry

6.3. . Complete with the words missed

1. I at the disco. David and I dancing Merengue music.
2. Dayanne going to work, she´s her car.
3. Grandpa is at the supermarket. He shopping for al lof us.
4. Are you and Nick going to the beach?
5. No, not. going to the cinema.

7. My sister Works downtown.

7.1. Useful expressions
 I live in the suburbs
 She Works downtown
 They dont drive to work
 He rides to the university
 The trans caribbean doesn´t stop near my house.
 That´s too bad¡

7.2. Transportation: I get the University by bus

8. Look at these forms of the verbs

I work She works
You live he lives
We take it takes
they ride ---- rides

8.1. Verbs different of to be: Simple present: What do people usually do?

8.2. Complete the following sentences  play de guitar/basketball

I Usually early in the morning . At about 5:00 O´clock. I often
Do homework/housework a shower and then I
breakfast for me and my family. After that, I get dressed and leave home. I usually to
 Visit grandparents
work at 6:30, because I start working at 8:00 O´clock. I sometimes lunch at the office. I
back home at 6:00 p.m and I have dinner. I hardly ever  Go televisión, so Ithe
to work/to Always
university a book with
my children and then I normally a shower before going to bed.
 Eat healthy food
Always  Drink coffee/wáter/beer
Third person formHardly
 Read a book/the newspaper

ever  Write notes/E-mail/ texts
Always  plays
Watch a movie/television
de guitar/basketball
es Never
Hardly ever  Make breakfast/lunch/dinner
The  Does homework/housework
OftenSometimes  Have breakfast/lunch/dinner
 Visits sgrandparents
H Usually
Never  Get up early in the morning
 Goes to work/to the university
e Normally
Often  Have a shower
 Eats healthy food
generally  Buy groceries/clothes
Sh Usually  Drinks coffee/wáter/beer
 Study for the test
 Go to bed

 Go back home

 Clean the house


9.1. Write a short text describing somebody routine using the vocabulary above.
Follow the model of the text in exercise 12

10. What is your/their/our routine? Use the vocabulario studied at class to complete
the information, below each picture

10.1. What´s his/her routine?

10.2. Learn more


10.3. Circle the best options

A. The teacher don´t/doesn´t explain Spanish. She speaks/speak English.

B. Young people don´t/doesn´t write letter. They write/writes E-mails
C. My children don´t/doesn´t watch movies. They watch/watches comic programms
D. His wife don´t/doesn´t go to the university. She go/goes to work.
E. Men doesn´t/don´t like soup operas. They like/likes football games
F. I don´t/doesn´t get up early. I get/gets up late
G. My siblings and I don’t /doesn´t have lunch at home. We have/has lunch at work
H. You don´t/doesn´t study French. You study/studies English


Welcome to this great English course

Level A2 and A2.1
Teacher: Delcy del Carmen Vivanco

Welcome to this level, I think you´ll enjoy it and you´ll learn more
more English. Be patient and dedicated with all your activities
and you´ll see the result of your great effort. Let´s go. Learn
 How to talk about Works and work places
 How to describe people activities at work

1. What Do you do?

Let’s talk about what people do for a living? What do they do exactly in their Jobs? Where do
they work? How do they like their Jobs? Is it a part-time or a full time job?

1.2. Learn about common jobs


1.2. Complete the conversation with the missed words

Angel: Hi, Ramon, How is it ? Ramon:
Coudn´t be ? How about you?
Angel: Not bad. I just got a new .
Ramon: Really? That sounds . Where?
Angel: . As you know, i´´m an accountant, so I apply for a big business company i Barranquilla and
I the job? Ramon:
It´s a Good . What do you do?
Angel: let´s see. The most important thing I do is examine the organization´s
Ramon: That´s a real . I hope you´ll have success in your new job. I´m looking for a better job…
Angel: Thaks for your Good . I will be attentive when there is a in the
company. Ramon:
Nice of you. I´ll really appreciate it. See you , my friend.
Angel: see you. care

1.3. Works and workplaces

A: Does he work in a restaurant? A: Does he work with people? A: Is he a doctor?
B: No, he doesn´t B: Yes he Does? B: Yes, he is

1.4. What does he do? Complete the conversation.

Becky: Hey, Oswaldo, have you seen Jesus days?

Oswaldo: No, not at all. I think he long hours from Monday to
Becky: And what does he exactly do?
Oswaldo: Well, you know, doctors long hours at hospitals. He has to several
. Every day.
Becky: That´s too bad…I that he can´t time with family and friends.
Oswaldo: I agree….but we can call him to greet
Becky: It´s a good ideas…let´s call him

2. Conversation: I´m on my feet all day

2.2. Listen the rest of the conversation and answer: Who does Amy Travel with? Who does
she meet in another city?

3. What does he/she exactly do?

Ejemplo: This is someone that designs buildings Architect

1. This person prepares food in a

2. This is someone that helps to attend A. Police officer
accidents and works in B. Nurse
an ambulance C. Pilot
3. This person works in a school with D. Mechanic
students E. Paramedic
4. This is someone who protects others F. Architect
and upholds the law G. Dentist
5. This person repairs electrical H. Fire fighter
appliances I. Electrician
6. This is someone that helps people J. Teacher
with their teeth K. Chef
7. This person creates furniture L. Carpenter

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L
2 A B C D E F G H I J K L
3 A B C D E F G H I J K L
4 A B C D E F G H I J K L
5 A B C D E F G H I J K L
6 A B C D E F G H I J K L
7 A B C D E F G H I J K L

2.1. Think and write in possible answers for each question

1. What does the doctor do exactly? _
2. What does an informatic engineer do exactly?
3. What does an interior designer do exactly?
4. What does an accountan do exactly?
5. What does a software developer do?

2.2. Read the following biography about someone´s friend and write one about your
best friend. Don´t use your partner´s name. Use he or she instead.

Writing: a biography

university. She cooks italian food and bakes

desserts. She likes her English classes a lot.
Her favorite activities are speaking and
vocabulary practice. She studies another
language My partner is a chef. She Works in
a very nice restaurant near our too

Now is your turn to write. Share your text with us

3. Review this grammar

Simple present Wh- questions and statements
What do you do? I´m a student. I have a part time job
Where do you work? I work at a hotel
I/you he /she
Where do you go to study? I go to Autonoma de Nariño Work Works
How do you like your job? University Take takes
Do you like your carreer? I really like it study studies
yes, I do teach teaches
What does Amy do? do does
Where does she work? She´s a dancer go goes
How does she like it? She works at a dance academy have has
She loves it

3.1. Complete these conversation, then practice with a partner


3.2. Conversation: I work in the afternoon

4. Usefull expressions
In the morning In January at work
In the afternoon In december at home
In the evening At night On Monday
In the week At noon On Friday
In the month At 10:00 p.m On weekend
In the year At midnight On february 2nd

4.1. Time expressions


4.2. Let´s work and apply what you just learned

1. 7.
2. 8.
3. 9.
4. 10.
5. 11.
6. 12.

4.3. Answer the folowing questions and practice with your partner

4.4. Completemos la las preguntas utilizando las WH- questions: what- where-
when- who- how often- how.
1. do you like to go on weekends?
2. do Colombians celebrate mother´s day?
3. do you have Spanish lessons?
4. do you brush your teeth?
5. do you go out with?
6. Many friends do you have?

4.5. Organiza las siguientes preguntas.

1. Live / you/ do/ where/?
2. With/ who/ live/ you/do/?
3. Free-time/ what/ is/ favorite/ your/ activity/?
4. The Beach/ how/ you/ often/ do/ go to?
Are/ how/ old/ you/?

5. Read the article and answer


6. Answer the following questions with your own information. Then practice a role play
with your partes.

1. What time do you get up?

2. What do you do after get up?
3. Where do you go?
4. What university do you go?
5. How do you like your classes?
6. What do you do after classes?
7. What do you do in the evening?
8. When do you go to bed?
9. Do you rest enough?
10. Do you spend time with family?

7. Write answers for the following questions

1. What does a carpenter do?
2. What does a receptionist do?
3. What does a farmer do?
4. What does a nurse do? _
5. What does a salesperson do?
6. What does a chef do?
7. What does an interior designer do?
8. What does an accountant do?
9. What does a reporter do?
10. What does a housewife do?

8. Write a short text, expressing your preferences, what do you like and what you don
´t like. Tell us about food, music, hobbies, kind of Friends and free time activities. Use
linking words as besides, also, moreover, but, however, and, although


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