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Task 4

Life through the metaphors

English IV

Deivid Nicolay Moreno Torres






Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

School of Education- ECEDU

Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages with Emphasis on English


The answers of each student

What is a metaphor?

The metaphor uses the relationship between a resemblance of something real and

imaginary, widely used in poetry an example of this would be" Life is like a

beautiful melody only the lyrics are messed up".

How are metaphors created?

The metaphor is created from a real term through which reference is being made

and the imaginary term through which reference is made to the first one.

What is the influence of metaphors on culture and societies?

Metaphor in culture has been considered essential in day to day communication

since their influence goes beyond poetry to become an everyday occurrence.


A hospital bed is a parked taxi with the meter running. Groucho Marx

From my point of view, this metaphor refers to life and death, since in many cases

a hospital bed can be the continuity of life, or in other cases it can be the end

because it would be like the meter of a taxi where we can continue with the march

or give it finality.

Mi experiencia con esta metáfora está relacionada con algunos hechos que

sucedieron en mi vida cuando tenía 18 años.

Todo inicio un 17 de agosto del 2021, yo me encontraba de vacaciones en La

mesa Cundinamarca, estaba compartiendo tiempo con mi mamá, ya que ella vive

allá, y yo vivo en Bogotá, casi no nos vemos frecuentemente entonces esperaba

pasar tiempo agradable con ella, así fue como pase de estar comiendo y riendo con

mi familia a estar en la cama de un hospital en Girardot Cundinamarca, todo iba

muy bien ese día hasta que de un momento a otro me sentí mal, al pasar las horas

continúe con mucho malestar, así que mi mamá decidió llevarme al hospital de la

Mesa para que me hicieran una revisión y que me dieran algún medicamento para

que se me calmara el dolor, pero al momento de llegar al hospital me dijeron que

lo más probable era que tenía apendicitis así qué decidieron remitirme a otro

hospital que estuviera más capacitado para hacer esa cirugía lo más antes posible

ya que mi vida estaba corriendo peligro, estuve más de un mes en el hospital por

causa de esta cirugía ya que me habían encontrado otras enfermedades, en un


momento de mi vida en aquella cama del hospital era como el taxímetro de un taxi

donde estaba viendo si continuaba con el camino o le daba una finalidad, pero por

cosas de la vida el taxímetro continuo y ahora solo es una experiencia de mi vida

donde estuve en la vida y la muerte, posterior a esto estuve algún tiempo en

recuperación en mi casa gracia a mi mamá que me cuido y estuvo conmigo, ahora

solo tengo esos malos recuerdos pero también durante todo lo sucedido aprendí

que la mamá es lo más importante que uno tiene en la vida, ya que es la única que

esta cuando pasan estos malos momento.

My experience with this metaphor is related to some events that happened in my

life when I was 18 years old.

It all started 17th of August, 2021, I was on vacation in La Mesa Cundinamarca, I

was sharing time with my mom, since she lives there, and I live in Bogota, we

almost do not see each other frequently so I expected to spend time with her, so I

went from eating and laughing with my family to be in a hospital bed in Girardot

Cundinamarca, everything was going very well that day until one moment to

another I felt bad, As the hours went by I continued to feel sick, so my mom

decided to take me to the hospital in La Mesa to have me checked and to give me

some medicine to calm the pain, but when I got to the hospital they told me that I

most likely had appendicitis, so they decided to refer me to another hospital that

was more capable of performing the surgery as soon as possible, since my life was

in danger, I was in the hospital for more than a month because of this surgery

since they had found other diseases, at one point in my life in that hospital bed

was like the meter of a cab where I was seeing if I continued with the road or gave

him a purpose, but for things of life the meter continued and now it is only an

experience of my life where I was in life and death, After this I spent some time in

recovery at home thanks to my mother who took care of me and was with me,

now I only have those bad memories but also during all that happened I learned

that the mother is the most important thing you have in life because she is the only

one who is there when these bad moments happen.


Bibliographic references

 Stanley s, (s.f.) Debate Tips. Faculty Washington EDU.


 Tanmay Patil (2020, 3 de Junio) Understanding the Difference

Between Eastern & Western Culture. Stay curious.


 NAATI (2022, 3 de Junio) Eastern vs Western Cultures. The

Migration Translators


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