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Identifying Opinion from Truth

● Truth is based on fact, evidence
and strong argument while Opinion
sometimes, is based on feeling or ● Descriptive because they try to
a subjective perspective. describe, represent, or explain and
● a statement that reflects an author aspect of the world.
or the speaker's point of view,
beliefs, perspective, personal
feelings, and values; it cannot be
verified and proven to be true
contrary. (Arlene Burke 2020).
● to a fact that can be verified and
proven to be true
● Opinion is also part of developing
the truth. This lesson helps us to
differentiate an opinion from fact.


- a statement of truth that can be

verified and able to be proven as
truth. The stronger the fact is the
● Truth considered true when they
stronger the possibility to be
are validated using logical
true. Truth must be based on
fact, evidence and logical
- Can be verified through OPINION
empirical evidence.
- Are difficult to be logically - based on feelings, belief, illusion
disputed or rejected. and subjective in the sense that
it relied on conviction and
perspective of a person.
Fact - Opinion is changing and it
● Objective because their value is depends on the situation,
not dependent on one’s personal arguments, and belief.
beliefs, biases, and prejudices. - Often personal interpretations
- Also called as “value judgement”

● Subjective because they are
mind- dependent, it cannot be
proven to be true or false

incoherence in one’s
argument or opinion.
✳ Deductive Reasoning (VALIDITY)
- proceeds from a general
premise to a specific
● Usually describes as a top-down
chain of argument.

● Normative because they give

evaluations and suggestions for a
particular situation

● Validity - the logical connection

between the premises and the
conclusion of a deductive
✴ Inductive Reasoning
(STRENGTH) - makes broad
generalization out of specific
instances or observations.
● “Bottom-top chain” of argument
● Expresses Beliefs, Feelings and ● Can only tell whether the
Speculations because beliefs can argument is strong or weak.
be false, feelings/emotion can ● based in particular observations
cloud one’s reasoning that can which may or may not have
lead to false statements, and direct relationship to the
speculation can be formed conclusion.
without firm evidence/
SOUNDNESS - the property of
statements and arguments that are
Tools in Distinguishing Truth and
both valid and tru
Methods of philosophy lead to
● Critical Thinking - method of
suspending beliefs and wisdom and truth
judgements in order to distinguish ● A way of thinking over
facts and opinions. philosophical problems.
● Logic or Reason - composed of ● The methodology or method that
principles that govern the validity of philosophers use to address
argument and assumptions. philosophical questions is critical
○ Logic Reasoning - thinking. Critical thinking is the
Uncovers possible biases careful, reflective, rational, and
and prejudices of an systematic approach to questions
argument. It also of very general interest. (Ramos,
distinguishes Christine Carmela R. 2019 2nd
inconsistency and edition, 49).

● Philosophical questions have ● Existentialism, truth is based on
answers, but the answer remains exercising choices and personal
in dispute, it cannot be settled by freedom, on the other hand,
science, common sense or faith, Postmodernism, the truth is not
humans are perennial intellectual absolute and finally in Logic,
interests of beings. (Double, 1999). truth is based on reasoning and
Hence, critical thinking is critical thinking.
considered the backbone of ● Method of Philosophizing is an
philosophizing. expression of oneself in a rational
● Everybody has the capacity to and logical manner. These
think and ask question but not methods are varied from different
everybody has capacity to philosophers, on how they convey
criticize, reflect, and evaluate the truth in the light of their
the ideas or assumption. In order philosophy and standpoint in life.
to become a critical thinker, the Nevertheless, the importance of
thinker should possessed the this is that the truth is addressed.
following attributes: look for Neither the truth is in the measure
evidence to support Phenomenology, Existentialism,
assumption, adjust opinions, Postmodernism, or Logic.
look for proof, examine the
problems, and reject irrelevant
and incorrect information. Philosophical Reflection on a
(Ramos Christine, 2019 2nd concrete situation from a Holistic
edition Introduction to the Perspective
Philosophy of human person).
● Philosophical Reflection is the
capacity of humans to exercise
introspection and the willingness to
learn more about their fundamental
nature, purpose and essence
(Antonio T. Delgado 2019)
● allows a person to look back on
previous experiences and evaluate
the meaning or significance of his
or her life
● When we say introspection, we
mean a person’s ability to do
self-examination and analysis
● During the process of reflection, if
man realizes things and is derived
and directed to and from the clear
concept of reality then it is called
Primary Reflection ie. love, color,
● if man realizing that things, his
reasons for existence is in holistic
perspective, this process of
reflection is known and are
● Method of philosophizing varied considered Secondary Reflection
from different Philosophical ie. value of existence, essence of
standpoints. In Phenomenology, things, meaning of life, life after
truth is based on the person’s death
consciousness. Anything we are
all rationally and intentionally
thinking about.



- Buddhism (Siddhartha
● Human has possessed a certain Gautama), on the other hand
limitation and no one has able to believes, in order to escape from
find out the absolute truth about pain and misery lay
human and the ideas beyond transformation of in the one’s
reality of humanity. and that liberation could come
● According to Thomas Merton mind only with a sloughing off of
(1948) a Trappist monk, “there is all vain clinging to the things of
no other way for us to find who we this life, which means having no
are than by finding in ourselves the earthly desire for money,
divine image”. (Ramos Christine ambition, wealth, or sexual
Carmela R. 2019). feelings.
● Hinduism, Buddhism and - Teachings solely aimed at
Christianity all conveyed that liberating humans from suffering
human person not just end up on - Five Precepts (Rules) in
body as reality alone, but also the Buddhism are:a
things Transcendence, it beyond 1. Refrain from taking life.
reality. This concept is called is 2. Refrain from taking what is not
state of being or existence that given.
is above and beyond physical 3. Refrain from the misuse of the
needs and realities. senses or sexual misconducts.
4. Refrain from wrong speech.
5. Refrain from intoxicants that
cloud the mind.
- Buddha’s Rules of Happiness
- (Brahman is god), as nothing
1. Clear View Point – Always live a
more than an illusion, and even
life according to the vision you
an obstacle to an individual’s
have built (vision for yourself
realization of one's real self.
and for the world). Start by
- Soul is eternal but is bound by
loving yourself and everything
the law of karma. While
will fall into place.
Transmigration of soul means a
2. Values – Develop values that will
person’s soul moves from animal
motivate you to work for the
to human or human to animal
good of the world. To be happy
after dying and getting born
is to give to others.
again depending on the person’s
3. Words That Inspire - Choose
good or bad karma.
words very carefully, do not
- Brahman is the reason for the
gossip or slander. Spread
world’s creation. It is the
positivity in life. Inspire others.
foundation of Hinduism.
4. Actions In Positive Direction –
- Samsara (continuous cycle of
Never hurt anyone or do
life, death and reincarnation)
anything that can do bad to
- Karma (Universal Law of Cause
and Effect)
5. Efforts With Impact – Do things
- Everyone should strive to
that make you a better person
achieve Dharma (right way of
and motivate others to be a
better version of themselves.
- Individual souls are immortal.
6. Be mindful – Be aware of what is
happening at the very moment.
Enjoy and cherish every moment

body imposes certain limitation
with yourself or with others
and possibilities (Ariola, Mariano
(including your loved ones).
M 2016 pp 53)
7. Concentrate Right – Meditate to
➔ There are no such things a
talk to your soul. We can release
permanent in this world. All things
suffering from our life by letting
including human are subjects for
go of our desires. Aim for
deformities and defects and this
happiness and peace which is
truth in our world leads to a
constant. Don’t settle for things
person’s realization that his/her
that are temporary.
existence has an end. The End
triggered a point on a person, to
find himself into a belief of
transcendence in order to satisfy
CHRISTIANITY himself and live with purpose
and valuable life.
- whose faith is the basis of one’s ➔ Person learned to have deep
belief. This faith believed that concern for people(Concept of
God created man on His own concern), living with
image. That God is the creator people(Concept of being related
of all. Man is a sinner (Adam to), accepting the temporarily
and Eve)and fall short of the facts about life(Concept of
glory of God, that salvation is temporarily), feeling of guilt
through faith in Christ Jesus about his existence(Concept of
alone. guilt feeling), listening to his
- No one can explain God without conscience (concept of
faith. St. Augustine and his conscience), starting himself
philosophy reflects about the from nothing(concept of dread),
love of God. St. Thomas reality of man’s existence that
Aquinas, considered human considered inevitable
being as a moral agent. That event(concept of death) and a
Human has both spiritual and person resolved to accept
body elements, the spiritual himself and make up his mind to
and material. the existing reality (concept of
Human Body imposes Limits and
Possibilities for Transcendence
1. Physical Limitations - As human
➔ Human body imposes limitations
beings, we have physical
and possibilities for
limitations. Unlike super heroes
transcendence. Reality clearly
with superhuman powers, people's
defined human body subject for
strength, sense perception, energy,
any form of deformities that lead
and power are all limited.
to limitation.
- However, even if that is the case,
➔ Accept the fact that human body
our body are subject to change.
has limitation, it is not barrier for
Some people exceed their limits
human not to live well, but
while some experience
actually to look deeper fact about
degradation of their capabilities as
limitation, the bright side of
they get older.
meaningful life.
- Hence, even if we know that as
➔ The human person’s existence is
human beings, our capabilities are
not complete because it is
limited, until now, there is still no
wrapped up by limitation and
exact measurement that dictate the
possibilities. The human person
real limits of the human body.
must recognize that his human

2. Intellectual Limitations - The
brain might be a small mass of
spongy tissue but it is a complex
network of neurons firing synapses
and electrical impulses in
everything that our body does. It
controls our entire body, thoughts,
feelings, and actions. It solves
problems, experience emotions,
store memories, and communicate
with others.
- However, even if our brain is a
powerful organ, it has its own
limitations. For example, as a
person grows old, the human brain
also degrades. That is why older
people complain of memory loss
and judgment lapses.
- The human brain is prone to
information overload. This difficulty
in processing every bit of
information we get from our
surroundings lead to incomplete
and confusing information.
- The phenomenon of pareidolia
demonstrates how the human
brain interprets information with an
inherent bias. EXAMPLE When we
see shapes of animals in the
clouds or perceive a particular
message from an object that does
not intend to portray that message.
- Every person has his or her own
biases and prejudices.
3. Emotional Limitations -
Philosophers like Plato claim that
emotions are the main reason why
human beings are imperfect.
Indeed, human emotions give both
positive and negative impacts to
the habits and actions of a person.
- Emotions range from extreme
feelings like love, anger,
happiness, and loneliness to subtle
jolts of fear, disgust, wonder, etc.
Whether a human person is
expressive of his or her emotions
or not, every person is affected of
his or her emotion, and this can
sometimes dominate one's logical

● Augustine, claimed that the soul
. acts upon the body through the
"instrumentality of the brain.
● Human is less reliable than the
divine authority because human
authority is subject to error.
Augustine: Possibility for
● The possibility for transcendence
of man could be attributed to the
human soul that God gave to men.
● However, the soul administers the
body virtually and potentially. The
soul never dies.
● "The human soul is a living,
incorporeal, spiritual, rational
substance, which is vitally and
potentially present in the body as
the principle of all its operations".
● The human soul is immortal
Augustine: Limitations of the Will because this is where the immortal
● In the book, De Libero Arbitrio, Truth dwells. Therefore, the eternal
Augustine identified the human law, which was entailed in the
condition with "ignorance" and Truth was given by the Divine
"difficulty". Authority to the soul.
● For Augustine, the union of the Thomas Aquinas: Limitations of Human
body and the soul composes the ● Aquinas believed that people
nature of the men. However, the inherited the sin of the their first
soul administers or governs the parent, Adam. This is the reason
body since the body is subject to why the human body has been
corruption and sin. corrupted by sin since then.
● The body dies when it is separated ● Moreover, even if men has the gift
from the soul. of reason, the ability of men to gain
● Augustine, claimed that the soul knowledge is limited. This is the
acts upon the body through the reason why we cannot
"instrumentality of the brain. comprehend God. Human
● Human is less reliable than the knowledge is limited and very
divine authority because human small compared to God's
authority is subject to error. knowledge and wisdom.
Augustine: Limitations of the Will ● The human body is deprived of
● In the book, De Libero Arbitrio, goodness because of the evil.
Augustine identified the human
condition with "ignorance" and Thomas Aquinas: Possibility for
"difficulty". Transcendence
● For Augustine, the union of the ● For Aquinas, human beings should
body and the soul composes the exercise their reason properly to
nature of the men. However, the achieve human goodness.
soul administers or governs the ● "The virtue of wisdom is an
body since the body is subject to intellectual excellence whereby
corruption and sin. one grasps the fundamental
● The body dies when it is separated causes of the world's origin and
from the soul. operation. Knowledge of those
causes may include knowledge of
God, who is the highest cause of

things. Yet the virtue of wisdom
- Moral worth of action depend
cannot disclose some of the more
upon its effect on any forms of
important aspects of God's
life. "Human Center"
character". (Floyd, n.d.)
- Biocentrism - Moral worth of
● We also need God's help to
action depend upon its effect on
restore the goodness of our nature.
any forms of life. "Life Center"
- Ecocentrism - Ethical principle
Human Person and Environment that acknowledges that intrinsic
value of natural world that
● Aesthetics The word "aesthetics" debunk the idea that human
came from the word "aisthetikos”, beings own everything has
a Greek term which literally authority over it.
translates to “perception by the - Social Ecology - Understands
senses”. the interactions of the social,
● Aesthetics as commonly institutional, and culture context,
understood today has evolved from of the relationship nature to the
the definition as the "evaluation of people.
things using the sense", into the
more specific term "beauty".
Prudence - Aquinas wisdom concerning
CONCEPT OF AESTHETICS human affairs or right reason with respect
to action.
- Pythagoras - Beauty through Frugality - is defined as the attitude of
numbers, exhibits through being economical in spending and using
harmony proportion of numbers resources
- Plato - Symmetry: exactly
similar, uniformity
- Aristotle - Functional and
Purpose, Concept of Teleology
- Friedrich Nietzsche - Life and

Environmental Ethics
- concerned with the relationship of
human beings with their
environment. It is concerned with
the understanding on how should
human beings align their actions
and behaviors to morally grounded


- Anthropocentrism - Believes that

any action must be done high
consideration of its effects on

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