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Wide Ranges OOP w/ SPR 3.

Ace-King- Rag Rainbow flops Ex: As – Kh – 5c

Never checking.

Top and middle set w/ straight draw or straight blocker goes small. BDFD only goes small, all
others go pot.

Bottom sets go small with straight draws or blockers, including BW pocket pair. Otherwise
goes pot.

Top two goes small w/ a straight draw or blocker, otherwise goes pot. Other two pair
combos bet small.

Ax with a straight draw goes small. Some potting with no straight draws and bad BDFD.
Ax w/ BW pair no draw mixes. Most potting with no draws or nut backdoor. Others lean

Ax w/ no straight draw mix small and pot. More small bets with nut backdoors.

Second pair on board bets small with straight draw and backdoor flushes. Only GS or no
draw mostly pots. Double backdoor flushes and OESD go pot.

Double Broadway pairs bet small w/ straight draw, otherwise lean pot.
Whiffed mid pocket pairs bet small.

3rd pair on the board will bet small with GS only or a BDFD:SD. Otherwise leans pot but
some small bets.

Air mixes. With a straight draw lots of small bets, especially w/ BDFD. Otherwise leans pot,
including rundowns w/ only a single Broadway blocker.

IP vs Small Bet

Call all sets. Bottom two w/ no back up fold, rest call.

1 pair hands call w/ back up otherwise fold.
Air w/ inside wrap calls. Gutshots with backdoors call. Rest fold.

OOP after Raise

Pot all sets and top two. Top/bottom calls w/ back up. Other 2p mostly folds.
Top pair w/ straight draws with most equity get in. Rest fold.
Middle pair hands fold. Air folds. Some inside wraps call but mostly folding.

IP vs Large Bet
Call all sets. Bottom set w/ A blocker will pot.
Top two no draws goes pot, rest call. Other two pair need back up to call.
One pair hands need GS+ to call. Bare backdoor flush hands fold.

Inside wraps tend to call w/ backdoors, otherwise air folds.

OOP after raise

Call all sets, two pair. Ax hands call w/ high equity. Rest fold.
Ace-King- Other Flush draw with Ace of suit Ex: Ah – Ks – 5h

Top set goes small with any flush or broadway straight draw. Only wheel draw goes pot.
Top set with NF blocker goes pot. No draws goes pot. Some small amount of small betting
with broadway straight blockers.

Middle set goes small with a flush draw or broadway draw, wheel goes pot.
With flush blocker mostly pots, more so low flush blockers.
Other middle sets mix, with small bets mostly coming from broadway straight blockers.

Bottom set almost always pots, only some small bets with a straight draw.

Top two with flush draw scales, high FD’s go small, lower ones bet pot. Straight draws go
small if they’re broadway, pot if they’re the wheel draw.
With flush blocker scales as well. Nut flush blocker pots; high ones tend to go small, low
ones more pot.
Top two with no draw goes pot mostly, some small betting with broadway straight blockers.

Top/bottom with nut backdoor likes to bet small. With a high flush draw or flush blocker +
straight draw goes small. Only a gutshot mixes.
Low flush draws bet pot. No draws bets small.

Bottom two with no draw bets small. Any flush blocker goes small, with or without a straight
draw. Only gutshot no blocker/draw goes pot. Any flush draw bets pot.

Gutshot only likes to bet small, will pot some with only BDFD.
Flush blocker or no draw goes small as well.
Flush blocker only leans pot. Straight draw with a flush blocker leans pot.
Flush draws with or without straight draws mix a lot.

Kx hands

Flush draw and straight draw bets pot. No draw or flush blocker leans pot.
Gutshot only bets small, flush blocker and a straight draw bets small. FD only small.

Pocket pairs:
With any draw go small, otherwise leans pots. Pocket broadways a bit more potting as have
more blockers.

Bottom pair on board:

Goes small with any straight draw. Flush draw mixes. No draw pots especially with blocker
to straight.

Goes small with a straight draw. Flush draw goes pot if it’s 3/4 th blocker.1st/2nd flush bet
small to keep in lower flushes. No draw at all goes pot.
IP vs Small Bet
Super small potting %.
Some top sets with no draw pot, otherwise all sets call.

Top two calls. Only some potting with a wheel draw + nut flush blocker.
Top/bottom calls with any draw or any flush blocker. Some potting with wheel draws and
low FD’s. Worst ones will fold some small amount.
Bottom two with any straight draw calls. Nut flush draws have some pots, but mostly call.
Other FD’s call. No draws folds, same with only flush blocker.

Ax one pair:
Continues with equity in form of flush draw, OESD, or straight draw with a flush blocker.
Only gutshot folds mostly only calling with backdoor flush. Other combos fold.

Kx one pair:
Flush + straight draws with the NFD will have some potting but mostly call. Other flush
draws call. OESD will call. Only a gutshot needs a flush blocker to call, otherwise folds. Other
combos fold.

Pocket pairs:
Call with OESD or flush draw + straight draw. Some higher bare flush draws will call.
Everything else folds.

Calls with straight draws + flush draws. Straight draws without a FD will call with a blocker if
they’re a gutshot or if they’re an inside wrap no blockers. Broadway flush draws (Q,J,T) will
call, lower ones folding.

OOP after Bet small/Raise

All sets raise pot.
Top two with any draw goes pot. No draws or blocker only will call some.

Top/bottom calls with a flush draw or straight draw. Otherwise mostly folds.
Bottom two calls with a flush draw or an inside wrap.

Ax calls only with a Flush Draw, good ones have preference. Straight draw a bonus, but not
big difference.

Middle pair combos and bottom pair call only the best flush draw + straight draw combos.

Air only calls inside wrap + broadway flush draw combos. Gutshots + flush draws even fold.

IP vs Pot
Top set calls with any flush draw. Mostly calls with straight draw only. No draws pots.
Middle set almost always calls, some nut flush combos will pot.
Bottom set only pots with lower flush combos, otherwise calls.

Top two with NFD but no straight draw likes to pot. With a wheel draw goes pot as well.
Otherwise almost always calls.

Top two with weaker flush draws and no straight draws leans pot. Other fd’s call. Any
broadway straight draw calls, wheel draws go pot.

Bottom two with NFD and no straight draw goes pot. Flush draw and a straight draw leans
pot, only calling some broadway draw combos. Wheel ones go pot.

Ax hands call with a OESD or flush draw + straight draw. Broadway flush draw likes to go
pot, other ones mostly calls. Lots of folding with no draws.

Middle pair hands only continue with flush draw + straight draw with preference for the
best flush draws. A lot of nut flush draw combos go pot.

Bottom pair combos only continue with flush draw + straight draw.

Air only continues straight draw + Q high flush draw always. J/T high draws call mostly, but
some folding. Lower FD’s fold.

OOP after Pot/Pot

Call all sets and two pairs.

Ax hands need OESD or FD to continue. Having a BDFD a bonus.

Middle and bottom pair hands call with flush draw + straight draw. Worst flush draw
combos for bottom pair will fold.

Only air that continues is inside wrap + Q/J high flush draw combos.

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