3bet Pot Heuristics

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Wide Ranges OOP w/ SPR 3.

Ace-Broadway- Rag Rainbow flops Ex: As – Kh – 5c

Never checking.

Sets and top two with back up go B50. No back up or bad back up goes pot.
Other two pair always b50.

A w/ Broadway pair: B50 with a lot of back up; Less back up more potting.
A w/ Middle pair: B50 w/ nut backdoor. B100 otherwise.

Ax hands: B50 with straight draws. More mixing no draws but a lot potting.

Double pair hands B50.

Broadway pocket pair w/ no other board interaction goes B100.

Air mixes. With straight draw a lot of B50. Rundowns w/ single blocker go B100.

IP vs Small Bet

Call all sets. Bottom two w/ no back up fold, rest call.

1 pair hands call w/ back up otherwise fold.
Air w/ inside wrap calls. Gutshots with backdoors call. Rest fold.

OOP after Raise

Pot all sets and top two. Top/bottom calls w/ back up. Other 2p mostly folds.
Top pair w/ straight draws with most equity get in. Rest fold.
Middle pair hands fold. Air folds. Some inside wraps call but mostly folding.

IP vs Large Bet

Call all sets. Bottom set w/ A blocker will pot.

Top two no draws goes pot, rest call. Other two pair need back up to call.
One pair hands need GS+ to call. Bare backdoor flush hands fold.

Inside wraps tend to call w/ backdoors, otherwise air folds.

OOP after raise

Call all sets, two pair. Ax hands call w/ high equity. Rest fold.
Ace-Broadway-Mid Connected Rainbow Flops Ex As – Th - 9c
Never checking.

Top and middle set with most back up or blockers to back up go B50. Rest go B100.
Bottom set B50. With an A blocker goes B100.

Top mostly B50. No draws or weak draws goes B100. Top/bottom goes B50.
Bottom two with straight draw and backdoor flush leans B100. Otherwise mostly B50.

Ax with straight draw only goes B100. BDFD only or no draw goes B50.
A w/ PP goes pot with no draw but blockers, or a straight draw. Only backdoor will go B50.

Double PPs mostly B50. Double blockers and good open enders go B100.

Bottom middle pair will mix, some wraps go pot, some gutshots go B50.
Air tends to go B50. Some with bad gutshots will go pot.

IP vs Small Bet

Top set calls. Others mostly call, some without back up go pot. With A blocker more potting.
Top two calls with back up, otherwise pot. Top/bottom all call. Bottom two call w/ back up.

Ax with straight draw no backdoor will go pot. Rest mostly call but needs equity of high
cards, straight draw, or backdoor flush.
Middle/bottom pairs will call with open enders or wraps. Most GS fold.

Air with open enders and wraps call. Gutshots fold. Rest folds.

OOP after Raise

Sets go all in.

Top two goes all in. Top/bottom goes all in w/ straight draw. Bottom two calls with back up.
Top pair with open ender or wrap. Nut gutshots w/ backdoor flush calls. Others fold.
Other pairs only continue with wraps or best open enders. Air only continues with a rap.

IP vs Large Bet

Top set calls all. Other sets mostly call, with no back up and/or A blocker goes pot.
Top two flats with back up, otherwise pots. Other two pairs calls with straight draw.

Ax with open ender no flush draw pots. Other straight draws with backdoor call. No draw
Wraps with pair mostly calling. Air wraps will pot with more outs, otherwise calling.

OOP after Raise

All sets and two pair call. All top pair with a straight draw call. Wraps call. Rest folds.
Ace-Mid-Mid Connected Rainbow Flops Ex As – 7h – 5c

Lots of checking, mostly B50 w/ some B100.

Top set mixes, checking a lot w/ SD and BDFD. With less draws more betting and no draws
will mix in some B100.
Other sets go pure B50.

Top two will go B100 with no draws or no SD. With SD+BDFD goes pure B50.
Top/bottom b50 w/ draws. With no draws mixes B50 and check, more checking with SD.
Some B100.
Bottom two only bets with BDFD and SD, check rest.

Top pair with lots of draws will mostly b50. No draws mixes check and B100.

Whiffed pocket pairs mostly check unless double draws.

Middle pair hands same, mostly checking. Only pair + wrap/oesd with a BDFD will bet.
Bottom pair mostly bets but also checks a good bit.

Whiffed air will mostly check, needs SD+BDFD then will B50.

IP vs Small

Top sets all call. Other sets mostly call with some potting with no back up.

Top two pair calls with more draws, otherwise more potting. Same with top/bottom but
more calling.
Bottom two only pots with OESD otherwise calls.

Top pair with a straight draw no FD pot, wants to end hand. Otherwise mostly calls. No
draws pure call.
Middle and bottom pairs call w/ straight draw.

Air calls only w/ best SDs or BDFD:SD. Bare GS will fold a good amount.

OOP after Small/Pot

Sets/top two goes all in. Top/pottom mostly pots, some no draw calls. Bottom/two all call.

Top pair will pot w/ straight draws. No SD will call with 3 live cards and no pocket pair and
only ones with best kicker(higher than board)

Middle/bottom pairs and air will only continue with air and oesd’s (best ones).

IP v Pot

Top sets. Other ones go pot.

Top two pots w/o draws, calls with. Top/bottom mostly calls. Bottom two only calls w/
equity in SD.

Top pair + OESD will pot. No draws mostly folds but calls some w/ 3 overs +BDFD. With a
gutshot will call only the nutted ones. Rest fold.

Other pairs: pot with wraps, calls OESDs and some gutshots. Rest fold.

Air will only continue with most equity so wraps. OESDs only folds a lot.

OOP after Pot/Pot

Call all sets/two pair.

Call all top pair w/ draws, fold rest.
Middle pairs with OESD or SD:BDFD will call. Fold rest.
Fold everything else.

IP after OOP Check

Check all top sets, bet the others.

Top two bets more with draws, otherwise checks but still betting a lot.
Other two pair bets only with draws, otherwise checks.

Top pair only bets with OESD or BDFD:SD, otherwise checks.

Other pair hands lean check heavily, only betting with draws or blocker effects.

Air basically always checks.

OOP after Check/Bet Medium

Top sets will call with draws, otherwise will c/r.

Two pair mostly calls.
Top pair w/ a GS will mostly c/r. More mixing with more draws. No draws always calls.

Middle pair, bottom pair, and air hands only continue with wraps or SD:BDFD. Fold rest.

Ip after Check/Bet Medium/Raise Pot

Sets and two pair all get in. Top pair with straight draws goes pot.

Top pair w/ GS will call some if draw is nutted.

Other pair combos go pot with lots of equity OESD:SD

Air with a wrap and BDFD goes pot.

King – Broadway – Mid Flops Example: Ks – Th – 6c
Overall not much checking (~10%)

Top set mostly bets small. With draws will add some checks, no draws will add some pot.
Other sets pure bet small.

Top two with no draw will go pot, otherwise bet small.

Top/bottom basically pure bet small. Bottom two no draw checks, otherwise bets small.

Overpairs mostly bet small. With a GS and no FD will have a fair amount of pots if 3 rd card is
raggier. The more connected the 3rd card is the more we bet small with all our overpairs.

Top pair mostly pure bet small. With a raggier 3rd card Top pair + GS will go pot.
Middle pair mostly bets small, some checking with no draws.

Air with draws will mostly bet small otherwise no draws will check.

IP vs Small

Sets all mix, more calling with more draws, more potting with no draws.

Top two mostly pots, only some calls with an OESD+BDFD. Other two pair basically all call.

Overpairs always calls on raggier 3rd card boards. With a more connected 3card needs some
more equity in form of BDFD or a straight draw or both.

Top pair with a SD will mostly go pot. With BDFD only calls. No draws mixes but more
folding on more connected boards.

Middle/bottom pairs will call with GS:BDFD or OESD. Air will continue with only OESD+.

OOP after bet small/pot

All sets go pot.

Top two mostly pots, only some with BDFD’s will call.
Top/bottom pair pots more with draws, otherwise will lean call.
Bottom two will get in ones with best SDs and SD:BDFDs, with some calling. No back up

Overpairs with a GS or better will get all in. Same with top pair. Rest will fold no backup.
Bottom and middle pairs will get all in only with wrap or oesd:BDFD
Air only continues with nutted wraps. More outs more potting.

IP vs Large

Top and middle set calls with straight draws, otherwise pots. Bottom set goes pot pure.
Top two and top/bottom pair mostly pot with draws, more calling no draws.
Bottom two leans call, some potting with draws. No draws will fold sometimes.

Overpairs with no draws will mostly fold. On more connected boards only goes pot with
OESD/Wrap. GS or BDFD only call. On raggier 3rd card will pot more with just a GS+.
Top pair with straight draws will pot, need more outs the more connected board is. With no
draws will fold a lot.

Other pairs will call with OESDs or wraps. The ones with the most outs will go pot.
Air calls with a wrap otherwise folds. Fold even gutshots.

OOP after large/pot

Call all sets and two pair.
Overpairs and top pair call all with a gutshot or better. Rest fold. Raggier 3rd card can
sometimes call overs and top pair with only BDFD.
Middle and bottom pair with OESD or a wrap will call.

IP after Check
On more connected boards top set bets more with no draws. Raggier bets more with no
draws. But a lot of mixing.
Other sets mostly check with no draws other bet.

Top two mostly bets with any straight draw, otherwise leans check heavily.
Other two pair only bets with a straight draw, otherwise checks.

Overpairs mostly check, only betting with straight draws.

Top pair bets with a straight draw, needs to be better on more connected board.
Middle pair just mixes everything. Bottom pair always checks.

Air mostly checks, small amount of betting with wraps that have a lot of outs and BDFD

OOP after Check/Bet

Top set leans pot, especially no draw. Some calling with draws.

Top two mostly calls, sometimes potting with no draws.

Ovepairs with BDFD lean call. With more draws leans pot. No draws folds.

Top pair with GS+ goes pot, some calls of oesd’s. Only BDFD calls and folding no draws.

Middle pair will go pot with wraps that have a lot of outs. Call some OESD as well.
Bottom pair calls with SDs, only rarely potting.

Air will call with straight draws, sometimes potting air with a lot of outs.
IP after Check, Bet, Pot

Sets and two pair get all in. Overpair and top pairs with straight draws call. Wraps call.
Wraps with a lot of outs and a BDFD will go all in.
King – Mid – Mid Flops Example: Ks – Th – 6c

Lots of checking up to 50% on K98 and lots of small bets, no real large bets.

Top set mixes a lot. Some potting/checking with no draws. With multiple strong draws will
check. Otherwise with just GS or only BDFD will bet small.
Middle and bottom sets bet small.

Top two pair will bet pot without any straight draw. With a straight draw will go small.
Other two pair will bet small with a straight draw otherwise just check.

Ovepairs with a straight draw bets small. Otherwise mostly checking. Some gutshots with no
BDFD will go pot. AA w/ a K will mostly pot.

Top pair with straight draws will bet small, otherwise goes pot.

Middle and bottom pair bet small with straight draws otherwise they check. Some Ax wraps
with BDFD will go pot.

Air hands mostly check with multiple draws and a lot of outs will sometimes bet small.

IP vs Small Bet

Sets mostly call with draws, otherwise lots of potting.

Top two and top/bottom will pot with a straight draw, otherwise they call.
Bottom two pure call.

Overpairs mostly call. On more connected boards need more equity to call. When two mid
cards are lower will shove some with a straight draw.

Other one pair hands need additional equity to continue, such as BDFD or straight draw.

Wraps with a pair or no pair wraps with a lot of outs will go pot. Other air calls. Scales to
which draw as well.

OOP after bet small/pot

All sets go pot. Top two and top/bottom with any straight draw go pot, otherwise calls.
Bottom two just calls.

Overpairs call with straight draw or with a K. Otherwise folding.

Top pair with OESD, GS:FD will go pot. Otherwise mixing but needs more equity.

Middle and bottom pairs will get all in with equity. Will sometimes call as well.
Air will call if it’s a wrap.
IP vs Pot

Top set will call with a straight draw and bdfd, otherwise pots.
Bottom and middle set go pot.

Top two goes pot. Top/bottom and bottom two will pot with any straight draw otherwise

Overpair with a straight draw will go pot. Will call with 2 BDFD’s otherwise leans fold.

Top pair with a OESD or BDFD:SD will go pot. Some with a GS only or BDFD only will call.

Middle pair, bottom pair, and air with OESD’s and wraps will mix call and pot. More equity
more potting.

OOP after Pot/Pot

Call all sets and two pair. Top pair and overs need at least a gutshot. Other one pair hands
need a OESD to call. Wraps will call with most good outs.

IP after Check

Sets mostly bet with any draw. Some checking with no draws.
Top two and top/bottom same.
Bottom two needs an open ender or GS:BDFD to bet.

Overpairs mostly check, only some betting with straight draws.

Top pair as well needs a straight draw to bet, otherwise checks.

Middle and bottom pair mix a lot. Some more potting with some better combos and ones
that have good blockers.

Air mostly checks, some betting of good wraps.

OOP after Check/Bet small

Top and middle set call with draws. No draws will pot more.
Bottom set always calls.

Top two goes pot. Top/bottom calls. Bottom two only pots with a straight draw, otherwise

Overpairs call mostly with a BDFD. With a GS+ will pot. No draws folds.
Top pair with a straight draw goes pot, otherwise calls.

Middle and bottom pair will mostly call with some wraps going pot.
King – Rag – Rag Flops Example: Ks – 6h – 3c

Decent checking frequency, usually around like 20%

Top set mixes a lot but mostly betting small. Some combs w/ draws and w/o will check.
Other sets bet small.

Top two and top/bottom go pot. Bottom two almost always checks.

Overpair mostly pots, some small bets with OESD or BDFD:SD. Gutshot only likes to pot.

Top pair lots of potting with no draws. Some checking and some small bets with more draws

Middle pairs, especially whiffed pocket pairs, mostly check. Only some betting w/ only BDFD

Air hands that wrap around the K will have some pot bets, especially with a nut BDFD.
Hand with a straight draw will mix but we don’t have many straight draws here in our range.

IP vs Small Bet

Top set always calls. Other sets mostly call but will pot more with no draws.

Top two mostly pots, especially with no back up.

Top/bottom will mostly call, sometimes potting with no backup.
Bottom two goes pot with a straight draw otherwise calls.

Overpairs and top pair with a straight draw lean pot. Otherwise just calls.

Other one pair hands need straight draw equity to continue. Same with air.

OOP after Small Bet/Pot

All sets and two pair go pot.

Overpairs with straight draws go pot. With BDFD only calls more. No draws starts to fold.
Top pair with a straight draw goes pot. Some with high cards + BDFD’s will call.

Everything else folds.

IP vs Pot
Top set always calls. Bottom and Middle Set mostly pot, some calls with double draws.

Top two mixes, on 3-2 boards more potting with no draws. Other ones more potting with
Other two pairs go pot with a straight draw, otherwise call.

Overpairs go pot pot. Only calling with some bare BDFD or BDFD:SD combos.
Top pair goes pot with straight draws. With BDFD only + high cards will call some. No draws
leans folds.

Other one pair hands need a straight draw to continue.

Air needs at least an open ender to continue. Some wraps with a BDFD will go pot.

OOP after Pot/Pot

Sets and two pairs all call. Top pair and overpairs all call.
Middle pair calls with OESD or SD:BDFD.

Everything else folds.

IP after Check

Top set mixes but more betting with no draws.

Other sets pure betting.

Top two and top/bottom almost always bet, some checks no draws. Bottom two only bets
with a straight draw.

Overpairs and top pair mix a lot but more betting with straight draws/
Other one pair hands are the same.

Air hands check with no draws. Start to check with some straight draws and BDFD’s.

OOP after Check/Bet small

Top set (only set in this line) mostly calls with some more potting with no draws.

Overpairs mix. With straight draws more potting. Calls more with BDFD’s.

Top pair calls with draws, more potting without draws.

Other one pair hands need a straight draw to continue mostly. Some that wrap around K will
call if they have a BDFD.

Air only continues with BDFD:SD. Everything else folds.

IP after Check/Bet small/Pot

All sets and two pair go pot.
Overpairs all go pot.
Top pair with a straight draw goes pot. Otherwise mostly folds.
Other one pair hands call with OESD or BDFD:SD.

Air hands only call with OESD.

Queen – Broadway – Rag Flops Example: Qs – Jh – 2c

Overall very little (<10%) checking and lots of small bets.

Top set and middle set have some checks with draws and backdoors. Small amount of
potting with top set no draws.
Bottom set pure bet small.

Top two and top/bottom pair bet small. Bottom two splits small and pot, some more potting
with no straight draws.

Aces with gutshot only likes to pot. No draws mixes between potting and betting small.
Aces with backdoor flush or oesd’s will bet small.

KK with a GS only likes to pot. Only GS with nut BDFD goes small, some mixing check.
All other KK mostly bet small, including KK with nothing else.

Top pair with a straight draw but no FD likes to go pot. Same with no draws but more
mixing. Other top pairs with BDFD’s bet small. Sometimes BDFD:SD will go pot.

Middle pair mostly B50. With an OESD will go pot. No draw mixes between check and
betting small.

Air with any straight draw will bet 50. With no straight draw and only a BDFD will pot a lot
with some checks.

IP vs Small Bet
Sets mostly calling, potting some with no draws.

Top two mostly pots, only some calling with some nutted straight draws.
Top/bottom mostly calls, potting a bit more with no draws.
Bottom two calls, only potting with draws.

Aces mostly calls. Mostly pots with a gutshot only. With BDFD:SD mixes. Otherwise calls.

KK with an OESD pots. BDFD:SD leans pot but has some calls. Other KK needs equity in GS or
BDFD to call. No draws mostly folds.

Top pair with only an OESD goes pot. With BDFD and straight draw mixes but leans pot. Only
a gutshot or BDFD calls. No draw leans fold.

Middle pair with OESD mostly calls, some potting. Same with BDFD:SD. More wrap type
hands will like to pot. GS only leans folds but some calls w/ nutted GS. Everything else leans

Bottom pair only calls with a straight draw.

Air that is a wrap or OESD will mix pot and call. Scales to number of outs and if has a BDFD.
Rest of air folds.

OOP after Bet Small/Pot

Sets go pot.
Two pairs with a straight draw go pot. Otherwise call.

Overpairs with any straight draw go pot, some calling of gutshots. BDFD only mostly folds.
No draws always folds.

Top pairs with any straight draw tends to go pot. Only folding worst gutshots. Everything
else folds.

Other 1 pair hands will go pot with OESD or wrap especially with BDFDs. Air that has a wrap
will also go pot. Everything else folds.

IP vs Pot
Some top sets with draws call, otherwise go pot. Other sets go pot.

Top two and top/bottom goes pot with any straight draw, calling more with no back up.
Bottom two goes pot with a straight draw otherwise calls.

AA with any straight draw goes pot. Otherwise all call.

KK with OESD goes pot. With a BDFD:SD mostly pots, folding worst draws. Only best GS
continue. Any KK without a straight draw folds.

Top pair with BDFD:SD or OESD goes pot. Gutshot only likes to call, folding worse ones. Only
BDFD leans fold and no draws all fold.

Other one pair hands only continue with with good draws and good equity. Wraps with a lot
of outs will pot.

Air that has a wrap will mix calling/potting depending on number of outs. Otherwise folds.

OOP after Pot/Pot

Call all sets, two pair.
Overpairs only fold with no draw. Most aces no draw still call.

Top pair calls with a gutshot or better. Other one pair hands continue with good draws.
Air will call with wraps otherwise folds.

IP After Check

Top set mostly bets, a bit more mixing of checks with no draws.
Middle bet bets most with straight draws. Checks most with BDFD only or no draw.
Bottom set only checks a bit with no draws, otherwise mostly pure bet.
Two pair hands bet most with straight draws, otherwise a decent amount of checking.

Overpairs and top pairs lean betting with a straight draw otherwise a lot of checks.

Middle pair checks a lot. Betting a bit more with no draw or blockers or a wrap.
Bottom pair mostly checking sometimes betting with a straight draw.

Air with a bdfd+sd will bet some and with a oesd/wrap, otherwise checks.

OOP after Check/Bet Small

Top set mixes, more calling with draws and more potting without.
Middle set pots with no draw otherwise a lot of calling.

Top two leans pot with no straight draw. Otherwise calling.

Other two pair hands mostly call.

Overpairs with at least a gutshot will go pot. Otherwise need at least a BDFD to call.
Top pair with a straight draw goes pot. With BDFD only calls. No draw folds a lot.

Other one pair hands with a straight draw call. Some wraps with BDFD’s will go pot.

Wraps will mix calling and potting. All other air folds.

IP after Check/Bet Small/Pot

All sets and two pair go pot.

Overpairs and one pair hands with a straight draw will go pot. Rest folds.
Queen – Broadway/High – Mid Flops Example: Qs – Th – 7c
Mostly small bets but good amount of large bets and checks.

Top set mostly bets small, always has a small checking percentage. Has around 10% potting
with no draws and also a lot of checks.

Middle and bottom set almost always bet small. Biggest checks come with no draws.

Top two pots with no draw or no SD. Otherwise bets small.

Top/bottom and and bottom two mostly betting small, some potting with no draws.

Aces pots most with gutshot only. With OESD or BDFD:SD mixes pot and betting small. No
draw mixes bets and checks evenly. More betting with board blockers.

Top pair with any SD likes to bet pot. Otherwise bets small.

Middle pair will bet with good draws mostly small. Good blocker hands will bet small with
some pot.
Bottom pair has some bets with a straight draw. BDFD only has some pot bets.

Air will bet with straight draws. Otherwise checks.

IP vs Small Bet
Sets mostly call with straight draws, otherwise will pot.

Top two mostly pots, with or without a draw. Other two pair mostly call, only potting a bit
with draws.

Aces pot some with any straight draw. Otherwise call.

KK with OESD goes pot. BDFD:SD likes to pot as well. With only a gutshot calls/pots the best
ones and folds the worst. No SD mostly folds. No draw basically always folds.

Top pair with an OESD or BDFD:SD will go pot. With a BDFD or a gutshot only calls.
Otherwise folds.

Other one pair hands will call with draws. Draws with more straight outs and BDFD’s will
have some potting. Worse draws fold.

Air needs at least an OESD to continue.

OOP after Small bet/Pot

Sets go pot
Top two and top/bottom will go pot with a straight draw. Otherwise call.
Bottom two goes pot with a straight draw. Without will fold.
Aces with an OESD goes pot. Other straight draws mostly pot but have some calls. Other
aces fold.
King with an oesd or BDFD:SD mostly pots, some calls. Gutshot only calls mostly, some
potting. No draws all fold.

Top pair with an open ender or a gutshot with a backdoor fd go pot.

Other one pair hands will get in with an oesd or a wrap.

Air that has a wrap with a lot of outs will also go pot.

IP vs Pot

Sets go pot.

Top two mostly pots. Only a small amount of calling with no draw.
Other two pair hands lean call, potting more with a straight draw.

Aces with a straight draw heavily lean pot. Otherwise call.

Kings with an OESD goes pot. BDFD:SD mostly pots, folding worst. GS only folds. Others fold.

Top pair and other one pair hands will go pot with an OESD or BDFD:SD. Gutshots mostly
call. With no straight draws folds.

Air needs a oesd or fd:sd to continue. Straight draws with most amount of outs will pot.

OOP after Pot/Pot

Only fold the worst one pair hands with no draws that were our bluffs.

IP after Check

Top set always betting. Other sets mostly bet, more checking with no draws.

Top two bets a lot, some checking with no draws. Other two pair hands need a straight draw
to bet.

Overpairs bet a lot with an OESD or BDFD:SD. Gutshots mostly check. No straight draw
mostly checks.

Top pairs mostly bet with an OESD or BDFD:SD. Otherwise lean check, including gutshots.

Middle pair has more bets with no straight draw or GS only. With straight draws checks a lot
Bottom pair only bets a little bit with straight draws.

Air only bets a little with some straight draws and BDFD only. Otherwise checks.

OOP after Check/bet small

Sets mostly go pot, sometimes calling with no draws.

Top two calls mostly with straight draws, otherwise pots. Top/bottom calls all.
Bottom two mostly calls, some potting with straight draws.

Aces with oesd or bdfd:sd want to pot. Gutshot only leans pot but has some calls. No
straight will call with backdoor flush, but folding a good bit. No draws folds.

Kings pots an oesd. With other straight draws or sd:BDFD will pot and call about evenly.
Otherwise mostly folds.

Top pair pots with OESD or BDFD:SD. Gutshots mix, leaning pot. Otherwise call.

Middle pair will pot some OESD’s. Other straight draw calls. No straight draw folds.
Bottom pair with an OESD goes pot. Otherwise calls with BDFD:SD. Gutshot folds, other no
draws or no straight draws fold.

Air will call with a straight draw. Some wraps will go pot especially with more outs.

IP after Check/Small Bet/Pot

Sets and two pair go pot.

Aces go pot, pretty much all aces in this line have a straight draw.

Kings fold with no draw. GS mixes but some potting of best ones. OESD or BDFD:SD goes pot

Top pair goes pot with OESD or BDFD:SD. Otherwise gutshots and other hands mostly fold

Middle and bottom pair only go pot with best OESD’s and wraps. Same with air.
Jack/Ten – [T/9/8] – Rag Flops Example: Js – Th – 6c
A lot will hinge on the size of the third card, but raggier 3 card means a bit more potting.
Lots of checking usually around 10-20%

Top and middle set bets small, a lot of checking with either no draw or multiple draws.
Bottom set mostly pure bet small.

Top two bets small mostly with any straight draw. No draws pots the most, with BDFD only
mixing a lot.
Other two pair will pot more when the 3rd card is raggier, when it’s more connected to
board will more bet small.

When 3rd card is raggier Aces will basically pot everything, only some checks with no draws
and some small bets with BDFD:SD. With more connected 3rd card most potting comes from
Gutshot or BDFD:SD. Lots of checking with no draws.

Kings are same. On raggier 3rd card pots everything. Some checks coming with no draws or
BDFD only. On more connected 3rd card most potting comes from Gutshots and no draw.
Everything else bets small a lot.

Closer other overpairs get to the board the more they want to pot. On more connected will
pot most with straight draws and otherwise bet small.

On raggier 3rd card boards top pair almost always pot. More connected boards most potting
done with GS or no draw with straight draws mixing. Only BDFD betting small.

Middle pair hands lean pot with an OESD. On connected board ones PP’s with double
blockers will bet pot. Raggier a bit more checking. Otherwise mixes a lot between checking
and betting.

Bottom pair will bet most with a straight draw, sizing depends on 3rd card.

Air only really bets with a straight draw, correlating to strength. BDFD:SD will bet small no
matter 3rd card. Other straight draws size up on raggier 3rd card and check on more
connected ones.

IP v Small Bet

Sets all call with straight draws. Only potting with no SD and most with no draw.

Top two goes pot. Only some calling on more connected 3rd card with all combos.
Other two pair mostly call, some potting with straight draws. More so on raggier 3 rd card.

Aces mostly calls. On more connected 3rd card will lean pot with any straight draw. Dry
mostly potting with the best straight draws.
Kings pot with an OESD. Straight draw mostly mixes, but when it has top pair too always
pots. Gutshots mostly call, folding worse. No draws folds. BDFD depends on 3 rd card, more
connected the card more folding.

Other overpairs will lean pot with an oesd or bdfd:Sd. Only gutshots will call the best, but
fold most of them. No draws or no straight draw mostly folds, more so on more connected.

Top pair mostly pots with an OESD. With BDFD:SD more calling on connected 3 rd, more
potting on raggier 3rd. With a GS only or BDFD will call, some folding of worse FD’s. No draws

Middle pair with an OESD leans pot, some calling. Pocket pairs here tend to fold. With a
BDFD:SD mostly calls, some potting of best draws. GS calls only best. Other hands fold.

Bottom pair only calls with an oesd or bdfd:sd. Gutshots all call on raggier 3rd card, only best
on more connected 3rd card. Otherwise all fold.

Air only continues with an OESD or the best BDFD:SD’s. Small amount of potting on raggier
3rd card.

OOP after Small Bet/Pot

Sets go pot. Only some bottom sets with no draw on more connected 3rd card will call.

Top two goes pot with any straight draw. Otherwise leans call.
Other two pair only pot with good straight draws. Otherwise call.

Aces with an OESD or BDFD:SD goes pot. Gutshot mostly calls, some potting. On more
connected boards no straight draw folds, and no draws folds. Raggier 3rd call will call with
just a backdoor flush draw.

Kings pot with an OESD or BDFD:SD. Mostly call with GS only but some potting of best ones.
Fold worse ones on more connected boards. Raggier 3rd card will call BDFD only, fold no
draw. More connected 3rd card folds anything without a straight draw.

Other overpairs go pot with OESD or BDFD:SD. Gutshots lean call on raggier 3rd card with
some potting, and on more connected they all fold. Anything without a straight draw folds.

Top pair with an OESD goes pot. BDFD:SD leans pot but some calls of weaker SD’s. All
gutshots call on raggier 3rd, only best on more connected. Without a straight draw all top
pairs fold.

Middle pair will pot some and call only best BDFD:SD hands. Everything else folds.
Bottom pair only continues with a straight draw.

Air only continues with best straight draws. More calling and potting with double backdoors
IP vs Pot
All sets go pot.

Top two on raggier 3rd card always pots. On more connected 3rd card will call some no
straight draw, otherwise pots.

Other two pair go pot with any straight draw. On more connected, only best gutshots go
pot, others call. No straight draw always calls on connected 3rd card, on raggier 3rd only
mostly calls but a lot of potting.

Aces will go pot with any straight draw, only calling sometimes. No straight draw always
calls on more connected boards, on raggier 3rd card boards will mostly call with some

Kings with an OESD go pot. BDFD:SD pots more on more connected boards, leaning call on
raggier 3rd card. Gutshots mix, only folding worst. Potting with one of top two cards on
board. On more connected, anything without a straight draw folds. On raggier 3 rd card, only
some KK with BDFD call, everything else folds.

Double overs as OESD pure pot, ie KKQQ on JTx.

Other overpairs only pot with best OESD and BDFD:SD’s. Some calling of these on raggier 3 rd
cards. Only gutshot will fold. No straight draws all fold.

Top pair with OESD or BDFD:SD leans pot but has some calls. GS only will call most on
raggier 3rd card. On more connected only the best ones call. No straight draw basically
always folds.

Middle pair will have some potting and calling of wraps, open enders with BDFD. GS only or
no straight draws all fold.
Bottom pair mostly calls with a BDFD:SD or OESD. GS only folds, no straight draw folds.

Only best air with most outs continues, mixing calling and folding.

OOP after Pot/Pot

Only folding worst combos with no draws.

IP after Check

On raggier 3rd card, top/bottom set basically always bet. Middle set mixes some with no
draws. Top set has some checks with no draws.

When board is more connected, top set pure bet. Other sets bet a lot but more checking
with no draws.

Top two almost always betting with a straight draw, checking most with no draw.
Top/bottom bets with any straight draw, otherwise leans check. Heavily leans check on
more connected 3rd card. Bottom two only betting with straight draw.

Aces bets most with BDFD:SD. Only gutshot mixes but leans bet. No straight draw pure

Kings on raggier 3rd card bets a lot with BDFD:SD or OESD. Otherwise nearly always checks.
On more connected kings will bet OESD/BDFD:SD most following by no draw. A lot of betting
for protection.

Other overpairs bet a lot with no draws or no straight draws for protection. Bet a lot more
on connected boards and more checking on raggier 3rd card with draws. Equity realization.

Top pair leans bet with an oesd or BDFD:SD. GS only or no straight draw mostly checks.

On more connected 3rd card, middle pair will bet some with BDFD only. With straight draws,
and good ones, more checking.
Raggier 3rd card, middle pair bets more with straight draws and checks more without. Still
mostly checkin overall on all boards.

Bottom pair will bet some straight draws but mostly checking.

Air mostly checks, will bet most with BDFD:SD or BDFD only.

OOP after Check/Small Bet

Sets mix but more potting without draws, with draws mostly calls.

Two pair pots most on raggier 3rd card. When more connected only top two pots.

Aces with a straight draw pots. BDFD only always calls raggier 3rd card, mostly more
connected. No draw folds always connected boards, mostly calls on raggy 3 rd.

Kings with a straight draw mainly pots, only some calling of GS on more connected. Mostly
calls with a BDFD only. No draws will fold.

Other overpairs go pot with a straight draw. BDFD only calls some on raggier 3 rd, always
folds more connected. No draw folds always on both.

Top pair pots with a straight draw, otherwise calls. Will call some weaker straight draws on
more connected boards.
Middle pair calls with a straight, some potting of best ones. No straight draw folds.
Bottom pair calls with BDFD:SD, only GS will fold.

Air continues with BDFD:SD or OESD. Some potting of best combos.

IP after Check/Small Bet/Pot

Sets and two pair go pot.
Aces all go pot.

Kings with a straight draw go pot, only worst gutshots fold on more connected boards. Some
with BDFD only call on raggier 3rd card.

Other overpairs go pot with OESD or best BDFD:SD. All others fold.

Top pair goes pot with BDFD:SD or OESD. Only GS folds, no straight draw folds.

Middle/bottom pair only goes pot with best OESD, BDFD:SD combos.
Air as well continues only straight draws with most outs.

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