The Centipede Ptolemy

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Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature during the Period of
Apprenticeship as a means of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening and viewing strategies;
difference between literal and figurative language; ways to extract and condense information based on
library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and

B. Performance Standards:
The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts presented in literary selections;
using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting information and noting details
from texts to write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and
figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully
and appropriately.
C. Learning Competency and Code:

The learner discovers the conflicts presented in literary selections and the need to
resolve those conflicts in non-violent ways (EN7LT-II-a-4.)

I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student must have:
A. identified the conflict of the story;
B. created a checklist about ways of resolving a conflict; and
C. discussed the value of forgiveness.

I. Subject Matter : The Centipede by Rony Diaz

Textbook: English Learner’s Material 7. Department of Education – Region
10. pp 155-167.

Reference: Valle Rey, (2019). Summary Of The Centipede – A Short Story

Written By Rony V. Diaz. Philippine News.

Google Arts & Culture.

Archipelago Files. The Centipede by Rony V. Diaz (Short Story) - Plot,
Summary, Critique, Analysis.

Department of Education, (2016). K to 12 curriculum guide English (Grade 1

to Grade 10).

II. Materials and Resources: Powerpoint Presentation, Instructional Materials,

Countdown Clock
III. Procedure: 3I’s Method

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Introduction

Good morning, Grade 7 students. Good morning, Miss Chan!

Let us start our class with a prayer. May I ask

______ to lead us the prayer. (The student leads the prayer.)

Good morning once again, class. Welcome to

our English class.

How are you today, class? If you feel happy,

fine, or excited – raised your yellow flag. If
you feel sad, worried or angry – raise your (Students do as told.)
blue flag.

Wow! I am glad that a lot of you feel happy

and excited this morning. I hope that what
you feel right now will not change throughout
our discussion. For those who are feeling
otherwise, I’ll try my best to change that
feeling and I’ll make sure that you’ll enjoy
our class today.

And for those who don’t know me yet. I’m

Angelicah Jhune Obenza but you can call me
Miss Chan for your convenience.

Just like your other teachers, class, I also

have rules for you to strictly follow.

1. Listen to the class discussion.

2. Raise your hand if you want to answer
and answer in complete sentences.
3. Participate actively in our class
Yes, Miss.
Are the rules clear, class?
None, Miss.
Good. Now, are there any absentees this

Perfect attendance!

1. Review

Alright, so last meeting we discussed about An electronic search engine is a software that
Electronic Search Engines. is used to search for information through the
World Wide Web
Who can tell what an electronic search engine
The examples of electronic search engine are
Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.
That’s correct! What are the examples of
electronic search engines?

None, Miss.
Excellent job, class! It goes to show that
everyone really understood the previous
topic. Do you have any questions about it?


2. Motivation (Students do as told.)

Who among you here has a sibling? You may Yes/No, Miss.
raise your right hand.

Do you fight often? (Answers may vary.)

Why do you fight? What’s the reason of your

argument? There are times that we don’t reconcile.
There are just instances that after several
What happened after your fight or argument? days of not talking and ignoring one another,
Do you reach into reconciliation or not? we suddenly talk or do things together.

That’s so relatable. I myself had numerous

fights with my brother and sister. And just
like you, time heals us. All of a sudden we
are okay. It is normal for siblings to fight and
argue. But we must find ways to reconcile
because you are family. Now class, there is
also a Filipino story that talks an ill Yes, Miss.
relationship of siblings that lead to a disaster.

Do you want to know what story this is?

That’s good to hear.

3. Statement of the Subject Matter and


(Students do as told.)
Today, we will have the story The Centipede
by Rony Diaz.

Please read our topic for today, in 3-2-1, go!

Alright! Now, I want all of you to listen (Students do as told.)

attentively to our discussion because at the
end of the lesson, you must have attained
these following objectives. Kindly read the
objectives. Begin!

a. identify the conflict of the story;

b. create a checklist about ways of
Yes, Miss.
resolving a conflict; and
c. discuss the value of forgiveness.

Thank you. Are the objectives clear to you,


4. Author’s Biography/Historical

Now before we proceed in reading the story,

I will share with you a short background
about the author.

The author of “The Centipede” is Rony V.


 born in Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija on

December 2, 1932.
 an award-winning Filipino writer and
has won several Palanca Awards.
 joined The Manila Times in 2001 as
executive director and became
president of the Manila Times School
of Journalism.
 a member of the University of the
Philippines Writers Club.

5. Vocabulary (Students do as told.)

Now that you know the author, let us now
unlock the meaning of some of the difficult
terms that you may encounter while reading
the poem through an activity. This activity is
called “Matching Meaning”. Kindly read the
directions, begin.

Yes, Miss.
“Matching Meaning”
Directions: Match the statements in column
Expected Answers:
A to their corresponding meaning in column
B. 1. B
2. D
Are the instructions clear, class? 3. A
4. C
Okay, let us begin.
Column A
1. The kitten scampers around the kitchen,
chasing a ball.
2. His body stiffened in fear.
3. The girls snickered and rolled their eyes
when Elsa spoke.
4. She shrieked and leapt from the bed.

Column B
a) to laugh in a disrespectful manner
b) to run with small quick steps
c) to cry out sharply in a high voice
d) to stop moving and stand or sit with
muscles that are suddenly tense

(Students do as told.)

B. Interaction

Now that we have come to know the author

and unlocked the difficult terms, let us have
the guide questions for a better and easier
understanding of the story. Kindly read.
Guide questions:
1. Describe the relationship between the
siblings Eddie and Delia in the story.
2. What conflict exists between them?
3. Do you think Eddie’s actins at the end
of the story are justified? Why or why Yes, Miss.
4. Do you think Delia’s treatment
towards Eddie is reasonable?
5. What is the theme of the story?

Are the guide questions clear?

Now, I will be giving you five minutes to
read the story silently and absorb its message.
Kindly refer to the handouts for the copy of
the story. You may now start.
(Copy of the story is attached at the last part Possible answers:
of the lesson plan.) Yes, Miss because the story shows a reality
and relatable scenario of sibling relationship.
(Reading of the story starts)
No, because it is very regretting and tragic
(End of Reading session) throughout the entirety of the story.
Now that you are done reading the story, how
do you feel about it? Do you like the story?

(Students do as told.)
That is good to hear that you have different
view and feelings towards the story. This
time, let us get to know more about the story
by answering the guide questions. This will
be through activity which is called “Deal or
No Deal” Kindly read the mechanics, begin.

Activity 1: Deal or No Deal Yes, Miss Chan.

1. Spin the wheel to identify students to
2. Choose a number of brief case to open.
3. Answer the question once the case pops a
question. Eddie and Delia shared a ill sibling
relationship. They never got along with each
other. A problem always occurs in their
Is the set of mechanics clear, class? relationship.

Let the battle begin!

(Start of activity)

1. Describe the relationship between

the siblings Eddie and Delia in the

There is no communication between the two.

Precisely! They did not share a positive Delia hated her brother Eddie and probably
relationship with each other. They are not in blamed him for the death of their mother.
good terms ever since they were little. Eddie kept hatred and sadness in him
Basically, they have a hate relationship like whenever her sister break his things and
they are some sort of mortal enemies very far destroy what he loves.
from being siblings.

2. What conflict exists between them?

The conflict of the story occurs between two

opposing forces in the presence of Eddie vs None, Miss Chan.
Delia. In other term, this is a man vs man
conflict. Delia hated Eddie and blamed him
for their mother’s death. She destroys his
belongings and is always annoyed of Eddie’s
presence. On the other hand, Eddie shares the (Answers may vary)
same feeling but he was holding it in
considering her sister’s health condition. This
was later on disclosed after the appearance of
the centipede and the rest was history.
Any questions about the conflict of the story?

3. Do you think Eddie’s actions at the

end of the story are justified? Why
or why not?

Morally, Eddie’s actions were not justified

considering her sister’s health condition. But Yes, Miss.
we cannot deny the fact that Eddie is just
human who finally burst out his kept feelings
(anger and sadness) after all the bad things
that his sister Delia did to him. We have the
tendency to keep all feelings inside us and be Yes, Miss.
patient. But when things get out of hand and
it’s too much to handle, we do things we
don’t want and intent to do because of the I don’t think it is reasonable. She should not
overwhelming feelings that we have. blame her brother for the death of their
Do you agree to this, class? mother because it was not his fault after all.
No. Her health condition is not an excuse for
her to be rude and cruel to his brother
That is why it is not always fine to just stay especially when he didn’t do anything bad to
silent and keep everything inside especially her.
the sadness, pain and hatred. We have to let it
out. Is that clear? It’s not reasonable. If she’s mad after Eddie
broke her doll, which was just a toy and a
very small thing. It’s not right for her to beat
her brother because of it.
4. Do you think Delia’s treatment
towards Eddie is reasonable?

She should have not blamed Eddie for their

mother’s death.
She should have forgiven his little brother for
what he has done wrong.

Very well, said. Even though things are rough

for us and it’s not how we like it to be, we
should not take it out to other people. We
don’t have the license to hurt people even if
we are hurt. Problems cannot be solved
through cruelty and violence.
What should have Delia did in the story to Yes, Miss Chan.
avoid the misunderstanding and tragic event
in the story?
The theme of the story is hatred and

Marvelous! One should not hold grudges and

hatred. Delia should have forgiven Eddie.
This could have been a turning point in their
relationship and life could have been happy
and easy for them. So always remember to
forgive people even though they did not ask No, Miss.
for it. It is for your own peace and you must
protect your own peace. Is that clear?
It is because hatred and vengeance will not
bring any good to us.
5. What is the theme of the story?

Wow! That’s amazing! It is true that the story Yes, Miss.

emphasized on how hatred can change
someone and can affect the relationship that
we have towards people. It also showed the None, Miss.
tendency of humans to resort on vengeance
after a very upsetting event that happened to
them. Do you think these are good?
Possible answers:
I think Delia died considering that she has a
Why do you think so? heart condition and it was said in the story
that she was not moving anymore.

That’s right! Hatred and vengeance will make I think Delia did not die but only fainted
us blind and do bad things. It can make us because she was so frightened and shocked
make hasty decisions that later on we regret of the centipede thrown at her.
doing So, please as much as possible, avoid
these things. Understood?

That’s good to hear. Any questions?

Going back to the story, do you think Delia

died at the end of the story?
I think the centipede here is a representation
of Delia and how Eddie sees her. Centipede
is a vile and venomous creature that you just
want to get rid of it once you come across it.
The same with how Eddie sought revenge to
what her sister has done to him.

Very good! However, it's difficult to know

whether she died or not. She was merely
described as not moving. We all know that
she is suffering from some sort of heart-
related illness. The ending is very open to
reader interpretation.
None, Miss.
Why do you think the story is entitled “The
Centipede? What is the title’s significance to
the development of the story?
(Students do as told.)

Excellent! It drew an analogy between Delia

and the centipede. The centipede symbolizes
his venomous and hateful sister Delia of
which he mercilessly killed. This shows how
Eddie wanted his revenge.

Do you have any questions about the story?

Since you have no questions, let us have Yes, Miss.

another activity.

C. Integration

Kindly read the title and the directions of the

activity. Begin!
I’ve learned that holding grudges and hatred
Activity 2: Let’s Solve It will never do good to us.
Directions: With your group, discuss about
the conflicts or arguments that you had with I’ve learned that we must learn to forgive
your friends or family. After, decide at least people and be kind to them.
three to five ways of how to best handle the
situation and solve the conflict.

You will be given 5 minutes to do this.

Present your work in class afterwards. Are
the directions clear, class? Yes, Miss.

You may now start.

Value Integration

Going back to our story, what did you learn

from it?

That’s right! We must forgive those who

wronged us even if they do not ask for it. We
must not hold grudges to avoid doing things
that we might regret doing. And of course we
must also know how to ask for forgiveness. Is
that clear?
Wonderful! So always remember class
forgiveness is healing especially forgiving
yourself. Only then, we will have peace.

IV. Assignment

Directions: In a whole sheet of paper, reflect on the quotation “There is no love without
forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.” Answer in paragraph form. Submit
your paper next meeting.



BSEd – Major in English

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