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Here is my comments, reactions, and reflections

In the show I watch I found out what it means “Hinog sa Pilit”

something that is done early such as young

people marrying and having children early.

This is connected to our lesson today Teenage

pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy or pregnancy of

women aged 12 to 19 and it is a big issue in our country.

after watching this YouTube documentary by reel time.

I felt sad and realized how important education

in all aspects is. It opened my mind on how

poverty, your environment, and peer pressure

influence your actions and decision making.

Teenage pregnancy is one of the major problems nowadays.

and there are many factors as can be seen in the

video documentary on why it is still increasing

specifically in year 2012 to 2013 in our country.

I can say that it is quite alarming because if it

continues to increase there will be more

teenager who will suffer, will be getting their

dreams left behind and increases the rate of

Poverty here in our country that will also affect

our economy. The number one problem that I

think increases the case of teenage pregnancy

specially here in our country is not having

enough sex education. because in the

documentary most of teenagers there was always

saying that they did not really know about sex

education so from that I can say that there is no

proper guidance for them in this matter that they

continue to normalize having multiple babies.

I am worried because a lot of teens have sexual

relationships and get pregnant even if they aren’t

ready. This affect their future because their

attention is divided. many teenage get pregnant

early. It is maybe because the Love of their

Parents/ family was not enough and the guidance

was not so strict that’s why teenage easily get

pregnant they didn’t think what would happened

in their future. being a young mother or giving

birth early is not easy because there is lot of

responsibility to focus on the child, especially if

you had a child in early so the responsibility it

can give is lacking. when a woman is a mother

she has to take care of her child first. a lot will

change in your life, you won’t be able to hang

out with your friends because you have a responsibility.

and everything you want to buy can’t be bought

first, because instead of buying lipstick and

cologne, you’d rather buy things for your child

in early pregnancy, you can’t continue your

studies because you have a big responsibility to

fulfill and there is also an effect in early

pregnancy the baby may be underweight and

it may also get sick. as a student I learned from

what I watched that we need to think about our

future to have a good life for our dream family.

I learned a lot from this show. I found out that

Teenage pregnancy is pregnancy among girls

aged 12. It is a big problem because it causes

excessive growth, medical risks to the teenage

mother as well as their children, and declining

education for women. learning to protect your

self is really important, you should know about

things before something starts and then it’s too

late to turn back. Preventing teenage pregnancy

is an important matter. we don’t want to have a

baby at a young age. If you do, your learning will

be completely ruined. so we should postpone sex

if you are at young age, education is important.

you should ask someone old enough about it,

no need to embarrassed about it. parents need to

talk their children about sex and what is the

consequences will be if they do it. Parents need

to give their children a positive example.

Ignorance, being aggressive, and lack of

awareness are the most common reason why a

many teenagers become pregnant early. As I

watched the documentary entitled “Hinog sa

Pilit” I felt different emotions for the teenage

parents and to their children. This documentary

open the eyes of our generations today How hard

to become a parents. In this documentary, six out

of millions of teenager shown their experience as

a parent on their early age. Teenage pregnancy

often has a negative impact on a teens’ future. If

we are going to understand the video, teen

mothers and fathers are less likely to graduate

high school and to attend College, and often

Live in poverty and become burden to their

parents. As a teenage myself, I felt sorry for them

specially for the children. due to the aggressive

decisions of their parents, children are the ones

who suffered. For the first part of the video, we

can see that Noly, Beverly’s partner was

unemployed and depends only to his siblings to

have something to eat every day. In this instances

I realize that, what if there are two hundred

persons who become parents on their early age,

then there are also additional burden not only to

their parents but also to the government as well.

This is one of the evidence that population has a

great impact to the higher range of the poverty in

the Philippines. If we are going to compare

Philippines to other countries, the Philippines

leads the Asian Region in the number of teenage

Pregnancies. In the same report, one in every ten

Filipina children, Age 15-19 is considered as

teenage mother. The story of the two partners

in this documentary reflects how money and

healthy lifestyle important in their life. As we,

all know, if there is an access of wealth then

good healthcare can be acquired for every family.

children of teen parents also are more likely to

have health and learning impairment conditions

and more likely to be neglected or abused. One

of the visible reasons for the continuing increase

in the Number of teenage pregnancies is the

existence of multiple sexual partners, the

non-use of condoms, and the out of school

youth of many youths. So in the latter part of

the documentary video youth and parents are

gathered in the orientation for them to be

educated enough for the family planning. The

orientation helps to deepen the understanding of

the participants for right use of contraceptives.

They also tackled responsible parenthood which

means that each family has the right and duty to

determine the desired Number of children they

might have them. And beyond responsible

parenthood is responsible parenting which is the

proper upbringing and educating of children so

that they grow up to be upright, productive and

civic minded citizen. the proper rule of parent is

to provide encouragement, and support. so in my

reaction to this, in order to avoid this kind of

event such as early pregnancy among young

people, we really need the guidance of our

parents and as a young person we must learn to

follow the advice of our parent because it is also

for our own good so we must follow our parents

because they know better than us. because

parents role are the Number one most influential

figure for most children. however, many parents

lack the knowledge to guide their children

through this phase. Parents need equip

themselves with the appropriate parenting skills.

so as a mother also you have to be an

approachable parent. ensure your child is

comfortable talking to you, be it to express

feelings, share opinions or Just ask questions

establish rules like dating rules, curfews and

Standards of expected behavior, preferably

through an open process of family discussion

and respectful Communication. and also

explain the values, be it cultural or religious,

that you have towards teenage pregnancy. It is

important to give your teen freedom, but

similarly important is to ensure they know not to

overstep the boundaries. and as a parents also

you have to strive for a relationship with your

teen that is affectionate, firm in discipline, and

rich in communication and one that emphasizes

mutual trust and respect. and also Help them

Plan for the future. The chances that your son or

daughter will go on with the sex, pregnancy, and

parenthood are significantly reduced if they have

a professional ambition they’d wish to pursue.

Although the main Focus is preventing teenage

Pregnancies, where they do occur, parent’s

support is still crucial. Unmarried teenage

mothers should not be made to feel isolated nor

should they be shunned from society, more so

from one’s own family. The well-being of the

mother and her innocent Child should be the

foremost priority. So girls must be able to make

their own decisions about their bodies and future

understand the effects of teenage pregnancy, and

have access to appropriate healthcare services

and comprehensive sexuality education. so it

is also the job of the parents and schools to teach

about the negative effects of teenage pregnancy.

the parents can strongly influence their children’s

decisions by taking the time to be involved when

the issue of sex arises. The schools can also their

part by providing the necessary information on

preventing pregnancies and by encouraging teens

to make responsible choices when having sex.

Therefore, the responsibility of adult is to

Provide teens with a thorough understanding of

abstinence, contraceptive techniques, and the

consequences of sexual activity. Although there

are many different ways to prevent a teenage girl

from becoming pregnant, the only one that is

absolutely effective is sexual abstinence. it is the

practice of refraining some or all aspects of

sexual activity for medical, psychological, legal,

social, financial, philosophical,moral,or

religious reasons. the word abstinence refers to

voluntary prevention of oneself from indulging

in bodily activities that provide pleasure.

abstinence commonly refers to abstention from

sexual intercourse.

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