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[ Owavs TO BUILD YOUR EMAIL LIST for free without ade! Email lists are a crucial element in every marketing plan. Even if you don't have a fancy email sequence set-up, even if you don't even read your own emails. You need email addresses, you need an email list as that is something that you are able to control, to own. You can use those lists in powerful ways. You can obviously, email them. You can create powerful custom & retargeting audiences with those email addresses. You can have that list, even if a platform changes. Myspace isn't around anymore, but emails still are!! Email is the place you can go to have a one-to-one conversation with your audience and conversations are powerful. Conversations lead to trust and trust leads to sales. Here are our tips to building your list for FREE and fast, using Facebook. For more information if you want help building your audience, 1. LEAD MAGNET Create an irresistible gift in exchange for your reader's email address. * Guidebook « Execution Plan « Cheat-Sheet « Template * Checklist « Directory *« Roadmap « Transcript * Resources « Swipe Files 2. HOST AN EVENT Invite people to an event and collect their emails as an entry requirement to attend the event. * Host a webinar or a "Class" * Create a Facebook Event * Notification for a Facebook Live * Host a workshop - online or in-person * Invite people to a bootcamp 3. SIGN-UP TO JOIN A GROUP Ask your audience to give you their emails in order to join your group or your community. We get three questions we can ask new members as they ask to join our Facebook group. One of those questions is: "Did you want to be included in our newsletter, if so give us your email address?" - HALF-NOW HALF-LATER Give your audience a series, or part of the content up front, then follow-up and get their email so they can continue to recieve more of your amazing content. 5. AUDIENCE SWAP Reach out to another influencer in your space. Cross-promote each other to your own audiences. Broaden your networks. Together! 6. COVER PHOT FUNNEL. Upload a cover photo for your personal profile or for your page that tells people about the solution your business offers, and provides a method for them to sign up and learn more. 7. SITE EXIT POP Add a pop-up to your website that asks your readers, after they have engaged with your content, if they would like MORE?? Ask them to give you their email address for the content "part two". 7. PERSONALIZED QUIZ / RESULTS Offer readers a quiz, a test, market research, an online assessment, etc. Collect emails to send readers their customized results. 8. MESSENGER "QUICK REPLY" Reply to people who engage on your social media platforms (ex: Facebook) and request that they give you their emails as a quick reply over messenger. You can collect these emails & add them to your email sequences. 9. HOST A CONTEST Host a contest, a giveaway or a sweepstakes. For best results, be sure that your "gift" very closely matches what your reader is looking for & is niche-specific. 10. CREATE A CONTENT MAZE Top marketing surveys say that it takes 7-21 engagements with a person before they are ready to make a decision about a product. With a maze you can speed up those "connections" more quickly with a maze sequence that you bring readers through. MAZE EXAMPLE te eon Capture custom audiences and leads by posting onto a your page and guiding readers to your other social platforms.

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