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In 5 sentences, state here a brief description of what your business is all

about, what is the reason why you’re having this kind of business, and how this

business helps the economy.

Vision Statement

In 1 sentence, state here your long-term goal for the business to achieve.

Think from a broader perspective.

Mission Statement

In 3 bullet forms, what are the activities the company plans to achieve your

vision statement.

Marketing Objectives

In 5 bullet forms, state how to strengthen your employees to help you

achieve your mission statement.

SWOT Analysis


Enumerate here the company, the product and the people’s strengths

Enumerate here the company, the product and the people’s



Enumerate here the possible opportunities you can get from your

external environment.


Enumerate here the possible threats you can get from your external


Current Market Analysis 

1st paragraph in 5 sentences. State here the demand of your product in the


2nd paragraph in 5 sentence. State here how do you plan to grab the

opportunity based on the current demand of your product in the market.

Product/Service Description and Location

1st paragraph in 5 sentences. Just describe the core of the product, the

physical appearance of the product and its augmented product if there is.

2nd paragraph in 5 sentences. Describe the specific location of the business.

Price Comparison

1st paragraph in 3 sentences. State at least 3 competitors near your business

location. Be specific if this is a direct competitor or indirect.

2nd paragraph in 3 sentences, state the name and the price of your 1 st

competitor and provide the advantages and disadvantages of their price to yours.

3rd paragraph in 3 sentences, state the name and the price of your 2 nd

competitor and provide the advantages and disadvantages of their price to yours.

4th paragraph in 3 sentences, state the name and the price of your 3 rd

competitor and provide the advantages and disadvantages of their price to yours.

Promotion / Marketing Program 

1st paragraph in 3 sentences, state here what are the promotional tools

you’re planning to implement in your business.

2nd paragraph in 5 sentences, state here how you’re going to execute these

promotional tools.

Placement Strategy

In 5 sentences, state here what type of distribution you’re going to be (but

since majority of the products approved were food, automatically you will be a

retailing type). State here your strategy in having your business in that location

(meaning, the reason why you’re located in that area is to have an exclusive type of

distribution, easy access to your customers).

Market Positioning

1st paragraph with 5 sentences, state here how do you plan to position your

business in the mindset of your customers through the quality of your product and
the affordability of your price. (just like how Colgate, Pampers, and Xerox replace

the name of the toothpaste, diaper, photocopying machine as a product.)

Anticipated Future Market Analysis 

In 5 sentences, where do you see your business 5 to 10 years from now.

Potential Buyers and Sources of Revenues

In 5 sentences, state here your target customers and your reason why you’ve

decided to have them as your target customer

In tabular presentation kindly breakdown, the computation of your price

based on a 100 pieces’ production.

Cost of goods available for sale (100 units) xxxxx

Add: Mark up (%) xxxxx

Suggested Retail Price xxxxx

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