1sr AD Review Exercises

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for Final
Review for Final Exam
Be: singular statements
Affirmative statements Negative statements
I am Tony. / I’m Tony. I am not Tim. / I’m not Tim.
You are an engineer. / You’re an engineer. You are not an architect. / You’re not an
He is a teacher. / He’s a teacher. He is not a student. / He’s not a student.
She is a nurse. / She’s a nurse. She is not a doctor. / She’s not a doctor.

Singular and plural nouns / be: plural statements

Affirmative statements Negative statements
We are lawyers. / We’re lawyers. We are not chefs. / We’re not chefs.
You are flight attendants. / You’re flight attendants. You are not pilots. / You’re not pilots.
They are musicians. / They’re musicians. They are not writers. / They’re not writers.

Be: yes / no questions and short answers

Yes / no questions Short answers
Are you Laura? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Is he a manager? Yes, he is. / No, he’s not.
Is Marie a teacher? Yes, she is. / No, she’s not.
Are you pilots? Yes, we are. / No, we’re not.
Are they musicians? Yes, they are. / No, they’re not.
Are they Ann and Bob? Yes, they are. / No, they’re not.

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb “to be”

1. A: ________ Mark a pilot? 4. A: _______ they scientists?

B: ________ No, he __________. He_____ a B: No, they _________. They ______
singer. architects.
2. A: Excuse me, ________ you an athlete? 5. A: ______ you and your sister university
B: Yes, I _______. students?
3. A: _____ she Brenda? B: Yes, we _______.
B: No, she _________.
We use a / an with singular nouns. The article an is used in front of words that begin with
The article a is used in front of words that begin with

.Complete with a or an.

1. ____ teacher 4. ____ scientist

2. ____ doctor 5. ____ architect
3. ____ athlete 6. ____ actor
Proper and common nouns
Use a CAPITAL letter to begin a proper noun. Example: New York

Use a lowercase letter to begin a common noun. Example: architect

Write these words again. Use capital letters where necessary.
 school _________________  john f. kennedy college ________________
 ms. marissa santos _________________  classmate _________________

Match the questions with the answers A-E

What do you do?  A. You're welcome.

Thank you.  B. I'm a banker.
Are you Sara?  C. Yes, she is.
Are you a student?  D. No. I'm an actor.
Is she a photographer?  E. Yes, I am.
Possessive adjectives and nouns
Subject Possessive
Pronoun Adjective
I my My name is Susana
You your This is your book. We add ‘s to a singular noun to make it a
He his He’s my brother. His name is Juan. possessive noun.
She her The dog is her dog.
Example: I’m doctor Brown’s neighbor
It its Its name is Rocko.
We our Our classroom is big.
They their Their teacher is great.
Choose the correct answer

1- A: What's your teacher's name? b. Ann's

B: _____________ name is Ms. Green. c. my
a. His 3- A: Is Ms. Smith Sam's boss?
b. My B: Yes, __________.
c. Her a. she's
2- A: Is Ann your neighbor? b. her
B: No. She's _____________ friend. c. she is
a. her

Be: information questions with What

Questions Answers
What’s her last name? Hayek.
What’s her phone number? 57-34-0078
What’s his first name? George.
What’s his e-mail address? Benson@allnet.com.
What’s their address? 14 Bolivar Street, Maracaibo, Venezuela.
Complete the dialogue:

Mark: Hello, Annette. What’s that? Mark: What’s his e-mail address?

Annette: Hello, Mark. This is a picture of my family. Annette: _______________________________

Mark: Who is she? _______________________________

Annette: She’s my sister. Mark: What’s your phone number Annette?

Mark: What’s her first name? Annette: _______________________________

Annette: ________________________ ______________________________

Mark: Julia, I like the name. And who is he? Mark: What’s your last name?

Annette: He’s my brother, Carlos. Annette: _______________________________

Be: questions with Where / subject pronoun it

Where’s the bookstore? It’s down the street on the left.

Where’s the post office? It’s next to the bank.
The imperative
Affirmative Negative

Take a taxi. Don’t take a taxi.

Drive. Don’t drive.

Walk. Don’t walk.

Unit 4 – FAMILY
Be: questions with Who
Who is he? He’s my son.
Who’s Sylvia? She’s my wife.
Who are they? They’re Maria’s children.
Who are John and Pat? They’re my brothers.

Look at The Simpsons’ family tree and answer the following questions.

- If you are Homer: - If you are Maggie,

1- Who is Marge? ___________________ 1- Who is Lisa? ___________________________

2- Who is Bart? ___________________________
2- Who are Bart, Lisa and Maggie?
___________________________________ 3- Who is Mona? __________________________

- If you are Marge, who is Homer? 4- Who is Abraham?

_________________________________ ______________________________

Adjectives / very and so

We use the verb “to be” to describe someone or something.

She’s pretty. They’re tall.

He’s handsome. Your children are cute.

We use so and very with adjectives and they make adjectives stronger.

Example: He’s so cute.


Correct the incorrect sentences

Example: My mother is good-looking.

 His sister is short very. His sister is very short.

1-  You’re so nice. ____________________ 3-  Her husband is young so. _______________

2-  He’s tall very. ____________________ 4-  My grandfather is very old. _____________

Be: questions with How old

How old is he? He’s nineteen years old.
How old is your sister? She’s twenty.
How old is Kate? Twenty-six.
How old are they? He’s thirty-six, and she’s twenty-eight.
How old are your grandparents? They’re both 84.
First complete the following questions with How old is or How old are. Then, match the answers.

1- ____________________ your sister? a. I’m twenty.

2- ____________________ your brother? b. They are both eighty.

3- ____________________ your grandparents? c. She’s fifteen.

4- ____________________ you? d. He’s nineteen.

Read this conversation. Which of B’s answers is incorrect? There’s only one. Cross it out.

A: How old is she?

B: a. She’s seventeen. c. She’s seventeen years old.

b. She’s seventeen years. d. Seventeen.
Questions Answers
What time is it? Five o’clock.
What time’s the class? (At) nine thirty.
(At) nine thirty.
When is the class? Friday.
Friday at 9:30.
What day is the party? Saturday.
Prepositions in, on, and at for dates and times
at on in
at 4:00 on March 12th in January
at noon on Monday in the morning
at midnight on the weekend in the afternoon
at night on a weekday in the evening

ON is used with the days of the week, specific dates and the weekend and a weekday.

IN is used with months and parts of the day (the morning, the afternoon and the evening)

AT is used with times and the parts of the day (noon, midday, midnight and night)

Complete each conversation with the correct word or phrase.

1- A:___________________ is the play? 4- A: What time is the concert?

B: It's ____ 5:00. B: It's _____ midnight.

2- A: ___________________ is the game? 5- A: ______________________ is it?

B: ______ Thursday. B: It's 2:15.

3- A: When is the party? 6- A: ___________________ is Ms. Allen's

B: It's _____ June 12th. speech?
B: It's ___2:00 ____ the afternoon.
Unit 6 – CLOTHES
This, that, these, those

this tie that tie

these shoes those shoes

1. Use this to point to an object that is near you. 3. Use those to point to several objects that are
far from you.
2. Use these to point to several objects that are
near you. 4. Use that to point to an object that is far from

Complete with this, that, these, those

 __________ shoes.  __________ jeans.

 __________ coats.  __________ dress.

The simple present tense: affirmative statements with like, want, need and have
like those shoes. likes those shoes, too.
You He
want those shoes wants those shoes, too.
We She
need those shoes needs those shoes, too.
They Paula
have those shoes. has those shoes, too.
Sara and Jim

The simple present tense: negative statements and yes / no questions with this, that, these, those
Negative statements
I don’t like those shoes. doesn’t like those shoes.
You don’t want those shoes He doesn’t want those shoes
We don’t need those shoes She doesn’t need those shoes
They don’t have those shoes. doesn’t have those shoes.
Yes / no questions Short answers
Do need a sweater? Yes, we do. No, we don’t.
they they
he he he
Does like the sweater? Yes, does. No, doesn’t.
she she she

Unscramble the sentences

1. What / need / he / does


2. you / shoes / Do / those / like


3. don't / that / They / like / suit

With the verb be Before nouns
The shirt is white. It’s a white shirt.
The shirts are white. They’re white shirts.

The simple present tense: information questions with What, Why and Which / One and ones
What does Ben need? New shoes. Why does he like that tie? Because it’s nice.
Which shoes do you like? The black ones.
Use which to ask about choice. Answer with one or ones.
Use because to answer questions with why.

Choose the best answer.

1- Which skirt do you want? 2- What do you need?
a) That skirt is beautiful. a) A new dress.
b) Red. b) I want a new dress.
c) The red one. c) Actually, I don't.
3- Why do they want that suit?
a) The green one.
b) Because they need it.
c) They want that suit.
Unit 7 – HOME & WORK
Prepositions of place

in at on
She lives in an apartment. I live at 34 Circle Street. He lives on Bank Street.
I work in an office. He works at home. They live on the third floor.
She works at Smith Hospital.

buildings and unspecified places= in streets= on

specific addresses and specific places= at specific floors in a building= on

There is and there are

 There’s one bedroom downstairs.  There are three large bedrooms upstairs
 There’s a balcony and an elevator.
Use THERE IS with singular nouns. Use THERE ARE with plural nouns.


1 Is there a any biscuits?

2 There are b a computer.
3 Are there c a car park?
4 There isn’t d two girls.

Questions about quantity

How many bedrooms are there? How many to ask questions about plural count nouns

A lot of

There are a lot of windows

Use are with a lot of to talk about plural countable nouns.

Unit 8 -


He gets up at 6:30. She brushes her teeth.

She makes dinner. He watches TV.
He shaves in the morning. He goes to bed.
He combs his hair. She has lunch at noon.
She plays basketball. He studies English.
It has three bedrooms.
Does it have three bedrooms?

 For most verbs such as get and shave, add –S

 For verbs that end in –ch, -s, -sh, -x, or –z, add –ES
 For verbs that end in a consonant + y, change the y to i and add –ES
The simple present tense: habitual activities

Use the simple present tense for habitual activities.

Add –S to the base form of the verb after the subjects he, she, and it.
Use the base form of the verb after the subjects you, I, they, and we.

Questions with How often / frequency adverbs

How often do you go out for dinner? About three times a week. How often does she visit her parents? Every weekend.
The frequency adverb comes after the verb be. The frequency adverb comes after other verbs.

Complete each conversation. Write the simple present tense form of the verb in parentheses.

 A: Does she usually go out for dinner?

B: No. She usually (make)_______ dinner at home
 A: How often does she (take)________ the bus to work?
B: Every day
 A: Does Sam take a shower in the morning?
B: No. He usually (take) ________ a shower in the evening.
The present continuous: affirmative and negative statements

It’s raining. It’s not snowing.

She’s exercising today. She’s not studying.
They’re wearing sweaters. They’re not wearing jackets.
Present participles
Wear= wearing Study= studying Exercise= exercising

We form the present participle by adding ING to the base form of the verb.
The present continuous verb is made up of these two parts: .
be + base form of verb b. be + present participle
The present continuous expresses an activity that is happening now

The present continuous: yes / no questions

Are you reading right now? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is he washing the dishes? Yes, he is. No, he’s not. [No, he isn’t.]
Is it raining? Yes, it is. No, it’s not. [No, it isn’t.]
Are they eating? Yes, they are. No they’re not. [No, they aren’t.]

The present continuous: information questions

Who’s driving? Sarah is. Where are Tim and Jack going?
What are you doing? Watching TV. They’re going out to dinner

The present participle: spelling rules

Base form Present participle

Talk= talking make= making But remember:
Read= reading take= taking Shop= shopping get= getting
Watch= watching come= coming

Complete the sentences.

I ____________ a book at the moment. (not read) He _______________ the party. (not enjoy)
Be quiet! I ____________ my homework. (do) ______ you ____________ the film? (enjoy)
______ they ____________? (work)
The present continuous: continuing activities and future plans

1. I’m studying English this year. 3. They’re cleaning the house on Friday, not today.
2. I’m working at home this week. 4. Jane’s meeting Bill at 5:00.
Unit 10 - FOOD
How many and Are there any

How many tomatoes are there? Two.

How many peppers are there in the fridge? Four.
Are there any lemons in the fridge? Yes, there are three. / No, there aren’t [any].
Non-count nouns
I don’t eat sugar. Rice is good for you
How much and Is there any
How much sugar do you want? How many apples are there in the kitchen?
Is there any milk in the fridge? Are there any bananas?

Use How much with non-count nouns

Use How many with countable nouns

Match the questions on the left with the responses on the right

How many apples are there? Yes, we do.

How much pasta do we need? No, thanks.

Are there any apples? Two bottles

Is there any salt on the table? We need one box.

How much juice is there in the fridge? Yes, there is.

Would you like butter? Three

Do we need sugar? Yes. There are three.

The present continuous and the simple present tense

 He’s eating dinner now.  I always eat eggs for breakfast.
 We’re studying English this year.  I like coffee.
 My husband cooks dinner for our family.
Use the present continuous for actions that continue in the present.
Use the simple present for habitual actions and with th verbs want, need, and like.
Complete the sentences
1. Pam (do) _________ the dishes every morning. 4. I (take) ________ out the garbage every night
2. Ann (do) __________ the laundry this afternoon 5. Ann and Ted (clean) _________ the house this
3. Carl (check) _________ e-mail right now morning
Questions with the past tense of be.
Unit 11 - PAST EVENTS Was Richard at school yesterday?
Were your parents students in 1985?
The past tense of be
Where was his brother last night?
I We Where were they two days ago?
He You When was she in France?
was at home were colleagues
She They When were you sick?
last night in 1995
The simple past tense
call → called like → liked study → studied shop →
. shopped
. I called my mother yesterday, but she wasn’t home.

The simple past tense: questions

Negative statements in the simple past tense

 I didn’t go to the movie last night.
 You didn’t wash the dishes this morning

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets.

1. I stopped playing football at 5 p.m. (stop) 6. When ______ they _________ ? (arrive)
2. She _________ in a café last summer. (work) 7. Peter _________ to travel round Europe. (decide)
3. You _______________ John last week. (not see) 8. Luke _________ two dogs and a cat. (have)
4. ______ he _________ to university? (go) 9. When ______ the film _________ ? (finish)
5. Sarah _________ in New York in 2002. (live) 10. They _______________ the film. (not watch)
Use of adjectives for physical description With be With have
My eyes are blue. OR I have blue eyes.
Our hair is blonde. OR We have blonde hair.
Her eyelashes are long and dark. OR She has long, dark eyelashes.
Should for advice
Questions Answers
Should I see a doctor? Yes, you should.
Should she take something? No, she shouldn’t.
What should she do? She should go to bed.
Situation Advice
I have a bad headache. You should take something.
He has a fever. He shouldn’t go to school today.

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