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2nd Primary

General Revision on Connect Plus Units (1, 2 & 3)

A) Choose the correct answers:
1. I’m fine, thank you. (See you soon – How are you – Good night).
2. We are (making – playing – reading) models.
3. My sister is (baking – riding – drinking) a cake.
4. Fares (meets – meet – meeting) Amir’s grandpa.
5. - Would you like some cake?
– (Yes, please – Yes, I do – Yes, I am). Thank you.
6. (On – In – At) Monday, I go to Art Club.
7. My tortoise is old and (fast – slow – tall).
8. My cat is (long – small – old) and young.
9. Some birds have (legs – talons – arms).
10. – Do crocodiles have claws?
- (Yes, they do – No, they don’t – Yes, they are).
11. A duck has two legs and a (wing – beak – tail).
12. Hoopoes have orange, black and white (fur – feathers – skin).
13. Beaks help hoopoes find (fruit – insects – water).
14. He’s tall (so – and – or) fast.
15. She never (walking – walks – walk) to school!
16. My grandmother is old and (young – wise – handsome).
17. This (is – are – am) my baby sister.
18. A snake is (short – long – tall) and brown. It has no (tail – legs – tongue.
19. Jana is healthy and (fit – fat – sick). She usually eats healthy food.
20. Sherif is (healthy – unhealthy – fit). He doesn’t do lots of exercise.
21. Habiba is an athlete. She (makes – does – plays) gymnastics.
22. To be fit and healthy, you should (eat – drink – play) lots of water.
23. (Clean – Do – Play) your teeth to keep fit and healthy.
24. To be fit and healthy, we need (sunshine – sun – rain) and fresh air.
25. What (does – do – doing) he do?
26. My mom works in a hotel. She (uses – helps – talks) a computer.
27. My mom is busy all day. She (works – talks – sends) on the phone.
28. My dad is a doctor. He works at the (school – hospital – hotel).
29. - (What is Dad doing – What does he do – What is this)?
- Dad is working.

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2nd Primary

30. It is pm. I’m going to (play – sleep – eat).

31. He’s in the kitchen! He’s having his (tea – shower – jacket).
32. The doctor is wearing a white (suit – coat – dress).
33. My dad is a doctor. He is (helping – watching – playing) sick people.
34. These (is – am – are) feet.
35. Lions have (beaks – claws – wings).

B) Re-arrange the following words to form meaningful sentences:

1. park – She – the – walking – in - is.

2. Amir’s - the – drive – park – to – parents.

3. feet – It – black – has – three.


4. four – face – It – legs – has – short – and – funny – a.

5. sleeps – It – usually.

6. long, - Hoopoes – beaks – thin – have.

7. spiders – Hoopoes – eat.

8. often – I – park – to – go – the.

9. homework – He – his – does – always.

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2nd Primary

10. long – A – has – giraffe – legs – four.

11. lots – She – of – does – exercise.

12. 10 hours – She – every – sleeps – for – night.

13. plays – She – her – sports – friends – with.

14. often – exercise – do - you – How – do?

15. food – Do – eat – you – usually – healthy?

16. do – What – you – want – be – to?

17. emails – She – sends.

18. the - starts – morning - He – in - eight – at – work – o’clock!

19. his - putting – He – jacket – is – on.

20. up – He – bag – ‘s – his – picking.

21. going – Why – he – out – is?

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2nd Primary

22. having – The – are – children – fun!


The Reader “The Gingerbread Man”:

C) Put () or ():

1. Grandpa and Grandma sit in their garden. ( )

2. Grandma is weaving. ( )
3. Grandpa reads a book. ( )
4. It’s 11.30 pm. Grandma and Grandpa are hungry. ( )
5. Grandma makes a gingerbread man. ( )
6. Grandma uses sugar, milk , butter and ginger. ( )
7. Grandma makes 2 eyes, a nose, a mouth and 3 buttons. ( )
8. Grandma closes the oven. ( )
9. The gingerbread man runs after grandma opens the oven. ( )
10. The gingerbread man jumps out! ( )
11. Grandma is surprised! ( )
12. “Oh, dear!” Grandma sings. ( )
13. The gingerbread man runs into the street. ( )
14. Grandma tries to catch the gingerbread man. ( )
15. Grandma walks after the gingerbread man. ( )
16. Grandpa sees the gingerbread man running and jumps up. ( )
17. Grandpa runs into the garden to catch the gingerbread man. ( )
18. Grandpa runs into the house to catch the gingerbread man. ( )

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