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Gambar attention please

1. What kind of expression is this : Attention please ?

a. giving attention

b. asking for attention B

c. giving prohibition

d. giving suggestion

2. These are “ asking for attention” expression,except :

a. Attention please ? c. I suggest you to…………..( C )

b. Hello ? d. Are you ready to study ?

3. Giving appreciation is for …….

a. Praise someone ( A ) c. Giving attention

b. Saying happy birthday d. Giving suggestion

4. Gina : You look cute with your new hair cut.

Jihan : Thank you for saying so.

What does Gina mean ?

a. She congratulates Jihan c. She does not like Iwan’s hair cut

b. She compliments Jihan ( B ) d. She wanta to have a new hair cut

5. You need to drink a lot of water so that ……………..

a. You will not get hungry c. You will not get dehydrated

b. You will not get upset d. You will not get angry

6. To get rid of dirt we should …..the floor

a.Paint c. Colour

b. Ignore d. Mop
7. Complete the dialogue !

Rizqy : What do we have to wash our bath tub regularly for ?

Raihan : so that there are no………….in our house

a. Frog c. Mice

b. Mosquitoes d. Ants

8. Complete the dialogue !

Marsya : What for should we not eat much instant food ?

Aisya : In order not to get …………………

a. Serious deseases c. Bored

b. Fat d. Healty body

9. Complete the dialogue !

Rafi : …………………………….

Rafa : In order not to get harmful bacteria.

a. What should we turn off the stove for ?

b What should we wash the dishes after meals for ?

c. What should we drink pure water for ?

d. What should we eat nutritious food for ?

10. Ihsan : Riz, let’s stop working and take a rest.

Rizqy : ……………..We can drink water,too

Ihsan : That’s right

a. That’s a good idea c. I disagree

b. I don’t agree d. I don’t think so

11. Materi dan soal latihan bab 3 label PINEAPLE,COCONUT..

What is the topic of the text ?

a. Informing details of the product (A)

b. Explaining how to store the product

c. Telling the way to consume the product

d. Describing the ingredients of the product

12. What is the biggest part of the product ?

a. Banana puree c. Apple juice

b.Lemon juice d. Coconut milk

answer : C

13. Why should the product be drunk within one day only ?

a. Because it may be deteriorated after opening.

b. Because it does not contain preservatives.

c. Because it is a natural product

d. Because it needs refrigerating

Answer : A

14. LABEL soal online kls 9

How many materials are there in the label ?

a. 7 c. 2

b. 10 d. 8

15. The most nutrition of the coffeemix is ……………………

a. Total fat c. Carbohydrate

b. Sodium d. Saturated fat

16. The expiration date of the product is ……………..

a. after June fifteenth 2020

b. Before June fiftieth 2020

c. On June fifteenth 2020

d. Every June 15th 2020


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