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FREE REPORT​ From Top Marketing

Expert Reveals ​Six Simple Ways

to Start ​A​ny ​Sales Message!

From Andy Mukolo,

Lagos, Nigeria

I won’t try to belabor the point

Most sales letters never get read.

Not just because the headlines are weak,

But because the first sentence does NOT give the reader a compelling
reason to keep reading.

And if your reader doesn’t see a reason to keep reading, how the hell
can you get him to pay for what you’re selling?


The way you start your sales message can make or break your
marketing campaign....
Actually, it can mean the difference between 2 miserable sales in one
month and….

50 sales every week

Once you get your headline right, you want to make damn sure you
give your sales letter the strongest possible start so your reader is
forced to keep reading.

If your headline is powerful, and your sales letter has a weak opening,
you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

The headline is only one piece of the puzzle.

After getting attention with your headline, you need to give your
reader a reason to believe reading your letter is worth their time.

And on that basis, here’s….

Six simple ways to start any Sales message

The first, and by far the most popular and sometimes, most effective,
is to start by making a BIG bold promise of transformation.


Dear friend

Today, I’m going to show u how to use 2-hours of your time

on LinkedIn to make at least $680,000 ​every​ ​year
Starting with just two things:

● Your LinkedIn profile

● The $13 Spare-time Income generator*

NB: Take a look at your product, what’s the biggest possible promise
you can make to your reader?



Start by telling an interesting and intriguing story


Dear reader:

The story you're about to read will make you angry.. and
rightly so….

Doctors have been lying about it for years and journalists who should
be telling ​you ​the truth have been paid to keep their mouths shut.

In the summer of 1941,

Adolf Hitler carried out a suspicious health experiment in a secret

Nazi lab…..*

NB: What’s the story behind your product?



Start by saying something that goes against the status quo or what the
majority believe to be true


​Dear friend,

I wish someone had told me this 5-years ago after I lost my

banking job at the age of 23...

There’s no such thing as making money

Here's why:

Bla blah blaaaah**

NB: Drama and controversy work in advertising, if you know how to

use them.



Start by saying something the majority of your target audience already

agrees with (this breaks down resistance)

Dear reader,

We're now living under the most uncertain times in the

entire history of this country

And the annoying thing is*

NB: This is pretty straightforward isn’t it?



Start by revealing a shocking life-changing discovery, the results of

which could bring massive benefits to your prospect


Dear friend,

After 19-years of silence...

A blacklisted Wall street banker has just revealed a life-changing $6

trade secret. But the mainstream media is trying to keep it from you..

Early investors could reap a $347,000 fortune starting with just a

handful of pocket change*
NB: What’s the shocking discovery behind the product you’re selling?
Almost every product has one…. And it is your job to find out what the
weird origin of your product is.


And finally:

Start by asking an intriguing question.


Dear reader,

Have you ever wondered what your woman says behind your

If you answered yes...

What you're about to read will truly open your eyes to a dark secret
99% of men will never discover.... and forever alter the way you think
about women and sex.*

NB: Is there an intriguing question you can ask your reader to hold his
attention and keep him interested in reading your copy?***

There you have it.

Now, for context:

Please understand that how you start your sales message depends on
what you’re promoting.

And whatever approach you choose…

It is extremely important that you tie it in with the rest of your sales
letter so it makes sense to your reader.

Every paragraph leading her on..


Never hurried,

Never sounding desperate or manipulative,

Leading her down a slippery slope where she keeps nodding in

favorable agreement, completely hypnotized by the BIG promise of
transformation in her life...

Until, eventually....

She sees your irresistible offer and embraces it like she would a long
lost friend.

Got it?

Alright, two more nuggets and that’s it;

Your sales message will be 10x more powerful and profitable when at
first, it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to sell anything.


A Lead is usually the first ⅓ of your sales message.

Mostly, if your sales message is over 2,000 words, your lead will be the
first 300-800 words of your sales message.

It very often includes your headline, and interesting paragraphs that

lead into the part of your sales message where you talk about how your
product works.

Please note:

The lead is by far the most important aspect of your letter and here's

If it doesn’t have a strong enough emotional impact on your reader to

keep her reading or listening further...

Your sales letter won’t work.

On the other hand, if your sales letter has a great lead,

Your chances of getting the sale are a lot higher.

Now, of course...
It is not enough to have a great lead, your sales letter has to have all
the other components of a great sales letter too:

I'm talking about:

● A BIG Idea

● A Unique mechanism

● Emotional triggers

● Solid, undeniable, and very interesting PROOF (Testimonials,

3rd party quotes, charts, powerful statistics etc)

● An irresistible offer

● A powerful close that forces the reader to act now (The less
desperate you sound in your close, the higher your conversion
rate will be)

That is all.

I must now return to matters of the underworld.

Stay frosty.

PS: Would you like me to personally work with you to create a very
powerful sales message that multiplies profits for your business every

If yes, ​Please read this message first.

Then, if you qualify..

You can send me an email right away (​​)

or a dm on Twitter (​@andy_mukolo​)

It’s NOT cheap,

But if we work together….

The chances are very high that YOU’ll make a lot more money than
you’re making right NOW.

Yep, I’m that good

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