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RMBC Method
for Writing
by Stefan Georgi

Module 8
Visit Me At:

Stefan Georgi 2
Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

Writing Killer Headlines

All right. So for this one here, we are talking about headlines and basically
the seven step checklist that I use to write killer headlines that crush the
competition. Really, it’s seven elements for successful headlines as we’re
going to go over here. I did this as a talk. I’m recording this, I guess March,
what’s today? The 19th? March 19th, 2020 and I did this talk maybe, gosh,
like today’s Wednesday. Friday, five days ago. I mean it’s still relevant and I
might as well present it in this visually appealing way, these slides and then I’ll
include them in obviously, the course that you’re going to see here. But I think
let’s just jump in here and talk headlines.

You’re going to have to get the who am I thing which I’m going to skip through
because at this point, you’ve read the sales letter for this or you already knew
who I was or whatever and I probably don’t need to repeat and brag a whole
bunch about that. By the way, I have the slides that you’re seeing up on another
monitor and I have my face on that monitor because that’s the way Loom
works. I’m looking straight ahead of me so I’m trying to look at the camera but
if you see my head looking to the side, it’s because I’ve got another monitor.
I’m not just losing my mind because of the Coronavirus.

Anyway, right mentioning copy, sorry there and that was from Copy Accelerator.
You know what, we’re talking headlines but you’ve got deal with me going a
little sentimental looking at good memories of this event here because I haven’t
looked at this picture in a little while. That was from our Copy Accelerator
mastermind in Vegas, which by the way, really, really stoked that we did when
we did because it was right before everything started shutting down because of
the Coronavirus. So thank goodness and then this is me hugging my daughter
at the end, my wife Laura in the background and that picture brings me such a
crazy amount of joy. So obviously, this was for the presentation to give you a
little context about me who didn’t know me, but you do know me more so let’s
jump in and talk about headlines.

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

So Perry Marshall says that, “Good copy speaks to the bleeding neck first.”
I think that’s a great quote. I love that quote but while that’s true, it needs
to also evoke curiosity as well. That’s going to be a huge part of what we’re
going to talk about here with headlines is curiosity. It’s one of the seven things
on the checklist that I’m going to give you guys, but curiosity tends to trump
everything else. For a headline or a subject line or anything else, curiosity is
always going to win because you’re always just bringing people in, getting their
attention and they’ll read more and the whole point of a headline is to just get
somebody to want to keep reading, to read the first sentence of the lead.

Like I said, there’s really seven key elements as you now know. Here’s my
checklist and I’m going to give you guys a checklist and then we’re going to look
at a bunch of examples of it. So curiosity, calling out their pain point, promising
a solution, specificity, simplicity, credibility or addressing skepticism and a
timeframe to achieve results of the promise.

Now if you’re thinking back throughout this course and you’ve been going
through in order like a good boy or good girl, then you may realize that there’s
a lot of similarities here. First of all, in the brief, we have a place for headline
ideas. But what else are we doing in the lead of our copy outline? We are calling
out the pain point, we are promising the solution, we don’t have specificity,
simplicity kind of, simplicity because it’s who can use this, we are addressing
skepticism, we are building credibility; some of those elements from the lead
are going to go there and that’s not by accident because the whole purpose of
the lead is to get people to keep going and go to the background story.

Purpose of the headline get them to read the lead, purpose of the lead get
them to go and go to the background, keep reading the copy. So we’re really
trying to pull in, pull them down through the sales letter and get them to the
button and then they buy, click the button and buy.

Well, John Carlton to me is one of the best headline writers ever and obviously,
the best copywriters ever. He says, “I’m always looking for a hook in my ads
and especially in the headlines that will jar the reader awake. I want every ad to

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

be the one thing he reads that stays with him all day long. He tells his friends
about it. It haunts him, causes him to shake his head in wonder, gooses his
brain and gets his blood flowing.”

So let’s go and look at some examples of headlines and then you’ll see where
they match and they don’t match. One of the things I want to actually mention
to you really quickly is what you’re going to see as well here is that not every
headline is going to have all seven of these things, but most headlines will
have several of them.

This is one of the famous John Carlton headlines and offers and it’s brilliant.
“Want to slash strokes from your game almost overnight? Amazing secret
discovered by one-legged golfer adds 50 yards to your drives, eliminates hooks
and slices...and can slash up to 10 strokes from your game almost overnight!
Now you can learn to use your natural ability to “load” every drive with 200%
more explosive power almost overnight, getting distance you could only dream
of before....while nailing shot after shot exactly where you want it, as accurate
as clockwork...and if you’re like most golfers, knocking a pile of strokes off
your next round! Impossible? Not if believe what lifelong professionals and
hot new amateurs worldwide are now saying...”

So curiosity. Is that curiosity? Definitely. One-legged golfer is amazing curiosity
and this idea, people have ripped this add an idea a ton of times now, but
especially when this was created, this “amazing secret discovered by a one-
legged golfer.” I mean the entire headline is all about curiosity.

Calling out a pain point. It talks about hooks and slices. Obviously, it’s part of
the promise of eliminating hooks and slices, but it does have a pain point of
hooks and slices is explicitly mentioned and then it’s loaded with solutions,
promising solutions. Add 50 yards to your drives, eliminate hooks and slices,
slashes up to 10 strokes from your game, load every drive with 200% more
explosive power, nailing shot after shot exactly where you want it as accurate
as clockwork, knocking a pile of strokes off your next round. I mean, we’re
promising massive promises of a solution here.

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

Specificity. It’s 50 yards, slash up to 10 strokes, 200% more explosive power
and the reason that specificity just is more believable, more engaging and
better. Rather than saying adds yards to your drives, we are saying adds 50
yards. Instead of saying slash strokes or slash several strokes from your
game, it’s slash up to 10 strokes. Instead of saying load every drive with more
explosive power, it’s with 200% more explosive power. Stuff like that just
increases believability, that’s why specificity is pretty important.

Simplicity, I think is very much implied here. If a one-legged golfer can do it,
so can you.

Credibility, addressing skepticism. Impossible? Not if you believe what lifelong
professionals and hot new amateurs worldwide are now saying. Impossible,
that addresses skepticism and the credibility is that lifelong professionals
and hot new amateurs worldwide are saying that this is amazing.

Then the time frame to achieve results is almost overnight and that’s mentioned
three different times if you noticed that. Almost overnight at the very top here,
almost overnight right here and then almost overnight again here, which is
interesting. I wonder if wasn’t able to say overnight or didn’t want to say two
weeks and so, almost overnight was a concept that worked the best for him.

One of the things I want to point out that’s really important is there’s a lot of
copy jammed in here. We’re talking about a headline, I personally call this the
headline complex. You’ve got the very top, the pre-header, you’ve got the meat,
the big main headline, and you’ve got the sort of post header where you’re able
to squeeze in a whole bunch of more stuff. I think that’s important. For a video
sales letter, you probably can’t get away with all of this. But if you had a for
tech sales letter, you can totally get away with a bunch of this stuff. I’ve done it
as well in the past and I’m going to show you examples here of it shortly.

Well, let’s look at another headline and this is also from John Carlton. This
one is one of my absolute favorites. “The naked girls all laughed behind the

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

little pudgy guy’s back...until he got into a knife fight with three enormous
bad-ass bikers.” I mean, I just love this headline for a bunch of reasons. It’s
just so vivid, fun, cheeky and all this stuff.

Does it have curiosity? Yeah, well the naked girls. Naked girls, you’re always
going to be curious about naked girls. Little pudgy guy, I think there’s curiosity
there of that and a fight with three enormous bikers is definitely curiosity
evoking as well. The whole headline again is like a WTF headline. Like what?
Like what happened? What’s the story about? I mean it’s the whole thing
evokes curiosity.

What about call out a pain point? Well, the opposite sex is laughing behind
your back because you’re little and pudgy. I mean, that’s what sort of implied.
This is to say you. Little pudgy, you’re feeling inadequate, insecure, all of that
stuff. So it definitely is calling out pain point. Promises. It doesn’t actually
promise a solution in this headline. It does early on lead, if you look at this and
these are from the collected letters of John Carlton, which you should totally
buy or get access to, whatever but it doesn’t promise a solution. Specificity,
though it does. Three enormous bad-ass bikers and it’s not girls left behind
his back, it’s the naked girls all laughed behind his back, which is I think, pretty
important here, too.

I just realized, hopefully, I haven’t been blocking this a little bit but either way
I’m saying a lot, you can figure it out. It’s like my head is floating around
talking to you, ooh. So it totally has specificity, which I love, until he got into a
knife fight with some bad-ass bikers, but it has to be three. It has to be three
or four. The number there is so crucial and perfect. Again, it’s not just girls but
naked girls and it’s not just behind his back, it’s behind the little pudgy guy’s
back so tons of specificity there.

What about simplicity? Not in the headline but early on in the lead, it does say
a few easy-to-master secrets. It doesn’t really address skepticism or have
credibility and there’s also not a time frame to achieve results of promise,
really. In the lead, he talks about pretty much overnight again but regardless
of that, still a great headline because it evokes curiosity and gets you to want

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

to keep reading. It’s the equivalent of some of the clickbait stuff you see online
where it’s like, “A young man in a wheelchair comes into the crowded room,
what happens next?” “When he opens his mouth, people couldn’t control their
crying, see why” or “comes into a crowded room but what happened is next
will leave you in tears.” That’s what I mean. It’s something like that, those
click baity types of headlines for ads, articles and content. Ads to lead you to
that content, similar idea.

This one is from David Deutsch, I’m pretty positive. It is one of the best
copywriters alive today and just an amazing, wonderful human being and
wonderful man and it’s another classic great one. “Kitchen cure number 619...
how gin-soaked raisins cured Carmen’s hopeless arthritis. Worked even after
doctors gave up! See inside on page 2.”

So what about curiosity here? Well, yeah, we have gin-soaked raisins so there’s
curiosity with that like how could gin-soaked raisins cure someone’s arthritis?
That’s inherently curiosity-provoking. Calling out the pain point. Yeah, hopeless
arthritis so it calls all the pain point. Promises a solution, cured. That’s pretty
good of a solution as you can get. Specificity, kitchen cure number 619. Also,
you could even argue, see inside on page 2. But I think the kitchen care number
619 is a really important one because again, it’s not just kitchen cure or check
out this kitchen cure. Kitchen cure number 619, having that number there is
just really nice for adding specificity to everything, too.

Simplicity well, a kitchen cure again that just implies simplicity. Gin-soaked
raisins, that’s simple. Anyone could soak raisins and gin. So it totally has a
simplicity factor. Credibility or addressing skepticism. No, I mean unless you
think the publisher of Bottom Line Books is super credible. Obviously, this is
from 2000 what, 2006? Maybe the fact that says it worked even after doctors
gave up. I don’t know if that really leads to credibility or addresses skepticism,
though. Time frame to achieve results of promise, it does not have that. Maybe
it could have been like how gin-soaked raisins cured Carmen’s hopeless arthritis
in 14 days. But I think also, David and Bottom Line may not want to do that
because they didn’t want to have a specific timeframe for the claim like that
because obviously, that could get them into - well, not obviously, but that could
get them into trouble from a compliance standpoint, too.

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

Let’s look at some more, let’s keep going here. “Scientists discover solution
to sexual problems hidden in 1,500-year-old Himalayan secret. Studies show
how it boosts sex drive, increases stamina, promotes stronger, longer-lasting
erections and more. I made this joke when I did my talk but it’s true, I always
love throwing in something about ED or erections or sex because gets your
attention or at least gets my attention so why not.

Curiosity. Well, 1,500-year-old Himalayan secret. The solution to sexual
problems is hidden inside this 1,500-year-old Himalayan secret, that’s some
applied curiosity right there. Actually, that one thing, I’m going to go back
really quick. Don’t hate me for it, but back to this one. One of the things for
specificity on this one from David is how cured Carmen’s hopeless arthritis,
it’s not cured her or she or a woman’s or this woman’s, Carmen. I love the
specificity of giving the woman’s name, I just wanted to point that out.

Anyway, curiosity. 1,500-year-old Himalayan secret. Calling out the pain point.
Yeah, sexual problems, which is a huge part of it. Scientists discover solution
to sexual problems. Sexual problems is a little vague, but again, it may be
that they just wanted to be more encompassing whoever did this promo. I
wonder because you get Himalayan ED or whatever, but I think they wanted
to just be broader. I’d be curious if there’s a better thing you could have said
instead of sexual problems. Promising a solution. Yeah, plenty of that. Boosts
sex drive, increases stamina, promote stronger, longer-lasting erections and
more; those are all promises.

Specificity again, is the 1,500-year-old Himalayan secret. It’s not an ancient
Himalayan secret, it’s not scientists discover solutions to sexual problems
hidden in ancient or centuries old or Himalayan secret; it’s 1,500-year-old. I
like little bit less even numbers. I wouldn’t mind like 1,440 or 1,425 year old,
sometimes that can work. I don’t know. I mean for this one, 1,500 is not bad
either. Simplicity, not really. Credibility, addressing skepticism. You’ve got the
scientists who discovered it so it does inherently have some credibility to it
and a time frame to achieve results. Not really, but it could be again, from a
compliance standpoint, not wanting to make a promise that noncompliant
like cure your ED in five days.

Stefan Georgi 9
Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

Let’s look at another one. I think we’ve got two or three more, maybe three more.
I don’t know but hopefully, this is helpful for you. I’ve found that sometimes
with stuff like this, the best way to do this is just to show a ton of examples
and repetition because really, now you’ll have access to these slides so you
can look at these headlines and model off of them in the future when you’re
writing headlines. You’ve got the checklist and then you can kind of compare
what you write to what’s here. I feel like my job with this training is to really
show you examples of what good headlines look like that way you know.

This one is from an offer that ran on ClickBank successfully for a good long
time called red tea detox and the headline says, “Discover the secret West
African red tea proven to stop hunger cravings in their tracks and help you
melt away up to 1 pound of fat every 72 hours!” Obviously, curiosity. Well, the
secret West African red tea proven to stop hunger cravings. There’s already
curiosity there like the word secret and the fact that the tea can help you to
do all this very clearly and implicitly is curiosity there. Again, you’ll notice
curiosity is always of the seven checklists, the steps; some of them are not
always included, but curiosity is always included because it’s most important,
frankly. That’s why I have it as number one.

Calling out the pain point. Well, yeah, it says, stop hunger cravings so cravings
is kind of the pain point and the solution is to stop them in their tracks and
help you shed 1 pound of fat every 72 hours. Specificity. Yeah, melt away up
to 1 pound of fat every 72 hours. Also, West African red tea so it’s not just
discover the weird tea proven to help you or even the red tea or the secret red
tea but secret West African red tea. Even African versus West African, West
African is better and then red tea versus tea is just very specific. Then again,
it’s melt up to 1 pound of fat every 72 hours so instead of saying most pounds
of fat fast, help you melt away your stubborn belly fat. They have an asterix
there, of course. The one challenge of saying like that is making sure if you
can make a claim like that, that you’re okay with doing that. They actually
are, I think. What’s funny is it sounds like a really crazy claim, but generally,
they’re saying, so 72 hours is what, 3 days? So they’re basically saying you
can melt around 2 pounds a week, which is like a compliant claim from an FTC
standpoint. So it’s worth noting that and of course, they have their disclaimer
to protect themselves and everything.

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

Simplicity. Again, a red tea, just sipping this red tea. Anyone can do that.
Credibility and addressing skepticism. Not a ton, but it says proven. It’s not
proven by doctors or that scientists at Harvard now say you can stop hunger
cravings so it’s not really strong with the credibility or addressing skepticism,
but it does have a good time frame to achieve results of promise with 1 pound
of fat every 72 hours.

This one is for a weight loss offer that is doing pretty well as well, it’s another
weight loss one. This one’s for a supplement. “Attention woman over 35:
tired of endless dieting, exercising and counting calories? How a humiliating
high school reunion led one woman to discover the bioharmony switch and
finally win the battle with her waistline. The simplest solution is being used
by hundreds of women across the country to melt the fat away, restore their
slender body and make their friends green with envy.”

So curiosity, does that have curiosity? Yeah, it does. The humiliating high
school reunion and also the bioharmony switch because the humiliating high
school union is a gossip thing. You hear that and you’re like, “Oh man what,
I want to know that story” and bioharmony switch is an interesting way of
teasing them, of promising them a solution but doing it with unique verbiage
so definitely does take into account curiosity there.

Let’s go on here. Calling out a pain point. It does. If you look at the top,
remember I talked about headline complexes. So up here, it’s your pre-header,
you’ve got your main headline and you’ve got your post header, whatever you
want to call it right here. If you look up here, endless dieting, exercising and
counting calories; those are the pain points and also, win the battle with her
waistline so the battle with your waistline being a pain point, too. Promising
a solution. Yeah, win the battle with her waistline, melt the fat away, restore
their slender body and make friends green with envy. Specificity. Yeah, it says
woman over 35 so there’s some specificity there. It’s interesting, I’ll get to
this in a second. Simplicity. Yeah well, it says a simple solution. It also says
switch, discover the bioharmony switch so it’s pretty easy, flip the switch type
idea that there’s some applied simplicity there for sure.

Stefan Georgi 11
Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

Credibility, addressing skepticism: used by hundreds of women across the
country. One thing I’m thinking about, there is a doctorate spokesperson for
this. I wonder if it was like the simple solution, which was first developed by
one of the nation’s top doctors is being used by hundreds of women across the
country to melt away fat, blah, blah, blah. I could have mentioned top doctor. I
didn’t write this, a different copywriter did, but I copy chiefed it a little bit. His
original version had said, I think lose 47 pounds of fat, but I changed that to
be more compliant so that we weren’t making a huge claim. But again, I think
just adding doctor, I’d be really curious if that would increase conversion. I
may do that split test if I can, but back to that 47 pounds of fat. I don’t have a
time frame to achieve results in here, the writer had one before but it took it
out because with the weight loss, trying to be compliant and not run a foul of
any regulatory stuff so with weight loss, it’s tricky to do that.

All right, I’ve got one more for you that we will go through. This is for a STEM
cell support product that I wrote and I love it. Let’s go, “Like a time capsule in a
bottle... New STEM cell breakthrough doesn’t just “pause” the aging process, it
rewinds it. Imagine going back in time when you were the healthiest, sharpest,
most radiant version of yourself, then staying that way for the rest of your life.
It’s not science fiction, it’s the power of STEM cell science. Keep reading this
report to see why experts believe this is the closest we’ll ever get to a real-life
Fountain of Youth. Plus the remarkable story of how 22 Nobel Prize-winning
scientists came together to get this discovery to the public and why even
though A-list celebrities and pro-athletes have been paying a $100,000 per
year for this youth-preserving breakthrough, you can try it today for pennies.”

What have we got here? Well, it actually doesn’t call it the pain point. By the way,
I like that I said curiosity was first, but I’m just realizing and I think curiosity
isn’t always first on the checklist. What’s that for the other ones, though? I’ve
probably got to double check on that, but I guess I’ll do that later. One second
here. Yeah, think I skipped the curiosity slide, that’s funny. With that being the
case, let me check if I have it later on. Give me a second here because I don’t
want to lead you astray. My mouse has disappeared, too I’m totally melting
down, totally melting down here.

Stefan Georgi 12
Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

It’s funny, I actually totally forgot curiosity when I did this one previously. Does
it have curiosity, though? Let’s just talk about it. Yeah, it definitely does. I mean,
time capsule in a bottle it’s a curiosity thing. Rewinding the aging process is
totally a curiosity thing. The closest we’ll ever get to a real-life Fountain of
Youth is a curiosity thing. The idea of 22 Nobel Prize-winning scientists coming
together is a curiosity and even invoking A-list celebrities and pro-athletes and
all of that, I think there’s plenty of curiosity throughout this.

It doesn’t really call it the pain point though, but it does definitely promise
solutions. Rewind the aging process going back in time to the best version of
yourself, a real-life Fountain of Youth, all that kind of stuff here. Oh, and then
they also youth-preserving, too so a bunch of promises. How about specificity?
Totally. 22 Nobel Prize-winning scientists, $100,000 per year. One thing that’s
interesting is I love the 22 Nobel Prize-winning scientists, I wonder about the
paying a $100,000 per year. I wonder if it was $103,000 per year or $97,000
per year, would that have been better and the answer is maybe, I don’t know.

How about simplicity? Yeah, time capsule in a bottle. The time capsule thing
is interesting, too because the clients weren’t crazy about it, that that may
be a time machine or something that would be better. But I like time capsule
because I like evoking this idea of a simpler time having that first line going
back in time when you were your healthiest, sharpest, most radiant version of
yourself, then staying that way for the rest of your life, which we’re asking them
to imagine that and I think for the demographic, which is primarily 60 plus,
probably most of them did a time capsule in school or growing up or they’re
familiar with it. It seems like time capsules aren’t as popular anymore and
then just thinking about that, that brings them back to a mental state of being
in their childhood, being young and being more carefree and there’s probably
a sense of relief or a lifting or a sentimental feeling. It really heightens their
emotional state, that’s why I liked going with time capsule as a concept and
this promotion did quite well. So that’s cool.

Credibility, addressing skepticism. Yeah, definitely. 22 Nobel Prize-winning
scientists, it’s not science fiction, it’s the power of STEM cell science, A-list
celebrities and pro-athletes; a bunch of credibility things there, too. I would

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

also argue that even the line about how experts believe this is the closest
we’ll ever get to a real-life Fountain of Youth, I think that’s important because
I’m not saying new Fountain of Youth miracle discovered, which I think has
been done so many times. Just by saying some experts believe that this is the
closest we ever get to a real-life Fountain of Youth, I think that actually adds
a little credibility because it’s a more believable claim. It’s not hype-y over the
top claim so I would include that there.

Then time frame to achieving the results of the promise. Well, saying try it today
for pennies so we’re saying basically, you can try this right away. It’s today, I
guess you would say. Today is the time frame, not necessarily results because
we don’t want to promise results like that for saying anti-aging, I’m not trying to
say you’ll immediately grow younger this moment from a compliance standpoint,
but we can only say try it today and that’s it, this is the end slide here.

Hopefully, you found this really valuable. You’ll have the PowerPoint slides in
the members area, the buyers area, whatever it’s called for the RMBC course
and then I think you can take this. Again, the most important part here , let me
pull it up for you. The examples are great. Now you have the checklist. When
you’re writing leads in the future, you can use this as a criteria. How many
of these things am I checking off the list when I do my leads and again, you
don’t have all of them. Then also, looking at these headlines - I’m sorry, we’re
not doing my headlines. When you’re looking at headlines, comparing them to
some of these great headlines and seeing how they stack up so this should
help you quite a bit. It gives you kind of the things to make sure you include in
your headlines and now you’ve looked at a bunch of headline examples and
all of that.

I guess, a couple of quick FAQ is that people do ask me sometimes and
maybe you’re wondering about as well is does this apply to blog content or
article content? The answer is yeah, 100% it does because I mean, the mistake
people make a lot with their blog marketing is they have really boring headlines
because they think content is boring so they almost purposely make their
headlines boring. It’s like, “Three tips for saving money this summer when you
travel.” It’s like, okay, I’d be like why? “How a broke 23-year-old spent the last
4 months traveling across the world, flying first class and staying in 5-star

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Writing Killer Headlines MODULE 8

hotels,” something like that. Way more interesting, curiosity, specificity three
months, broke 23-year-old.

It depends on how much real estate you have, but the point is you can totally
make the headlines through advertorials, adverts, blog content and all that
stuff just way more intriguing following this checklist. The same thing for
ads, too whether it’s a display ad or whatever and we are going to do a whole
training on that as well. But I wanted to answer that, it got brought up when I
was doing my talk at the copywriter club IRL event and figured might as well
address that. So yeah, hope this helped and sweet.

Stefan Georgi 15

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