Passages 2 - Unit 10

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A. Change these active sentences to passive. Choose if you need the agent or not. (5 pts. – 1

1. Somebody must have taken my wallet.

My wallet must have been taken.

2. By next year the students will have studied the passive.

By next year the passive will have been studied by the students.
3. I had cleaned all the windows before the storm.

All the windows had been cleaned before the storm.

4. Somebody has drunk all the milk!

All the milk has been drunk.

5. They are building a new stadium near the station.
A new stadium is being built near the station.

B. Circle the word that completes each sentence. (5 pts. – 1 each).

1. That professor has a sharp tongue / way with words, that’s why he was reprimanded by the dean for
speaking so harshly to the students

2. Talk around a point / Stick to the point from what you want to say, and don't allow the media person to
lead you astray.

3. If you talk someone into something / behind someone's back they will always figure out what you're up
to and you’ll be untrustworthy.

4. Every morning it's a race to get away before my neighbor spots me, otherwise he'll love to hear himself
talk / talk my ear off and make me late for work.

5. When I was younger, my mother always said I'd be a lawyer because I had a way with words / stick to
C. Put the word from the box in the sentence that corresponds. (5 pts. – 1 each).


(1) ______TO begin_________, we should ask ourselves if we have the right to dictate the destiny of any
living creature. (2) ________First_______, it seems cruel to purposely make animals experience such
afflictions. (3)_______Yet________, it has been proved that animals have feelings and are as susceptible of
pain and suffering as humans. Therefore, the main difference between animals and humans is that the
former don't seem to have a conscience or the ability to feel compassion. (4) ______ Furthermore
_________, it is precisely compassion, the characteristic that makes humans unique and "superior", what
we should use when dealing with animals; (5) _________In conclusion______, we are nothing else than
animals doing tests on other animals.

D. Complete the sentences with the singular or plural simple present form of the verbs in
parentheses. If both forms are possible, you MUST write both. (5 pts. – 1 each).

1. Plenty of satisfied costumers _______ recommends__________ (recommend) the book.

2. None of my students _______speaks (speak) Spanish in class.
3. Everyone in the auditorium ________is_________ (be) eager to listen to the speaker.
4. The majority of my colleagues _______do not know_______ (not know) how to grammar-correction
5. Two-thirds of my classmates already ________uses_________ (use) slang with ease.

E. Writing - Choose one of the following famous philanthropists and write a paragraph about
what their legacy will be, how they have helped the world and what they will be
remembered by. Remember to use passives in your speech. (5 pts.)

MARK ZUCKERBERG is remembered for his contribution to the world of connectivity, specifically in
social networks; his business presentations have been forever transformed by his simple yet
captivating style. Likewise, several people agree that ZUCKERBERG managed to conquer the world
of social networks at a young age and that he is an inspiration for the youth of the future.
On the other hand, it is important to highlight his great influence in creating Meta Platforms,
which is currently considered the most valuable company in the world.
In Session Task – Presentation (PPT):
- Remember to make a PPT only with images and few words (complete sentences are not
- The presentation must last from 7 to 10 minutes.
- During the presentation, speak naturally not by memory.
- Be ready to have a short conversation with the teacher in charge after you finish the
SLIDE 1 = Talk about the most effective communicator – it can be a famous or historic person - you have heard of.
Explain why he was/ is such a good communicator and how his skills helped him/her to accomplish his/her plans

SLIDE 2 = Present different strategies or tips to become good at public speaking.

SLIDE 3 = Respond the following questions: What’s your opinion about using grammar and spelling correctly when
texting or using social networks? Should people write properly in these contexts?

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