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MELC 1.2 Observe the language of research
MO 1D.21.2ULE
campaigns, 1.1
and advocacies.
Second 1010Module 1.2

Name: Section:

Directions: Analyze which are TRUE about an advocacy campaign. Write YES or NO on the space after
each statement.

Advocacy . . .
1. is an active promotion of a cause or principle _

2. involves action that lead to selected goal

3. is one of the many possible strategies, nested in with other components

4. can be used as part of a community initiative with other component

5. is a direct service _

6. needs to involve confrontation or conflict

7. You join a group that cleans a river twice a year.

8. You organize and agitate to get a portion of apartments in a new development

designated as low to moderate income housing.

9. You spend time for Saturdays to hold tutorial classes to street children for free.

10. You hear that the land used for recycling center is going to be closed down and you
band together with many others to get the city to preserve this site, or find a new one.
Some of you even think about blocking the bulldozers, if necessary.

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A. Write TRUE if you agree to the statements and FALSE if you do not. Write your answers on the space in
front of each item.

1. The solid foundation of effective advocacy is research.

2. Students like you are not yet qualified to participate in any advocacy group’s
3. A campaign provides a framework in which processes of advocacy can be easily
developed and enclosed.
______ 4. The design of the campaign let the advocacy action meet other activities and
dimensions that go beyond the specific objective of the advocacy.
5. Advocacy necessarily involves confrontation and conflict.

B. Identify three examples of advocacies in your community, school or in our

country and tell us the goals of these advocacies.



3. .

Real-life Scenario. .
Be a life changer, be an advocate!

1. What advocacy would you like to join? Why?

2. How will you promote change in your community in your chosen advocacy?

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Choose a social issue from these pictures that has a great impact on you. Create an advocacy
message out of your chosen social issue. Follow the steps in crafting an effective advocacy
message. You may write your answer at the back portion of this page.


1. What is the importance of advocacy in a community?

2. Why is campaign needed in an advocacy?

Scoring Rubric for Advocacy Message (Modified)

Criteria Enhancing Audience

Support for Position Conviction
Position Awareness
Displayed a strong
Thoroughly supports position Demonstrated strong
Enhancing and passionate argument for the
by using relevant awareness of the target
4 position is position and demonstrated a
and accurate facts, data, and audience strong personal interest.
extremely clear.
Adequately supports position Displayed a solid
Enhancing by using facts, data, evidence; argument for the
adequate awareness of
3 position is support may be position, but did not
the target audience
generally clear. incomplete and/or contain minor demonstrate a personal
inaccuracies. connection.
Enhancing Inadequately supports position, due
Demonstrated little
position is unclear to limited Displayed a
evidence of awareness of
2 or contains information, and/or some minimal argument for the
the target audience
conflicting inaccuracy, irrelevant facts, data position.
positions. or evidence.
Did not state a Did not provide any accurate or Did not Did not present an
position or relevant support for the position. demonstrate argument for the
position is not evidence of position.
enhancing. audience

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ADVOCACY MESSAGE : ___________________________

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