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Philippine Christian University


Dasmariñas City, Cavite
S.Y. 2019-2020



(GRADE 11)
MAY 4-8, 2020

Name: _____________________________________________
Strand &Section: ____________________________________

Prepared By:
Chinny Mae E. Placio
Learning Competencies:
1. The learner describes symptoms of burnout, and overtraining in sports and
exercise participants.
2. The learner explains the psychological impact of injuries in sports and
exercise participants.
3. The learner recognizes the value of regular sports and exercise participation
for overall well-being.

Benefits of Sports and Exercise on Well - Being


For sure, playing sports is a generally a fantastic way to improve your fitness and
health. Many of us may not feel at home pounding away on a treadmill or working up a
sweat in the gym, but we’ll happily chase a ball around endlessly while playing a game
of some sort.

For most people, taking part in sport will improve your general health and wellbeing.
There are plenty of reasons why you should become involved in sport with reduced
body fat, bone strengthening, improved stamina and flexibility being some of the
reasons why you should take up a sport.

The following are just some of the many health and fitness benefits of starting
out in a new sport which we hope will apply to whatever sport you opt for:

 Playing sports helps reduce body fat or controls your body weight.  
 Sports allow you will gain the satisfaction of developing your fitness and skills.  
 Sports can help you fight depression and anxiety.  
 Sports allows you to challenge yourself and set goals.  
 Playing sports helps strengthen bones.  
 Sports help aid coordination, balance and flexibility.  
 Many sports can help improves stamina and concentration.  
 Sports allow you to experience the highs and lows of both winning and losing!  
 Through sports you will meet people with a similar interest to yourself and are
likely to gain many new friends.  
 Sports are a great way for families to get exercise together.  
 If you are sporty then you are more likely to have a healthy lifestyle.


Despite the fact that exercise is a great way to increase your body’s energy
expenditure, it is also a great way to improve your productivity, alertness and mental
focus throughout the day. The increased energy levels that occur as a result of the bout
of exercise are also likely to lead to more active habits throughout the day, such as
taking the stairs instead of the lift, or walking to speak to colleagues instead of emailing.
This increased activity will then confer physical and mental benefits in a positive, self-
perpetuating cycle.


The endorphins released during physical activity can help us see the world in a brighter
light and enhance mental wellbeing.


Physical activity can help us to improve the length and the quality of our sleep which will
in turn have further contributions to our health and wellbeing. Whilst there is no absolute
figure we should aim for in terms of sleep duration, most people will find that they fall
somewhere between 6-9 hours a night. Quality is certainly more important than quantity.


Likewise, regular physical activity can help us to manage life stressors much better,
through both release of endorphins and as a distraction technique. As discussed,
exercise can help you achieve a more positive outlook as well as improve sleep quality,
both of which are important in managing stressors. It is also thought that exercise can
help to improve our ability to activate the control centers in our brain and the nervous
system, which helps us rationalize situations – very helpful when we are under

Increased physical activity levels can reduce body fat and increase muscle tissue
– contributing towards an overall positive body composition profile. Body fat percentage
is a more useful tool when looking at body composition than body weight alone.
The Gym at Sport & Fitness offers Muscle and Weight Analysis tests which can assess
your body fat percentage.


Regular activity can improve our physical capabilities, enhancing muscle strength as

well as overall fitness and stamina. This can make daily tasks much easier and increase
our quality of life. This is particularly important as we get older. The ageing process
results in the loss of muscle tissue, and exercise can help offset some of this muscle
loss, helping to preserve strength and function.


Exercise is one of the most powerful preventative medicines we have in reducing our
risk of developing diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular disease. It can
also be beneficial in managing and rehabilitating these conditions, so exercise can be
preventative as well as useful for recovery.


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends that we aim for a

minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a
week – that’s only 30 minutes for five days a week! This is the minimum and ideally we
should be aiming for more. Walking more – whether it be taking the stairs instead of the
lift or as part of your commute – can be a great way to add a bit more physical activity
into a busy lifestyle.

‘To put it quite simply we are designed to move. Physical activity is a key component of
a healthy lifestyle. We should be looking for ways to incorporate more activity into our

– Simon Donovan
The Importance of Sports & Physical Fitness in Students

In the pursuit of academic success, children

sometimes need a break from the
classroom and an opportunity to release
pent-up energy. While academic success is
no small feat, students who participate in at
least one extracurricular physical activity are
proven to reap more benefits than those
who do not exercise regularly.

Engaging in sports activities each week helps improve students’ focus on school work,
as well as help those lead happier, healthier lives.

Here are four reasons why students should be involved in structured, after-
school physical activities.

1. Academic Performance – Studies show that students involved in athletic

programs maintain a higher GPA and achieve higher test
scores. provides a list of recent studies proving the correlation
between academic success and physical fitness.
2. Fitness Habits – Sports help students develop coordination and teaches them
how to care for their bodies through proper stretching and the development of
fundamental mechanics. Participating in athletics at an early age instills physical
fitness habits that carry over into adulthood, helping to avoid health problems.
3. Mental and Emotional Benefits – Athletics have great physical benefits, but
also help children to improve mentally and emotionally. While the body exercises,
the brain releases endorphins. From a biological standpoint alone, students who
are physically active are happier and have a constructive outlet through which to
relieve stress.
4. Development of Specific Skills – Through athletics, students are able to
accumulate a whole host of skills and abilities. Leadership, teamwork,
confidence, and self-reliance are the big character focuses. Critical thinking is
developed on the playing field as athletes need to quickly solve problems created
by their opponents. Time management, a skill necessary in adulthood, is also
brought into play as children learn to balance their time between schoolwork,
sports, and family life.

Even if your child is not interested in team sports, there are plenty of less intense,
solitary options. Activities such as swimming, gymnastics, track, martial arts, yoga, and
golf provide physical benefits and allow students to engage in an extracurricular activity
where they can advance at their own pace.

Directions: Explain the quotation given by Simon Donovan

“To put it quite simply we are designed to move. Physical activity is a key component of
a healthy lifestyle. We should be looking for ways to incorporate more activity into our

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